OOC Discussion

Hey! I'm very new to this RP (the newest?) and I have been meaning to read back in some of the previous threads anyway, but I was wondering if you, or anyone else really, wouldn't mind giving me a tl;dr about what exactly happened at the Owing Mills Mall? I've gotten bits and pieces here and there from the latest posts in Chapters 2.5/3

People were having a great time but it got disturbed by a scream. The knights of Raguel had a girl hostage, a super, her codename was Feddback because she could mess up with uhh comunication devices.

So, the knights ordered the multitude to join around them and made this speech about how supers were an error or something of the sorts, you know, close to Hitler with the Jews taint the Arian Race and so on.

The AEGIS staff that was there took advantage of the distraction and went full force ahead against the knights, but the one close to Feedback broke her neck. The super's demise caused all radio and cellphone antenna devices at a certain range to die and there were also bombs, it was a huge explosion! The cars in the parking lot exploded too, don't quite remember why but damn, it was a massacre!

By the end Director Swan relayed a help message and tried to calm everyone down...

Now they're saying that the AEGIS staff assault made it worse and blaming it on them.

And this was a VERY resumed, and maybe not the most accurate, explanation of the mall incident.

Hopefully it helps still X D
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If anyone wants to know, the bouquet Denzil made for Lucas is white roses for humility, innocence, and youthfulness, white lilies for innocence, and pink carnations for remembrance. The bouquet for Eve has a bit more to it, yarrow for good health, hydrangea for perseverance and heartfelt emotions, peony for healing, king protea for change/transformation, daring, and courage, white zinnia for goodness, gladiolus for strength of character, and honor, and finally, white heather for protection and to say that wishes (or get-well wishes) will come true.

Also, yes... Narcissa isn't identified yet, but she's dead. So is her friend Kathy. I really wanted to keep her alive, I swear, but this is a lot more realistic, I think.
If anyone wants to know, the bouquet Denzil made for Lucas is white roses for humility, innocence, and youthfulness, white lilies for innocence, and pink carnations for remembrance. The bouquet for Eve has a bit more to it, yarrow for good health, hydrangea for perseverance and heartfelt emotions, peony for healing, king protea for change/transformation, daring, and courage, white zinnia for goodness, gladiolus for strength of character, and honor, and finally, white heather for protection and to say that wishes (or get-well wishes) will come true.

Also, yes... Narcissa isn't identified yet, but she's dead. So is her friend Kathy. I really wanted to keep her alive, I swear, but this is a lot more realistic, I think.

I wanted to click like on the post itself but couldn't bring myself to click it.  I will settle for liking this OOC post instead.

I miss the other rating buttons… :-(
Hey guys, for future use, I'd like to say a few things to remind everyone how the world has changed since the terrorist attack on Owing Mills Mall. Remember that this is all what most likely happened and none of this has officially been approved by welian (weli feel free to disprove anything I'm about to say :p).

First of all, it is highly likely that Aegis Training Facility 108 is the most well-known training facility in the country as of right now. This attack should have made national television, since it's the largest incident since Rapture. There should be a lot of violent acts of hate already attempted by local residents and other people. It's not like TF108 was on TV, had some reporters, then went back to normal. The entire country is divided between blaming the staff of TF108 and blaming the Knights of Raguel. The Owing Mills Mall incident rules social media. It's not like everything went back to normal a week after Sandy Hook or a week after Harambe died (bless his soul). A fog of hate still covers the US.

However, Aegis is a corporation that is backed by Commonwealth (the US government). They are intelligent and react quickly to situations. It's likely that no hate acts have been successful yet. There should be new security cameras all around the facility and the surrounding area. Every incident (barring graffiti, which may take half a day to a day or so) would be responded to extremely quickly. There are likely more agents and bases placed around the facility and in Baltimore now. All eyes, for better or worse, are currently on Aegis Training Facility 108.


Hate against supers? Sounds like a reason to rebel. Derrick! Derrick! Derrick!

