(OOC) Ships Lounge [One Hour to Midnight]

Is there anywhere in particular we ought to do the dice rolls for character creation (i.e., where rerolls will be monitored), or is it down to our impeccable honesty?
Is there anywhere in particular we ought to do the dice rolls for character creation (i.e.' date=' where rerolls will be monitored), or is it down to our impeccable honesty?[/quote']
For now, I'm just going to use the Trustâ„¢ system until I find something. The die roller linked on the forum does dice pools and not the kind we need. So if anyone knows a good one to use, please say so.
Dreanyth said:
This one is simple. You just have to write your name in the case "Nom de Joueur", Choose your dice type "Type de dé", how many dice you want "Nombre de dé" and tick the case "Historisation"


If you want one more secure, there is this one. But you have Register your self. Then you can send all your dices by e-mail.
Hmm... For now, I think I'll just stick with the Trustâ„¢ system but if a problem should arise, I'll probably try one of those two. Thanks :)
The Trustâ„¢ system is a highly complicated and technical system where I (the GM) assume you aren't cheating and you (the Player) don't abuse the fact that I'm not making sure you aren't. =p

I'm just using the "â„¢" symbol to make it sound more complicated then it is =p
Dreanyth said:
My character shit is ready. I'm standing for GM approbation
Looked it over, I the background amused me :) It looks mostly good but a couple points:

- Need to roll how many wounds you have (pg 28)

- Need to roll how many fate points you have (pg 28)

- You haven't spent any of your starting money (you don't have to yet, if you don't want; It's 70+1d10 for you).

- Misc other things that don't need rolling but still need filling in (monthly income, current funds, what the armor value on your various body locations is, etc).
Hi Toloran: I've got most of my profile generated, but without access to the rulebook there are a couple of bits I need a hand with, namely the derived stats (movement, etc), salary, equipment and what advances I can get my grubby mits on with the 400 starting XP.

A background story both deep and gripping is even now in the works!
Hi Toloran: I've got most of my profile generated, but without access to the rulebook there are a couple of bits I need a hand with, namely the derived stats (movement, etc), salary, equipment and what advances I can get my grubby mits on with the 400 starting XP.
A background story both deep and gripping is even now in the works!
Arbitrator, huh?

Movement: You have an agi bonus of +3 so your movement is 3/6/9/18


Stats: (+5/+10/+15/+20, you have to buy the smaller ones before you can buy the larger ones) (Grouped together to save space)

- WS, Perception, Willpower, or Fellowship: 250/500/750/1000

- BS, Toughness, or Intelligence: 100/250/500/750

- Strength or Agility: 500/750/1000/2500

Advances: [xp cost/advance type; S = skill, T = talent]

- Awareness [100/S]

- Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites) +10 [100/S; Requires Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites)

- Drive (Ground Vehicle) [100/S]

- Inquiry +10 [100/S; Requires Inquiry]

- Scrutiny [100/S]

- Swim [100/S]

- Basic Weapon Training (Primitive) [100/T]

- Basic Weapon Training (SP) [100/T]

- Melee Weapon Training (Primitive) [100/T]

- Pistol Weapon Training (Las) [100/T]

- Pistol Weapon Training (Primitive) [100/T]

- Pistol Weapon Training (SP) [100/T]

- Rapid Reload [100/T]

- Sound Constitution [100/T; May be purchased 2 times at this rank]

There is a LOT of gear and it would take up a ton of room to list. If there is any specific gear you are thinking about, I can find you the stats/costs.
Unless there are any objections, I'm probably going to do a cut off on people joining on friday and then start sunday/monday (or sooner if everyone is ready before then). The only person who's joined so far but hasn't made a character (at least partially) is Valentine.

Oh yeah, and Midboss? Your character's name is seriously 75% of the Black Lagoon crew combined together (if you change 2 letters). I approve of this :3
Cool, thanks for that: I'll get my advances picked out shortly. For the equipment, one thing stood out: I seem to remember a heavy stub pistol (possibly actually called a hand cannon). If that does in fact exist (and I can afford it), then I'll grab one for the full 'Dirty Harry' effect. The price of bullets and shotgun shells would be handy, as well. I've got a new copy of the core rules on order, so maybe I'll save the rest of my money and try to get a shopping trip in when I have the equipment list in front of me.
Cool' date=' thanks for that: I'll get my advances picked out shortly. For the equipment, one thing stood out: I seem to remember a heavy stub pistol (possibly actually called a hand cannon). If that does in fact exist (and I can afford it), then I'll grab one for the full 'Dirty Harry' effect. The price of bullets and shotgun shells would be handy, as well. I've got a new copy of the core rules on order, so maybe I'll save the rest of my money and try to get a shopping trip in when I have the equipment list in front of me.[/quote']
The two heaviest SP pistols are:

Stub Automatic: Range 30m, RoF S/3/-, Dmg 1d10+3, Pen 0, Clip 9, Rld Full, Wt 1.5kg, Cost: 50

Hand Cannon: Range 35m, RoF S/-/-, Dmg 1d10+4, Pen 2, Clip 5, Rld 2Full, Wt 3kg, Cost 65 (Note: Must be fired 2 handed or else a -10 penalty due to recoil)

Bullets for each kind of SP pistol is 1 for 20 bullets

Shotgun shells for each kind of shotgun is also 1 for 20.
Well I was thinking: who looks like someone from the underhive ? And Bail Bailey's face immediatly came to mind. Thanks for the compliment. I love his stuff by the way. Especialy his remix of the bbc tune.
Ok everyone, it friday (almost saturday) so joining is now closed. I'll do the post for the first scene sometime this weekend (once I get all my notes together).

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