OOC (Star Wars RP)

*shrug* that whole 'padawans can get actions done to them by their masters without protest' applies to basically all my characters that aren't HK-50-09. And Alashar and Oh-One basically consider almost everyone they're around some form of above them , too. 

Shit to do snuck up on me like a damn Sith Assassin. Mostly because I forgot I had a motherfucking dinner party to go to. 
Though Rin is quite bleak now, what he isn't focusing on but is subconsciously aware of, is that if he and Atali can make it through this with a common acceptance about their relationship, it will lay the foundation for trust building and mutual respect.
Though Rin is quite bleak now, what he isn't focusing on but is subconsciously aware of, is that if he and Atali can make it through this with a common acceptance about their relationship, it will lay the foundation for trust building and mutual respect.

That's a good point!

Character building all around I guess - and a cautionary tale about what happens when you leave Padawans to get up to mischief.
This all feeds back into a Jolee Bindo quote - love itself isn't bad , it's the passions running rampant part of love that ends up corrupting a Jedi. Or more accurately , everyone else saying it's evil forcing them to go off and become Sith. 

Argh.. Give me a moment to get my $#!+ together before I post. 
My method of posting is critically failing right now. Which means HK-50-09'll get his wish and be put first. Damn bastard (of unusual origin certainly counts for him) probably persuaded threatened the server to make it where trying to quote stuff me go to the next page doesn't work right now.. 
In other words , until the Jedi Business is resolved. 

Coincidentally , Jedi Business is the name of the Star Wars action figure database. 
Eryal is correct.  What Nah-Iblen did should've worn off by now.  Any remaining feelings they have for each other, while still chemically induced (as are all emotions) should be genuine. 
Well , I officially experienced critical writers block. A writer's block so bad it only now finally faded , and that I went into maximum overdrive with cleaninh to remove the yolk of.. 

The Enclave looks motherfucking great now , though. 
Hey everyone... I have a bit of an announcement.

Our sweet and wonderful Greenbriar is either taking a hiatus or never coming back. I don't know which. It's taken me a bit to be emotionally stable enough on this topic to make an announcement about it.

As Makri is, currently, on her own she will remain where she is. Eryal was created partially for Avutka so... Next time I post I'll make an Eryal post allowing Alashar to leave, but Eryal will, along with her Padawan, become inactive.

We will adjust plots as needed. Please continue otherwise.
I was looking up more Chiss pictures and somehow came upon this.. which is largely how I like to imagine Alashar looked like around 15 or so. Figured I might as well show it to everyone.. IMG_1136.JPG
Hey y'all, I apologize for being radio silent the whole three day weekend. I'll read, catch up, and post when I'm able. 

*throws hype cookies at everyone*
*enjoys hot cocoa and hugs, blushing*

At the end of the day, it's home. Where else would I want to be?

Besides, y'all have some amazing creative talent with the written word, and I'd like to share in that again.  ^_^

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