[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]


One Thousand Club
Please post anything that isn't in character or related to a character here.

There will be no stunt bonuses, but I expect awesome in the form of luls.

Edit: And pics on the first post of every page. First one to edit one in wins.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/motivator113826gq2.jpg.aa5f8ff1a60e3ed76d8b32f1b439eb25.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/motivator113826gq2.jpg.aa5f8ff1a60e3ed76d8b32f1b439eb25.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • motivator113826gq2.jpg
    79.5 KB · Views: 268
Please have a look at the Houserules thread and see if anything is amiss/not to your liking/unclear.
This is as good a place as any to discuss what direction we should play in. Please post your preference here and I'll get right to work once we've reached a consensus painting Creation for you to play in.

Please also put any biases regarding Tone.
Looking for a game not heavy in combat.

Slightly biased towards playing a game in the west of creation.
Have an idea for a Twilight Caste that I've been nursing on and off for a number of years now that I would like to play, but I also don't want to stick Kalarix with playing a Zenith for a third time in a row.

Western play would be interesting, since I've never had the pleasure of venturing out that way. It does imply, though not mandate, that Sail may be a more useful ability to take than normal. Are we allowed to meta-game this sort of stuff when creating character?

[edit: Cleaned up the extraneous posts I had in my character info page earlier. Can't believe you're letting that nubsawce Treeaj play. :P ]
I was liking the Riverlands. Its a setting that fits my character concept. Lots of unification to be done and easy access to Dragon-Blooded. I like the idea being an itinerant arbitrator, merchant, and messenger traveling up and down the rivers.

The West would be interesting although the low density of people would diminish my role. I could make it work as an island hopper.
Wyuli said:
Have an idea for a Twilight Caste...
Just to let you know, I overall nerfed the Twilight Cast Anima ability. I hope your concept isn't "Invincible Combat Twilight". I'm sure your character is deeper than that, though =D.

Wyuli said:
Are we allowed to meta-game this sort of stuff when creating character?
Yes. I consider your character sheets fluid at the moment. I would not be suprised if we settle on setting the game in the West you all magically moved some dots into Sail.

Incidently that's why I want to get the direction set asap so that both you and I can start writing.
kaliket said:
The West would be interesting although the low density of people would diminish my role. I could make it work as an island hopper.
The West will have plenty of people for your demon Anathema tongue to convert, I assure you.
Tikor said:
Noisy Cricket votes Malfeas.
I'm a glutton for punishment...

I'm good anywhere, I depicted my character as a wandering Martial Artist, though I don't have Sail (yet), so I would lean away from the West, if only for that reason, but that's a very slight lean.

In terms of what kind of game? Well, I'm playing a wandering Martial Artist, so I'd like at least some combat, but my character's concept is enlightenment through learning all Martial Arts, so I want him to learn other abilities too (not to mention a lot of martial arts have you get at least 2+ dots in other abilities).

I would say at least 60% combat/action/adventure, otherwise I might need to revise my character a tad.
I'm quite certain I've not played zenith that many times ;)

I did play a twilight crafter.

I'm already working on a concept for a zenith since you mentioned working on twilight :-p

I've got some ideas on how the first new solar zenith would behave.
That's right, you were a Twilight crafter in my game at Rose. Durr.

If it's not patently obvious, my cognitive and logic skills are...SOMEWHAT LACKING lately. :\

The question then becomes is there any rhyme or reason to which essences escaped first. Were they the strongest, or the luckiest?
/agree with fluid character sheets

I'm already planning on being a traveler of distance to one degree or another, which requires a boat. I'll be sailing and probably have one or more of those charms. I'm to the point that I need a setting to solidify my concept. We are, after all, products of our environment.
Secondary Character

Sooooo, I'm already preparing (looking forward) to when Balthazar buys a piece of it. Pending approval from the Loom, I have a toon waiting in the wings.

Just thought I'd say that.
Re: Secondary Character

Ask Tikor if you can have a special breastplate made of concentric rings of earth and fire aspect jade for Kaliket.

EDIT: Picture EDIT!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/motivator2251606.jpg.d7e914df161de0381bc97d4e04192fa2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23456" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/motivator2251606.jpg.d7e914df161de0381bc97d4e04192fa2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • motivator2251606.jpg
    109.7 KB · Views: 122
Methinks you two have discussed this a bit ahead of time in quiet places where secret things dwell.

I mentioned to Tikor earlier that I'm fine with sailing, but I prefer to view boats as a means to an end and not the focus and scenario for the entire campaign. No prolonged swashbuckling, months at seas going around in circles please, thanks. <3

In general, I will prefer less combat oriented story and more story oriented combat. Interactions with spirits and elementals a plus.

