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Fandom Ooc(not really)

Here's mine. Unless you want me to actually post her up direct. I can do that too. It'll just take me a little bit to convert the formatting.

Adrielle Celyne Vais
Identifier: Ekteliar Ohm;
Race: Transhuman;
Organization: Collegia Extermis of the Adeptus Mechanicus;
Sub-sect: Venatorian branch of Crucible Resolviate;
Rank: Magos Catharc, Executor, Empyrotek Secundus;


Magos Ohm in a secure dungeon-laboratorium, investigating an ancient artefact:


Ekteliar's robe stopped short of its knees, in that regard reminding to something akin a very thick coat rather than the ubiquitous robes of lower Priesthood.
There was no hood, the coat encapsulating the sinew-less metal skull as a single piece with no overt evidence of extra limbs protruding from the silent Techpriest apart from a servo-arm, the mechanical limb twitching to some errant variation in hydraulic pressure.

Despite the figure's static posture, there was small movement beneath the coat, bringing to notice the light-absorbing runes embroiled on the hem of the coat, that apart from making interesting shapes, revealed little else. Usually secretive, this unusual Techpriest, apart from its obvious Venatorian background, revealed nothing of it's Forge, purpose, levels of attainment within techno-mystic lore or even the Legion it is attached to - for the more militant-orientated Magi.

Despite it's static posture and opaque yet gentle manner, the red pinpricks danced left-right from within oculars that were like sunk satellite dishes into the depression of it's metal skull.


"Sin, crime, and heresy are malfunctions within the mechanism of civilization, the evidence of some faulty cog within the grand machine of society. A repair necessitates the removal of these errant components, either to forge them anew in some useful form, or so that they may be eliminated as imperfections."

Excerpt from Chapter XIII of "Observations upon the Ordered Function of Empire"

Within the Great Engine that is the Imperium, everyone has their pre-ordained place and Lord Ekteliar can mostly be found in the local machine-shrines or Forge Fanes of some churning manufactorum. On these important locales of production and worship, Magos works closely with Teletechs Adepts to pinpoint the convergence of cogitational systems and the blessed data that courses through them. By sifting through these informational heartbeats, he performs the role of assuring not only the efficiency of these places within the proscribed parameters, but also spiritual purity of both man and machine.

As such, Ekteliar is precise, exacting, yet soft-spoken individual, his work bringing him to numerous Imperial Worlds that have a Mechanicus enclave established, and thus in contact with myriad of Imperium's Adeptas. The art of diplomacy and that of flesh-word, while lost on many of his brethren for its inefficiency at relaying information, is an anachronism he is often forced to adopt, in order to investigate cases related with imperial organizations that use...less advanced methods of communication.

Calm and courteous in his manner, coupled with deliberate and exacting speech has earned him an info-aura of respect among his brethren, unmarred by fear despite his shrouded role and the uncertainty it brings. This often puts him in a neutral role in environment filled with cutthroat Adepts and power-hungry sects.
In such dangerous situations an individual can approach him and confess, as they often seeking spiritual guidance and a place of communion between warring sides.

Lord Ohm often adopts an introspective attitude of rigorous self-reflection, often subjecting his own thought-pattern and resulting actions under the same scrutiny that he reserves for those he brings justice to.

Service Record:

Long ago, the individual who is now known as Ekteliar Ohm was selected and modified to serve within the judicial part of the Machine Cult, the Collegia Extermis. During the course of his service, he travelled far from the scarred Venatoria and was blessed many times for specific roles where data-extraction, situation appraisal and sanctification were critical. If the machine is irretrievably corrupted, put it to rest. In case of its caretakers, recycle them for their sins. After decades of service and many flesh-death encounters, Ekteliar was found to be in a unique position of exuding not only competence and reliability but trust as well.

Such rare qualities did not go unnoticed and the ancient and shadowy cabal that directs the Collegiate, the Magi of Magisterium took him as their own.

Endowed with unprecedented authority and access to the techno-arcane lore of its Forge World, Ekteliar dwelled deep into the variables and works that bring both man and machine in moral danger. His investigations brought him far and wide across the expanse of Venatorian space, both to vassalised lands, isolated Mechanicus enclaves on overpopulated Imperial worlds and wreckages of antiquity.

Ex-Load of Notable Techno-Arcana:

- Rod of Tomorrow (Artefact)
- A gift of the Venatorian Myrmidons after Lord Ohm aided them in driving back a daemonic incursion invading from the Maelstrom. The Rod itself is an arcane device whose origin is lost to history. It serves as a teleportarium beacon as well as an anchor in reality, displaying debilitating effect upon the psychic events, activities and psykers. Venatorian Artisans and Empyroteks claimed that inner mechanisms of the Rod were constructed from pure reason and logic, spreading in it's near vicinity a bolstering effect to the materium, negating the chaotic energies of the Warp.

Also acts as a walking cane.
Acts as: Teleportation Beacon, Corposant Stave, Omnissian Symbol of Authority, Empyrotek armament.

- Mechanicus Contagia - An implanted suite of cogitators Ekteliar uses to house Data Djinns too dangerous for him to banish. This veritable prison is used to contain such infectious code until a congregation of fellow adepts can gather and psalmic banishment or reforging be performed.

- Volkite Charger;
- Aegium War Plate;



1x Luminant - Within Cult Mechanicus, Servo-Skulls of notable Techpriests and Magi alike are fashioned into idols of the Machine God. These Luminants are imprinted with though-engrams of the deceased, so that they can serve upon the Path of Knowledge again. Luminant accompanying Ekteliar takes the form of an enlarged skull ringed with various antennae and probes. Rumour has it the deceased adept's hunger for information is as voracious in death as it was in life.

Act as: Augur Array;


2x Mekspiders w/ Lascutters - Two fist-sized machinelings fashioned to resemble silver arachnids. These delicate yet highly agile drones are in noospheric communion with accompanying Adept and are useful not only as scouts in inaccessible areas but in melee.
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okies. took me a bit to get to it, but I put my profile up in the CS thread. I guess the one here on the site is the short version, but I just edited in lots of links to give more info on various bits and pieces
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Also, I'm pretty excited reading over everyone's characters. REALLY looking forward to seeing this RP start up! ⚜

Also, I noted that our party will be rich in servo-skulls. lol

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