Only Superhuman [Inactive]

He did a fist pump under the table quietly when he heard he was assigned to the car thief. Most likely this would involve some kind of chase, somewhere he could actually be useful. But when they were told he was not to be apprehended unless on foot, he felt slightly disappointed. He suspected that his superhero life would be day-to-day action, just like the ones in the TV shows and movies, but apparently not. And then he thought about his teammates. He had skimmed everyone's profiles this morning, in case there was anything he wanted to look out for, and he was trying to remember who Morningstar and Burst were. He looked around at the faces, trying to recall what he had read, and realized that most of the people in the room were actually younger than him. Some quite a bit.

And then he remembered: Morningstar was the one with something to do with disguising and changing. That could be very helpful, especially if they had to distract the guy. And ... yes, that was it! Burst was the one who was proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Now that he knew that, he could easily see where this was going. The car thief would be driving down some kind of road at a high speed, as expected. Morningstar would mimic a car crash or a fallen tree in front of him. He would come to a stop, allowing myself to freeze a circular wall around the car and Burst could jump in and jack him up. It was too simple, really. But he couldn't remember the extent of their powers. Perhaps Morningstar could only disguise herself as other people, meaning that this plan wouldn't work as well. And he didn't know himself if he could pull it off. A circular wall tall enough that a man couldn't climb over would be difficult, especially seeing as it would have to be made in a couple of seconds, or at least before he could run away.

"I don't 'ave any questions." He looked around the room to see if anyone else would speak in the second before he would again, just to avoid awkward moments. "Are we free to leave any time we like? I'm eager to get planning."
"As am I." Valerie gave her teammates a warm smile. Once they were dismissed to go about their business, she stood up from her seat and stuffed her hands into the pockets of her hoodie. She made a bee-line toward the ergokinetic with whom she'd be working, expecting the other to do the same. "Burst, is it?" She offered a hand in greeting. "Morningstar. Or Val - short for Valerie. I was wondering if I could get a better look at your powers, before we head out on our mission." She was sure to carry herself in a welcoming manner. She found it was always best to first meet others with an air of warmth, be it genuine or not. "Have you gotten your ring and your costume yet?"
Jason looked wearily at the girl offering him a hand. Nice try, but I can see it all over your face. He looked from Valerie to the other guy on his team and back again, cursing inwardly. The episode last night had left him less hostile toward others, but this was too much. Ms. Humble and Mr. Confident? He composed himself, deliberately not shaking the outstretch hand. "Look, we have never worked together before, so you don't know me, but this mission is not really my thing, alright? So here's the plan. You guys do whatever you like, use surveillance protocols, bait him, go around asking questions, I don't care. Just Sherlock this guy's ass out of his hidey hole, and I will hit him. How about that?" He was reluctent to show off his power, but refusing was probably out of the question. "And about the ability show, I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Is there some place that is deserted and in need of getting rid of around here? I didn't check the files I was provided with."
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Jennifer glanced at the Major who was looking over in the direction of Burst. Even with the woman wearing her sunglasses as she normally did and maintaining her pokerface Jennifer could tell what the woman was thinking. This wasn’t the first time a new member had arrived with an attitude. She shook her head at the Major ever so slightly held a hand out with two fingers tightly pointed together - H in Sign language. Amaretta nodded back and allowed the faintest of smiles - a rarity. It was time to start making an omelette.

Then Jennifer spoke up.
“James, how about we split up as squads into separate rooms so we aren’t talking over one another. Jinx can always link us up on screen or via PA system. Matt?” She gestured for the door. “Major, could you please escort Mr Schuyler and his squad to the Danger Room?” She tilted her head up and spoke to thin air. “Jinx? Could you please alert Ms Daniels that one of the squads is going for a test run in Danger Room Bravo 7.”

“Yes, Arachne,” a woman’s voice responded. “While I’m at it I may ask her for some superglue for Mister Jinx. He’s a dirty old man who is about to have his hands glued to his sides.” There was a brief giggle that sounded like Jinx was being tickled a little.

“Who’s old?” a voice spoke in the background.


Heather Daniels met the squad at the Danger Room. The way there proved to be a little confusing. It was as if they had gone in circles. The room they entered was a replica of the Indy 500 speedway. Heather had arrived in racing gear.

“Welcome. I understand your squad already has a plan developed for capturing our car thief. Let me see if I have it straight. Mr Schuyler and Morningstar will do all the footwork … and Burst here will go all gloryhound and beat the living hell out of a car thief. Let me explain, very precisely what would happen. Let’s assume you don’t kill the man and end up with murder charges. At the very least you would face assault and battery charges for beating up on an innocent man.

