Only in My Dreams [Inactive]

Lillian Gray

King in the North
Lillian Gray submitted a new role play:

Only in My Dreams - Connected by a dream, night after night we meet.

This is 2014, I told myself, there's no way this is possible.

Night after night, I found myself waking up in the same dream, with the same face staring back at me.


The field of flowers may change to a quiet beach, or a desert filled with ancient sand.

But one thing never changed.


I want to talk to you.

Who are you?

Where are we?

Why is it I always see your face when I'm dreaming?

The days pass, I live a normal life.

But now, I just want to see your face again.

I know you...

Read more about this role play...
This sounds really interesting~~ I'd love to try for the female in this rp. The only thing is that I haven't yet tried rping on this site so I'll be a bit rusty at first until I get the hang of things...
Don't sweat it! It's not too hard to pick up. If you decide you don't like the story after a while, let me know though.

Under the rules and regulations tab, I've posted a character outline. Fill it out and post it here. I'll do the same just after you, and then we can start! If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.
Alright well then here come the questions... >^<

So for appearance can I post a pic? I'm coming from RPR and the set up is slightly different there so I'm a bit confused with how things work here.
That's exactly what I do. Obviously if there's something in the pic that you want to change (colors and whatnot) just write it out.
Alrighty~ Do you mind maybe posting yours first so I can get an idea of how to organize mine? Like I said, I'd like to be the female~
Oh yeah, sure I didn't even think about that.

Give me some time, and I'll get it up as quickly as I can. I might adjust it later, tweak some things, but I'll get it up so you have an example.
Name: Anthony Ross

Age: 20

Gender: Male


Height: 6'0"

Student and part time mechanic

Anthony is a straightforward kind of guy. He thinks logically, but is also quick with his tongue with a sarcastic reply. It makes him appear as if he's irritated or angry most of the time. His concentrated looking face does not help this idea. Secretly he's a sweetheart, with a soft side for cats. It's hard to make him feel shy or embarrassed unless you try to point out his sweet side.

Anthony has a good family life. He learned how to work with cars from his dad at a young age. His mom raised him to be respectful when he needs to be, but had his dad remind him there are times to punch a guy in the jaw. He's not afraid to do either. Anthony was hit hard when his mom died in a car accident just a year ago. His father slipped into a depression, and he's done his best to keep the family together.


  • Has two sisters, Bailey 18, and Rebecca 10
  • Enjoys playing tennis

((will probably edit some))
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Name: Krystal Johnston

Age: 19

Gender: Female


(height 5'4)

Occupation: Student - works at a cafe part time

Personality: Krystal is infamous for being known as an ice princess. She isn't rude, but she does seem unapproachable due to her lacking an open and overly friendly personality. Being an introvert, she finds it difficult to trust others and is constantly questioning her friend's sincerity. At first, she can be shy and closed up but over time she will begin to let her true colors show. Once you get to know her, she is incredibly dedicated, kindhearted, and compassionate.

Bio/History: Krystal is an only child - therefore she has been conditioned to think of herself before others and is used to getting what she wants. Her parents divorced when she was eleven and after her father received custody Krystal went to live with him. Not long after, her father re-married she gained a stepsister, whom she never gets along with. Due to the fact that she resented her new living arrangements, Krystal began to speak to her father less and less and eventually their close relationship deteriorated. She has longed to get away and has even thought of leaving home to find her mother (who never kept in touch with her after the divorce). The only problem is that she has a limited income and relies too much on her father's support to go anywhere. The majority of her friendships and relationships have been few and far between. After being dropped and cheated on by her first love, Krystal stopped giving much thought to romance. She was satisfied being single and free to do as she pleased. She is not at all eager to make any commitments if it means that she will end up in the same situation as her parents.

Other: Enjoys coffee and dislikes anything having to do with horror.
((I like her! I can do the starter post if you like, I won't be able to stay up for much longer because of my early classes, but I'll at least get the roleplay started))
I'm glad~ And that's totally fine, I understand. I have morning classes as well~ ^^ I'll be sure to reply before I get offline tonight.
The lights in the shop buzzed above Anthony's head, keeping out the dark of the outside. It was nearing midnight at this point, but there was always work to be done. It didn't matter how late the man had to stay up, the customer was never satisfied unless everything was done right, no matter which employee had to stay late to get it done.

