[OOC] Glorious Speculation Prana! [Return of the Scarlet Empress]


The Bladed-Wings of Timespace
And here we can discuss things. ^^

Like what kind of Underwear does the Ebon Dragon Wear. Cause it must be on there way too tight :D

Anyway now we have a subforum for Characters.

If you all wouldn't mind making separate threads for you character sheets in the Heroes subforum... thingy.

My next order of business is to thoroughly read your backgrounds (I've got Tabby's down pat I believe, now to get the gentle Eclipse and the Lunar... and ofcourse the Twilight when he shows up ^^) This is my first order of business as it will help me work on the starting scenario. ^^
Let me know if you need/want more for Ore's history... For some reason his history just doesn't suit a more prosaic write-up to me ahaha. Maybe it's the reflection of his character...
I'm a Dawn Caste actually miss =]. He'll be up in a few hours. Between packing for school and typing, my attention is divided.
Oh my. Quite the mistake on my part. Always thought Twilight xD Sorry about that. ^^ So far everyone's background is very good. Tabby's and gaucAnole's has interesting points that I can almost thread together. xD And I can't help but feel a little sad with poor Illyana, very well written background. nod nod.

So now I just need the Dawn. ^^

Just to make sure. (Though so far no one's background has really been anywhere else) The game start will be in the East. Likely a Village or so near Nexus, if not Nexus itself.
Elysse was born in the South, but has been traveling with Grimoire, which is a fancy way of saying "yeah she's wherever you want her to start out."
Mmmm I like the South.

But! Cool. Traveling with Grim. (I assume our Dawn, no?) That works as well. ^^
That sounds great! Illya could have met them on the road, or she might have been playing at an inn they stayed at one night, just in case you were looking for ideas! She's been wandering from town to town for a while, so feel free to place her wherever you need her to be. =P

wait no. fuck that. brb ritual suicide for even joking about that. I know jean's dood (err guacanole, whatever) met Elysse by trying to tear her a new ass, Grim and Elysse met... eh it's in her backstory.

so really that just leaves the question of how Ilya pops in. I'm never very imaginative at these things sadly. No villages to tear apart and kill all her friends in front of herWOOPS different world
That last part made me laugh so much! Don't worry, Tabby; I'm sure Hoshi doesn't hold a grudge! Yet. =P

Moving back to Creation, though, I'm sure Illya could meet them nearly anywhere; I'm not sure why she'd join them, though. I was thinking that maybe they could have met when traveling; they might have had a mutual destination, and Illya somehow persuaded them to let her tag along for protection. Safety in numbers!
You'll find that I'll actually be starting all of you actually together at a strange happenstance in a Village, a... uh precursor so to speak to all the Hell that is about to break loose. ^^
All sheets look good. Likely I will start us Sunday or Monday.

I shall ask once though for confirmation, as I have seen one background point towards the Empresses Return has happened (I think). Am I starting us at the End of the Civil War or at the Return of the Empress?
BEFORE the return of the Empress. Like, just before. Or at least that's what I understood, and that's my vote...
Right Before? Good my plans remain unchanged. Unless something happens (and that is likely) I shall post our start tomorrow.

Its not necessary for the game start but Tabby does need to get Elysse's sheet up over here. Though I understand if you are working on your background in a traditional style and waiting on that to be finished. ^^ But like I said it won't hurt the start. (only if I don't get too much interference from my family members ^^)

Oh and while I am here and clearing up some of my notes, what is the method you guys are familiar with in pbp XP generation? Or maybe one that you all want to have. (I'm currently in a game on RPG.net where we get 4xp (normally) a week. )

Alrighty. I so wanted this out yesterday but well as I suspected it got too busy and too late for me. But here it is, post one in a hopefully long term campaign ^^
Coolie. I'll give a post when Blacklion posts. Though should he dally too long, Tabby's post gave me nice idea what to do with a wandering Dawn xD

With that said, worry not for me. I shall let you all set the post rate balance. ^^ While I had said I can post daily (save the weekends) I don't mean that to be where you all should go. I mean... with the quality of these posts, I'm sure that I cannot get daily posts like them xD
I CAN DAMMIT. I just. get sidetracked. easily. and when college is around my postrate varies dramatically, from 2/day to 1/2days, or on finals week, 0/7days.

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