“The police have yet to catch the man. At best they chased a suspect to the vicinity of a possible chop shop. they searched and found nothing. What makes you think you would do any better? And when you fail to find any evidence that lends cause to your actions?

“Now then, Micronaut didn’t have the police report that just came in. And I think you are going to find this very interesting. It is another vigilante we’ve been planning to send you after. People have taken to calling him Black Lightning. Black car with a golden lightning bolt. He was just spotted about 3 miles away. There was a hostage situation and a high speed chase ongoing. A man is a muscle car had a woman in a car with him and was flying down the interstate causing accidents. He had taken out 3 police cars. The last police car to get taken out was sent off toward a spot where a tow truck was recovering a car that was broken down. There was a family there.

“They should have died and would have in this Black Lightning hadn’t shown up. The police car was spinning out of control. Black Lightning slammed his car into the police car as he matched its spin and pulled it out of the spin and past the breakdown. Then he broke loose and went after the kidnapper. Watch.”

Heather played back the traffic cam footage as Black Lightning sped up along side the kidnapper. As he did the hero climbed on top of his car and jumped onto the kidnap vehicle. It looked as though he dodged a couple attempts by the gunman to shoot through the roof. Then Black Lightning Raised his fist and slammed it down through the roof, grabbed the gunman’s arm and pulled it up through the roof where it stayed. The kidnap car instantly started slowing to a stop as Black Lightning stood and ran forward to where his own car was pulling in front of the other car and waiting for him. The police found the kidnapper’s hand stuck in the roof - with the smoking gun still in hand. Yes, he tried to shoot at police. But what is most interesting was the call to get the kidnapper’s hand cut out of the roof. The metal appeared to have molded to trap the man’s hand.

“No, Black Lightning didn’t stick around to talk. He was wearing a helmet, gloves and a professional racing outfit. I have a much better idea of his height and weight - almost a perfect match for the auto shop owner. I believe this man is able to alter the vehicles he is stealing, wiping or altering serial numbers.

‘There is more - if I have your attention now. I used to build and race Formula One. every great racer soon becomes known for certain signature moves. I am going to bring up footage of both our car thief and Black Lightning. Both of them used the same side slipping move. In my expert opinion they are the same driver. You are NOT to repeat that. Am I understood. If he is a hero is masquerading as a villain we need to find out why.

“The Auto shop’s owner is named Guzman Cascia --”
she paused and smiled. Very softly she spoke. “St Dominic de Guzman, patron saint of the falsely accused. St Rita de Cascia, patron saint of impossible dreams. If I were you, I would be very careful in how you approach this man. He specializes on pimping rides. If you need a car to get converted into a stock car or similar, just ask. I still know people in the racing circuits that could use the car when we are done with it.”
While Valerie said nothing in response, it was clear in her face that she took exception to the man's ill temperament. She was more than glad to demonstrate her own abilities, but she cared little for his mannerisms. She followed their escort through the winding labyrinth to the Danger Room, taking a look around as she entered. She payed close attention to the information presented on the suspected target. "What is known about this auto shop owner in his casual time? Does he frequent any specific establishments in the area?"

"I believe I may have a more prudent idea, requiring a bit of subtlety. That said, I would like to avoid a vehicular pursuit - though, if one of my theories is correct, perhaps, Mister Burst here could follow him on foot." She turned her head and looked Jason over with arms shrewdly crossed. "If we could find the suspect away from his car, I might be able to hide in the backseat and ride to - hopefully - wherever one or more of these vehicles may be. I will need someone to follow me and confirm the location, if one's powers would permit." She gave another sideways glance toward Jason, before remembering Mister Shuyler's presence. It took her a moment to search for an idea of his involvement. "...And an ice slick may make for a suitable last resort, should things go unforeseeably awry."
Jason was quiet throughout the speech and video. He really wasn't that much of a jerk, usually, but he didn't take kindly to the idea of being used by anybody, which was obviously what this girl, Valerie planned. He breathed deeply, controlling his emotions,pushing away his irritation and smoothed out his composure, an old exercise he had learned very early in his life. Fighting the people he would be working with for a long time would achieve nothing, and Jason knew not to fight the battles he was sure to lose. He spoke up, keeping his voice neutral and emotionless: "My ability is purely for combat purpose, with no real capability of pursuing a high speed vehicle that your plan needs. I can catch up quite fast if you plant a transmission device on the target, but I see no way I can get there in time to be of any assistance in the case violence breaks out, which is my specialty. You'd be all on your own if the plan go south, and the mission would most likely fail. And for Mr. Shuyler over there, using his ability like that is a watse of resourses." He turned toward Heather Daniels. "My suggestion would be not executing your very simple and unrealistic plan. I would ask for the Major's advice, and then compose a more reliable course of actions, with more options to fall back to and to use all of our provided resources to maximise the success chance of this mission." He said all this in a professional monotone that usually drives his professors crazy, which almost certainly was going to work on Valerie.
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Hearing himself being referenced, he perked up indignantly. "Oh yes, I'll only help if everything else goes wrong." He crossed his arms. "Perhaps there's something more useful for me to do?" He paused for a second, thinking. And when he couldn't come up with anything veritable, he instead shrugged to show that he didn't and pass the pressure onto somebody else. But then his eyes widened and he pointed his finger at the sky in a manner that one would assume he just got an idea.

