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Fantasy one x one with cjwrites and cruze

Ada tapped the watch again and the shield expanded to its full size. She held it up against her chest "No. I have to go. Chelles is my daughter and I have to do this"

Athena looked proudly at her protege. "Aegis will protect her, I can guarantee that." She says.

"I don't know how to fight with traditional weapons," Ada said. "I do stuff from a distance, and only long enough to getaway. We'll need to do research. Follow me,"

Ada walked out of the room and into a small empty room with a single desk inside.

Atelier floated out of her pocket and beeped happily as it lay down on the table and projected multiple holographic screens with various myths, legends, and information about Ares. She picked up a holographic notepad and pen and tossed it at D. She remembered how much he struggled with his phone.

"Write down everything you know about Ares," Ada instructed. "Let's figure out his weakness and then come up with a strategy."
Dreki watched Adeline carefully, crossing one arm over his chest, tucking his hand into his elbow, and his other arm up so his hand could settle on his chin. Athena might have be confident in her being safe, but Dreki wasn’t so sure. He took a thoughtful breath in, her mention of traditional weapons causing him to raise his eyebrows and huffed then breath out out his nose.

Research? What was research going to do? He knew what to do. Kill Ares. That’s all they needed to know. Easy as one, two, three. Adeline just stay back, get the girls, and he’d take care of the rest. What possible research could they do that would prove useful?

With no real chance to protest though, Dreki took a quickly step to keep up with Adeline as she walked out of the room. He glanced back at Athena, his eyes almost pleading for help before he vanished behind the door, hounds obediently at his heels. When he caught Adeline, she was just stepping into the room and a little object was beeping and floating around the room. Within seconds images popped up and stories from his past came to life before his eyes.

In a moment of uncertainty, he went into a defensive stance. The time it took for his necklace to drop from his neck and form into a bow with an arrow knocked and ready to shoot was mere seconds. He aimed at the images, the arrow not in Adelines path. The hounds at his sides bared their teeth and their weight shifted back, ready to lunge at his command.

“What the fuck.”

Dreki didn’t keep up with technology, he hadn’t see anything like it before and he took a few moments to calm. The tension on the line lessened and he slowly lowered the bow. Dreki glanced at Adeline, eyes uncertain as the bow shifted back to his axe. He planned to keep that out at least. His heart rate had calmed down just as she tossed the pad and pen at him, causing it to spike for a second more as he reacted to catch it. The axe falling to the ground with a loud clatter.

He licked his lips and set the pad down, eyes narrowed at Ada as he picked the axe up and set it on the desk. He adjusted the pen in his hand and scribbled a few letters on the paper. He growled a bit and rolled his eyes.

“The strategy is simple, kill him. Ares is weak, scared, and desperate. It won’t be that hard.”

He glanced back at the holograms and muttered, annoyed. “What is all this anyways?”
As, Atelier sprung into defensive mode,

Ada glared daggers at D as she walked over and tapped her device. It calmed down and sat itself back onto the table.

"You're being reckless," She accused "Ares is sure he'll win too, and either he's wrong and you are."

Being here, in the place she practically grew up, in the halls of knowledge she held so dear. It gave Ada the confidence to stand up to him.

She crossed her arms "What else are you going to do until sundown? It doesn't hurt to have a strategy"
Dreki huffed out an annoyed breath of air at her very true accusation. She was right, but he was always reckless never had he thought things through. He was a man of action, not of thought and common sense. He mumbled something under his breath and watched carefully at what was in front of him.

“He think, he’s not sure.” He watched her carefully as she glared at him and he didn’t let his gaze falter from her.

He watched her as she crossed her arms over her chest, a new confidence in her that hadn’t been there before. Dreki face was even, unfaltering in a pissed off expression. He thought this was a waste of time. He’d much rather be eating, sleeping, or just throwing his axe at a tree. Those were fun options. Understanding she was going with him no matter what, he took a deep breath. He punched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. An exasperated sigh left his lips and he looked up at Adeline.

“What exactly did you have in mind?”

All he really wanted was to make sure his sister was safe. He had promised to keep an eye on her and help her as she adjusted to the life she was choosing. He may have known little about what she was doing, but he was doing his best to have her back in everything she chose to do. Now she was kidnapped and he couldn’t do much to help prevent it. Getting her out was all he cared much about at the moment.
Ada rolled her eyes. "You lot are all the same," she muttered under her breath but looked satisfied when he relented. Truthfully, she was scared he would do something reckless and stupid that would put all of them in danger.

"Well, we gather information, everything we can about Ares. They say knowledge is power, so I'll scour the web for information about him, myths, legends, what kind of weapons he uses and what kind of deity he is. Then we step back and plan an extraction, it's hard to fight someone and protect them at the same time. We can't go to the site ahead of time because not even Ares is thick enough to use that as anything but a meeting spot. Not to mention, we know this is a trap and this is Ares's home turf. I don't think Ares is the type to give up, and I can't finish him off alone, so once Chelles and Leia are in a safe place, we concoct our own trap for him. We can lure him to Silicon Valley, where I'm the strongest and unlike Athena, Ares doesn't hold domain over corporate warfare, and we'll finish him off there." She said matter of factly. "Let's start with the extraction. How about you distract him while I teleport away with the girls? I can protect the three of us with Aegis if I have to but as long as you keep him busy. We'll rendezvous back here."

"Unless you have a better idea?" She crossed her arms and waited. It was obvious she thought he was too stupid to think of something else.

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