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Fandom (Only five people) Attack on Titan

Aero Wind

Aero Wind


Squad (You are in the Survey Corps, just chose who's squad you're on):


Looks (post a picture if you want, they should be anime characters):




Name: Lainey Asche

Age: 19

Squad: Levi

Personality: She could be funny, optimistic and friendly if she didn't lose her parents. When she's not happy, she is depressed, brave, and she has a bloodlust for Titans.



Short, raven black hair; silver/grey eyes; goggles that she always wears, sometimes on her head, sometimes on her eyes; a black scarf that she doesn't always wear, only when she feels "extra-depressed".


Parents were killed by the Titans around the time that Eren's were, since then, she has been somewhat like Mikasa. When she is incredibly happy she is almost a different person, but when she is killing Titans, she is ruthless, strong, and almost unbeatable. Sadly, she has a weakness. Whenever she sees a human being eaten, she freezes completely for almost a full five seconds, before going into a blind rage and killing ever Titan in sight. That five seconds could, one day, cost her her life.

Race: Lainey is half German, half English. She looks and speaks English, but her surname (Asche) means 'Ashes' in German.

This roleplay is about Lainey and her four friends, who she would die for if necessary. Although she acts indifferent, she has seen a friend die once, and instead of killing that Titan, she sliced off every limb, it's tongue and it's eyes before killing it. I request that only four more people join this roleplay.

Enjoy :)
//ok, I want to reserve a spot, cause I am in the subway right now, and don't really want to miss out on this
Name:Sumi Nasu



Squad (You are in the Survey Corps, just chose who's squad you're on):Levi


Looks (post a picture if you want, they should be anime characters):short brown hair

Past/Bio:Her parents were killed the titans. She was on her own and she joined the survey corps to get revenge.

Race:she is british
May I also reserve a spot? I will post my bio in a moment just need to get my things together.~

Name: Sarah Jaeger

Age: 16

Squad (You are in the Survey Corps, just chose who's squad you're on): Levi

Personality: Soft and caring but when she sees a titan she develops a fierce attitude and gets a fire in her eyes.

Looks: She has fiery red hair, a well formed body with a soft looking face and neon green eyes.

Titan Form Look: Long red hair with bright green eyes, skinless.

Past/Bio: Born from the relationship of Eren Jaeger and Mikasa Ackerman, she developed Eren's ability to go titan and her mother's ability to kill titans so eligantly.

Race: English

Titan Shifter

I can't post a picture of her as my phone will not allow me.~
Name: Ryan Miller

Age: 18

Squad (You are in the Survey Corps, just chose who's squad you're on): Levi

Personality: Distant from others unless they are in danger. The moment he sees anyone I danger he will rush in willing to throw away his life for them.

Looks (post a picture if you want, they should be anime characters): Ryan has short black hair, grey eyes, an average height and build, with a scarred face.

Past/Bio: Residing in the city of Trost Ryan had no home or family. When Trost was lost to the Titans Ryan was able to survive to see Eren block the wall off. After standing witness he tried to escape the city, after being surrounded by Titans he was saved by Annie Leonhart, since then her strength as been his motivationto become a strong soldier.

Race: Hispanic

(This is only if one of the reserved positions is given up)
Name: Karl Marcus

Age: 18

Squad (You are in the Survey Corps, just chose who's squad you're on): Levi

Personality: Usually friendly and never refusing a drink, Karl wants to get along with every member of the team, and will protect his friends with his life if he has to.

Looks (post a picture if you want, they should be anime characters): Karl has medium brown hair, hazel eyes, clean face and average to skinny build.

Past/Bio: Residing from a small village inside wall Maria, Karl chose the army because he always wanted to serve humanity. After the training, he wanted to join the Stationary Guard, but all his friends went to the scouting legion, so he went there to. Now, all his friends are either dead or lost, a thing that makes him feel empty, giving him a reason to drink.

Race: Caucasian.
Okay, so there are five people now! There can be relationships/love interests in the roleplay, as well, just to let you know. Those roleplaying are: Myself, AnnoDomini, Ja50n, and Sarah Jaeger.

(The first few posts will be a bit long for a simple roleplay, just to get into the swing of things.)

It was a rainy day, one of my favorite kind of days. I had the same dream that I always have, the dream where I am forced to watch my parents devoured by titans. I recall waking up and grumbling as I searched for my 3DMG, almost forgetting that it was a stupid idea to kill titans without help, until I heard people outside, one of them fell and the other laughed like hippos or something. I wanted to yell at them to be quiet, but decided against it, retreated to my bed sowly.
Karl was in his bed, as always. The sound of rain calmed him, but he was too drunk to even hear a raindrop. These times were the only times he would have a good night's rest, without every friends deaths showing up like a slideshow by the grim reaper. The sound of people laughing woke him up, his eyes trying to acomodate with the light. He rose up and put his head out the window, yelling. "Some of us are trying to sleep here!" He said in his drunk state of mind, his expression being of someone who just went through hell and back.
Ryan walked past the group of people laughing and falling over. Thinking to himself as the rain lightly pelted his skin, "Squad Levi is good but am I good enough..." He accidentally said out loud, quickly looking around he ducked his head and ran into the barracks hoping to be alone for a while.
Karl grunted and started to dress himself. He took his blue shirt and his pants and made his way to the barracks. He was hungry and thirsty. He saw a guy in there, raising his hand " 'Scuze me, food ?" Was the only thing he could mutter before he put his hand on his messy hair, because his head was ready to burst open from the collective hangovers.
Upon hearing the voice Ryan turned to see another survey corp member waves and saying something about food, "Umm I think that's in the mess hall... Down the hallway." After speaking to the ally Ryan walked back outside and leaned against the door, there went my time alone.
As soon as he got to the mess hall, Karl just picked some random things to eat. Something here, something there, food's still food. With each bite, his headache diminished more and more, until he could think straight again. He rose up, burped a little, after going out to the yard to start training. He saw the guy from earlier, and smile. "Hey, thanks. The name's Karl, by the way." He said, extending his hand.
Turning at the sound of the door Ryan recognized the man as the same guy as before. The man offered his hand and his name, "Karl huh... I am Ryan." He takes hold of Karl's hand and gives a firm handshake, "Which squad are you on?" He asked pointing to the Survey Squad's emblem on Karl's chest.
Karl shines a friendly smile. "Levi squad. How about you ?" He says, fixing his morning hair. He looked around the yard sighing, thinking about what to train with. He decided it was the bow's turn.
"I'm in Levi squad as well..." Ryan said noticing Karl has his thoughts elsewhere at the moment. "I'll see you when the squad moves out or something, farewell." He said walking away and heading towards the Armory to get his 3DMG.

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