Only Superhuman


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Currently updating some NPC's for Sharlene and myself to bring their history in line with this RP. Their ages range from 4 to 51. Obviously the 4 year old isn't going to be a superheroine. No, she is the metahuman daughter of a couple NPC's that will be semi active. The 51 year old is going to be backup, intended to "air drop" gear from time to time. He won't always be on duty though.
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When are you looking at kicking this RP off Mitheral? I know we haven't filled all the slots yet, but just looking for a timeframe.
Well, originally .. yesterday ... but work had other things in mind. Now I am looking at tomorrow or the next day.

I really wanted to get 1 or two more members before we kicked it off. But with this sort of group I can run smaller scenes until we get more.

The fire based guy that posted never applied via convo, and I really didn't like the personality. Very unstable. This isn't a team about second chances. The benefactors are looking for people that at least want to TRY to be team members.

I turned down another app, a guy this going to try again. If you ever watched the movie Sky High, his first attempt made me want to yell SIDEKICK!. 
Okay .. I am going to close Apps. @Mooalally , by all means let's try to finish yours. We have 4 approved, plus Sharlene and myself, and then you. I do have one other slot open. But I'd prefer to leave that for an invite via one of us. @Pattycakes, you are one of the better writers I have seen, so I will make a particular consideration for any recommendations by you.

I think I may have one other writer pending ... huehuehue ... something something ... long name. Who was going to work on a different concept. He makes some interesting characters. They just made better NPC's not heroes. Still good designs. I plan to leave an extra slot if I must for him.
Sounds good Mitheral. Are you planning on making the first post tonight or tomorrow? Also, my schedule is likely going to be hampered starting tomorrow for the next few days. I've missed three days of classes now, and a I have large project due on Tuesday which I still need to begin the posterboard for. I should still have time to reply to posts, but it will likely be slower than usual.
Probably tomorrow. Gotta cover the arrivals of some, the description of the place, etc. May do this as two threads - those already at the base, and those being picked up by limo.

Part of my first posts will include a meeting of some of the founders as they go over profiles. 
@Huehuehuehuehue If you would, go ahead and get Jaraxus posted. Funny thing is there is an NPC out there that calls herself Legion. But that's the name of her band. She starts every show with "WE ARE LEGION!" and then starts jamming.

We also have a cold based character still in the works.

I went ahead and posted the descriptions of the Pick up and arrival scenes and a general description of the base, feel free to write up your character actions. Those already at the base, I know this is a little bit tougher for you, especially with all the NPC's running about that I haven't written up hardly at all.

Amaretta Carnegie is a bit like Sarah Connor from Terminator 2 after she worked out and built up some muscles, but older. She virtually never smiles. Even after all these years she is still militant (makes her bed with hospital quarters, bounces quarters off the bedspread, does regular workouts, etc). Sort of a once a marine, always a marine type.

Muriel Reno looks like an older version of Angelina Jolie, but more down to Earth natural looking. She is a neat freak. It is HER hospital, make no mistake. She's a tyrant there.

I'll do more of these write ups and expand on them as we go. And collect them to the NPC folder.
Oops ... couple lines got cut off. Fixed. 
The plan here is to get the team together so you guys can interact. In processing - which we can fast forward past or play out - will include medical evaluations and gear assignments.

Gear assignments will include a Ring, Comm unit, and uniform/costume design. It will also include Codename selection, though that doesn't have to be immediate.

Then for the next day the team will get a mission brief This will include sanitized profiles on the other team members as well as Janice Rand and Matthew Channing. No personal info, family info, psych stuff etc will be included, just the basics - Power type, notable skills ... basically like a resume. 
Folks, getting ready to close up the Day 1 "action" and move forward to Day 2 with everyone at a meeting to hear the first mission.
Sorry for the lack of response, my shockwave keeps crashing, and I can hardly get anything done. My posting may be infrequent or lacking, until I can fix the problem. 
As for costumes, can we design those ourselves? And if so, are there any common features that should be included?
Yes. They will be designed - with assistance as needed - in a holodeck. It would be sort of like being fitted for a wedding dress or tux - minus the pins and needles. Once the look is complete, it gets converted into a pattern. The material used in the costume is created from psyberploastic - an electronic/ telekinetically tweakable molecule. The color scheme is programmable. Well, that's the tech part of this.

The result is a very tough material with the stopping power of a light ballistic cloth. It will stop light caliber bullets from actually penetrating the skin. It will also not interfere with the powers of the individual it is tailored for (sort of like the Fantastic Four costumes).
Not a problem. The 3 W's come first. I went ahead and had Sharlene post a summary of the remainder of Day 1 and the intro for Day 2. I know I am pushing, but I want to get the group actually together.
And I thought we're going too slow. Hey I just read the post about the costume but doesn't it defeats the point of my character's ability to create a shield? I mean like the costume is already as good as his shield.
No .. it is basically tear resistant ... you would still feel the bullet. But it does save from having to dig a bullet out. Many of the base personnel have no special defenses. I will also point out that this material is water and air tight under the right conditions. In space in can serve as an emergency vacc suit if sealed up properly. Of course, you'need an air supply to actually breathe. And temperature would soon become an issue. One very nice feature is that the material regenerates under light.
LOL, he's a special case. He could wear it as Jaraxus ... but once he changed into Legion ... (brain does a hiccup ... error ... error .... )

When most characters use the Ring ... their mundane clothes get swapped out with the Costume. Jaraxus won't need that. The Ring for him is just a security measure. He really doesn't need a costume. It is sort of built in with his hero ID. 
If it helps, this is NOT some uniform you guys have to wear. The original intent was to help people whose powers to done interact well with their clothing - like fire base, etc ... 
The following is to give you guys an idea where all the Targets have been spotted.

