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Fandom OOC Chat for "Undertale Surface RP"


I particularly subscribe to Zarla's interpretation, the "Frisk and Chara are vessels for the player and not individual human beings" meta. What this would mean is that Frisk and Chara are controlled by the same person, the player of the game Undertale (and of some fictional pre-Undertale video game that featured Chara and the goat family). Essentially Chara's name is actually the player's name, and Frisk was a name given by the game to symbolize their pacifism. So technically I'd be both Frisk and Chara? The way I'd make it so that Frisk/Chara/Player still work for RP is that the Player's... being? soul?... was essentially pulled into the game IRL and stuck into Frisk's body, stuck permanently to the vessel...

I also really love Handplates. So there's that.

I particularly subscribe to Zarla's interpretation, the "Frisk and Chara are vessels for the player and not individual human beings" meta. What this would mean is that Frisk and Chara are controlled by the same person, the player of the game Undertale (and of some fictional pre-Undertale video game that featured Chara and the goat family). Essentially Chara's name is actually the player's name, and Frisk was a name given by the game to symbolize their pacifism. So technically I'd be both Frisk and Chara? The way I'd make it so that Frisk/Chara/Player still work for RP is that the Player's... being? soul?... was essentially pulled into the game IRL and stuck into Frisk's body, stuck permanently to the vessel...

I also really love Handplates. So there's that.

That'd be an interesting way to RP Frisk and Chara! But how would that work? Would you RP your own choices, but as Frisk? If so, why not make yourself an OC, or use a self-insert? What makes it different?

And thank you for telling me that! I'd like to know more. :D
Well, not exactly...

See, a self-insert human would just be a normal human with not as much determination as Frisk, and no way to change to timeline, nor any apparent ability to load/save/reset and probably no idea what those things would be aside from basic game mechanics.

A "Frisk/Chara as vessel" character would not only be an OC essentially, but would be able to save/load/reset, know those concepts, and have complex and involved relationships with other characters who know of and understand those concepts, like Sans and Flowey/Asriel. Especially Asriel, because the player would also remember being Chara. I also intend to play it off as everyone knows the player as Frisk, though the player insists they are [Chara/insert player name here] because the name Frisk is only given at the end of a pacifist run, and the player has definitely come close to completing a geno run. Probably got pretty far on the Sans fight, but gave up because of a change of heart. It would allow for interesting dialogue between Sans and the player, perhaps with Sans being one of two characters who knows and uses the player's real name or understand the predicament they're in?

Handplates, if you don't already know the AU, is a pre-Undertale AU focusing around Sans and Papyrus as Gaster's experiments. It's called Handplates because Gaster literally drilled metal plates into the hand bones on both Sans and Papyrus' right hand. Other horrible experiments ensue. The characterization in that AU is especially interesting surrounding Gaster, in my opinion. He's not doing what he does out of malicious intent, he's doing it because he cares about and wants to protect the people close to him, ie use the brothers as weapons so Asgore doesn't have to bear the burden of killing all the humans that fall into the underground on his own. But he's also very conflicted between viewing the brothers as experiments and viewing them as his sons, despite what he says. It's rather dark and somewhat graphic at times, mostly via the breaking of bones, but it's a really good read and I highly recommend it.
Of course, most of what I've stated/proposed should also be run by Zeev Zeev since a lot of this has to do with Sans.
I reject the handplates AU, mainly cause it doesn't even meld well with Undertale the game so fails in that regard.
Well, not exactly...

See, a self-insert human would just be a normal human with not as much determination as Frisk, and no way to change to timeline, nor any apparent ability to load/save/reset and probably no idea what those things would be aside from basic game mechanics.

A "Frisk/Chara as vessel" character would not only be an OC essentially, but would be able to save/load/reset, know those concepts, and have complex and involved relationships with other characters who know of and understand those concepts, like Sans and Flowey/Asriel. Especially Asriel, because the player would also remember being Chara. I also intend to play it off as everyone knows the player as Frisk, though the player insists they are [Chara/insert player name here] because the name Frisk is only given at the end of a pacifist run, and the player has definitely come close to completing a geno run. Probably got pretty far on the Sans fight, but gave up because of a change of heart. It would allow for interesting dialogue between Sans and the player, perhaps with Sans being one of two characters who knows and uses the player's real name or understand the predicament they're in?

Handplates, if you don't already know the AU, is a pre-Undertale AU focusing around Sans and Papyrus as Gaster's experiments. It's called Handplates because Gaster literally drilled metal plates into the hand bones on both Sans and Papyrus' right hand. Other horrible experiments ensue. The characterization in that AU is especially interesting surrounding Gaster, in my opinion. He's not doing what he does out of malicious intent, he's doing it because he cares about and wants to protect the people close to him, ie use the brothers as weapons so Asgore doesn't have to bear the burden of killing all the humans that fall into the underground on his own. But he's also very conflicted between viewing the brothers as experiments and viewing them as his sons, despite what he says. It's rather dark and somewhat graphic at times, mostly via the breaking of bones, but it's a really good read and I highly recommend it.

That makes sense! And while I think the Handplate AU would be interesting, I agree with Zeev for the notion that it might not mesh well in the classic world. But I'd be willing to 'experiment' (get it??? ... I need to stoplmao) with it later, in a different RP and timeline!
I hope my semi-soft Chara is OK! Please tell me if there are any changes you want me to make for them, I just defaulted to all my own headcanons.
Hi! I'm Blueberry! I am a girl, and MUST stay away from sugar, candy, or ANYTHING containing sugar. I will go crazy if given any of the sort. The only candy I can eat is chocolate.

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