• This section is for roleplays only.
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Roles -

S rank - (2/2)

A rank - (4/4)

B rank - (1/4)

C rank - (3/5)

I may be willing to allow additional character's even if a rank is full, if the people in it are inactive. Just ask in the OOC, and I may allow it.
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picture or description


name here

Hero Alias:

alias heere


age here

Hero Rank:

rank here

Hero Powers:

powers here

Adjectives that describe them:

adjectives here


biography here

Edit it if you'd like, just include that info.
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Shiroikaono Kurosuutsu (Goes by Shiroi since his given name is kinda long)

Hero Name:

Suit Stalker



Hero Rank:


Hero Powers:

Behind You: Mysteriously appears behind someone or thing - Most people and mysterious beings are simply oblivious to him. He seems more like a side character so he goes unnoticed until the last moment.

Your Shadow: Hides in a nearby shadow to dodge. - He has horrible footing in combat and has a hard time seeing through his mask. Coupled with wearing black pants and shoes he tends to stumble somehow dodging the worst of attacks. Along with the oblivious aspect most would think he used some kind of power to become intangible or invisible.

The Fear: Those with a weak psyche are paralyzed with fear. - When they finally see him most people run in fear or faint. Mysterious beings have a similar response as they would towards King's Engine.

Soulless Whispers: The voice of death itself taunts those around him. - He has a habit of saying what he's thinking in a quiet voice. Along with fear these whispers take a toll on the enemy. Examples: When facing someone before a meal - "I'm hungry." When he spaces out in a fight - "Where am I?" When he hums the lyrics to an old song - "Die die die... die die die..."

Black Fog: Releases miasma when attacking. - He has really bad body odor when he fights because he sweats easily. Being his own smell he doesn't notice. Unfortunately this effects everyone in the surrounding area. For some reason it's really powerful against mysterious beings.

Warp Strike: Physical attacks reach further than anticipated. - He actually has pretty long limbs so it's only a small misjudgment. At most something that would have been a close miss or graze will connect fully.

Dark Razor: Slashes appear after a successful hit. - He doesn't just use his body to fight. He dual wields to small single edged daggers with blades on both ends of the hilt. The blades extend from the inside of the hilt and are usually hidden inside.

Void's Feast: The call of death swallows enemies bit by bit. - His only real power is opening a strange portal possibly to another dimension. Normally he forgets to use it in a fight. When he does use it, the portal opens up like a tear in space and after swallowing an amount of matter closes. It's actually quiet dangerous to use, but it's really helpful for disposing of mysterious beings after the association has collected samples.

Adjectives that describe them:

Creepy, Silent, Cool, Terrifying, Calm


Until the end of high school he lived a pretty normal life. His parents allowed him to live with a friend in another city and helped pay the rent for the two. After high school both began working small time jobs while they went to a nearby university. Two years later while he and his friend were heading home a mysterious being attacked them. Without a second though his friend pushed him to the side as he took the full attack. All Shiroi could do was shout with rage. The mysterious being ran off after that. Shiroi suffered a mental blow from his friends death. After the funeral he returned home and became a NEET. A year passed like that before he heard news of Hero Association's founding. During his time as a NEET Shiroi had mindlessly exercised and taken up hobbies in basic martial arts and blade fighting at his parents request. At one point he learned of his odd ability and tested it extensively while on a dojo retreat to the mountains. He never really excelled in any particular martial arts technique, but the rudimentary abilities he had achieved were more than enough to grant him a passing score on the Hero Exam. At the bottom of B-Class he worked his way up until he had a sudden jump into A-Class. The task took him two years, but he was finally able to visit his friend's grave with dignity.
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Addison Dee Junior




Hero Rank:

S ranked.

Hero Alias:

Scar Shock

Hero Powers:

Addison gained the powers and abilities of the Electric Eel, making his body stronger, more durable, and allowing him to generate incredibly powerful electric shocks from his muscles. Addison also uses his abilities to act as a human radar. Addison is also proficient in hand to hand combat, lethally electrocuting any enemy he touches. He is also able to produce a powerful electro-magnetic field capable of shielding himself and others from a barrage of gunfire . When near death, Addison can resuscitate himself by sending electricity to his heart in a similar manner to how defibrillators are used.



Addison's personality is extremely complex, with very few beings fortunate enough to understand it completely. Addison is known for his fun-loving nature, always partaking in a laugh and appreciating a good joke. This joking nature often seeps into Addison's battles, where he is quick to mess around with his opponents, who clearly do not enjoy it. To further enhance this, he constantly displays a casual smirk on his face, as if he knows something his opponents don't, which often is the case. This smirk never seems to fade, even when Addison is being serious. Because of this casual nature, many misconceive him as a weakling, when they are, in fact, seriously mislead - something Addison likes to throw in his opponents' faces after this revelation.