"Morningstar's plan might not be that bad at all. I'll admit that I can't think of any ways that my powers could come in handy here, but her powers will be invaluable. Me and Burst can approach this auto shop owner when he's doing something in the building. We'll chat him up, maybe ask about his business and whatnot. And while we're doing that, Morningstar can slip past and get into the car. She'll bring some kind of tracker with her so we know where they're going without her verbally saying it. And when he drives into an alley or some secluded place like that, and I," he said, just now remembering what he said earlier, "can make a wall to trap him in, sort of like an arena. And then Burst can jump in and beat the truth out of him. I admit it's not the safest plan, seeing as how he could choose not to talk, but it's still something. And if I might suggest to our team, we should take the car just because I kind of want to sit in a race car."
John nodded in affirmation of James' speech. For a young kid, John thought he did a good job of dolling out each member's task and assignments. He had honored John's request and given him Amber Volkova, Duncan's wife. While he wasn't thrilled of the notion of working with Duncan's better half, he wouldn't complain about having back up. He actually knew little about her personally, other than what Duncan had told him. Loving wife, caring, supportive, the usual wife things men say. Which, for John, provided him very little insight into her. He decided then and there that he would make an effort to get to know more about Ms. Volkova.

As the teams dispersed, John rose to his feet. He walked over to Ms. Volkova to introduce himself. To say she was tall would be an understatement. The woman was an amazon, dwarfing John by a good 4 inches he estimated. Extended his hand for a shake, John politely introduced himself. "Ms. Volkova? I'm Dr. John Federson, but you can call me John. Apparently, we're to be working together to find this Random Stranger. I have a couple of ideas already, but I'd prefer to talk some place more private. Would you care to migrate to a nearby meeting room?"
Heather listened, scarcely believing her ears. She struggled not to laugh, for she knew things they didn’t. But they would figure it out eventually. This squad thought they already had the answers. It was almost enough for her to consider putting the lot of them in school and let the kids handle this.


“First, as a matter of fact, I did a little research. Guzman Cascia has used his credit card on a regular basis at a private nightclub called Corona owned and operated by old world Sicilian mafia. High class place, suit and tie a requirement. Only way you are getting in is to either work there,” she looked at Valerie and smirked a little, “as the entertainment - and it is of the gentleman’s variety. Or you can get a membership. It IS expensive. If you have to ask, you can’t afford it. Or you can be a guest. For that you would need an invite. And no, you may not impersonate the police. You might very well find police there already.

“Mr Cascia has also applied for Customs Inspection and Compliance certificate. This would enable to inspect imported vehicles and modify them for use on US highways.

“One thing, if I find out you have been out there beating the crap out of innocent civilians, I will personally --”
Heather was interrupted.

“HEATHER!” the Major interrupted the veteran heroine before she finished her threat. Amaretta hardly ever raised her voice like that. “Retired …?”

Heather glared angrily at Amaretta, but slowly calmed down.
“Know your answers BEFORE you ask the questions. THAT is how you conduct an interrogation. Do that, and you won’t need to use your powers at all.”

Amaretta nodded.
“Not every mission is about using powers and blasting villains. This man hasn’t harmed anyone. You go and start blasting him, he may be just an ordinary and innocent man. You’d probably kill him. Anyways, you have to learn the ropes at some point. I just want you to understand there will be consequences for your actions.” 
Amber wasn’t especially keen about working with a man. Duncan was one of the few exceptions to her rule and that had taken years of earning a trust. Dr John Federson was perhaps the second man to have the honor of her being able to tolerate. It was his pacifist tendencies she liked, which might have seemed odd considering her skills in martial arts and constant classes in self defense.

The very idea of running around in dangerous neighborhood without Duncan around didn’t make her none too happy either. but she had said nothing. If she had her husband would have insisted on joining them. And the simple fact was, her husband would have slowed them down, and been risking a heart attack.