*patiently awaits October*
@welian hey I tried to use that link but I couldn't find my username

i submitted my character to the aegis database only just today so it might not have updated yet
Before I finish my post, how exactly am I supposed to get in? Like, what kind of security does the facility have? Larry the robot opened the gates and got in because he unlocked them himself. My character's never been to the facility before, so she wouldn't have any passcode or identification card or nothin'
Before I finish my post, how exactly am I supposed to get in? Like, what kind of security does the facility have? Larry the robot opened the gates and got in because he unlocked them himself. My character's never been to the facility before, so she wouldn't have any passcode or identification card or nothin'

Introduce yourself to someone?

If she is a student, even a new one, they're bound to have her file on their database, I think xD

On Cecilia's first post (wow so long ago!), I mentioned her introducing herself to a reception desk of sorts, to be let in~
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@Elenion Aura At TF108, they have access to all Commonwealth's files on Supers, whether they are Blue Carded or still learning. It's also likely that you'd be carrying some sort of photo ID issued by Commonwealth.

Captain Hesperus
Realized almost as soon as I posted that Aaron had walked away toward the reporters leaving behind  a fully set death trap... So glad that Tabitha is not as impulsive as some!




excuse my screaming, i pushed an old lady in a wheelchair for the entirety of the holiday week and my body is suffering from perpetual death.

that and science gcse results. didnt fail my life that bad yet, so thank the fucking lord for that. 

which characters will be the first to witness their golden furred god march into first aid class?

by that, i mean who will be my future students.
What's everybody's characters' motivation?? I was browsing the AEGIS tumblr and reading a lot the character posts and it got me thinking, what exactly does Morgan want? 

I decided her goal's to get a position in government (local at first, but federal in the future). 
@Elenion Aura

Sevan just wants to get through her court mandated classes at AEGIS at the moment, then get through her year in jail and get out to do... something?


She's the kinda character that's suppose to hopefully develop some kinda bigger idea of what she wants to do with her life through the course of the roleplay.

[crosses her fingers] ;;; u ;;;
What's everybody's characters' motivation?? I was browsing the AEGIS tumblr and reading a lot the character posts and it got me thinking, what exactly does Morgan want? 

I decided her goal's to get a position in government (local at first, but federal in the future). 

Danny's goal is to finish his Commonwealth-mandated time at AEGIS and tell them all to go fuck themselves and the horses they rode in on.

Captain Hesperus
What's everybody's characters' motivation?? I was browsing the AEGIS tumblr and reading a lot the character posts and it got me thinking, what exactly does Morgan want? 

I decided her goal's to get a position in government (local at first, but federal in the future). 

Cecilia is TERRIFIED of her power, She doesn't use it, she doesn't really want to have anything with it right now because, the possibility of her losing control over it and harming someone is too big. So, you can say she just wants some experience to deal with it right now, if only she could overcome her fear...

That and, her life on NY wasn't all that good, she needed a change of environment.

Kendrick was enrolled by his parents without even being consulted. He hasn't really thought of why he's there other than he was obliged to. He doesn't complain tho, he likes the classes, being around other supers is a nice thing and he has a 'not so complicated to explain' reason to be allowed out of the house, other than his normal school. It gives him SOME freedom.
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Avecca has two goals: To find home, and to find love. She would also like to find her own purpose, but to even entertain the idea that she has any sort of individual desires or agency could get her terminated. She's very scared, but determined to prove that she has the right to exist.

My Morgan wants to control his telepathy to the point where he can go out and do normal things like shopping and seeing movies without worrying about his limiter or his headspace. Failing that, he would like to get rid of his powers, forever.

Agent Harry Holden actually would like to earn a doctorate in mechanical engineering, he is fond of gadgets and would like to help create better versions of the tools that Commonwealth uses in their day-to-day tasks, such as superpower testing. He thinks that when he's an old man, he'd like to be a college professor.

Director Chernov wants to smite Raguel, and stamp out anti-super sentiment. She never planned to take over Commonwealth, but this is where she can do the most amount of good for the most amount of people, and make the world a little safer for people like her son. She would also like to lose the weight she gained twenty years ago when she stopped smoking (mostly) and had her kid, but that's probably not going to happen.

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