OOC [The Road to Heaven]


Junior Member
Ok, so everybody get your stuff posted in your character spot. I'm Giving everyone 50 free xp to spend as part of character creation.
Yeah! Fleshing out my concept this weekend. Ophidian Scourge on the way!

Can we buy backgrounds with the XP?
W00t! Just noticed the xp! :) And then with 3xp per background dot....

Speaking of Backgrounds, are we doing traditional Background spending, (4th and 5th dot costs 2 for 1), or are we just going for a straight 1 for 1?
Apologizes for the minimal input, Online times has been likewise minimal should have something presentable by tomorrow evening....
I will have to see what I can that fits.

He has plans to take over, or greatly influence the Cult of Sandok from which he came. He has learned how much influence they truly have, and through realization of who Sondok is a 2nd circle demon of, combined with a great desire to train under Ligier in the arts of crafting, he has gained much influence with Malfeas' spawn. He has as much influence with them as he does with his own Patron's spawn. (Influence 2). Right now Cult is 2, but partially want to get that to a 3 to represent the headway that he made in those 10 years, and then fully cemented after his change.
I think I might have to NOT get the Essence 4 and spend that xp on Backgrounds. :He sighed: Either that or get 7BP worth of flaws so I can get

And if I wanted to buy 5 dots of a background with just XP, would I be paying 15xp for 5 dots, or 21xp for 7 dots as if having to buy the 4th and 5th dots with 2dots each?
Do we have room for possibly one more guy. A friend of mine is interested in playing and never played by post before. He was thinking of a Slayer as well. What do you guys think?
15 xp for 5 dots. I usually try to keep things at 5 players, but if everybody's down I'd hate to turn away a new player
Hey ST, what are your messenger contact details?

And I am thinking of modifying that sword and armor Artifact of mine. I found a style I like, no armor to be worn, form weapon is slashing sword or Reaper Daiklaive. ;) So I was thinking I would just take everything already spoken about except the actual armor. So I would still have a shield, but I want to work details out with you of what might be a decent 5 dot set, or perhaps a 4 dot set.

Not to mention I saw a second style, Celestial Turtle style, that focuses on the shield. The scary thought is that once you have mastered that style the sword becomes a form weapon as well. :D

I am wondering if I could just pay 4 dots for the tattoo to have the benefits of the 3 dot tattoo, and the immunity to natural hazards of the Demon Realm, the same 2 dot tattoo normally used to enhance Lunar tattoos, but non-Lunars get a watered-down version.


Ultimately I am seeing this character as having decent influence with each of the 5 Yozis, partially because he never favored one vs the others, touting the greatness of the Yozis as a whole in those 10 years before his Exaltation. In addition he continued his "Crusade" after his Exaltation for a couple of years, perhaps less depending on how long it would've taken him to earn the 50xp. The focus being to sway the existing Cults, if not one of his own that he started with a leaning to his own Patron, in the South.

With this in mind do you feel that a 3 in Influence, one to each Reclamation Patron, and a Cult 3 would be fitting for such a focus?

And you may think he would've been a better Malefactor, but his big focus is to revere all of the Yozis as they should be, but done in the proper way and efficiently. No need to insult the Masters, especially when you have the chance to find a better way of serving them and sooner freeing them. I am trying to think what Urge would be fitting for such a passion.

And the Influence should be good enough to show that each of the Patrons looks fondly on this particular Green Sun Prince.
Coyotekin said:
3 in Influence, one to each Reclamation Patron
Don't you mean 5? Well, the way backgrounds scale, Influence 3 might be a decent way to represent small influence with all the Yozis in the Reclamation

As for my own character, I intend to post the whole background soon. I'm just still deciding a few things and checking to see if it fits with the rest of the group
Here's my suggested background:

Born into one of the nomadic Delzhan tribes, Leila ibn Safara blossomed into a beautiful, vivid woman, wild and untamed, who chafed under the rigid patriarchal society whose yoke left her with only two options: accept her lesser stature as a woman, or become legally male, one of the Dereth.

