OOC Chat

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I came up with this a few minutes ago it's to the tune of jingle bells

Rushing through the test

I hope I got an A

Why am I so stressed?

I'm a good tester anyways

But if I happen to fail

It will ruin my grade

And then I'll have to make a living selling lemonade

Jingle bells, exams are hell

This is it I'll probably die

I forgot to study and oh my god just why

Jingle bells, exams are hell

What am I going to do

My grades are already so bad and if I fail I'm through
I came up with this a few minutes ago it's to the tune of jingle bells

Rushing through the test

I hope I got an A

Why am I so stressed?

I'm a good tester anyways

But if I happen to fail

It will ruin my grade

And then I'll have to make a living selling lemonade

Jingle bells, exams are hell

This is it I'll probably die

I forgot to study and oh my god just why

Jingle bells, exams are hell

What am I going to do

My grades are already so bad and if I fail I'm through

hehe cute x3
Does this mean cross-team ships are a go?

What's team boundaries compared to the power of shipping!!! 


Me sitting here deciding if I want to read your posts or just leave and screw around till everyone is on holiday break. Bunch of weirdos filling my chat with ships.
ships! lots of ships! everywhere ships!

actually currently, the ship is apparently SkyexOlivia lol XD

Nature's Beauties 

I think is what its called lols
I also realize that our characters ended up not as grouchy and mean, Should have just went a normal character. Eco is so-so.
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