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One Punch Man RP?


haha woah

About Me!

Hey! I'm Jo. I started roleplaying on Quizilla about five years ago, and I've been having a lot of issues finding partners since it shut down. I gave up for a while, but OPM has left me with the ol' roleplaying bug, and I'd love to find somebody who could rp it with me.

Of course, there are certain things I look for. I try not to be too harsh!


I don't have very many limits myself. I'm fine with any amount of violence or language. But, I'm not very comfortable with sexual content, and if it is there, I would like for it to make sense, and for it to fade to black after a certain point.

Just let me know whatever you consider a limit, and I'll do my best to make sure you are comfortable.


I tend to roleplay in paragraph form only, and I tend to use third-person point-of-view. My replies vary in length at times, but I usually range within one to three good-sized paragraphs. I'm not a fan of one-liners, and I'd appreciate it if you would try to match my lengths, and I will do the same.

I will try to reply whenever I can, but life does sometimes get in the way, and I know that goes for all of us. It would be great if you could let me know in advance if you will be delayed considerably, and I'll try to do the same. If you don't hear from me for a bit, it's nothing against you, so please feel free to send me a reminder.

Other Preferences!

As for style of roleplay, I prefer doubling (call me old fashioned), in which we both play our respective OC as well as a canon character. I'm flexible with love interests, though my preference is Saitama.

I would like to have conversations OOC over the course of the rp; it's always nice to get to know the person you're conversing with in-character.

I feel like these are a given, but everybody has some roleplay horror stories, so just to get things out of the way: please no Mary-Sues, god-modding, playing my characters for me, etc, etc. You get the idea, ha.

Contact Me!

Alright, now that we've gotten all of that out of the way, if you're interested, just send a message to me over here on RPN.

Thank you so much for reading, and I'm looking forward to (hopefully) hearing from some of you!

ok ok ok

So, I'm willing to roleplay but the problem is that I cANT FUCKING MESSAG BECUZ I JOINED LIKE 80 SECONDS AGO

so..,,, possibly once the wait is over, I'm down to roleplay. I don't usually roleplay as not-Saitama but y'know, shit happens.

I purposely use bad grammar (def not during the actual rp) when in ooc chats. Oopsies. Just checkin' if you are okay with that.

I'm totally fine with any ship/theme, whatever you prefer. Yea. Ok.
Hi! If you don't mind, I'd be really intrested in roleplaying with you. :) I usually rp as my OC, but I also rp canon characters. I'm fine roleplaying heroes, vilians, and monsters alike. Anything needed, really! ^u^ I love getting to chat with who I'm roleplaying with, and I try my best to use good grammar, though my spelling and puncuation arn't the best. I'm fine with most ships, though my OC's love intrest is Genos. I usually rp from her pov, but I can switch to someone else's if we need to. I hope you're still avalible to rp, and if you want, I'd be more than happy to send you my oc's profile thus far. She's still a bit in developement, so rping with her would probably be a good idea so that way I can round out her personality. I hope to get to rp with you soon! ^U^
While not a 1x1, if anyone has any burning desires for OPM you should check out this: 

While probably not the best RP on the entire site, we have a nice group of rp'ers and are slowly expanding our member count.
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