[OOC Thread] Kingdom of Heaven [Princes of the Earth]

oh, if anyone isn't yet familiar, Plague of Hat's "Hundredfold Facets of Enlightenment" has more charms. I'm sure we can always ask Cyl about specific charms, if they are approved.
No idea, cyl hasn't posted much in the past 20 days or so. One might assume he's found something more interesting to do, or that RL got in his way big time. Any other notion is grounds for death :mrgreen:
Now that I am back home I can tell you the whole story.

I went to France and NYC the last month and was very frequently on the move.

That aside I had forgotten my external HD back home in Lima (in which I store all my rpg stuff)... so... not only did I not make any progress on the rules (though mass combat are 75% over and that is the part that concerns us for the moment) but I also went offline for a while.

Sorry for the long leave of absence, I had people to see and places to go like a frickin diplomat :lol:

I'm finishing the MC rules quickly and the MoH rules are almost done, except for the action and event tables part.

I'll get my head straight this week, to check out everything I need to do for this game (background and npcs) and will get to it shortly.
MC rules are 90% over, I made a simple test last nigh to see if it worked okay and the result was:

Yurgen Kaneko without charms killed 290 elite soldiers before falling to its incapacitated level.

So I'd say it's pretty good. :lol:

If you have comments and critics, fire at will.

I just need to finish the heroic unit opportunities and write it all up and I can focus on MoH next week :)

I would also need a PM from you with a list of all the charms/spells you have that have a longer duration than an action and that can affect groups or areas, because I need to deal with them with Magnitude and possibly Might.
Still trying to figure out how to wrap up the last 10% of the MC, since a new problem has raised, but will take some time off to come back to more important things like... the background for this game.
Though I'm super late on the starting, is anyone still here (and still interested) or do I have to call for some fresh blood ?
Yay 3/6.

I'm still working on mods to power up the social characters as well as the mass combat but have endured vacations + work so it's been hard on me.

I'll write more background very soon (new cpu arriving next week) and we be rolling !

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