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One x One One True Love

Name: Dalia Jones

Age: 23

Height: 4'8

Weight: 75 lbs


Dalia is a small girl, a college graduate, and a florist. She has a passion for art, she loves to paint, and she does a lot of drawing too. Usually, she draws the flowers in the shop she works in, but when she's not doing that, she's out in Central Park drawing the area. Generally, she works with graphite and pencils, but on occasion she will use pastels.

She has brown hair that reaches her ankles, ice blue eyes, and fair skin. She wears mostly pastel colors, her favorites being pastel blue and purple. She almost always has her hair braided so it doesn't get in her way, but on occasion she will wear it down. She loves all those online hair tutorials though, and will look them up when she's bored.

Dalia's personality is one that would be expected of someone like her. She is very calm, pure, and incredibly sweet. She can talk to other's rather easily, and she is very loyal to her friends and loved ones. She is quick to trust others, she is honest, and she has a strong sense of right and wrong.

Being that she is so loving and kind, she will take in injured animals off the streets on occasion, nurse them back to health, and adopt them out. One of the few animals she's kept was a pitch black kitten with a white, spade shaped patch around one of his eyes. She named him Spade for the white patch. She also kept a bunny, a little brown and white one she called Mocha. She treats her pets like family, and would protect them with her life.

As she just graduated college, she has her own very small apartment, but paying for everything isn't so much of a struggle. She makes decent money adopting out rehabilitated animals, her job at the flower shop, and selling some of her smaller painting. She volunteers wherever she can on days where she's not working, she donates when she can, and she does anything she can to help others.

On occasion, Dalia will go in and sing at clubs, and usually, she gets decent money for it. She has a lovely voice, one that many people want to hear. Before she got her job, she would sing on street corners for tips, and people would flock to her. She wouldn't want to do something like that again, but if it came to that, she would.
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Name: Kristin Ariya Cherry


Height: 4'9

Weight: 70 lbs

Description: Kristin is small and thin. Smaller than most girls her age. She is very awkward but she tries not to be. She has blue dyed hair that always falls in her face, parted almost completely to one side. Her skin is very pale, almost the colour of copy paper, and she has light freckles across her cheeks and a bit on her shoulders and arms. She wears mostly dark clothing; ripped up, tight jeans and old T-shirts, combat boots or converse shoes. She is kind hearted and very careful with people. She hates to think that she could have ever made someone feel badly. She is easily embarrassed (actually quite adorable) if complimented or flirted with. She sometimes has trouble talking to people, but with her stutter and fear of saying the wrong thing there's no wonder. It's sometimes difficult to get her tonopen up but once jn a while she'll feel that she clicks with someone and she will talk to them about anything..... And they often don't know how much that means. Her brother is extremely protective of her, which she insists she doesn't need, but he tries his best anyway. ((I may edit this a bit later on computer because this phone makes editing difficult))
[QUOTE="Nyxxa Stone]
Name: Kristin Ariya Cherry

Height: 4'9

Weight: 70 lbs

Description: Kristin is small and thin. Smaller than most girls her age. She is very awkward but she tries not to be. She has blue dyed hair that always falls in her face, parted almost completely to one side. Her skin is very pale, almost the colour of copy paper, and she has light freckles across her cheeks and a bit on her shoulders and arms. She wears mostly dark clothing; ripped up, tight jeans and old T-shirts, combat boots or converse shoes. She is kind hearted and very careful with people. She hates to think that she could have ever made someone feel badly. She is easily embarrassed (actually quite adorable) if complimented or flirted with. She sometimes has trouble talking to people, but with her stutter and fear of saying the wrong thing there's no wonder. It's sometimes difficult to get her tonopen up but once jn a while she'll feel that she clicks with someone and she will talk to them about anything..... And they often don't know how much that means. Her brother is extremely protective of her, which she insists she doesn't need, but he tries his best anyway. ((I may edit this a bit later on computer because this phone makes editing difficult))

I think it's a lovely description!
[QUOTE="Nyxxa Stone]Thank you~ I would add a picture burning can't get it to work at the moment....

Don't worry, love.
Name: Carlisle Arthur Cherry

Age: 23

Height: 6'0

Weight: 172 lbs

Description: Carlisle is tall and thin, though lightly muscled. His skin is pale, like his sister's, and he has a couble freckles here and there on his face, neck, and shoulders. His hair is blue, like Kristin's, but shorter at the sides, with some hair up front that is usually quiffed upward. He is quite strong, and a comes off as a bit of a narcissist, but he is actually more humble once hes close to someone. He has a sort of shield up around him, liking to come off as a bit of a jerk sometimes. He let's it down around sister though and he is very kind and caring with her, and with anyone else he cares about.... Which is not many people. He loves to tease people, and is a serious flirt, absolutely loving to make girls blush. Though when he's in a relationship he is completely devoted to the girl he's with, and doesn't flirt with anyone..... Other than her. It's gotta go somewhere right?
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[QUOTE="Nyxxa Stone]Name: Carlisle Arthur Cherry
Age: 23

Height: 6'0

Weight: 172 lbs

Description: Carlisle is tall and thin, though lightly muscled. His skin is pale, like his sister's, and he has a couble freckles here and there on his face, neck, and shoulders. His hair is blue, like Kristin's, but shorter at the sides, with some hair up front that is usually quiffed upward. He is quite strong, and a comes off as a bit of a narcissist, but he is actually more humble once hes close to someone. He has a sort of shield up around him, liking to come off as a bit of a jerk sometimes. He let's it down around sister though and he is very kind and caring with her, and with anyone else he cares about.... Which is not many people. He loves to tease people, and is a serious flirt, absolutely loving to make girls blush. Though when he's in a relationship he is completely devoted to the girl he's with, and doesn't flirt with anyone..... Other than her. It's gotta go somewhere right?

This makes me very happy yes.
Darkness1001 said:
This makes me very happy yes.

Carlisle is honestly one of my favourite characters I have because sibling love is my favourite thing sometimee-
Name: Max

Age: 19

Height: 5,4

Weight: 152

Description: Max is a very emotional girl, but she bottles her feelings up. She is know to have anxiety attacks often. She is a really sweet girl but seems rude and ignores you at first. She is short and over weight but curvy, she wears little to no make-up. She easily gets emotions out of people.

(im sorry this is my first time RPing so if you could help me out that would be great :) )
Olivydoo said:
Name: Max
Age: 19

Height: 5,4

Weight: 152

Description: Max is a very emotional girl, but she bottles her feelings up. She is know to have anxiety attacks often. She is a really sweet girl but seems rude and ignores you at first. She is short and over weight but curvy, she wears little to no make-up. She easily gets emotions out of people.

(im sorry this is my first time RPing so if you could help me out that would be great :) )
It's absolutely fine, love! If you would like, we could rp in a PM since I have another one going already.

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