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Realistic or Modern OOC: Santa Monica Home for Boys and Girls [Reboot!]

Honestly I don't blame him. Seems like they aren't too nice to him. Probably uses those video games as an escape.
Yeah they are never like really mean when i am around but they always smell like beer and cigarettes. And sometimes when we play games together online i can hear them yelling in the background and stuff. It kinda makes me sad
Oh yikes, that's not good. Sounds like he has a crappy living situation. :(

That sucks.... sorry.... :/

Ugh no kid should have to deal with this type of stuff
Yeah I just wish all kids that had stuff like that going on could get rescued and given awesome parents like i was but it doesn’t work like that unfortunately

I just want everyone to be happy!

But i have been fighting my eyes to stay open for like an hour now i think im just going to let them shut now hopefully dad’s remembered my birthday

Goodnight Big brother.
That's a great quality you have.

Also goodnight little dude, don't stay up too late. Sleep well buddy.
Yep. I will always remember when someone told me "Tuesday is Monday's uglier sister." They were so right.
Yeah well it wasn’t hard for liam to get pretty worn out but his friend Max on the other hand man he is a ball of energy

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