OOC Chat

Since Nonda can upgrade tech it makes Jacob useless since he repairs tech

Besides that he jumps high and has the basic alterian traits
Sorry!!~ I would connect my character but certain- reasons prevent me from doing so~ "^w^

Also the Head mistress is freakin' creepy for all your information. She generally sends her secretary out to do her work though.
Yup :P

Now to contact fem and try to pick my pic.

I actually had one I really wanted to use but my laptop's dead, so I'll have to settle for one of those. 
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If I do make a second character, its gonna be this thing.

lol i fell asleep last night and i awake to more characters...great...
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Just gonna say right here, there's NO WAY all the people who joined are going to stick with this, or everyone who makes a character is going to past

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