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one x one [original & fandom]


New Member
Hello! My name's Aleks, and I've been role playing for years now, although I've only joined this site today.

I've just started exam leave and would love some role play partners that I can really get stuck in with to give me a break from revision!

I'm open to anything if we can create a decent plot up together. I've been itching for a good apocalypse, zombie, or dark horror theme though. (I've recently gotten into nbc's Hannibal and the dynamic between the two main characters has really inspired me haha)

If you have any of your own plots you want to try out, I'd probably be up for it!

In terms of fandoms, I'm really mainly into doing Pokemon or Warrior Cats (ocs), but feel free to suggest anything and I'll let you know if I'm familiar with it.

I'm 100% fine with any type of pairing if you do want to incorporate something like that in. M/M F/F M/F in that order, but I'm up for anything.

I usually send about two paragraphs of response, but as always, it's quality over quantity, and that can fluctuate depending on how it's going. I'll try to respond as fast as I can, although sometimes life gets in the way ahah

As I said at the beginning, I am a new member so I can't PM, so if you want to role play please message me first!

I'm also looking to try out a fantasy sci fi plot with a new character I haven't used yet! Everything else still stands too though
Omg. I saw apocolypse and i had to message you. Ive been looking fir someone to do a F.O. New vegas rp. You up for it?
Hey! I'd love to RP with you and come up with some badass original plot. If you're interested, shoot me a PM. I hope we talk soon!
Hello. :) If you're still looking for someone to rp with, I'd love to volunteer. Apocalypse(zombie or no) and dark, horror themes are fine by me.
[QUOTE="Lily Dawn Evans]Hey, would you be interested in doing something based on Fullmetal Alchemist?

Hey! Maybe, although I'm not into doing canon characters so it depends what you're looking for. PM me
GraceAndFrankie said:
Hey! I'd love to RP with you and come up with some badass original plot. If you're interested, shoot me a PM. I hope we talk soon!
Hey! Please can you PM me? I don't have that ability yet as I joined yesterday haha

Saturday said:
Hello. :) If you're still looking for someone to rp with, I'd love to volunteer. Apocalypse(zombie or no) and dark, horror themes are fine by me.
Awesome! PM me!

[QUOTE="Merry Nara Saws]I have an idea for an online dating role play, if you'd be interested.

I'm not really into romance/dating being the prominent plot line, sorry : (
Hey! I'd love to RP with you! I bet we could come up with an original plot that's totally rad.

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