Ippen, Shinde Miru?
I've updated my CS with all the abilities I've generated corresponding to each card in the Tarot deck. Please, if a power seems too boring or underwhelming, if it seems too overwhelming or particularly powerful compared to other cards, or if you have any ideas for replacing the powers with something different, PLEASE let me know! I've been working very hard on getting all 78 abilities done, and I wouldn't want too many of them to go to waste due to a lack of creativity. Any suggestion is fine, you don't have to know anything about Tarot cards to help me out, but if you think you could come up with something if you had more info, I implore you to check out a website called Biddy Tarot. The Tarot card descriptions on that site are top notch and it's actually pretty interesting stuff once you get into it, so I recommend going there if you're interested. All of the powers are subject to change as I continue along in case I'd like to replace/revise certain things.
All of the abilities look great so far! They all seem very powerful, and can be utilized in many ways. The limitation on these abilities requiring the tarot cards is really enough to balance out all of them + I do not imagine Miss Fortune is not the most physically/combat capable.
I just need clarification on this one card.
Hierophant: Learn anything instantly, but instantly forget after use.
Can this information be written down? Can it be shared? Exactly how long is he effect, literally right as it is used?
Fool: Target becomes completely blind.
Is this effect permanent?
(Fun fact: Another character of my creation utilizes a standard 52 card deck as their catalyst. Rival maybe?)