OOC Chat

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Cat Companions, Music to my Ears, and Cat's Canary....so goooooood ^^
I loved Surgical Strike and War Machine, but is Sienna you know that aggressive? those names make her sound so, but i thought she was more calm and calculating?

though I guess Surgical Strike does sort of allude to that xD
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hahaha iduno if Skye will have any "official decrees" as team leader.. but something similar to that :P

and are we gunna cement all those ship names as the official ship names for team attacks? or are we gunna maybe decide on different ship names just in case someone thinks up something else?
hahaha iduno if Skye will have any "official decrees" as team leader.. but something similar to that :P

and are we gunna cement all those ship names as the official ship names for team attacks? or are we gunna maybe decide on different ship names just in case someone thinks up something else?

Well I mean some we can't use now, or won't make sense as people don't know Lilla's a cat yet and stuff. Tho since team attacks are normally rather powerful there will be a time we all come up with them ICLY. As we'll need to also discuss what happens in them.
Well I mean some we can't use now, or won't make sense as people don't know Lilla's a cat yet and stuff. Tho since team attacks are normally rather powerful there will be a time we all come up with them ICLY. As we'll need to also discuss what happens in them.

Makes sense xD

*pokes again*
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