Monster Sightings

NYU Medical School - Probably a one time event, but well outside her usual spots and the earliest sighting on record.

Manhattan / Brooklyn Shorelines - Usually on top of building or gliding between them. Occasionally perched on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Dark Knight

Brooklyn Bridge - site where he was supposedly gunned down and fell off into the water. It you look at the pictures closely, you will note a fence / wall some 20 feet high to prevent jumpers. To be shot off he had to have found a way to scale the wall, then get shot. In short, he was on the run. The fall to the water would have been fatal for any ordinary human.

Stomping Grounds - This is the region Dark Knight sighting fit within. he doesn’t stray much outside the Brooklyn section of this map. the greatest number of sighting have been along the streets paralleling I-278 near the north shore more toward the Bridge.

Car Thief

Possible Chop Shop - This is the site where police chased a stolen car to in high speed pursuit and lost him. They got a warrant and searched, but found nothing. The man has no record. The Real surprise here is that Micronaut owns a bookstore right across the street at the same intersection.

Operating Area - This area includes 90% of the suspected sightings.

Random Stranger

Operating area - Believed to have a region some 100 miles in radius. But this has grown over the past 5 years from a much smaller radius of about 10 miles. Most common sightings are, in fact, close to areas of the homeless, parks, and places where the Law does a poor job of enforcement. Random Stranger has made use of 911 to report break ins, fires, etc.

Original area - The 10 mile radius zone. It is believed that Random Strangers lives in this area.

Guys, feel free to have the squads divide up into separate rooms to discuss strategies - or you can discuss it on patrol. If there is research you need done, feel free to ask. I did NOT post ALL the info that is out there. Also, nothing says your patrol has to be done according to the target's agenda. Each target has their own goals, personality and life. Some may have family. Some may have jobs.

Also, feel free to offer suggestions to mine and sharlene's characters. They don't know everything either.

Not going to get a post out tonight. Not sure if I will have a connection tomorrow, but fingers crossed.
Guys, Mith and I are having a rough couple days of work. Just a couple minutes to read and send this before we roll out. And we aren't sure if we will stop for the day in a place where we'll have wifi. Unusual route today going into backwoods Alabama.

As Mith said above, feel free to have characters make use of separate conference rooms (or other parts of the base) to plan, study target patterns, demonstrate powers, etc. James divided groups largely according to mobility. The monster flies and is probably nocturnal, so he chose Shadowhawk and Arachne for that reason. Both are nocturnal, Shadowhawk can fly, Arachne can sling webs both to swing and capture.

The team after the Car Thief is all on foot. He figured none of them would be able to outrace a guy who drives like a professional race car driver. It is his hope they can out think the guy. Heck the police may have already questioned the guy. If the guy were a metahuman he might very well be able to sweep evidence under the rug before they could get a warrant.
Blake (player is the metal guy) has been booted for Inactivity. If we lose one more I'll re-open Sign ups.

Hue, sorry man, but I can't hold up the plot much longer for you. 

Valerie Middleton aka (Morningstar) - @Valor Green

Jason Cain Sigil aka (Burst) - @Jason Rorstiel

Orville Schuyler aka (No Codename Yet) - @Mooalally

Folks, would you guys like to go ahead and pick a place to try to meet the auto shop owner, Guzman Cascia? My personal suggestion is the auto shop itself. The guys works there after all. That makes him fairly easy to find. I do have him written up - and even have some background on his one assistant - I think.

I would need to know HOW you go there - ie costumes, guns a blazin, etc or civilian and all nice like.

Or if you would prefer to try to stake his place out and wait to ambush him ... (Good luck with that. You'd have to wait right outside his place and somehow be able to keep up with a car. None of you guys fly or anything...)
I'm kind of stuck too since I was interacting with Valerie, and I'd like the character's reply before going into any action. Also, I notice shalene's group already moved on to the mission scenes already. Does this means that during that Random Stranger scene my group's still arguing back at the base, or you guys just ran ahead with the plot and in the meantime our group's supposed to be in future action scenes too? I'm kind of confused about the time line because of the regularity differences between diferent posts.
No ... their scene with RS is later that night. you group could easily wrap it up and go see Cascia that afternoon. For RS is twas just a matter of using themselves as bait. She seemed to have the city wired with particular areas she watched.
Would it be too much trouble to slow down the RP a bit? I've been waiting for Mooalally's contribution to the scene, since his character is there too. If it'd be alright, I'd like to avoid moving forward, at least, until a plan of action is agreed upon IC.
What would your character do Valor? Now that mine has calm down (relatively), he'd go with anything suggested as long as they are not suicidal. Or may be even suicidal.
Sure, that's why I asked first. I have some of the scene written up for anyone meeting him at the shop for the first time - I hope. (I think it was on this laptop ...If not, no biggie. I have to tweak some anyways.)

Amber and Dr Federman have very, very simple powers with little need to demonstrate to one another. So it is easy for them to go off and get started. We can also set the time for your squad to make contact with Cascia the next day, etc. @Pattycakes is a strong and energetic writer. That is another reason I placed him on a separate squad.

I am holding up the villain scenes until the whole group is ready. The villains are pretty bad. Some are very experienced. Some have agents working for them (translation: thugs who dress up for those lunatics that call themselves archvillains ...)

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