When off-duty during his hero days, Addison was usually seen hanging out with his friends, where their activities range from sitting around and reading, to playing sports. He has an incredibly strong bond to his friends or comrades, putting their safety before his own at all times, even when the situation doesn't call for it. Because of this, Addison often makes his friends feel inadequate; needing to be protected instead of being the protectors. Despite this feeling of inadequacy, his friends continued to stay true to him, knowing that Addison will eventually lighten up on them. Besides being protective, Addison is also remarkably devoted to his friends and cohorts, a loyalty that many comment upon to be "beyond the bonds of friendship"

As well as being a jokester to his friends - and opponents - Addison is possibly the most sarcastic person anyone could ever encounter, with just about every word that comes out of his mouth being heavily dunked into a bowl of sarcasm. His sarcasm knows no bounds, as Addison has shown himself to insult several high-ranking beings. Addison's last defining key trait is his overly-high opinion of himself. He is a self-proclaimed narcissist, frequently rambling on about how he considers himself to be more important than others at times. Because of this, he isn't quick to make friends, as Addison's narcissism gets in the way of establishing a friendly relationship with anyone he had not already befriended. This trait often puts his comrades at opposing ends with him, unable to properly work together as a team when Addison deems his abilities to exceed their own. However, he is quick to return to his usual self, believing himself to be no more important than that of an ordinary peasant. Despite these fluctuating levels of importance, Addison is still as friendly as always, even in his narcissistic state.



Addison was born to two scientist who lived together with a group of scientist all who had the idea of gene spiting and gene combining, basically they wanted to split the genes of animals or humans and combined them together to create something all together new, or at least a combination of the properties of two thing like a snake with a cheetah's speed or a tiger with the ability to survive underwater. When Addison was three the scientist had a breakthrough they finally found a way and managed to join two animals together the animal only lasted for three hours before it died but it was progress. This type of progress went on for a few years until finally they made one that lasted over a year finally. During all these years Addison was getting trained to, much like his parents become a scientist.

However like most scientist this wasn't enough the group wanted to take it one stage farther mixing Human gene's with animal gene's and seeing what happens to then. They did this for years using the scientists themselves as experiments however a large amount of the scientist died and the ones that didn't became either horrible disfigured or insane. Finally they decided to give one more thing a little test. What about if they did the gene spiting on a child or someone or a younger age and since he was the youngest with the scientist guess who was picked...Addison. They asked him what his favorite animal was and at the time it was an Electric Eel and alas they got their hands on one. They then did several tests on Addison before finally combining his gene's and the Eel's together. It was a success well...kind of.... Upon waking up after the experiment he let out a large electric charge without meaning to. It destroyed most of the electronics in the scientist lab's causing most of them to overload and kill nearly everyone. Only three people lived none being his parents who both died during the incident.

From then on he was raised by the person who did the experiment on him. At first he couldn't control his new body and he has many scars all over his body from the burns that his electronics shocks, the most easy to see is the scars around his jaw along with the fact his jaw has been replaced with a metal lining which is often hid by a high collar coat. He finally left the lab against all of the scientist wishes and discovered the world about. He learned all about the heroes and finally he joined them and with his unique power he was made an S class instantly since well it gave him something above the normal, not only that but he scored full on both parts of the entrance exam.

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Hero Alias:

Moon Rabbit



Hero Rank:

B-class rank 52

Hero Powers:

Hyper-strengthened legs and enhanced hearing.

Adjectives that describe them:

Perky, cheerful, and determined.


Usagi generally doesn't like it when people around her are unhappy. That's why she joined the superheroes organization. Previously working as a vigilante, Usagi mostly just used her powers to help out the people around her rather than looking for crminals. She first got into the organization a a C-class, but she quickly worked her way up the ranks and easily made it to the B-class. She has a decent-sized fanbase--despite being relatively low-ranked in the B-class--because of her cute appearance and her kick-heavy combat style.
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? ? ?

Iruka Kashima

  • T H E B A S I C S


    Iruka Kashima













"Life is like a superhero figure, it's made to be played with"

? ? ?

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Name: Mei Watanabe

Hero Alias: Cellphone Mask

Age: 19

Hero Rank: C Rank: 115

Hero Powers:

Send Message: Sends a text message to a phone number.

Call: Calls a phone number.

Local Alert: Sends a text to every cellphone in the surrounding area

Cellphone Attack: Levitates a number of surrounding cellphones and flings them at an enemy.

