One Piece

Name: Bora Nodas

Age: 21

height: 5'11"

weight: 150




Race: Human

personality: He is stern and strives for justice but can get his hands dirty due to his experiences. Though most people wouldn't take him seriously. A lot more at ease when he drinks.

Role: Cabin boy

Devil fruit/skill: He is a clumsy martial artist but a skilled one. Also he has the Kachi Kachi no Mi allows the body of the user to harden and heat up body temperature at will. "Kachikachi" is the Japanese onomatopoeia for stones knocking against one another to create fire, a reference to the heating up power of the fruit.

Background(opt): When Bora was young he was instantly apart of a gang of bandits and his family was apart of it and were well respected in the gang. Though he was a child he knew that killing and stilling were wrong and that mainly came from his brother who was a trouble maker in there bosses eye's but a vigilant in most others opinion, he stole from the rich only and killed only those who deserved it. This was fine as long as he shared his profit, growing up seeing all this Bora refused a weapon and refused the orders of the boss, out of respect for his family he was ordered to be exiled. Though they refused and his father was torched while being starved to death, his brother escaped in tears and in shame, and his mother and sister were most likely sex slaves until there suicide. Which was supposed to be for him as well but he survived the bullet wound and was enslaved and forced to stay and he not only filled his brother position but he did it better not killing and only took what he need to creating a year long plan which destroyed the entire organization every known affiliation they had was hunted down by the marines and disbanded. He sailed out onto the sea to find his brother, who was guaranteed to be a pirate in the New World.
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Offspring said:
(Will use my captain character instead most likely, check the crew link.Please)
Name: Bora Nodas

Age: 17

height: 6'9"

weight: 170




Race: Human

personality: He is stern and strives for justice but can get his hands dirty due to his experiences.

Role: Cabin boy

Devil fruit/skill: He is a staff wielder and a very skillful one at that he doesn't like bladed weapons he feel that any man can swing a blade but few can wield a staff. He has a amazing level of dexterity.

Background(opt): When Bora was young he was instantly apart of a gang of bandits and his family was apart of it and were well respected in the gang. Though he was a child he knew that killing and stilling were wrong and that mainly came from his brother who was a trouble maker in there bosses eye's but a vigilant in most others opinion, he stole from the rich only and killed only those who deserved it. This was fine as long as he shared his profit, growing up seeing all this Bora refused a weapon and refused the orders of the boss, out of respect for his family he was ordered to be exiled. Though they refused and his father was torched while being starved to death, his brother escaped in tears and in shame, and his mother and sister were most likely sex slaves until there suicide. Which was supposed to be for him as well but he survived the bullet wound and was enslaved and forced to stay and he not only filled his brother position but he did it better not killing and only took what he need to creating a year long plan which destroyed the entire organization every known affiliation they had was hunted down by the marines and disbanded. He sailed out onto the sea to find his brother, who was guaranteed to be a pirate in the New World.

Crew: Cross Pirates ( Minus anyone who may join this rp and use a character I borrowed and devil fruits used)
I wrote up with character awhile back for another pirate RP, so I don't know how much I need to edit my bio. However I believe it is vague enough to be cannon, if not of course I can edit. I've never seen One Piece so I might need a bit of help for that.


Ryuu [ Real full name N/A ]


Twenty-three years old



-Weight: 105 pounds


[ Thoughtful ] - Most of the time Ryuu is thoughtful of what she does. Being very careful about her actions, and taking in account all possibilities of what could happen. Though often appears as if she takes reckless actions constantly, having good results nearly all of the time.

[ Hard To Read ] - It is hard to tell what Ryuu will do next, she changes often in her reactions to similar situations. Ryuu can change on a dime. She can be highly aggressive to everyone not just the enemy. Or she can be in a sort of peaceful tranquil calm in which it is often the best time to find mercy from her.

[ Trustworthy - Loyal ] - Once you are on Ryuu's good side you'll stay there. She never turns on her friends. If you were to turn against her however, you'll come to a quick and brutal end yourself.

