OOC Chat

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May need to respond tomorrow, my brain i tired : p feel like if I post it'll be a crap one. Nighty night my comrades! The wolf shall ramble tomorrow!
Hey guys, probably won't be able to get a post up, my grandfather just passed. Here's to one the kindest and strongest men I've ever known
I am sorry for not being around. Two tests and family issues came up. I am sorry to report I may be losing someone as well. Sorry to hear that same event has happened to you @Keidivh I wish you the best. Also I believe Calm has left so once the site moves and the smoke clears we will be good to start everything up again.
I am sorry for not being around. Two tests and family issues came up. I am sorry to report I may be losing someone as well. Sorry to hear that same event has happened to you @Keidivh I wish you the best. Also I believe Calm has left so once the site moves and the smoke clears we will be good to start everything up again.

Calm has left?

Also I am sorry for your situation.
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