OOC Chat

Just a warning to all, I may have to cap off Hybrid species very soon Becuase of their popularity, if you'd like to reserve one I can take about three more~ please be aware of this!!~ 
Alright , gonna be making a nekonyan and alternian hybrid! xD  

anyone wanna connect characters ?
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Who knew some many would be a hybrid no offense to anyone but i didnt think they were that cool

Who knew some many would be a hybrid no offense to anyone but i didnt think they were that cool
Well, I'm almost done, but I'll go get some sleep now. It should also give time in case anyone wants to take my offer to connect characters 
Y'know, I could understand modified/test tube children being at the bottom compared to hybrids. I mean, humans are known to tap anything that moves, so it should be expected.

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