[ Other ] - Unlike many pirates Ryuu does not care for money, but rather does what she does for the thrill of it.

At age five Ryuu was on a merchant ship with her father set to go to the Ionia colonies when a pirate ship attacked them. While the crew and few passengers were taken out quickly and with very little struggle. Ryuu managed to hide, ambushing one of the pirates. She managed to actually do significant damage with just her dagger, the man passed out and eventually bled to death. Ryuu managed to hide for a short while longer but was eventually caught by the captain. She couldn't put up much of a fight, being as weak and young as she was. But she did have an unusually strong fighting spirit, which the captain took an unusual interest in. Against the wishes of most of his crew he took the little girl in.

Ryuu continued fighting, just being with the crew for the first few months. But things in her mind, and world broke down as she learned how to be and continue. To the point where the Captain, Black Caesar, practically became her father. And what would seem to be the greatest weakness in his crew became the greatest strength. No one would suspect a child, let alone a girl to ambush them. As she became an excellent fighter, fast. Her need for it to survive was great.

By age 10 Ryuu was one of, or the best, fighter in the crew. Although she didn't have brut strength like the older men, she had agility and intelligence, able to take out nearly anyone.

Ryuu stayed by Black Caesar's right hand for the rest of the life he live, she being the only person that he trusted in the last while of his life. His crew did eventually turn on him, and though Ryuu tried to help him he ended up dying and she was eventually driven out.

A year after that she is currently in living on far off islands, attempting to find a way back out onto the waters.

Devil Fruit]
Hie Hie no Mi [ice Fruit]

-Weakness: Heat, fire, magma, etc.

Pirate Crew]

[ In appearance ] Sword, daggers, spanish-made flintlock. [ Pseudo-weapons ] Metal chain, rope.


Finished my CS, probably
Roo said:
I wrote up with character awhile back for another pirate RP, so I don't know how much I need to edit my bio. However I believe it is vague enough to be cannon, if not of course I can edit. I've never seen One Piece so I might need a bit of help for that.

Ryuu [ Real full name N/A ]


Twenty-three years old



-Weight: 105 pounds


[ Thoughtful ] - Most of the time Ryuu is thoughtful of what she does. Being very careful about her actions, and taking in account all possibilities of what could happen. Though often appears as if she takes reckless actions constantly, having good results nearly all of the time.

[ Hard To Read ] - It is hard to tell what Ryuu will do next, she changes often in her reactions to similar situations. Ryuu can change on a dime. She can be highly aggressive to everyone not just the enemy. Or she can be in a sort of peaceful tranquil calm in which it is often the best time to find mercy from her.

[ Trustworthy - Loyal ] - Once you are on Ryuu's good side you'll stay there. She never turns on her friends. If you were to turn against her however, you'll come to a quick and brutal end yourself.

[ Other ] - Unlike many pirates Ryuu does not care for money, but rather does what she does for the thrill of it.

At age five Ryuu was on a merchant ship with her father set to go to the Ionia colonies when a pirate ship attacked them. While the crew and few passengers were taken out quickly and with very little struggle. Ryuu managed to hide, ambushing one of the pirates. She managed to actually do significant damage with just her dagger, the man passed out and eventually bled to death. Ryuu managed to hide for a short while longer but was eventually caught by the captain. She couldn't put up much of a fight, being as weak and young as she was. But she did have an unusually strong fighting spirit, which the captain took an unusual interest in. Against the wishes of most of his crew he took the little girl in.

Ryuu continued fighting, just being with the crew for the first few months. But things in her mind, and world broke down as she learned how to be and continue. To the point where the Captain, Black Caesar, practically became her father. And what would seem to be the greatest weakness in his crew became the greatest strength. No one would suspect a child, let alone a girl to ambush them. As she became an excellent fighter, fast. Her need for it to survive was great.

By age 10 Ryuu was one of, or the best, fighter in the crew. Although she didn't have brut strength like the older men, she had agility and intelligence, able to take out nearly anyone.