At least it's Friday. Anthony thought. He sighed and stepped back from the car in front of him. There wasn't anything else he could do at this point, so he threw his wrench to the ground and cursed. He had no idea how to fix the car.

He had to walk home in the dark, only able to see the sidewalk by the light of the street lamps. His fists were deep in the pockets of his hoodie to keep him from lashing out at a wall.

After finally being able to get to his bedroom, Anthony collapsed onto his bed without undressing. Soon, sleep enveloped him and he found himself deep inside a dream. He was surrounded by a field of daisies, and he had to chuckle. The dream was awfully soft and calm for one of his usual dreams. Beside him was his bed, as if it had traveled with him to the dream. He shrugged and took a few steps forward, his hands brushed the tips of the flowers.
Krystal arrived home from work two hours later than usual. The house was dark as it was just after midnight. After locking the front door she stepped inside the hallway of her father's newly renovated townhouse and quietly made her way to her room, on the second floor. Once inside the confines of her sanctuary she dropped her school bag on the floor and found her way to the twin bed stationed on the far left. Normally she would have complained about the small size, but because she was quit small herself the bed suited her just fine. Without bothering to change out of her day clothes, she slipped under the covers and nestled into the soft mattress. She was exhausted after spending the first half of the day in and out of classes and the remainder at her part time job. The moment her head hit the pillow, her eyelids began to close. Next thing she knew, Krystal had drifted into a sedated slumber.

When she woke, it was to the feeling of a warm breeze tickling her bare feet. Upon opening her eyes, Krystal instantly sat up. Taking in her surroundings, a confused expression crossed her face. She was positive that a moment ago she'd been in her room and yet now she realized that, somehow, she was surrounded by a field of white petaled flowers. Krystal took a deep breath and slowly eased her way out of her bed. Placing both feet on the ground, she stood up and stepped forward. She didn't quit understand why, but the entire scene felt familiar to her - almost as if she had been to this strangely serene place before. Relishing the feel of soft grass beneath her feet, Krystal smiled and stretched her hands out beside her. As she kept striding forward, she allowed her fingertips to brush the tops of the white blossoms.
Anthony had been walking, somewhat in a large circle, and he was surprised at how real the flowers beneath his fingertips felt. Normally, if he was dreaming, everything was hazy and he couldn't control his own two feet. Currently he had amazing control and everything was perfectly clear. "This is weird." He said aloud, also surprised that his own voice echoed through the field.

He had no strong desire to stay here, but he kept on walking. The dream was boring him, nothing was happening. Besides the wind and the flowers, there was really nothing.

In the distance was a shadow of a figure. He quickly took his own words back, so there was something out there. Anthony stopped his hovering hands and cupped them over his eyes, as if it would help him block out the dream's sunlight. He still wasn't able to see what was in the distance, so he began to jog. Flowers were crushed beneath his feet, they whipped at his waist and tried to call him back to their petals, but he wanted to see what was there.

"Hey!" He shouted. "Is someone there?"
Is this place even real? Krystal wondered. Or is it some sort of dreamworld? Questions upon questions flooded her mind, and she was entirely disappointed that she was lacking the ability to answer them. Turning back momentarily, Krystal glanced at the shape of her twin bed, sitting in the midst of an array of white flowers. It was oddly in the same place it had been when she'd woken up. It hadn't moved, nor had it simply disappeared. Perhaps there was a reason why. Maybe if she went back and tried to go back to sleep, eventually she could return and wake up in her own room. Perhaps the bed represented her sole connection to home, to reality.

As absorbed as she was in her own thoughts, Krystal failed to hear someone calling out to her. She continued to stroll through the field, all the while wondering how it were possible that she could be in such an eerie place and yet have no previous memory of ever being there. The underside of her feet sunk further into the grassy plain as she walked - not at all bothered by the fact that she had no idea where she was going or where the path might lead her. Despite knowing that it was safer to stay put, she was curious and wished to keep moving. Fixing her attention in a northern direction, she suddenly realized that a distant figure appeared to be inching closer and closer. The unexpected scene broke her train of thought and she came to an abrupt halt.