Special Nokia Attack: Levitates a(her) Nokia Cellphone and flings it at an enemy.

Personality: Awkward introvert that doesn't leave her apartment much. She's a bit concerned about showing her face places and feels far more comfortable with her mask. She tries to be accommodating and help people out as best she can, but she's not very good at making conversation. She wants to help the people around her, and feels like the best way she can do it is through being out there, either directing people out of the way, or looking to get a lucky shot from a distance.

Biography: Her first cellphone was an old Nokia 3310 she got passed down from her parents in elementary school, as they both worked and wanted her to have something in case of emergencies. She hasn't upgraded since and her cellphone has continued to survive and work. She was a college student with a major in Communication, and despite spending several hours studying, she was easily distracted by her phone. This continued to the point where she stopped leaving her house and going to class and had to drop out. She took the hero test when she realized that she had gotten powers somehow, barely passing the physical portion, but did far better on the essay part. Despite being a Communication Major, she's still really bad at communicating and not a lot of people are happy when/if she destroys their cellphone in an attempt to do some damage to whatever monster.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/2015-11-29-15-32-27-1841393963.jpeg.9bd7da9ee37cff68cf1afd0a601bf329.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88413" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/2015-11-29-15-32-27-1841393963.jpeg.9bd7da9ee37cff68cf1afd0a601bf329.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Kazuichi Senji

Hero Alias:

The Human Pilebunker



Hero Rank:

A Rank

Hero Powers:

Impact-The user generates kinetic energy and releases it threw a limb of their choosing creating a short range shotgun blast.

Impact boost-By using the impact while in midair the user can shot themselves off in a direction this kind of movement is limited to straight lines and cannot curve.

Adjectives that describe them:

Energetic, Wild, Cocky, Flirt, Joker


Kazuichi was once just your common street thug until he tried to steal from the wrong person. An S-class hero by the name of Yukari her hero alias Ms.Impact she beat Kazuichi soundly and went kn her way the next day she was shocked when she found him wanting on the corner for her. He challenged her again which ended the same way the circle went on each time the two seemed to become closer. Until one day Yukari asked if Kazuchi would like her to train him and he agreed she began teaching him how to use her secret skill Impact. Kazuchi quickly picked up the skill even adding his own creative touch to it by inventing the Impact boost. He joined the hero assoiation and rose Iin the ranks becoming an A rank at the age of 19. When he went to Yukari's place to have a party to celebrate his promotion she wasn't there. He waited and she never showed up a member of the H.A came by informing Kazuichi Yukari had died facing a Demon level threat. He's been working hard to become an S rank ever since.



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Age: 23

Hero Alias: Red Bolt

Hero Rank: A-Class, Rank #8

Hero Powers: Lightning/Electric Generation/Manipulation- Caesar "Red Bolt" is able to not only produce, but manipulation red-colored electricity. He can utilize it for a variety of effects, though overusing his abilities will overcharge his body and shut his brain down for a few hours, putting him in a state of semi-shock.

Physical Abilities- Caesar has trained his body in order to counteract his initial power's weakness. Instead of constantly zapping his opponent and potentially overusing his electrical abilities, Caesar has trained his body to near super-human heights, so that he is able to resort to close-combat and pure physical skills during battles.

Enhanced Strength-

Enhanced Speed-

Enhanced Durability-

Adjectives That Describe Them: Red, Fast, Energized

Biography: Caesar, otherwise known as "Red Bolt" by most people, was born and raised in A-City. He was born to a hardworking housewife, and a very successful hero known as The Blaze, his father. The Blaze was a hero ranked in the top-ten of the S-class, meaning that he was a very powerful top-tier superhero. Due to the heroic influence his father had on him, and living in the city that contained the Heroes Association itself, it inspired Caesar himself to become a hero. He wanted to take things a step further, though. He didn't want to become an S-class hero, as he knew that would further throw him into his father's shadow. Instead, he wanted to become the top A-class hero and stay right there. He figured that being in a lower rank, yet still achieving the same amount of power would really set the bar high for himself. Or at the very least, make a name for himself. One that didn't fall under his father. When he turned 10, he traveled to a dojo ran by a man named "Omega". He was a retired S-class hero, and just ran a small academy in the mountains near Z-City for those who wanted to train. There, Caesar trained his body to superhuman heights, and helped Caesar train his electrical abilities. After six years of training, "Omega" and The Blaze disappeared. His father did not return from a battle with a Dragon-level threat, and "Omega" just vanished. For several years to come, Caesar trained himself, and eventually registered in the Heroes Association. Due to his already overwhelming abilities, he was placed at B class, rank #5. He spent the next couples of years making a name for himself, eventually rising to the A-class, where he now stands at #8 within the entire class.
Appearance: What he Looks like

Name: Vincent K. Sumpter

Hero Name: Hunter

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Hero Rank:

C - Class Rank 360

Hero Powers:

Stop I have a gun - Hunter carries a fake gun around that make bright flash when fired. Doesn’t work most of the time but when it does.