Ryuu stayed by Black Caesar's right hand for the rest of the life he live, she being the only person that he trusted in the last while of his life. His crew did eventually turn on him, and though Ryuu tried to help him he ended up dying and she was eventually driven out.

A year after that she is currently in living on far off islands, attempting to find a way back out onto the waters.

Devil Fruit]
Hie Hie no Mi [ice Fruit]

-Weakness: Heat, fire, magma, etc.

Pirate Crew]

[ In appearance ] Sword, daggers, spanish-made flintlock. [ Pseudo-weapons ] Metal chain, rope.


Finished my CS, probably

Name]: Christoper D Tech

Gender] Male

Age] 20


-Height: 6'2

-Weight: 140

Personality]: Chris is known to be a rather calm and mellow guy. Although hes very evil in both heart and mind, he seems to be like a nice guy. He enjoys to goof off and play around alot. Chris does it so much, it annoys his crew mates. Despite his jolly nature,hes the one you don't want to piss off

History: Not much is known about Chris, it is said hes the son of Marshall D Tech and took his father's place as an emperor. Hes know traveling around with his crew across the seas..causing trouble

Devil Fruit: Yami-Yami fruit

-Weakness: sea prism stone

Pirate Crew: The black wing pirates:Captain



(ehh..hope this is ok)


Sol Law




Biological: 17

Appearance: 13



-Height:140cm (4'7")

-Weight: 86 Pounds


Sol is rather kind and childish, he likes to joke and tease people, though, he doesn't know when to stop, sometimes ending up provoking a fight, his fearlessness causes a lot of difficulty in the way he makes choices that most might think are on the verge if not complete insanity. He mostly relies on instinct and counterattacks, and while not seemingly so bright outside of battle, he appears to be a genius whilst in battle. Sol is seen smiling in battle all the time, it's rare a smile leaves his face during combat.


{Diary of Sol Law}

[Age 6]

Sol stowed away on a pirate ship when he was about six years old, it didn't take long for them to find him, because he had gotten hungry, he took on the crew members, defeating a couple of the lackeys, before getting bested by one of their top men named, Heckles, during this time he accepted defeat, and ended up joining their crew. However, this was just to bide his time, to nurture his strength.

[Age 8]

At the age of eight, from that point on he continued to fight everyday, he would attacked the man whom beat him, regardless of if they were in a fight with someone else, and every time he would get his butt handed to him on a silver platter. It didn't take long before he got to go on his first true adventure, they were set to find a treasure, after weeks of searching they did come across it, alongside another band of misfits that tried to claim it for themselves, and Sol fought, but his only weapon at the time was his fists, yet he decided to throw rocks at the enemy, needless to say the battle was going sour until the captain showed up, and managed to defeat them.

[Age 12]

Sol's captain found the devil fruit known as Gura Gura No Mi, and placed it in a special chest to show off to the crew, there minds finding one was more rare then possibly surviving as long as they did with other enemies after them. The captain left the chest open and went to go get the rest of the gang, and Sol saw the fruit, and he ate it, having no knowledge at the time what it was, it made him feel funny, and he was nearly killed by the captain because he through him in the sea, but the rest of the crew fished him out.

[Age 14]

Sol and the crew landed on an island believing there to be treasure there, as the rumors from locals suggested, however it was a trap, most of the crew was annihilated there, and the captain, and his few remaining top men fought while the remaining alive crew, alongside Sol escaped. Sol doesn't know the fate of his captain, or his crew. But, one things for sure, if they somehow survived it wouldn't have been unscathed.

[Age 17]

Sol after recovering, he decided to train nearly three long years, honing his aim, swordsmanship skills, and his fruits power, though this was the hardest to manage since it wasn't all that easy to keep a secret, he somehow managed to get it all passed off as 'Natural Disasters'. Sol took a ship, and sailed to some far away islands, his location at this moment, to at least him, is very well unknown.


