OOC Discussion

@Teh Frixz you now owe us an ominous Raguel post where they are cackling and gloating over this convienent development.
Say, any word on episode 4? We still getting snowed in, or did you come up with new idea that I missed the memo on?
So. Some excitement to end the episode?

Count CD&Y class in. 

We are coming to visit PP for party times.

Everybody gear up! It is going to be a busy final week! :D




@welian is it possible to volunteer in both roles? Historically, I have applied myself mostly to character critiques, but I feel like I could be pretty welcoming and patient, and have a decent sense of the world and story arc. Obviously I am not necessarily the best judge of that, but I would like to step up to the plate as Sempai. If there is more need for critiques though I could stick with that. But if you would allow both, I would like to volunteer for both!
*Dramatically claws way back into the threads* 

I am very sorry to all I have left hanging during my leave. Between that severe illness, then a sudden job change on Monday and the Holidays, I have been failing to up hold my part in this group. 

Can someone fill me in on where my focus should be to get my rear caught  back up and on task? 
*Dramatically claws way back into the threads* 

I am very sorry to all I have left hanging during my leave. Between that severe illness, then a sudden job change on Monday and the Holidays, I have been failing to up hold my part in this group. 

Can someone fill me in on where my focus should be to get my rear caught  back up and on task? 


you are back! Missed you!

I would selishly ask that you write for Gavin, but Izzy probably noticed penny's text, so maybe prioritize that?

Danny is dying, assaulted by Klaus in PP classroom.

Cd&y Class is mounting rescue, so Gavin could witness that.

Do you have a third character? OH!!!! Page! 

As as far as I recall @Giyari has not responded to page yet, but I could be wrong? 

Anyway, reading page 8 and 9, or even just 9 should get you caught up. Lot happened very suddenly after long lull in the action.
I take it back, Audio did respond to page, saying this:

"Yes? Oh, Miss Morgan you're back... Everything alright?" Jason asked as he deciphered the look of frustration clearly painted all over Paige's body. She wasn't the most emotionally composed member of staff at the best of times, or maybe she just wasn't as desensitised as the rest of them, either way her more honestly shown emotions were not usually without good cause. Closing his emails, Jason motioned to Paige.

"Please, have a seat. What's on your mind?" He said calmly. She would make for a good distraction to the coming shitstorm that was Agent Holden...
I am thinking I am going to tackle a post to him first, then work my way forward from there. I am really in a Page Morgan mood at the moment. 
Agreed. I would start with that. 

But i I am painfully curious to hear Gavin's reaction to a day in the life of super school. I invited him over, then warned him off then over again, then off again. I plan to assure him later that not Every day is like this. And also to ask him how his grandmother is keeping. 
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I am thinking I am going to tackle a post to him first, then work my way forward from there. I am really in a Page Morgan mood at the moment. 

So. Glad. You're back! 

All of you. Especially Izzy. But looking forward to facing wrath of Page also.
Sorry for the sudden disappearance, @welian. I still see that mention and Imma get the talking-talking done with the Cap soon to smoothly turn this into a non-lethal yet equally serious situation.

Does Hesperus have a discord?
I'm so glad you're back, Manic! I was really worried about you!

Yeah, it quite honestly got a bit scary there for a bit. I am someone that dramatizes a paper cut and shrugs off the more serious stuff. In this case I had let the pneumonia get such a head start that they were having trouble controlling the swelling in the vessels in my lungs or something. I guess there is some sort of 'crush syndrome like thing' that can happen if your lungs are too stressed or swelling and I was flirting with getting it. I have gotten several scoldings from the doctor, his RN, and even the nurses over the last month. Next time, I hear crackling in my lung that lasts more than a week, I will go to the doctor. Taking Nightquil and using my inhaler, apparently, does not qualify as proper medical attention. 
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Yeah, it quite honestly got a bit scary there for a bit. I am someone that dramatizes a paper cut and shrugs off the more serious stuff. In this case I had let the pneumonia get such a head start that they were having trouble controlling the swelling in the vessels in my lungs or something. I guess there is some sort of 'crush syndrome like thing' that can happen if your lungs are too stressed or swelling and I was flirting with getting it. I have gotten several scoldings from the doctor, his RN, and even the nurses over the last month. Next time, I hear crackling in my lung that lasts more than a week, I will go to the doctor. Taking Nightquil and using my inhaler, apparently, does not qualify as proper medical attention. 

Did not realize you got so sick! Glad you finally got the care you needed. Take care. Walking pneumonia is what did in Jim Henson. (Well, that and a work ethic that stopped him taking his health signals seriously)
Sorry for the sudden disappearance, @welian. I still see that mention and Imma get the talking-talking done with the Cap soon to smoothly turn this into a non-lethal yet equally serious situation.

Does Hesperus have a discord?

Just take care not to change it so much that it is inconsistent with Penny's video. Aaron is literally about to run in and grab Danny and take him for help. Portal is open now, and RQ and I are coming in. My next post will be up within 24 hours, since we have less than a week to wrap this up. I got permission from Cap to take Danny to Riley for clotting factor and Lazarus to deal with clots. After that he will leave the school for fairly obvious reasons.

@Elenion Aura do you have a reaction to these events? I reccomend, assuming Morgan is conscious, that you exit the room with Luci and Aaron. @too much idea Mitch should come too for the anti toxin.
Just take care not to change it so much that it is inconsistent with Penny's video. Aaron is literally about to run in and grab Danny and take him for help. Portal is open now, and RQ and I are coming in. My next post will be up within 24 hours, since we have less than a week to wrap this up. I got permission from Cap to take Danny to Riley for clotting factor and Lazarus to deal with clots. After that he will leave the school for fairly obvious reasons.

@Elenion Aura do you have a reaction to these events? I reccomend, assuming Morgan is conscious, that you exit the room with Luci and Aaron. @too much idea Mitch should come too for the anti toxin.

Aaron can run?
Portal shortens distance to under 10 feet. He can cover that in under 2 seconds... Probably.
Say, @Lazy Rocktime since you are planning to go villain and since next arc is jailbreak arc, do you want to arrange for Klaus to be captured? We can probably do that without injuring him, and we are sort of operating under the assumption he's being mind controlled at the moment, so nobody is looking to hurt him (yet.)

You may want to jump out of the way though, because if Victoria follows directions that desk is going out the window.

IIRC klaus had taken position behind the desk.
OK kids, follow the security guard and the teacher who isn't trying to kill you!

(For research purposes, I took a deep breath, held it ten seconds, said Aaron's line, then held it another 40. Should be able to make it to clean air…)

Oh, and may I just say how happy it makes me to be part of an RP group that can pull together like this in the face of a literal and metaphorical deadline?

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