Why won’t you stay down - Takes a lot to fully knock him out which amounts to being hit 3 times.

World Ending Weapon - It's a very hard stick

Dodging Master - Hunter can dodge any attack that's slower than a granda on a hoveround

Adjectives that describe them:

Brave, Heroically Stupid, Determined, Lazy


Vincent's was a simple guy who just wanted to live a simple life. That was until he saw a man steal a woman purse he grabbed a stray stick and leaped into action. He got his ass kicked but he got the purse and despite the beating he felt good so he worked to improve himself to become a hero. He then got his wish as he passed the exam. While trying to do the right thing and not losing his job as a hero things can be tough he's enjoying the work.


I hope this works and I can't wait to play with you lot




Hero Alias:

Teenage Samurai



Hero Rank:

C class

Hero Powers:

In the way of powers, Jiro is just much stronger and faster than he should be. He possesses superhuman strength, speed, and vitality, although in comparison to other heroes he's fairly average, and all of his physical prowess comes from training, though his potential was there before hand.

Other than enhanced physical power, Jiro is smart, not an esper, but definitely a genius for his age, allowing him to analyse opponents for weak points if they have them, though his intellect is usually overshadowed by his confidence in his physical power.

Adjectives that describe them:

Lazy, arrogant, intelligent, stubborn, cruel, fair, bored


Jiro always liked the idea of being a hero, heroes fought monsters and to him as a child that was exciting. He never liked the idea of working in a field he didn't care about, or being bored all day at home as a neet, so he asked his parents if he could take up a martial art. However when they let him choose which one, he chose Iaijutsu, since to him, it was the coolest.

Despite showing no motivation at school and barely doing any chores, he threw himself into his training, determined to be better than any of the 'civilians' training alongside him.

One day he decided he wanted to test his strength against a monster to see if he was ready to join the hero organization at 12. Armed with a replica katana and a few years of vigorous training, he started looking for monsters in his free time. Barely a week after he started looking, he ran into one. It wasn't an impressive mysterious being, and was barely causing property damage, but at his level it was an intense fight. He won and ended up in hospital with a few injuries that he insisted were "just superficial".

He joined the hero organization as soon as he got out of hospital and started saving up money to buy a real katana with actual cutting power, moving out of his parents house to live off the professional hero benefit money due to a disagreement with the parents over him being a hero. He still goes to school, mostly to prove he can graduate to a teacher who told him a punk like him couldn't graduate anyway, which he took as a personal insult and challenge.

He actually hates his hero nickname and is upset that he got such a lame basic one, when he wanted a cool name.
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Tall, skinny male with a Half black, Half White mask, black Fluffy hair with little bangs and tips of white, Black hoodie with white undershirt, and black jeans.


Rellik Cheker

Hero Alias:

Casual Demon



Hero Rank:


Hero Powers:

Though this person may not seem very intimidating, that is actually true. Not much can be done by this person at this current state of laziness, Aside from being able to dodge nearly every single attack that comes near him, all while he has his hands in his pockets. When the time comes for him to actually fight, he can change the direction of Gravity for a certain object (All living/non-living things), and the strength of the gravity for that one person. He has uses this power to raise black knives into the air and to fling them at the opponent, or to burrow the knives in the ground and un-earth them under the enemy. He only uses his gravity power to attack when he's tired of being attacked.

Adjectives that describe them:

Patient, Lazy, laid-back.


At the age of 20, he moved directly into B-City, until a giant destroyed his hometown. He was really pissed, so he threw knives at the giant. Nothing. He moved to Z-City, where he lives now.

PS. My profile picture is an image of Rellik's face
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Tall slim man that wears a black formal suit, and a red tie, a black top hat with white stripe, orange long hair, and tanner skin.On his arms he has a Arm Cannon, Cylinder Shape with a white straight stripe on the middle of the on the left hand, and for the right hand a bigger one with a diagonal white stripe, and for both arms a white sphere that has 5 Metal fingers floating around the sphere with the sphere floating above the center of the cannon hole of the arm cannon, and when he shoots, the hand moves out of the way.