((Nothing's happened yet, but it will be updated to continue his journey))

Devil Fruit(Optional)]

Sol has eaten the
Gura Gura No Mi

This fruit's major strength is that it allows the user to generate massive vibrations, or shock waves, which can travel though virtually any medium, including the ground, the seafloor, or even in the air.


Standard Devil fruit weakness, small stature makes him susceptible, to large strong people.

Pirate Crew(Optional)] T-Ghoul


Pistol, and Sword (In picture), Always carries a bag of various sweets around.


Sol is rather fast, agile and flexible. Keeps his weapons hidden underneath his coat.

Crew doesn't know his devil fruit ability due to him joining not terribly long ago.
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Acethekidd said:
Name]: Christoper D Tech
Gender] Male

Age] 20


-Height: 6'2

-Weight: 140

Personality]: Chris is known to be a rather calm and mellow guy. Although hes very evil in both heart and mind, he seems to be like a nice guy. He enjoys to goof off and play around alot. Chris does it so much, it annoys his crew mates. Despite his jolly nature,hes the one you don't want to piss off

History: Not much is known about Chris, it is said hes the son of Marshall D Tech and took his father's place as an emperor. Hes know traveling around with his crew across the seas..causing trouble

Devil Fruit: Yami-Yami fruit

-Weakness: sea prism stone

Pirate Crew: The black wing pirates:Captain



(ehh..hope this is ok)
Uh, accepted but I'm not letting you go overpowered or whatever


Mireille said:

Sol Law




Biological: 17

Appearance: 13



-Height:140cm (4'7")

-Weight: 86 Pounds


Sol is rather kind and childish, he likes to joke and tease people, though, he doesn't know when to stop, sometimes ending up provoking a fight, his fearlessness causes a lot of difficulty in the way he makes choices that most might think are on the verge if not complete insanity. He mostly relies on instinct and counterattacks, and while not seemingly so bright outside of battle, he appears to be a genius whilst in battle. Sol is seen smiling in battle all the time, it's rare a smile leaves his face during combat.


{Diary of Sol Law}

[Age 6]

Sol stowed away on a pirate ship when he was about six years old, it didn't take long for them to find him, because he had gotten hungry, he took on the crew members, defeating a couple of the lackeys, before getting bested by one of their top men named, Heckles, during this time he accepted defeat, and ended up joining their crew. However, this was just to bide his time, to nurture his strength.

[Age 8]

At the age of eight, from that point on he continued to fight everyday, he would attacked the man whom beat him, regardless of if they were in a fight with someone else, and every time he would get his butt handed to him on a silver platter. It didn't take long before he got to go on his first true adventure, they were set to find a treasure, after weeks of searching they did come across it, alongside another band of misfits that tried to claim it for themselves, and Sol fought, but his only weapon at the time was his fists, yet he decided to throw rocks at the enemy, needless to say the battle was going sour until the captain showed up, and managed to defeat them.

[Age 12]

Sol's captain found the devil fruit known as Gura Gura No Mi, and placed it in a special chest to show off to the crew, there minds finding one was more rare then possibly surviving as long as they did with other enemies after them. The captain left the chest open and went to go get the rest of the gang, and Sol saw the fruit, and he ate it, having no knowledge at the time what it was, it made him feel funny, and he was nearly killed by the captain because he through him in the sea, but the rest of the crew fished him out.

[Age 14]

Sol and the crew landed on an island believing there to be treasure there, as the rumors from locals suggested, however it was a trap, most of the crew was annihilated there, and the captain, and his few remaining top men fought while the remaining alive crew, alongside Sol escaped. Sol doesn't know the fate of his captain, or his crew. But, one things for sure, if they somehow survived it wouldn't have been unscathed.

[Age 17]

Sol after recovering, he decided to train nearly three long years, honing his aim, swordsmanship skills, and his fruits power, though this was the hardest to manage since it wasn't all that easy to keep a secret, he somehow managed to get it all passed off as 'Natural Disasters'. Sol took a ship, and sailed to some far away islands, his location at this moment, to at least him, is very well unknown.


