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Fantasy Only Black Horses - Save The Light

xD Yori and Sherlock are a pretty good ship too. But again, I don't think they're old enough to understand it (How old are they?)
xD I was kinda hoping to ship Rudy and Seyena.

She was the only viable choice >.> you kids were too young...


TerraBooma said:
xD Yori and Sherlock are a pretty good ship too. But again, I don't think they're old enough to understand it (How old are they?)
Back in middle school... so many friggin years ago :( ... I remember romantic mashups. It was almost comic. And cutely innocent. Love meant a peck on the cheek and holding hands. Talking and being best friends. It is a Shame that philosphy changed as people aged.
xD Sherlock's 11 and Yori is 15. I thought Sherlock was waaaay older.

Jay's a bit too pretentious as of right now. Hopefully he developes into less of an ass
I'm not sure, and it makes me kind of sad, although the current orphan roster of Jay, Yori, Sherlock, Aria, and Spencer isn't a bad one.

How many star people we got? Cassie and the other guy?
Yah! I'm ejoying it! Spencer's a really fun cahracter, and his relationship with Aria is an itneresting one

So whatcha guys think of Spencer? I'm playing him right? He's not kind of powergamey ro anything right
Aria, Spencer, Jay, Sherlock and Yori

Right, so.

For all those that have died/gone inactive.

Are we supposed to retcon them for the plot?


Goodbye Violet.

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