“Oh course,” Amber gestured. ‘Let’s take the next conference room.” When they got to the next room Amber spoke again. “You understand why we were teamed? I am more strategic. I’ll get us from area to area so you can conserve your ability to port. You are tactical. If any of us could catch up to Random Stranger it is you. James was just answering your request. He assigned what he had to work with as best he could. And I mostly agree with his choices.

“Now then, what were your thoughts?”
John listened to Amber. She seemed to be willing to him leading the charge on the Random Stranger. Although, he almost wished she had taken control. Sometimes, it was nice to just fall in line.

"Well, there's a couple of things that I know. For one, we're not going to be running from place to place trying to track down this person. Quite simply, if we can find where the person is, we can have a conversation with them. I'd say we start in the streets. Talk to the people she's helped and see if we can figure out what she did and why she did it. However, my gut tells me we're not going to get far asking questions. What it will allow us to do, though, is get on her radar. From there, we try to get her to have a conversation with us by showing we're non-threatening and want to help people, which we do. If that doesn't work, she's a lost cause then. If she doesn't want to have a conversation with us, we're not going to find her. Simple as that.

"What do you think, partner? Think it will work? I'd say 60/40 odds we never find her."
Valerie nodded solemnly to the two instructors speaking with a heat rising behind her blank facade. She didn't appreciate her assigned teammates making her look stupid, and it nagged at the back of her mind. She did her best, however, to bury it deep and put it out of mind. "I think we can refrain from entering any exclusive clubs or acting violently against suspects without proof. I'd actually expected to do some investigating rather than interrogating."

She stepped forward, hoping to solidify her place as a leader among these two as she turned toward Jason. "Now, I suggest we better familiarize ourselves with our capacities before deciding what will and will not work. I can give you a demonstration of my abilities, if you'll agree to simply indulge me in my inquiries. After all, it is for your betterment." Her posture straightened a bit, and her hands slid out of her pockets. It was a difficult feat for the small girl to project a sense of authority, and rarely did it ever work with anyone but children.
Amber nodded. “Good ideas. We’ve been hunting her for months now with little success. Heather believes that Random Stranger breached our security a few times. On one of those occasions a metahuman was dropped off at our front doorsteps. The metahuman had been beaten almost to his death - so bad he was in a coma for some time. On that occasion Random Stranger was female. She appeared inside the dome - without the doors having opened. All she did was point at the exit. As soon as we investigated she was gone. She knows we are here. She’s a recluse.

“You know, if she knows how to find us, she may know how to find some of our other targets. My guess is that she has her own Random Stranger cave - you know, computers, scanners, and such. Before you ask, Jinx has been watching for an electronic footprint. Nothing so far and as I’ve said, it has been months. Those 60/40 odds may be optimistic.

“Maybe we are looking at this wrong. Her area of coverage grew over about 5 years. Let’s concentrate on the first two years. That is where she got started. Jinx? Could we get the sightings plor for Random Stranger - first couple years.”
A map appeared with dozens of blue dots. Amber frowned. “That looks familiar. Jinx … overlay Shadowhawk’s activities around that time - black dots, of course.”

The two areas of coverage almost completely overlapped. Amber gave a broad smile. the epicenters of the two zones were a little over a mile apart.

“Year One, then year two.” Amber studied the zones. “Okayyyy …. She is always vanishing on us. She bypassed all our security. She’s a ghost right? Shadowhawk uses shadows to teleport. Matthew funded that little lad of his with money he stole from gangs. Maybe Random Stranger did something similar. Do you have statistics for gang and mafia violence by their issues? You know, as in why they were violent? I’m looking for reports of missing money.”

A few seconds later dots in red appeared.

“Change the drug related dots to grey. Shadowhawk mainly targeted those.” This time the clouds of dots began to sync up with the two zones of sightings of Shadowhawk and Random Stranger. Amber grinned. “Got her! Well, sort of. At least I have a suspicion about a common point about 5 years back.

“When Matthew arrived on Earth he was nearly killed by our sunlight. He’s a little like a vampire. Only his skin doesn’t just burn in sunlight. ANY very bright light hurts him. Now when he arrived he was taken in by a small mission known as St Michael’s. They raised him until he and they both realized he had outgrown his need for them. he came to us. I think Random Stranger may have also lived under St Michael’s sanctuary, She IS on a Good Samaritan mission. It’s just a theory, but it fits.

“Now back to the remaining red dots. Jinx, what sort of gangs were those other red dots?”
Amber asked.

Jinx’s voice came over the intercom.
“They weren’t gangs - they were organized crime. Sicilian mafia, Yakuza, Tong, Russian mafia. Amber, you may be on to something. If those really do represent Random Stranger those aren’t random at all. She has an agenda. She’s poking the hornet’s nest.”