Krystal listened intently for the sound of the voice. When she could just barely make out the words being shouted out to her, she replied cautiously. "Yes!" She croaked out painfully. Her throat was a tad bit sore and her words felt constricted. Clearing her throat, she tried to speak, again. This time she was louder. "I-I'm over here!"
Anthony got closer, until just feet in front of him was a girl. Her features were blurry, as if the dream didn't really want him to see her, but one more step and she was crystal clear. Like turning on the light, she appeared before him like a newly lit flame. He stopped, and the wind ran past him.

As if the dream were reacting to his thoughts, the sky started to set, until the sun was only above the horizon by an inch at most. A sunset, he thought, what? It didn't bother him, this was a dream after all. Anything could happen.

"I don't know why I ran over here, I just saw you, and." He stopped himself, and then looked around in all directions. No matter which way he looked, daisies covered the ground and their petals littered the sky as they fell from some place above them, but even the sky was empty. It didn't have to make sense, he reminded himself, it was a dream. "I don't know. This is all a dream, so I'm just sorta rolling with it."
"So this is a dream?" Krystal asked, aloud. She was surprisingly not distracted from the issue at hand in spite of the fact that someone with Anthony's good looks would normally have made her swoon. Grasping the idea with a firm hold, Krystal sighed and shook her head in disbelief. "Well, that sure explains a lot. Do you have any idea why we're both here?"

As far as she knew, it wasn't common for two people to share the same dream. Looking up towards the sky, Krystal took notice of the fact that the light was quickly fading. It would soon be dark and difficult for them to see. She wasn't keen on being stuck in the middle of open field for the remainder of their time here.
"It's just a dream, you aren't real." Anthony crossed his arms and scoffed. "Well, maybe you'll turn into a huge flower, and I'll wake up. Who knows. Maybe it'll rain."

As he mentioned rain, storm clouds rolled through the sky, and loud cracks of thunder filled the air. He stared at the sky in wonder. Unbelievable, it's going to rain? Seriously? He thought. Oh well, he ran a hand through his hair and glanced down at the girl in front of him. He wouldn't deny that she was attractive, but all the hair covered her face.

"Maybe we'll both turn into giant flowers." He mumbled, unsure of what to do. The dream felt so real, so he didn't dare say anything else. He'd mentioned rain, and there was rain. Anthony didn't like the idea of turning into a giant daisy. What if he got stuck? That wasn't a plan he liked.
She was not real? Well that was sure a blunt statement to make - one she was just itching to debate. What made this guy believe that he was the expert on dreams and the realm of unconsciousness? Unfortunately, the loud booming thunder signaled the oncoming rain and Krystal lost her chance to argue with the man over her dissenting opinion.

"Look, even if this is a dream, I'd say this rainstorm is as real as real can get. We can't just stay here and get caught up in it." Or rather, they could, but Krystal wasn't fond of being drenched. As it was, she was completely barefoot.

Biting her lip, Krystal glanced over at Anthony. Her mask of confidence was beginning to slip and all she could do to retain some of her dignity was look at the man with pleading eyes. She wanted out; out of the cold, out of the dark, and out of the rain. If he really did know more about this dream world than she did - which was starting to seem likely - then he could be the hero and figure some way out of this mess.
A few drops fell from the sky, and they felt wet. Anthony cocked his head, his hands outstretched before him. Then, he glanced from the sky, to the drop on his hand, and the sky again, and back down. Rain.

Why is it wet? I fell asleep. I'm dreaming. So why can I feel that the water is wet?

"Well, I said that there would be rain, so maybe if we say there's shelter it'll just magically appear." Anthony waved his hands in the air as if they could sparkle. Magic wasn't real. Then again, he was in his own dreamworld, maybe it would happen. "Go on, you don't want to get wet. Where do you want to stay?"

