Story Only Us


New Member

I stand facing the door. This was it, I was free. Sunlight poured out from the cracks, invading the darkness of the underground laboratory. I wanted to be free my whole life, but now that I could be free... I just stood there. My purple fur stained a dark red. I reached out a paw and held it into a slice of sunlight. It was warm... I hadn't felt warmth since... I shook my head. No. They're all gone now. A tear slid down my cheek. Stop crying! I ordered myself silently. But I couldn't stop. I pushed the door open, falling onto the warm grass. I jerked around violently, suddenly forgetting how to get up. My god, it was too much. The sunlight warmed my ice-cold fur and the grass and dirt made the surface beneath me soft and pleasant. High pitched clicks and whistles came from the birds in the trees, and grasshoppers completed the obnoxious symphony. I got to my feet, blinded by the sunlight and rushed back into the lab. Back into the cool, damp emptiness of the lab. I couldn't see, my eyes hadn't seen sun in 461 years. I rushed down the stairs onto the cold, damp cobblestone floor. Was this my home, not the world above? Was I destined to be here forever? No... I curled up in a ball. But it felt... right.

Chapter 1


A obnoxious male voice calls out to me. Me eyes open slightly, the world fuzzy around me. A white figure blocks most of my vision. I close my eyes, drifting slightly into sleep but the voice interrupts my peaceful slumber again


I use my paws to cover my large purple ears, which one is stitched on.


My eyes peel open


I say in a tone of voice that sounds like I want you to go die in a hole. As soon as I fully woke up, he was gone.

Thank. Lupus.

I sighed in relief. I hated him. I got out of bed, leaving the old musty bed without fixing the covers. I went to look at my self in the old clouded mirror that hung on the wall. A jagged crack ran from one side of the mirror to the other. I was unusual wolf. I had purple fur with spiky-ish hair that fell to one side. I didn't have eyes, just empty sockets with blue flames in them. My mouth was carved like a jack-o-lantern, which gave me my hated nickname 'Jack'. My left ear was sewn on and I had stitched around my neck and waist. One of paws had one sewn on toe, and one had a missing wrist, put it still functioned as if it had one.

My reflection blurred and was replaced with a another wolf. He was unnaturally white wolf with a huge fluffy tail and a heart shaped clock with twisted hands and melted roman numbers that were out of order in his chest. He wore a mask over his face, it was a half-white half-black mask with a white frowning face on the black side, and a black smiling face on the white side. You could see glowing red circles with x's drawn through them through the eyeholes of the mask, and the acted as pupils. The reflection blurred and returned to normal. I wasn't fazed, this was regular. That was Spire, my annoying demon that lived inside me. Only one of us could use my body at a time, and as long as I drank the blood of mortals he couldn't do anything. Anything besides cheap tricks like this, that is. I yawned and trotted through the damp cobblestone hallway with cells on both sides to my office. My office had a semi-circle window that looked down upon most of the laboratory. I could see clockworks, patchworks, and monsters running about doing their daily routines. I took a seat in my black rolly-chair and put my hind paws on my polished wooden desk. The room was lit with a orange light, and gears and pictures hung on the walls. I closed my eyes and relaxed. The peacefulness didn't last. I heard someone knock on something metal. I looked over to see an empty metal container rolling around on the floor. I rolled my eyes

"Really Spire?"

I ask in an annoyed tone. I get up and put the container back on the table, the look back to see the chair spinning around in circles. Where did he get all the energy to do this? He must be exhausted by now. I could almost swear I heard his snarky laugh. I frowned

"Stop that."

I said plainly, and the container fell back off the shelf. Something

was wrong he shouldn't have enough energy to do this. Wait... When was the last time I drank blood?


A voice in my head echoed. Three months?! I could hear Spire's snarky laugh. I heard the lock on the door click and my vision got blurry. I struggled to keep my balance, but finally just collapsed to one side and passed out.

My blurred vision slowly cleared to reveal my surroundings. I was laying in a black abyss. I noticed a puddle of red liquid around where my head was laying. I always bled a little from the nose and head when I traveled here unexpectedly. I wiped some of the blood from my face with my paw and noticed a white figure in the distance. It glitched out, then he appeared beside me. I took a deep breathe. He couldn't hurt me, even though I haven't been drinking blood. It was all fake, every last bit.
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Feel free to comment what you think. I'll edit the first post when I update, not post a new post for each chapter.

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