Amber grinned.
“She’s helping Dark Knight. I’d bet anything on that.”
James waited until the other squads had headed out to their respective meeting rooms before he started in on his squad’s specific mission. He hadn’t assigned squad leadership for a reason. He’d wanted to see if natural pecking orders would generate natural leadership. Thus far he hadn’t seen any real promise. He knew Jennifer could lead if she had to. He had hoped Mr Schuyler might be an able leader, but there was something a bit off about the man. And he almost felt guilty having assigned Burst to that squad. Burst was going to be the problem child.

Like Dirk.

James cleared his mind and rolled his shoulders forward subconsciously for a moment before he caught himself. One problem at a time. Prioritize.
“Okay then. Jinx, could we get a map of Dark Knight’s stomping grounds and overlay local suspected mafia money trails. Let’s concentrate on where the money collects - laundering operations. Also, see if any of the people he has reportedly roughed up have any common grounds - any criminal investigations past or present. Filter out his targets of opportunity like B & E’s. We need to determine his strategy - assuming he is after something in particular.”

Jinx took a couple minutes and the holodisplays began to fill up with data. “James, there may be a crossover point with a nightclub named Corona. Some of the people he has roughed up either work there or have memberships. That club also came up as a place of interest in the Car thief investigation. Sicilian mafia establishment - private club of the Gentleman’s variety - very posh. The mafia branch is affiliated with money laundering and some questionable import practices - in particular smuggled military grade weaponry.

“Okay … I am getting stonewalled. Part of his digging has been around a criminal investigation that was taken over by Internal Affairs. I remember the case though. Detective Shawn Brady. He and his partner …. hmm … Detective Ryan Kelly. Interesting. They had been digging into money laundering by the mafia at the time. In an unrelated call the two came under fire and Detective Brady was shot and killed. It was in the news. Det. Kelly survived with injuries, got awards and all. IA got into it because Brady fell under suspicion of being corrupt. They found funds being trickled into his account by the mafia. His wife had been in a car accident and the medical bills had piled up.

“Get this. Detective Brady had a son, Kevin, and daughter, Sarah, respectively now age 23 and 18. Det Kelly took the daughter. Kevin Brady is currently a CSI intern. He has a history of excelling in sports - especially martial arts and kendo. I think we have a viable suspect for Dark Knight. He has motive and method. And as his work is part time, he has opportunity. And he wasn’t working during a single sighting of Dark Knight.”

“But … we can’t PROVE a bit of this,” James pointed out. “Let’s not spook him by approaching him in his civilian ID if we can help it. Instead. let’s see if we can figure out what money laundering scheme he will hit next.”
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Jason frowned at the small girl standing in front of him, glaring defiantly. He was about to say something equally annoying back, but nothing really came in mind, and somehow, he didn't feel like it. Looking at the girl, trying to look down at him with him a head taller than her, trying to look tough and confident, he found it, God bless him, quite...cute. He frowned deeper and willed the irritation he had held down before out, but nothing came. And without him even realising it, his face slowly stretched out, the corners of his mouth lifted up. Jason broke out into a chuckle, then a booming joyful laugh, unable to control himself. All the stress he had held for this last days came out with the it, evaporating and leaving him totally relax. He laughed until his stomach ached and tears came into his eyes. Finally it died down, and Jason struggled to gather his composure again, finding it extremely hard.

He managed to cut the laugh off, wiping the tears off his face but couldn't do anything about his wide eyes-touching smile, . He looked back at the now confused Valerie, out of breath: "Sorry. Phew. Sorry about that. I'm not usually this shifty. It's the probably stress." He became serious again, except for the laughter in the corner of his eyes. "So, do you want me to show you my ability first or do you want to show us first?" The hostility was gone from his manner, and he felt good for the first time in weeks. Ever since the recruitment came, he had been on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop. That and the idea of leaving his old place, plus the experiences from last night, it was almost enough to broke his self-control. Now Jason felt guilty. He said it again just to be safe: "Sorry. About my words before. And the manner. It's...uh...the stress." He repeated lamely, realising that after the bundle of conflicting emotions was gone, his nervousness when facing girls had returned. Also, now that he noticed it, the girl was quite pretty in a doll-ish way, her height adding to it and her arrogant posture more cute than annoying. He felt like a jerk and stood there awkwardly, shifting his weight from one leg to another, waiting for an answer.
“....And I never really quite answered your question, did I? Sorry, I get to thinking and I start rambling. And if Duncan ever says ‘51 days’ and starts laughing, smack him for me. Honestly I think we are already ON her radar. But I think she made contact with people like Dark Knight because of the smaller organizational structure. I think she is shy of attention. And that would make sense if she is targeting organized crime.