He looked down to the ground. Besides the roots of the daisies and their healthy green stems, the girl wasn't wearing any shoes. It must've hurt walking around on the ground, maybe she'd run into a stick and was upset. Anthony reasoned with himself as to all the possibilities, for no real reason. He could offer his up, but did she really want them? Probably not, he had to guess.

"Or we could always imagine a sunny day or something." He shrugged. "I don't really know how it works."
Anthony's question fell on deaf ears. Krystal gazed out across the field, watching as the rain cascaded down upon the blanket of white blossoms. It was beautiful and yet eerie at the same time. She could feel the rain quite clearly but the way it appeared to be falling right out of an empty sky was mysterious. She was starting to wish that Anthony had hoped for something more practical, instead.

Nodding, absent-minded, Krystal took a few steps closer to her companion. "Alright, in that case how about some place warm - with a fire place?" As she spoke, Krystal began to imagine the cabin her father used to own, with her mother, when she was younger. They would go there to escape from the daily grind - or that's what her father used to tell her when she asked why they had to stay there for two weeks every winter. It was a cozy little place with two bedrooms and one bath. She had dreamed of it often after her parent's had divorced. However, since then, she had forgotten about it completely.

"Anything you want to add to that before this storm gets worse?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.
"A pizza?" Anthony suggested, he had no idea if it would work. After all, as he continued to tell himself, it was just a dream. "A couch, a million dollars? Anything really, at this point, he wanted to see what the world could do. It felt real, but it wasn't. It looked alive, but it couldn't be.

He stepped back a moment when a large cabin started to construct itself from the ground up in front of them. Wooden beams shot out of the earth and added themselves to the outer walls, glass windows popped in out of thin air, and when the structure was finally standing, a roof fell from the sky and landed with a thud on top of it all. The door flew open, and Anthony could smell a pizza inside.

"No way." He shook his head, he wasn't even being serious before when he'd wished for food. It was a dream. It was just a dream. "You wanted to be dry, I guess we're going to be dry. After you." His hand hovered around her back, his other hand gestured towards the open door. Rain continued to fall, the wave coming ever closer each second.
"You have got to be kidding...did that just happen..." Krystal watched in amazement as the cabin she'd formed an image of perfectly materialized right before them. She was slightly pressured to remain outside, despite her eagerness to get out of the cold, due to the fact that she wasn't quit trusting of this dream world yet. However, when she inched closer to the cabin, the warmth inside extended passed the front door and flooded through her entire body. Until now, she hadn't even noticed that she'd been shivering.

With Anthony waiting on her, Krystal took the initiative and reached back to grab his hand. The storm clouds were not so very far away anymore and the sky was darkening at an alarming pace. Stepping forward, she tugged him passed the entrance and inside the cabin, with her. Without giving it much thought, she quickly wished for the door to close behind them. The sound of a loud thud followed their entrance into the building and when she glanced over her shoulder to see what had happened, Krystal noticed that the door had indeed shut securely - all on its own.

Blinking, she released Anthony's hand and silently gravitated towards the couch - which was conveniently close by. Or perhaps since she had been to this cabin before, she had unconsciously memorized the floor plan and recreated an exact replica of the interior. Regardless, Krystal was just grateful to be indoors. The sound of rolling thunder had quieted some, now that they were no longer standing out in the open.

"So, was the pizza really necessary?" She finally asked, as she dropped unceremoniously onto the couch.
Anthony paced around the room for a minute before he responded. The rain couldn't be heard from inside the cabin she'd somehow thought up. It was incredible she could think something like this up at all, this was a weird dream.

"No, I just wanted to see if it would work." He turned around, sitting on a small end table next to the couch was a box of pizza. He wasn't hungry enough to try it. For all he knew, he'd be munching on his pillow when he opened his eyes.

Anthony traced his hands along whatever he could touch, and it felt exactly as it should. The wood was real, the fabric on the couch was, too. For a moment he wondered if this was a huge elaborate prank. The wood appearing from thin air was too much though, this was real, yet none of it was.

"How did you think this place up? Is it your cabin or something?" He had to ask.

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