One Thousand Birds

Pine said:
/cringes at hashtag usage
But do you Cri Ery Tiem? 
/Reads Infinity's status.

"Some days I ask myself alone in my apartment what the hell am I doing here again?" Then I realize I only have so much immortality left.

/Leaves to to buy more souls
This goes to all my fellow Orc players! Never forget the mini Crits.

Roll all the Crits Parody if Viva la Vida

I used to roll the dice

DM would cringe when I got a crit

Now in my room I sleep alone

Burn the sheets I used to own

I used to roll the dice

Feel the rage in my DM's eyes

Listen as he would groan,

"Now that we cleared this room! Into the next one!"

One minute I held the dice

Next the rolls were up to me

And I discovered that my base d10

Upon pages of things and pages so bland

I hear My DM begins groaning

Level 30 Rangers require singing

He may mirror, my sword and shield

But he can't roll a 20 crit

For some reason I can't explain

Once you roll there was never

Never a real thought

And that was when I rolled the dice

It was the icy and cold city

Blew down the darn healer then

Shattered arrows and the sound of drums

People couldn't believe what I'd become

Rolling 20 just can't wait

For my crit on a once a day

Just a fighter with a lonely axe

Oh, who would ever wanna go lone?

I hear My DM begins groaning

Level 30 Rangers require singing

He may mirror, my sword and shield

But he can't roll a 20 crit

For some reason I can't explain

Once you roll there was never

Never a real thought

And that was when I rolled the dice

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

I hear My DM begins groaning

Level 30 Rangers require singing

He may mirror, my sword and shield

But he can't roll a 20 crit

For some reason I can't explain

Once you roll there was never

Never a real thought

And that was when I rolled the dice
Wonderful1 Wonderful!

But upon going to inspect infinities status to understand what you said, i saw this

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in."

What are the non-lovers supposed to do

Oh well, good thing I'm a ghost, and not having a life, but a death.
youre all so insensitive, talking about life when theres someone like me around
KIRO! It's
I was working a lot and got tired of being on and nothing every day. So i just went MIA I'm partially here. 
I shall come up with a reply and if it goes some place it does if not then sad face x.x
What what?

Are you saying that you forgot to reply to something or you have an idea for the role play?

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