“Come to think of it, if she WAS affiliated with St Michael’s it she may have gone to them for sanctuary.”
Amber shook her head. “I think you are right. This probably won’t work. So here’s a radical idea. Why don’t we just do some sky writing that says: Random Stranger, Please contact us. Crude but it might just work.”
"It wouldn't surprise me that she is helping someone else such as the Dark Knight. Solitary life can be lonely when you have no one to share your powers with. The only concern I have with your idea is that writing something like that in the sky may scare her and also put her on the radar for other groups which we don't want. She's been relatively anonymous thus far. If we do something radical that could break that animosity, she'll resent us instead.

"Better to just go to places we know she is monitoring, ask a few a questions about her and tell everyone where we go that if they she, have her call a cell. We'll pickup a burner phone from a local store and leave that number wherever we go. If we spend a few days asking around and leaving the number telling them that we want to talk to her, she may actually call us and contact us. It would also have the benefit of allowing her to talk to anonymously at first and move up the interaction with us if she feels comfortable with it.

"I can't emphasize enough the likely need she has to feel comfortable in any situation. We want to be friendly when interacting in public and never come across as intimidating or threatening. If we fail, she'll probably go underground for good.

So shall we take to the streets? Or do you still want to try sky writing?"
Amber nodded again. “Sounds good, only let’s increase our chances a little. I am going to guess that she hacks or monitors somehow the police for reports of trouble in the homeless communities. So if we look for places and times with the highest reports - or follow the pattern if there is one - we stand a chance of being spotted by her. At worst, we might just be able to help some homeless people. Let’s get some phone number tabs so people don’t have to commit the number to memory. I’ll have Jinx scare up some locations for us to try first. this might just work…”


As it turned out there were three zones of heavy reports of disappearing homeless. It was just a matter of picking one and starting there. The disappearance times were, of course, at night. It was pretty simple to bring a little spare petty cash. It took less than an hour to get Random Stranger’s attention.

She appeared out of nowhere. One moment there was noone, the next instant when they turned to look about again she was standing there, pointing down the street. She stepped backwards THROUGH the wall of the building she stood in front of. Moments later a bag lady pushed her cart to the edge of an alley - in the wrong direction - and stopped, looking a little confused, then shrugged and continued.

It was a little spooky as Random Stranger was male the next time, then female again. Her pointing was guiding them down the street. Amber started to smile.
“I think I understand now. She’s possessing people and transforming them into Random Stranger. That accounts for the changes in sex. Fascinating power."

The 5th appearance Random Stranger pointed through a solid wall before passing through, stepping back and gesturing for them to follow. This has been a particularly long chase. Amber had begun to fear that Random Stranger had led them on a wild goose chase.

Random Stranger was a female again. She had selected a construction site, a future apartment building, one of those all concrete structures with a parking deck on bottom. She had led them into an enclosed office out of sight of the streets.

Her voice was synthesized making her sound a little like a female Bobba Fett. She appeared athletic in a deep purple costume with a grayish featureless mask similar to the DC character The Question or the Watchmen character Rorschach. There were no visible seams in her costume. She was holding a satlink phone in one hand, the sort used by various black ops or intelligence types.
“You were looking for me.” She looked from one hero to the other. “Why? Oh, if you want to call me, use this. People who think you can't track a burner phone are very wrong. It's just harder.”
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John was surprised by the relative quickness of the Random Stranger. He had expected her to be more elusive, more patient. In some ways, he was actually disappointed by quick contact. It seemed to somehow lessen the excitement of the whole thing.

"Thanks for taking the time to see us. I'm John and this is my partner Amber." John stuck out his hand towards the Random Stranger. "Of course, I'm guessing you likely already know that." He smiled after making the remark.

"Simply put, your activities have alerted the Institute to your presence. They, I, want to open dialogue between us. You're out here to help people, and we're out here to help people. We shouldn't be ignoring and hiding from each other. We should be working together to help New York City. Now, I know you're probably pretty skeptical. However, if you're as thorough as I think you are you know that I believe what I'm saying. If you don't want our help or don't want to work with us, then vanish right now. I won't fight you. Your research will show that. But I'm guessing we wouldn't be having this conversation right now if you felt that way."
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Random Stranger’s body language practically screamed discomfort. The slightest noise made her flinch a little. And she kept glancing about regardless as if expecting trouble she couldn’t hear. But she said nothing at first in response to John’s small speech. Instead she approached and handed over the satlink phone.

“Use this if you want to call me. It’s more secure. It’s security will be best if you use it in the Brooklyn area. Don’t bother trying to trace the number it calls. Waste of time. Malbolge encryption with a repeater system.” She folded her arms. Her posture didn’t so much look arrogant or superior, but rather almost shy. She was hunching her shoulders as if to make herself smaller.