How many combat oriented characters have we got going on here? I need to figure out how much of a pussy I can get away with being.
As I mentioned, not looking for a heavy combat story. I'll survive combat, but whether I do anything damaging is another matter entirely.
Yeah, I'm not looking to be a combat powerhouse by any means, though I think I am going to rework my character to be a bit more narrowly focused than before (Occult/Lore/Medicine specialist from the far east, think like...a witch doctor or a shaman). Not sure if there's anything particularly "epic" about that concept that's fitting of the first Twilight released from captivity, though. You'd think it would be some kind of ridiculous sorcerer (lol Brigid's reincarnation), but I find sorcery so...blah.

What are the cool kids using for poisons these days? As I recall, some of the nastier mundane poisons were broken as fuck. Was also originally going to be more socially oriented, especially towards spirits (though I will still have a high degree of Occult for dealing with them), but it sounds like we've got a couple of chieftains now and I want to make sure we have enough Indians.

Also, there are officially too many "Kals" in this group. Treeaj, prepare to be referred to as such OOC. :3
Re: Secondary Character

Wyuli said:
Ask Tikor if you can have a special breastplate made of concentric rings of earth and fire aspect jade for Kaliket.
Your words, they make no sense. Aspect jade?
Re: Secondary Character

kaliket said:
Sooooo, I'm already preparing (looking forward) to when Balthazar buys a piece of it. Pending approval from the Loom, I have a toon waiting in the wings.
Just thought I'd say that.
You can write as many characters down as you like. Just don't post them on the forums until Balthazar does in fact leave play in some way.

Also, this discussion belongs in the OOC thread, moving it there.
Wyuli said:
The question then becomes is there any rhyme or reason to which essences escaped first. Were they the strongest, or the luckiest?
This is a secret.
Wyuli said:
How many combat oriented characters have we got going on here? I need to figure out how much of a pussy I can get away with being.
This will become more obvious as character sheets are posted. Since I'm in the best position to guess, I'd say Noisy Cricket and Winter Breeze are going to throw some great supernatural punches (as is befitting the dawn and night caste). Rillard, Balthazar and Wyuli's char will likely be less combat focused, but I see them having plenty of room to have their own non-combat space.

As a result you should expect some NPCs that probably need to be dealt with via supernatural punches. You should also expect some NPCs that would more easily be persuaded, healed, prayed to, negotiated with, conquered and/or led in a myrad of ways. I won't tell you which I think is which. I promise to play the NPCs as true to character as I can.

Personally as an ST I think I will enjoy only 2 of the 5 being very competent at hurting people. Combat challenges will be easier to manage, and the impetus will be on me to make NPCs who are more than their combat stats. Every sentient being capable of talking will have a motivation, a hook you can use to prevent combat if you are skillful enough. But if you fail to prevent conflict or stir it up yourself, you'll be damn happy to have some kung-fu muscle. And being able to break people makes for a great barganing chip at the negotiation table.
Wyuli said:
Not sure if there's anything particularly "epic" about that concept that's fitting of the first Twilight released from captivity, though.
You are a Solar. The impetus is on you to be epic no matter how you reincarnated. That said, witch doctor can be very epically done. Yuu caan dooo eeet! Shaman as a master of the elements (via a new Thaumaturgic Art? Expansions to the Elemental Summoning one?) could have some amazing interactions with Dragon-Bloods, and an entirely different view of the elements/elementals/Creation that could shake the status quo (and make you even more likely to get the attention of the Immaculate Order).

Wyuli said:
What are the cool kids using for poisons these days? As I recall, some of the nastier mundane poisons were broken as fuck.
Who cares what the cool kids are using? I would absolutely love if you made a custom poison from the far east. We should sit down and figure out the Core poisons and poison rules sometime, though.

Wyuli said:
but it sounds like we've got a couple of chieftains now and I want to make sure we have enough Indians.
You're 5 Solars with all of Creation as your playground. No matter where you guys specialize there will be appropriate challenges. If you all have Bureaucracy 5 I will bust out the Mandate of Heaven rules. Don't think I won't.

Wyuli said:
Also, there are officially too many "Kals" in this group. Treeaj, prepare to be referred to as such OOC. :3
I have no problem calling Kalinze Treeaj, but since Chuck and Jess didn't put their time in on Baelgun, that may be hard for them to remember. How about Kal for Kalarix and KZ for Kalinze if you need something shorter?
Tikor is taking things I say seriously. I may be in trouble. >.>

Do they have that upgrade to the internet installed yet that lets people know when I'm sarcastic and when I'm not without the use of smilies? :3


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