((Nothing's happened yet, but it will be updated to continue his journey))

Devil Fruit(Optional)]

Sol has eaten the
Gura Gura No Mi

This fruit's major strength is that it allows the user to generate massive vibrations, or shock waves, which can travel though virtually any medium, including the ground, the seafloor, or even in the air.


Standard Devil fruit weakness, small stature makes him susceptible, to large strong people.

Pirate Crew(Optional)] T-Ghoul


Pistol, and Sword (In picture), Always carries a bag of various sweets around.


Sol is rather fast, agile and flexible. Keeps his weapons hidden underneath his coat.

Crew doesn't know his devil fruit ability due to him joining not terribly long ago.
I love this <3

Even If you're not done, accepted!!


Yomi Yomi[/URL]

With this she has the ability to manipulate her soul and interact with the souls around her. Including, using soul and freezing bullets. There are also some other abilities that due to her skeletal body make things possible to lean more click here.

-Weakness: Will die if her bones are completely damaged. When leaves body complexity she is vulnerable.

(click the links, it's all there)

Pirate Crew]



2 pistols, 2 doubble barrel pistols, 1 shot gun, 6 knives, 2 machetes, 2 swords (kantana and Cutlass), ammunition and varying bombs and fireworks.

(you gotta wonder where she put it all, the you realize she's dead and it clicks.)


Yeah I'll probably rant in spanish at times. It won't be hard spanish but if you want to know what it is you can always google translate it. She also does have both eyes, she just likes wearing the eyepatch.

Name] Raticon Degaul

Gender] Male

Age] 23



-Height: 6'6.6"

-Weight: #257

Personality] Raticon is fiercely aggressive though he has constraint. Rather than attack others without regard he chooses his targets and enjoys toying with them, primarily going after Marines.

History] TBR

Devil Fruit(Optional)]
Magu Magu no mi

-Weakness: Standard Devil Fruit Weakness

Pirate Crew(Optional)] None

Inventory] Nothing

Other] N/A


Atom said:
Name] Raticon Degaul
Gender] Male

Age] 23



-Height: 6'6.6"

-Weight: #257

Personality] Raticon is fiercely aggressive though he has constraint. Rather than attack others without regard he chooses his targets and enjoys toying with them, primarily going after Marines.

History] TBR

Devil Fruit(Optional)]
Magu Magu no mi

-Weakness: Standard Devil Fruit Weakness

Pirate Crew(Optional)] None

Inventory] Nothing

Other] N/A

Name] Osa Kazuto

Gender] Male

Age] 16

Has darker skin tone and doesn't wear glasses


-Weight:120 lb

Personality]Osa was the sort of unenthusiastic kid who liked to watch clouds.He is shy and kind also. He preferred not to get involved in "
Problematic" activities, pretending to be busy to avoid responsibility. He also does like fighting,. He is an adventure seeking boy who wants to have fun. He is the type of man to sleep at night with no worries and to help his friends when needed. He can be an airhead at some moments.


Devil Fruit(Optional)] Kaze Kaze no mi(Wind wind no mi) Logia type

Allows the user to make, transform and manipulate the wind .


Temperature problems and has Range problems.

Pirate Crew(Optional)]

Wants to make a crew

Inventory] He uses 2 swords, 2 guns and a map.

Other] He has a pack of candy or Wafer with him most of the time
Name: Raizen

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Appearance: Raizen has black wavy hair and blue eyes that at certain times when she very emotional (angry, sad, happy, etc.) her eyes seem to become golden.


Height: 5’ 6”

Weight: 120

Personality: Since she was younger, Raizen prefers to live on her own as she believes being around people only causes pointless problems. She lives to fight and to keep herself busy, it keeps her mind off of other things she would rather not dwell on. There are times when fighting where she loses herself in the bloodlust, not much can get her out of that state besides her own willpower that is slowly weakening the more she kills without remorse. She tends to have a sharp mouth despite herself, this and her temper can get her into trouble but one way or another she gets herself out of it.