Her posture did nothing to hide her figure. She looked like something out of a comic book.

“If you are looking into the disappearances, I am sure of one thing. These are unrelated to the other disappearances at the east end of Brooklyn. Those have stopped. Now it is fighters disappearing - boxers, kickboxers, cage fighters. I think it’s related. The disappearances here? They are similar to the homeless disappearances, but different. I ran several mathematical algorithms and came up with correlating patterns.. There is a geographical pattern - the disappearances fan from old tunnels under the city. The ages are all elderly. The East Side pattern is the opposite - younger targets, and in sampling packets - different age grouping each group - like someone is gathering test subjects that fit a profile.

"I think the people taking test subjects on the East Side ... is a group I know, but with at least one new member - very dangerous. I can't have anything to do with that. They work for someone else..."
Amber had to struggle just a little to keep from smiling. Random Stranger was smart and skilled. If she would only prove not to be so much the loner. Amber did her best to read the heroine. She certainly hid very little. The woman’s attention was mainly on Dr Federson. Now if only Dr Federson would speak a little less formally and in a language the woman would respond to.

Amber recognized the term Malbolge. Duncan used the word almost in reverence as the epitome of encryption methods. They only knew one man who could decrypt the stuff at a glance.

Amber forced herself to concentrate on Random Strangers descriptions of the disappearances. Then she spoke up.
“You’re right. The East Side case sounds like someone taking test volunteers who are never seen again. This area’s case sounds more like someone harvesting the homeless.”

Random Stranger nodded.
“Very possible. The Someone is named Demonicus. And he is being pursued by some guy in a rather outdated powered armor suit named Vanguard.”

Amber looked a little doubtful.
“Vanguard. Like the comic book character Vanguard?”

Random Stranger nodded.
“Exactly like the comic book character. And the Demonicus guy looked … well not exactly demonic, but very alien - like something out of a sewer. He swatted Vanguard clear across the street and took out his flight pack.”

“I’ll have to check with the others about these guys. Sounds almost like some villain came out of retirement. Same might be true of Vanguard. I never heard of the guy. So … mathematical algorithms? Sounds more up HIS alley.” Amber pointed at John.

Almost visibly Random Stranger seemed to try to shrink into herself.

“O-oh … Uhm … I .. I mostly do hacking. I just dabble with mathematics. Uhm .. “ Random Stranger’s voice trailed off. ‘S-so .. you t-teleport? That … that has to be different.”

Amber bit her lip. That was a dramatic change. Even the voice synthesizer didn’t quite conceal the woman’s nervousness.
It suddenly got quiet in the room. He let out a deep breath slowly like he was unwinding himself to fill up the silence and buy time for him to think of something to say. It didn't seem like anyone else was going to do it. And not only that, but it seemed even more awkward due to the fact someone used to be laughing quite loudly, and the contrast was dire.

"Um ... are we going to show our powers to one another now? Is that what's happening? Because if not, we could get started on this assignment." He shrugged. "You know, get a jump on the other teams. Hopefully beat them to solving the case and catching the criminal." He eyed the room around him before realizing no one's saying anything again. Perhaps a direct question would work? He turned to his superiors and added, "And by the way, when do I get a codename like Morningstar and Burst? Is there going to be a naming session going on? And what exactly is the point of a codename anyway? The worst possible scenario would be we're fighting some villain and someone calls my first name. What could they possibly do with that information?"
Valerie's facial features moved ever so slightly as she tried to hold back her anger with her eyes beginning to narrow, fists beginning to clench, and a bottom lip pressing upward. Her clear skin had begun to fade, giving way to some mild acne on her forehead. Her expression changed, however, to one of confusion - even to vague concern. "It's fine." she said when Jason had finally come down from his laughter. "I don't think there's a race to solve our case before the other squads. I'll begin with mine once everyone is ready to observe." With a few long strides outward from the other two, she turned to face them and activated the Ring which had been assigned to her the previous day, instantly swapping her casual clothes for the costume she'd decided upon.

It all seemed like one solid piece from just beneath her chin to the soles of her feet in an opaque black that didn't even shine, meant to reduce reflections and maximize absorbed light. The suit was fitted to her figure but remained loose enough as to not be restricting or leave too little to the imagination. On her back were - by her request - three pairs of thin, clear filaments folded downward. The soles, though flat by default, contained a mechanism which allowed for the extending and retracting of lifts under the heels and toes capable of varying her height to small degrees. With the press of a button on a small, wrist-mounted panel, the filaments on her back unfolded outward, and she channeled light through them, causing them to glow in the vague shape of wings.
Amaretta raised an eyebrow as Orville Schuyler opened his mouth and proved just how naive he was. It boggled her mind a little at just how innocent these people were.

