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Only War: Heresy

The Leman Russ' main gun fires, the shot exploding jus in front of the charging Kan, showering it with sand and pieces of shrapnel, although the walker forged on regardless. Next the lascannon fired, but again the shot missed, sailing past the Ork vehicle to slash a molten scar in the wall of the warehouse far behind.

@Thief of Words your turn.
From his perch atop the Chimera, Commissar Eikonos steadies his arm and carefully draws a bead on the operator of the trukk. As ever, he strives to place his shots as efficiently as possible.
The Psyker smiles grimly- as his focal crystal spins in his hand, turning a firey red as he musters his will within the regulated confines and restraints; he knows his safe boundaries well at this point, and is unwilling to risk what may be the only Guard Detachment he's ever been attached to not to verbally abuse him after his initital reading brought bad news. He idly muses on how he may finally have found a detachment that won't die around him, as the crystal in his hand burns- and then he directs his mind to simply cause one of the orks...

To be set ablaze.


Sadly- the fire does not quite answer his call; the fettered restraint he is showing holding back the fires- as he seems to simply stare intently at one of the Orks, his crystal pulsing a hot red. He curses under his breath, sighing wearily as it fails to do anything- furrowing his brow. Then again... at least it wasn't the kind of failure he really worries about; at least the restraint he showed protected him, he muses.


As his focus continues- suddenly... the Ork erupts into flames, finally!

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Ork toughness =4. Unnatural toughness trait =+2. 3 damage done.

The Ork roared as he was engulfed by flames, his fellow passanger in the front seat failing at him, trying to beat it out.


The Vehicle veered, still moving but erratically, making sudden shifts and turns as its driver flailed helplessly.

The Trukk is now out of control. The Ork will roll to regain control at the start of next phase of combat.

The Guardsmen's turn. Watch this space!

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Kimba saw the Ork Trukk veering after the Psyker's attack, and raising her lasgun into the aim she shouted to her fellow Guardsmen.

"Take out the Ork's on the back!" She shouted, the sputtering of her own lasgun lost as eleven others fired to her left and right.



Ork toughness+ Armour = 8

Two Orks slumped in their seats as lasfire riddled the side of the trukk, one corpse topping over the side to land in the dust as the vehicle lurched into a sharp turn. The remaining Orks on board only roared louder, hammering their choppas on the roof of their vehicle in a cacophany of noise.

Of the two Leman Russ, the first could only manoever to try and draw a line of fire on an advancing Kan with its turret locked in place. Its fellow however, carefully took aim before its cannon roared into life.


The shot roared past the Ork contraption, landing among the warehouses behind it and blasting a hole in the side of the building. The tank commander swore.

"Reload, reload!" He bawled at his crew, his voice panicky as the greenskins bore down on the Guard position.

The Chimera's autocannon swivelled to face the charging Kan.



Killa Kan front armour = 15. Structural Integrity = 8

The autocannon laced the charging Kan with heavy weapons fire, striking the walker's Rokkit Launcha in a shower of sparks. The machine slowed for a moment, its shoulder jerking away at the impact before surging forwards with renewed vigour, apparently no worse for wear.

@Random Word your turn!

Summary of phase: 2 Ork Boyz killed. Trukk sent out of control. Main turret on Leman Russ immobilised. Next turn the Ork's will be arriving in close combat, so be prepared!
Hieronymus grits his teeth as the shot grazes the Trukk, grimacing as the driver spontaneously bursts into flame. There was no holy promethium involved in that. All of that, however, is inconsequential to lining up his next shot. The Trukk can't be allowed to close on the infantry. They're far more vulnerable than the tanks, and a battle cannon won't be the answer in close quarters. The Machine Spirit whispers to his mind of relative velocities and angular traversals, potential vulnerable locations and charge levels in the potentia coils. Integrating all of this, he once again sites the crosshair over the ramshackle vehicle and prepares to halt its advance once and for all.

38 BS + 10 (Good Quality MIU) + 10 (Aim) + 10 (Basic Attack) + 10 (Short Range) + 20 (Enormous Target) = 98


Lol. Miss.
The Tech-Priests shot misses the Trukk by the closest of margins, grazing the bonnet of the ramshackle vehicle as it passes. The furthest Killa Kan once again prepare to fire its Rokkit-Launcha at the already maimed Leman Russthe gretchin inside screaching shrilly as it pulled the trigger.

BS 33+10 (Basic attack) + 30 Massive target = 73


Hit weapon. Roll 1= Lascannon. 2-3 =Heavy Bolter sponson


Lascannon hit.

Rokkit Launcha = 3d10+5 X, Pen 9, inaccurate.


Damage stopped by armour.

The wounded Tank Beta was engulfed in an explosion for a second time. However when the smoke cleared the battle tank was merely scorched, it's armour and weapon systems left otherwise almost entirely intact.

Meanwhile the second Kan bore down on the Guardsmen. It was still a short distance away, but close enough for the humans to make out the snarling gretchin which sat inside.


The Trukk ceased it's wild veering, and closed the remaing 150 yeards to the escort in one rapid burst of speed. As it drew close it swung into a handbrake turn, grinding to a stop and throwing up a wall of sand.

"Fix bayonets and close ranks!" Kimba shouted, the escort moving to stand shoulder to should, a bristling but thin hedge of blades. Before the Trukk had even finished moving its Orkish occupants vaulted off the cargo bed, discarding their pistols and launching straight into a change, all 10 Orks swiping thier choppas in vicious arcs before them.

Ork WS=37. Charge +20.



Choppa 1d10+6 R, pen2 tearing, unbalanced.


3 guardsmen killed.

The wall of bayonets held under the Ork onslaught, but three guards crumpled under a flurry of blows, quickly buried under the surging tide of Greenskins. Kimba, standong at the rear of the formation and urging her squadmates to hold the line turned her head for a moment to shout over her shoulder towards the tanks.

"We can't hold them for long on our own!"

@Crocodile your turn!
"Get that Kan! We can't let them make contact with the infantry!" Sergeant Sorn bellowed into her command link.Flipping over to her own tank.

"Reload, reload! Get the main gun set!"

With that she rolls her comms over to the troops.

"Hold that line! Pull back if you can! We need to open up with the Heavy Bolters."

With that order, Sorn angles the Lascannon towards the approaching can now. Determined to try to destroy that monster before it reached her troops. She pulls the fire action for it, eager to save those she could and cursing command for leaving them undermanned.

The Heavy Bolters start to seek out targets, eager to save their comrades.



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