Now, it was not seen as a shameful choice, and the accepted solution for those who found the role of the gender they were born with to be unsatisfactory. But something within Leila reeled at the prospect of giving up her womanhood, even as a token, like the least committed of the Dereth were wont to do. Deep down, she liked her feminine sensuality and the attention of courtship... Just as she like her independence, and being in control of her life. She endured the vociferous reprimands of her father, threatening to scar her face if she would not quit behaving like a 'rutting harlot'.

When one of her distant cousins caused the death of a member of an urban clan, reparations were demanded. Zabim ibn Safara, her father, spoke to the involved orkhans, suggesting that Leila be betrothed to the victim's brother, so as to quell the feud preemptively... and rid himself of a troublesome daughter at the same time.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back for Leila. Two nights after learning of her betrothal, she went unnoticed into her father's tent and released a couple of deadly scorpions in his bed. She did not remain to see the result of her act: using her intuitive understanding of the night, she managed to steal one of the sept's camels, deciding to lose possible pursuers in the desert and make for Chiaroscuro, where she would buy passage to... somewhere.

But not only were her fellow clansmen relentless in their chase, a far-reaching desert storm very nearly took her life, leaving her stranded... A day under the Unconquered Sun's merciless light, which almost seemed to frown at her, the parricide daughter... At that moment, not knowing whether her father was alive or dead, wondered if he had been among the pursuers, she cursed herself for not choosing the path of the Dereth... Perhaps she would even have been as far as challenging her own father to a duel. But the old fool would probably have found a way to weasel out of it. She had not held a blade often, but her natural skill had been obvious.

“Had you been born a man, you would have made a fine warrior,†her late mother had commented. “You should take the gray sash, if you do not wish to let this skill go to waste...†She felt bile rise in her throat – not at her mother, but at the absurdity of societal constraints. To hell with the Delzhan and their 'honorable' culture, she thought, walking on the burning sand.

That's when she heard it – the faint sound of dry branches cracking and burning, and turning behind she could behold the strange creature that had seemingly stalked her: a gnarled trunk bearing a tearful tragedy mask, walking on fingers which burned to ashes and regrew to provide locomotion.

Holding her cold iron amulet, she first tried to fight the creature which she mistook for a faerie, but something in the creature fascinated her – despite its otherworldly appearance, it was inspiring a certain sense of trust... Letting the creature speak, she listened to its tale: that she was named Yabalmengas, a chrysogonia in the employ of a powerful creature called the Ebon Dragon – one of the universe's creators, betrayed and imprisoned by the gods, which had then proceeded to make Creation the place it is now, a place which the young Leila despised, full of absurd rules and constraining mores...

As the desert sun set and a cold wind blew on the sands, the chrysogonia enraptured the young woman with tales of the ancient world, of the power and freedom that could be hers if she could but play her part in the glorious Reclamation of Creation. Something burned within her, a taste of the greatness that could have been hers if her clan had fostered her talents and accepted her as she was instead of insisting that she suppress her nature...

When Yabalmengas asked her to make a choice, the young woman's voice was barely a whisper above the chill wind of the night. The chrysogonia's fingers ignited as it leaped at Leila, and its bark engulfed her.

Five days later, a team of Salmalin cultists found the cracking Chrysalis Grotesque, and Nightchill emerged from the trunk. The Green Sun Princess was escorted to Chiaroscuro, and sent to the nearest gate to Malfeas, where she spent nearly a year being initiated into the secrets of Hell, and enjoying the perverse pleasures available in the Demon City. She is eager to return into Creation to fulfill the Ebon Dragon's plans... and tear apart the hypocritical, nonsensical societies of mankind from the inside.

Suggested Motivation: Enjoy life to the fullest

Suggested Urge (Ophidian): Undermine Delzhan society and culture

Suggested Flaws: Vice (sex) (3pts), Wanted (2? pts)
Here we go. Sorry for the long wait.
Just an update, not ready to post yet but my guy is shaping up.