“The reason, Mr Schuyler, for codenames and masks is very much the same as the callsigns and masks used by SWAT, Special Forces and similar personnel. You may have noticed some of the children at breakfast. Well, your teammates and the base personnel have friends and families. The codenames and masks are to protect them.

“Let’s take your name for example. Orville. Not exactly a common name in America. Combine that with your accent and I could identify you from someone calling your name - and you responding with a single sentence. Once I identify you, I stake out where you live or shop or find entertainment. Eventually I notice you have companions that aren’t quite in your age group. Perhaps those are also metahumans. So I stake them out and discover they have families or friends. At that point I have the potential to kidnap and use as leverage anyone you value.

“If you do not want to honor basic security, please decide this now and decline to remain among us. I do not want my 4 year old granddaughter at risk because one of you couldn’t respect security. And I will point out that if you can’t and use your powers in public you won’t last a year. It would only be a matter og time before you were taken and sold to the highest bidder for your genetic code. You are worth more dead than alive to many people - even in both of our governments.

“The villains we are trying to prepare you for are extremely dangerous and completely ruthless. And yes, we are in a race against time. That doesn’t mean we can afford to be sloppy and create messes.”
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Jason watched the girl curiously. The black suit was pretty neat, he had to give her that, and everything about it were practical even down to the color, except that part that made her looked taller which he totally did not see. He heard what the Major said in one ear, but most of his mind was on Valerie, fascinated. Her power is totally unsuitalbe for combat, but it was a magnificent one nonetheless. Light seemed to flow around her, changing her image and circle her in a tornado of shimmering air. He was totallycaptivated, and couldn't look away.
Awkward would not describe the situation in the slightest. The Random Stranger was much more shy than he had initially thought. He could tell she was nervous and uncomfortable in the situation.

"If we're going to try and build an algorithm, I'm going to need Jinx's help," he said to Amber. "It will likely take me a day or so to get a working prototype algorithm for the disappearances. You could come back to the base with us," looking friendly at the Random Stranger. "You're the only one who is going to know what we're really looking for. Otherwise, it may take much longer to get our head in the game which means there will be more disappearances we cannot stop."

When the Random Stranger asked about his abilities, John smiled. She seemed to be trying to make conversation, which was a good sign she was at least trusting of Amber and him. "It's very different," he nodded in agreement. "I'll give you a demonstration of my powers...if you'd be willing to give me a demonstration of yours. I must admit I'm extremely intrigued by your powers. In all my work, I've never seen something like it. So what will it be, a show for a show?"
Random Stranger was barely listening by the time John was done. The mention of going to the base put her defenses back on edge. She was already shaking her head. “N-no. I’m sorry. I can’t. Your place just isn’t secure. And it’s in the open. There are people searching for me with echelon programs. Have been for years. Besides I don’t have my data with me. Besides, it isn’t algorithms you need now. It is raw intelligence.

“I-I guess I could tell you that the guy who’s really responsible is a terrorist that calls himself Professor Muerte. He’s a Dr Doom sort. Used to be a drug enforcer in South America. He has his own team of metahumans. I think he has added a few new ones lately. But he’s the tip of the iceberg. If they were it, I wouldn’t be so worried. But they aren’t even close to the whole iceberg.

“Muerte is really big into cybernetics, military technology that will enhance his armor, and communications technology. He’s also taken in interest in genetics.”

Amber nodded.
“I’ve heard of him. We’ve suspected him of being part of the military weapons smuggling ring, sort of hired muscle.”

Random Stranger shrugged.
“I doubt he’s hired muscle. More like he is raking in the money and taking a cut.”

Amber nodded.
“More the mastermind sort. So … ,” she glanced over at Dr. Federson , “about that show. If the idea of coming to our base makes you uncomfortable, maybe you have a better idea?”

Random Stranger folded her arms defensively again. The woman had so many tells. Then she seemed to freeze. She looked at John.
“Your work? I thought you just taught Physics. Well, I can’t see everywhere - only what the pulse of the city sees - and only when it isn’t looking. I can’t really demonstrate. It doesn’t work that way. I possess people - but only those whose minds are blank. In the event of something like 9/11 I would sense a huge blank area because everyone would be trying to see what was going on. They would be actively thinking. But someone who is going through a routine they do literally in their sleep I can possess and transform into Random Stranger.

“I just don’t like doing that for long because if there is real trouble it is their body that suffers. I am very careful with them - and always try to return them to where they were if possible. I don’t read minds. I sense what they sense. That’s how I can watch so much of what transpires in the city. The rest I guess you know. I am basically a ghost, but with the ability to become tangible.”

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