OOC Talk

Hey everyone! So, I was thinking, to ensure that everyone has a fair chance in events, should I make you all hide your stats from the other players? That way, if one person makes their character first, then everyone else can't just see that they have 15 intimidation, for example, and alter their own characters stats to make sure that they beat that particular person. Sure, it will probably change anyways in the RP, but what do you think?
And yet another update from me!

I'm sorry about the change again, but I've edited the talents, so when you choose your two talents, check the list to see the updated additions! Also, if you've already started your character sheet, make sure you've got the most recent one. Thanks! By the way, I've added two NPC characters, so check them out if you want. And my bio and personalities are quite short, but it's because I'm making a few characters, so don't hesitate to write a longer, more detailed section if you want!
How can we increase stats? 

So, there will be several events over the course of the role play, each with the potential to increase or even decrease your stats. A fight might occur, a decision between training or learning more about the Earth, a diplomatic mission with the potential to go sour, and many other situations will happen to you, and what you decide to do in those situations will determine, for example, whether your charisma goes up by 2 points or your strength. Similarly, your current stats could also affect it. Say you got into a fight, and your endurance wasn't high enough for you to win. As a result, your strength might go down by 2 points because of your injuries. However, maybe your luck was high enough to allow you to get in a winning shot at the last minute. As a result, your endurance might increase by 2 points, as you've managed to push through your tiredness to win the fight.

A lot of the time the potential stat changes will not be known to you, and maybe not even me, as I cannot predict what actions and decisions you will make, so maybe a new decision you make will give me another potential stat to increase or decrease. However, once the situation is over, I will let you know what you've lost or gained. I will probably have a thread with everyones stats on it, and I will change them as the role play goes on. 
Hello again everyone! So, I've noticed that a lot of you are making older angels. I'm perfectly okay with this, but just remember that this RP is mainly about the children, and as a result, the children will end up having a lot more chances for events and interactions. Plus, it would be kind of weird if there are only a few students (with half being NPCs) while there are a heap of instructors/supervisors. So, if you're willing to do an angel students, that would be amazing and very helpful. 

Also, I've been commenting on all of the current characters with advice and suggestions for changes, and quite a lot of these have some explanations on important parts of the history and your characters. I might combine a lot of this info into a post for you, but at the moment, I recommend taking a look at everyones sheets and reading those comments (and seeing who you'll be roleplaying with!).

Thanks all of you for participating!
@Thanatos  I'm going to make a healer/shield angel, would it be alright if her and Aeris were friends? One the support and the other the leader. The roles being obvious.
@Thanatos  I'm going to make a healer/shield angel, would it be alright if her and Aeris were friends? One the support and the other the leader. The roles being obvious.

Sure! It'd be awesome for Aeris to have friends! Although, mind you, Aeris is still subject to some changes as she still isn't accepted so yeah.
Thanks everyone for adding your characters, and I'm really liking them so far! I just wanted to mention that the history of the angels and demons, while it will come up when the bias between species is mentioned, won't really play a large role. I'm really liking all the stories and backstories, but I'm afraid if you're a ancient, celestial like being you're much less likely to have a large role in the RP, and I don't really know what to do with you, as I was most certainly not planning on so much of that kind of thing. But thank you for all the new angel children! You guys are great. :D  
Uh, maybe the ancients can help supervise the children? I'm fairly certain that not all of them have gone off and disappeared without a trace. And since some of them are bound to be in the Council, the exposure to the demon children would help them better decide their fate.

I'm sure that minding children is way, way below their level, but hey, it's to include everyone -shrug- 
Uh, maybe the ancients can help supervise the children? I'm fairly certain that not all of them have gone off and disappeared without a trace. And since some of them are bound to be in the Council, the exposure to the demon children would help them better decide their fate.

I'm sure that minding children is way, way below their level, but hey, it's to include everyone -shrug- 

Yeah, that's the problem. If we were going to keep with the background and world I had planned, most, if not all of the council were supposed to be NPCs, and the supervisors, the younger angels, were supposed to be characters, who reported back to said council. It would have made it easier, as all the events I had planned were for the supervisors and children. I don't have the heart to refuse such good characters though, so I suppose we'll have to sort it out. I'm sure it will work.
Yeah, that's the problem. If we were going to keep with the background and world I had planned, most, if not all of the council were supposed to be NPCs, and the supervisors, the younger angels, were supposed to be characters, who reported back to said council. It would have made it easier, as all the events I had planned were for the supervisors and children. I don't have the heart to refuse such good characters though, so I suppose we'll have to sort it out. I'm sure it will work.