A gambling fiend with an Urge to kill any who beat him.
I promise atleast a name, a background, and parts of sheet, tomorrow. I've hit the snag on my Malefactor's background nothing that I can't break with a day of uninterrupted moments.
Proposed background:

Notes: I was gonna make a Slayer, but I've decided on Malefactor (because I like the Lion imagery it allows me better than what I formerly had with any of 1st circles of Malfeas, despite hating the Malefactor's Anima power)

Name: Aslan Hamza

Motivation: To be stronger than the gods and punish them for their sins

urge (cecelyne): To take control of the Lap

Unwoven Coadjuvator: Aryeh, one of the Teodozjia (this one was a red jade lion)

Appearance: a handsome, thin but athletic young adult, with a hair similar to a lion's mane and in a fierce red color. He wears an outfit that seems like a mixture between that of a priest and a warchief from his tribe.

backstory said:
Aslan Hamza was born in one of the many nomad tribes of the south, as the son of their sultan. As the first son, he was to inherit command of the tribe.
Given this fact, much consternation came from the fact that the boy was of weak and frail constitution - but it would fade in time.

Despite somewhat frequent illness and low tolerance to the strong heat, the boy had remarkable qualities: an incredible agility and coordination along with great talent with the flame weapons and a excellent grasp of strategy proved he could be a warrior. Aslam was also a true leader, capable of inspiring hearts with ease, and good rider as well. Practice of ancient fighting arts allowed him to become more resilient and capable of enduring the harsh deserts of the South, as well as making the young man such a great unarmed warrior as he was with a flamepiece.

The Hamza clan's tribe lived roaming a small region, constantly fighting other tribes for what little resources there were in the desert, and worshiped a god named Flaming Horns - a distant cousin of the southern god of war, Ahlat.

One day, Aslam had a sudden idea for a plan to get a rival tribe by surprise and, as they were spending the night near Flaming Horn's sanctum, he went there to ask for the god's blessing. Then and there, the veil over his eyes was ripped as he overheard the god talking to a messenger from another tribe about a hidden oasis and, as that messenger left, heard the god musing about prayers and keeping the many small wars as demanded by Ahlat - about how he was about to acquire a better position for himself by playing human tribes against one another!

At all that, aslam was filled with rage at the manipulations his people suffered. Flamewands in hand, he went to confront the god but...how could he? what chance had a mortal against a god? he could rally the entire tribe and he would either kill them all or vanish in the air. Too strong he was.

Aslam stepped back and run into the night, away from the god, the tribe and his own weakness.

After exhausting himself, he lay to wait for the sun and likely death, but instead was greated by the sight of a strange and magnificent beast, similar to a lion made of red jade. This being talked to him, identifying itself as Aryeh. The creature had an offer. Suddenly, it changed, now speaking with the voice of the desert itself.

This vast voice said he, too, could be strong, stronger than the gods and the corrupt world they created by imprisoning those greater than themselves. he accepted that offer and, in an instant, Aryeh's mouth grew tenfold and swallowed him whole, becoming his Chrysalis Grotesque.

Later he was found by cultists of cecelyne and taken to Malfeas. he learned the true laws of strength and the harshness of existence, while his burning hatred made him understand Malfeas.

In hell he honed his fighting abilities with a martial art that allowed him to apply his ability with hand to hand combat and mostly his flamewands.

He used his new powers to slay the small, petty, weak Flaming Horns and any of his tribe who believed his lies. The god's horns were ripped from his body as it dissolved into essence and used in the construction of his new hellwands - a gift for the completion of his training. he is now turning the remaining of his tribe into a cult and a force for his two crusades - Taking over the Lap and punishing the gods
soon I'll post stats for his improved hellwands to see if you approve it. For now, is this background ok? (perhaps too wordy? sometimes I have a hard time shortening text in english...)

edit: Also, is it okay to have two in the same caste or do you want a perfect coven? If it needs be I can invent another lion-like first circle demon for Malfeas and make my guy a Slayer
I am totally ok with making up a lion-esque Malfaes demon. Slayer it up. And th backstory is good by me. (Aslan...I see what you did there)
Ok, Slayer it is then! I'll likely keep the Urge, though, and take Cecelyne as favored. Her charms are just too good to make a cult-army and she has both social and physical perfects that are easy to reach...

Note: both Hamza and Aryeh also translate as Lion (if I'm remembering it right, Aslan is Turkish, Hamza is arabic and Aryeh or Arieh/ariel/ari etc is hebrew). I was actually a bit surprised to find out the lion in Narnia being simply named "Lion" ^_^

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