OOC: this is were out of character discussion takes place [Sands of Glory]

Ligier, I'd say that's a solid 5 dot flaw.

Lando, let me know when you've got your background uploaded, we'll start the game a day or two afterwards.
Huh, when looking over my character sheet I noticed that I have a 2 dot ally background. Sadly, I haven't a clue what I meant my ally to be. Shadow Red Claws, can I switch that out for an artifact background that would activate when I exalt like my past lives one?
Alright, switched the points around to up my levels to three dot resources and two dots of Influence instead of the artifact thing.
danelsan said:
I think we are only waiting for Radiant Lion's backstory (Lando's character) now.
Yea, I had intended to do it yesterday, but then my spouse's pc caught a very nasty virus/worm somehow it got past her defenses, so I spent all day mucking with her pc to get it removed and working again reasonably well. Today been catching up on other game sites (I play on several and run a bunch of games myself). So I shall do up a little background/story later tonight or tomorrow for sure.
My background and a little personality has been added to my sheet, it's not real long, but its something to work with. I may expand upon it some if desired.

Coyotekin, I hope you don't mind, but I included a reference to your pc in my background, as my pc looks upon the power of magic/shamanism as something he should respect/admire as he looks to become chieftain.
No worries at all. He is a blessing and a curse for the shaman. Brilliant boy, but not very fond of too many formalities.
Regarding Stunts:

I's assume we're all mature enough to judge a 1-die or 2-die stunts, though if I disagree I'll note it, and either take the last die or add another die.

3-die stunts are always awarded by me, if I feel that what you rolled as a 2-die stunt merits the upgrade.
I'm sorry for my absence, got laid off and then my computer died, spent most of last weekend rebuilding it and been job hunting and trying to recover some hd stuff. I'm back and hope to catch up soon. I'm still job hunting too.
Still need rolls from one player in the Warriors thread, in order to continue. If no response comes within two days I'll move it along.
Agreed, but shamans do also need to sometimes mediate between groups, and the two of you are still learning your trade. He will need to pick at least a dot of Occult at some point soon.
@ Coyotekin

I agree. I designed the character as a mediator and preacher, and he got dumped in with the shamans because I had an insufficient idea of the structure of the tribe at the outset. As it stands, I will put a dot or two of occult high on my buy list.
It was like... "Oh praise be to our great spirit protectors", whispers to Ivory, "Who were hey again and what was that ritual?"

Coyotekin said:
Good luck Lando. What career field are you looking for work in if you do not mind my asking?
IT, prefer senior programmer/developer or project lead/manager. However, I'm willing to start as a junior and work up as long as the compensation starts at where I was when I was let go.

Goes to catch up.
Have you checked out usajobs.com? There are also quite a few staffing agencies I have found in my own search for work after the military.

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