Agon Baut

Hero Alias:

Dapper Destruction



Hero Rank:


Hero Powers:

Arm cannons, his arm cannons can do a variety of things like fire, Bright light, Lasers, and anything else he has time for making an ammo storage for. When out of ammo he uses a black Cane Sword

Adjectives that describe them:

Calm, Fashionable, Fancy, Patient, Agile, Intelligent


He was a Star famous to Q-City because he has a nack for fashion, but on a terrible monster attack event while he was on stage, he lost his arms. Now being the smart guy he is, he fled to his home and commissioned someone to build him some replacement arms that he could use. But when he saw that the Hero association was accepting more heroes, he decided to upgrade his prosthetic arms by making them strong weapons. He passed the Hero Exams, and now he is a hero.




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Elizabeth carries both a normal pencil and a set of pens that resemble syringes carrying the blood she uses for her fighting. Her utility belt has many sticky note pads filled with pre-made drawings for quick usage. While I didn't remember to draw this last piece of equipment, she lastly has a bag containing a sketchbook, a first-aid kit, colouring tools, and other emergency supplies.


Elizabeth Mars

Hero Alias:

Bunee Mars



Hero Rank:

S (Whatever number ranking you feel as appropriate)

(To explain why she's at the top ranking, she helps with both Fighting and is a valuable medicine asset. Despite her hyperactivity, she is reliable; think of Edd from cowboy Bee-Bop, or the stitches boy from Tokyo Ghoul.)

Hero Powers:

Elizabeth doesn't specifically have a superpower, but she uses her notebooks/sticky notes/ paper in general to create living matter and gear. Drawing the items does nothing until she signs it in blood. However, the items she can create depend on the blood she uses. People with a stronger will allow her to create larger and stronger items. Very few people have enough will to create something as big as a house, so Elizabeth has to think outside the box to succeed in creating matter. Among the things she creates, the most common are weapons like swords/guns, wings, bombs (All kinds, but mostly smoke bombs), boxing gloves, and little pet-like creatures that she often plays with. Finally, to destroy these creations, she can either rip the paper or use and eraser to erase the item itself.

(One more thing is that creating people IS possible, but she cannot create people that don't exist, she needs the blood of the person she is recreating, they are somewhat less powerful or skilled than the original person, and they can only exist in reality for so long.

Adjectives that describe them:

Elizabeth is often hyper and can't distinguish emotions very well. She loves examining people due to her morbid curiosity and does things that might be considered creepy/illegal but does make up for it. She never likes to listen to reason, and likes to take jokes too far.


Elizabeth has always been ecstatic and hyper, creative, and curious. She's also morbidly obsessed with human and/or animal biology. This got her easily into medicine, but quickly got her fired as well. Though thanks to her girlfriend (Melissa; next character profile) and her creativeness, she managed to get into the hero business with both a new career in medicine, and a chance at crime fighting.

Extra Info/Spot: Though she is good with medicine and drawing, she did not create the technology she uses to fight. That was Melissa.

ALSO: By a new career in medicine, I mean she works in helping injured/sick heroes, as well as hosting a constant blood drive. The office would be located in the main hero's association building for convenience.





Equipment: She often fights with Elizabeth, giving her equipment to help her fight, other than that, it's mostly herself and what little compact weapons she has in her jacket.


Melissa Stream

Hero Alias:




Hero Rank:


(She still follows Elizabeth everywhere)

Hero Powers:

Melissa has telepathy and different kinds of vision (X-ray, black light, night vision, etc). It helps help with reading her opponents, playing with technology, and helping Elizabeth with her work.

(AKA: She has fast reaction time)

Adjectives that describe them:

Melissa is calm and collected, though she has a special sense of harshness to others, even if she doesn't realize it. She offers advice to people about problems she shouldn't stick her nose in, but this habit helps her keep Elizabeth in check. She comes across as scary and intelligent, her pride allowing her to make simple mistakes. Though usually, she seems more like a guardian to Liz than a girlfriend.

Extra Info/Spot: Melissa is Liz's partner and nurse. She is always around her, and defends her.

(NOTE: When especially pissed off, Melissa can show slight telekinetic ability.

When focused or determined enough, Melissa can show mind altering/ mind controlling abilities.

Both instances are VERY rare.)


Though she was born with telepathy, as a teen, Melissa was obsessed with body modification, technology, and tinkering with everything she can get her hands on. She eventually took the body modification so far as transplanting her eyes, giving her the special modes of vision she possesses. Though she eventually stopped wearing piercings and even stopped wearing makeup. This change was around the time she met Elizabeth and started dating her, Liz somewhat changed her opinions on physical appearance.

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