History: Raizen was born in an island in the Grand Line that was supposedly the island of the children of the devil, when she was 7 her island was attacked and almost everyone on the island was slaughtered and those that were alive were captured and sold for the highest price. Raizen passed from master to master as she was known for not being able to be controlled until she landed in the hands of a curious scientist that had taken interest in her bloodline and by the age of 10 she was being used for his experiments, this lead to Raizen forcefully eating the artificial devil fruit that brought about a change for the worse. It gave Raizen power that his previous test subjects never survived longer than more than a few days with, Raizen used the power to kill those that stood in her way, she escaped from her chains and wandered the sea gradually learning to control the uncontrollable, enough to be able to form weapons with her shadow.

By the time she was 15, Raizen had made a name for herself in the Underworld though many did not know her face, the name traveled in whispers through the seas as the woman with the golden eyes, the shadow monster or what the Marines ended up calling her, due to the tattoo on her left wrist and the scythe she had a knack for forming, “The Grim Reaper Raizen”.

Devil Fruit (Optional): Artificial Kage Kage no Mi, with it she can only control her own shadow and that of inanimate objects.

Weakness: Shadow manipulation is harder to do under bright sunlight, Raizen has a bit of a short fuse that can sometimes get her into trouble, children

Pirate Crew (Optional): None

Inventory: A dao sword on her back, 3 knives hidden under her clothes, a gun strapped to her hip, a couple of throwing knives

Other: Raizen liked making things, usually being weapons or cleaning the ones she already has. She hates Marines and will not hesitate to kill one if they cross her path.
allthesebothers said:
Name: Raizen
Gender: Female

Age: 20

Appearance: Raizen has black wavy hair and blue eyes that at certain times when she very emotional (angry, sad, happy, etc.) her eyes seem to become golden.


Height: 5’ 6”

Weight: 120

Personality: Since she was younger, Raizen prefers to live on her own as she believes being around people only causes pointless problems. She lives to fight and to keep herself busy, it keeps her mind off of other things she would rather not dwell on. There are times when fighting where she loses herself in the bloodlust, not much can get her out of that state besides her own willpower that is slowly weakening the more she kills without remorse. She tends to have a sharp mouth despite herself, this and her temper can get her into trouble but one way or another she gets herself out of it.

History: Raizen was born in an island in the Grand Line that was supposedly the island of the children of the devil, when she was 7 her island was attacked and almost everyone on the island was slaughtered and those that were alive were captured and sold for the highest price. Raizen passed from master to master as she was known for not being able to be controlled until she landed in the hands of a curious scientist that had taken interest in her bloodline and by the age of 10 she was being used for his experiments, this lead to Raizen forcefully eating the artificial devil fruit that brought about a change for the worse. It gave Raizen power that his previous test subjects never survived longer than more than a few days with, Raizen used the power to kill those that stood in her way, she escaped from her chains and wandered the sea gradually learning to control the uncontrollable, enough to be able to form weapons with her shadow.

By the time she was 15, Raizen had made a name for herself in the Underworld though many did not know her face, the name traveled in whispers through the seas as the woman with the golden eyes, the shadow monster or what the Marines ended up calling her, due to the tattoo on her left wrist and the scythe she had a knack for forming, “The Grim Reaper Raizen”.

Devil Fruit (Optional): Artificial Kage Kage no Mi, with it she can only control her own shadow and that of inanimate objects.

Weakness: Shadow manipulation is harder to do under bright sunlight, Raizen has a bit of a short fuse that can sometimes get her into trouble, children

Pirate Crew (Optional): None

Inventory: A dao sword on her back, 3 knives hidden under her clothes, a gun strapped to her hip, a couple of throwing knives

Other: Raizen liked making things, usually being weapons or cleaning the ones she already has. She hates Marines and will not hesitate to kill one if they cross her path.
Name] Warden Gangplank

Gender] Male

Age] 26

Ignore the crow.

