OOC [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

Hurray! We have an OOC spot now. It's going to start soon. *glee*

I am working on my fetch now.
You've actually over-priced Moon. It's 4xp, not 6.

All changelings consider all contracts as affinity unless those contracts specifically state otherwise (for example, it would cost you x6 for Vainglory because you're not a Fairest.) This makes them unusual by WoD standards, in that for, say, vampires, most Disciplines are out-of-clan rather than affinity.
Ró, I'm assuming Sam is channelling his Vice in your latest post, right? Because Striking Looks is suspiciously absent from his Merit list and I don't think he's got any Vainglory... :P
It's a pity she's not anymore dangerous than the average college student, I'd almost have to award you Willpower :P Still, I replied.
Aloha! =) Just figured I'd say hi and thank you Hyrune for letting me join. Now to stamp out a character.
I realize this is the wrong place to put this but I was hoping I could get a bit of cumulative help. I have a concept of a character I'd like to play but with the limited resources I have at current and without access to a real computer (the droid is good but it's not a computer) I was hoping to perhaps pool minds and maybe help me finish a concrete sheet?

The idea I have is for a beast changeling. Is it unusual to play a character who doesn't entirely remember the details of his imprisonment? I know the story en total but Since I'm new to the system and locale I was hoping to get the crutch of some form of amnesia that way my game knowledge and my character's can be pretty much similar.

Either way the character is basically a normal guy from Brooklyn born a fighter to a mild alchoholic father. All in all life was fine save growing up on the streets of Jamaica Queens NY fighting daily sometimes just to fight. In his little sand box he was a dragon. The Fae snag him and puts the new little dragonfly in a box where he "pulls off his wings" and breaks down everything that makes him human. Eventually the character gives to the subhuman impulses of the animal and his keeper keeps him like a pit dog: thrown into fights for what feels like years. His keeper kept him from ever actually dying but the pain was constant. If he died he'd wake up to the scorn of his keeper and another week of drowning.

Finally he manages to escape or rather his keeper gets a new pet and loses interest. He claws his way through the heart of the hedge and returns to a world he barely remembers. "Westfield" (West and Field were the first two words he found when asked who he was) awakes back in our realm with little to no memory of his time in Arcadia.

I have a rough idea of stats and abilities but I'm not really sure what contracts, wyrd, glamour and clarity to put together for the character.

Seeming: Beast

Kith: Hunterheart

Court: Summer

The premise of the character is a human fighting for control over his all-consuming rage.

Virtue: not really sure... Vice: Wrath
It is, in fact, entirely normal for characters to not remember all the details of their imprisonment. In fact, most changelings can't remember much of their Durance at all - right at first.

Fun fact: The higher your Wyrd is, the more likely you are to have horrifyingly vivid nightmares in excruciatingly accurate detail about your Durance ^^ It's only from 7 (I think) onwards that they can be deemed trustworthy; for the nonce, I'm still thinking of what to do with ye at 4.

The background seems pretty good too, indicative of this clouded mind but not too vague, I like it.

For your stats I'll deal with Contracts and Wyrd first. You'll need at least Contracts of Dreams 2, but remember that you're already Wyrd 4 - see here: viewtopic.php?f=284&t=2041. If you decide not to spend your XP on Wyrd to raise it to 5 (I don't think anyone has, because it would use most of it, if my calculations are correct) then your glamour pool is...13/4 I think (i.e. a pool of 13 glamour but you can spend 4 points of it a turn). Am I right guys?

Also, I'm quite fond of this page for Contracts, you may have already come across it: http://oakthorne.net/wiki/index.php/Contracts

Of particular note for yourself are Den, Fang and Talon, and the Wild (it's catalogued as a general contract here but it's actually affinity for Elementals and Beasts). Take a look at the Summer contracts too, obviously (Punishing Summer is cool).

Clarity 7 is the norm, much the same as other WoD morality meters. Clarity is a leeeetle bit different, as it defines how well your character balances his fae and mortal half, how in tune with reality he is. In a very general sense, think of Clarity 1 changelings as being fairy tale monsters and Clarity 10 as being...accountants, or something.
Got it, that helps. In typical white wolf fashion I understand charactre creation to go as follows:

Attributes 5/4/3 max 4

Skills 11/7/4 max 3(?)

+3 specialties - ie. voilin for expression?

+1 free specialty in athletics, brawl or stealth

Contracts 5

Merits 7

Wyrd starts at 1

Clarity starts at 7

Bonus Points ? I'm sure there's a cost chart but I won't trouble you for all that.

Last bit, I promise, does exp spend like normal? Attributes cr x 4, Skills cr x 2 (3), Contracts ?,
To clarify the Clarity thing (fnar fnar), all Changelings experience little visual and audio hallucinations fairly regularly. The leaves of that tree you just walked by are covered in greek script, your reflection flips you the bird as you walk past a window; that kind of thing. This is a side effect of the glamour stored in your body. High clarity changelings know that these things are hallucinations and ignore them, to the point where most don't even notice. Lower clarity changelings hallucinate more often and have trouble differentiating reality from seeing things. As your clarity drops, you become more and more schizophrenic until you basically go utterly mad.

As for Virtue, might I suggest Hope or Fortitude? Either would fit in with your character. Other than that, I like it.
Attributes: New dots x 5

Skills: New dots x 3

Affinity Contract: New dots x 4

Non-Affinity: New dots x 6

Merit: New dots x 2

Wyrd: New dots x 8

Clarity: New dots x 3

Willpower: 8 experience points.

But remember what I said, you're already Wyrd 4.
You just state it, like "This character is Clarity 5". You get extra XP for doing so (I think it's 5 for each level?) but you gain derangements, methinks.

Edit: You can only go as low as Clarity 5 at chargen, just to add.

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