Aha, yeah. That would have been easier if that were the case, but you have to make do with what you have. It'll turn out alright in the end, yeah.

I do have to say that everyone's characters are indeed lovely so far. Can't wait to have Aeris interact with them, especially Iona :)
Is there any way you could tell us what kind of jobs the Angels (and maybe even demons) are training for? Thanks you!
Is there any way you could tell us what kind of jobs the Angels (and maybe even demons) are training for? Thanks you!

Good question! So the angels as children spend their time in the school honing their powers and their knowledge for the following possible roles (that I've been thinking about so far):

Guardian Angel: This is the most common and most needed job. Angels are sent to Earth to protect either a specific person (who will be important in the future for Earth), a city, town or area, or an object or thing (usually if the demons are potentially after these things for an evil goal). Guardian angels spend the least time in training as all angels learn quick, and guardian angels are (or really, were) needed in fast supply as the demon population on Earth began to increase. They are still quite powerful, especially the ones who have been on Earth for a long time, but the death toll can be high if they are around too many demons. Guardian angels train their powers and their strength, endurance and those kind of stats in particular, if you want to take that into account for your character.

Warrior/Soldier: They are kind of like guardian angels, except they spend more time training, and are sent out in groups when a group of demons or an extremely important place, artefact or person is in danger. Less of them are used nowadays as the war is long over, but they are still trained. They focus on the same things as guardian angels, but are more powerful, however they spend more time in the Heavens before going to Earth.

Instructor/Trainer: the teachers and trainers of the Heavens. They don't usually go to Earth, and instead spend their time teaching and training the angel children for their future roles. While this doesn't sound like the best or most engaging role, it is considered extremely important and instructors are well respected.

Leader/General: This is a less used role, and only 5 to 10 angels are a part of it nowadays, now that there isn't a war. They are like the tacticians, and lead the warriors into missions, or stay behind and organise the plans. They go directly to the council when warriors are needed, and they request missions and activities on Earth when a situation calls for it. At the moment they are mainly discussing what they will do with the demons, and potential outcomes for every situation, which they will present to the council at the end of the trial time with the angel children.

Legends: These include Tidnas' Champions, and they are the legendary angels who have lived for millennia and have done great things, either during the war or during an important event on Earth. They are revered and usually turned to when important situations arise, but otherwise they are usually just around, occasionally putting in opinions or suggesting ideas, but any ideas or opinions from them are considered very important. There are only around 5 of them around nowadays (so please don't go making any from now on).

Council Members: These angels are the highest of them all, and most have been alive for a very long time. There have only been two sets of council members, and these are the second, who were chosen at the end of the last war, after many of the council members were slain (*cough*thanksZel*cough*). They are extremely well respected and they are the most powerful of all the angels. I don't really want anyone making council members, at least from now on, as their entire role in the story is at the beginning and end, so I would rather not have to change my plans any more than I have now, because I think my brain will explode.

I hope that helps a bit!
Oh, and if you guys could tag me when you edit your characters, that would be great, as I don't get notifications about that, and I don't want to miss anyone!
By the way, I'm going to be making some of the council members now, now that I've reminded myself of it. Hopefully they'll give anyone thinking of making older characters some inspiration (but please, don't make them too old... remember what I said!) I have to thank you all again for joining, you're character are truly all so much better than anything I could have expected, and I'm very excited for how this will go. Even if we've gone off my original plan, that just means that there are so many new options and ideas!
Just made the first council member, Iustus the Just! I've decided that the council members will have four secondary abilities, and they have some extra stat points, (to make them stand out at the ancient and most powerful angels) but don't worry, they won't be doing much unless a certain few outcomes happen, so they aren't going to try to kill you... yet (just kidding, but yeah, it fits with my idea of the council members, so sorry about this).
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Oh, and if you guys could tag me when you edit your characters, that would be great, as I don't get notifications about that, and I don't want to miss anyone!

Do you want tags for all (major) edits, or only when the characters are finished?
Do we choose the job/roles our angels get or do you assign them to us?

What about ranking and jobs for the demons?
Do we choose the job/roles our angels get or do you assign them to us?

What about ranking and jobs for the demons?

You can mention what role your angel aspires to become, but nobody has a role, and the supervisors/council members/legends, which are the only technical mature angel roles that are being played, don't need a role at this time. You can say in your bio about how they trained to become an instructor, or they're aiming to become a Leader, or they're nearly old enough to be guardian angel, but yeah, that stuff won't be playing a big role, as least as far as I've planned.

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