-Height: 5"10

-Weight: 182 lbs

Personality] Warden is a very loyal and kind man who loves to share his stories of the adventures he has been on. He is a very simple man with a simple way of life, justice shall be served from the seas. He believes that he can make the world good once more. He loves going on adventures and wants to be with as many people as he can.

History] Warden grew up in a very calm and quiet town, yearning for adventures. His father was a pirate in the Whitebeard pirate crew and Warden looked up to him very much. He was the perfect person and perfect role model. Until the day that his town was attacked by pirates, killing everyone they saw, except for the only child on the island. Instead, they took him in and trained him to be a fighting weapon. They fed him a strange fruit that gave him the ability to have complete control over sand and he used the ability against the crew, he had planned on sneaking away and managed to pull it off due to his ability over sand. He used the fighting capabilities that he was forced into having for good and started to join crews, telling of his adventure on the rogue pirate crew. He has been a traveling pirate ever since.

Devil Fruit] Suna Suna no mi. Sand Sand fruit.

-Weakness: Standard weaknesses.

Pirate Crew(Optional)] Is anyone open?

Inventory] His arm blade and his coat.

Other] No he doesn't have a pet crow.
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Name] Vincent Matuka

Gender] Male

Age] 24



-Height: 7'0

-Weight: 280

Personality] Vincent is quiet, cold, and merciless. He kills without thought if the occasion calls for it and feels no remorse for the life's he ends and the futures he shatters.

History] TBA

Devil Fruit(Optional)] Bal Bal no Mi

Mythical Zoan


-Weakness: Devil Fruit weakness.

Pirate Crew(Optional)] Travels with Raticon.

Inventory] A large double sided axe.


Oh wait, I thought you said fruit story. I got confused. I'll change it.. :D

I changed it to Suna Suna if that is ok. :D
Name] Panzer Axel

Gender] Male

Age] 23



-Weight: 165 lb

Personality] Axel is a rather calm guy and prefers to avoid combat as much as possible which suits his capabilities just fine. However, he can become quite cocky and stop thinking strait when he thinks he's doing a good job. He enjoys to joke with people but they can sometimes go over the top and put him in some tough situations. When in a difficult battle she is very protective, which is what makes him good at his job of a ships protector. Finally he is quite greedy and loves to have money but is also charitable with what he has.

History] Axel was originally born in south blue but the catch was that he was birthed on a cruise ship where he was left and forgotten. The staff on the ship found him and were unable to find his parents so security took him in and raised him as one of their own. While growing up he had always had an interest in pirates and the sense of adventure they gave him. However, one day on the cruise while he was about 7 he was kidnapped by a group of pirates as he watched them terrorize and destroy the ship. From then he worked as a cabin boy doing odd jobs on their ship until one day he escaped in a small dinghy with a chest he stole from them. For a long to. Axel simply drifted on see until he could no longer handle the hunger and opened the chest as his last hope finding only a strange looking fruit that he ate finding it very bitter. Eventually he passed out but soon after was found by the marines. The picked him up out of the water and got him fed and a nice bed after which he was transported to Mariejois. Here again he was put on cleaning duty...until they learned what he could do. One day one of the stricter marines was getting violent about to hit him for a poor job but Axel crossed his fingers and the marine fell back clenching his hand in pain. After this Axel was placed on a battle ship where he finally got to travel the world. However, it didn't feel the same to him so at the age of 17 he abandoned his position of Captain for the pirate life but has been struggling to find the right group ever since he left. Often just hitch hiking around to find just the right group and making money as a bounty hunter.

Devil Fruit(Optional)] Bari Bari No Mi- Allows the user to create barriers by crossing their fingers. These barriers are indestructible and can be manipulated into different forms but are mostly seen as walls. Also they can be used offensively.

-Weakness: The amount of barriers he can produce is limited and the area he can cover is as well. The shields are venerable to sound presumably as well. Then the usual sea water and sea prism

Pirate Crew(Optional)] Has been hitch hiking from island to island to find someone to take him in.

Inventory] The clothes on his back and a satchel with money and a few toys.

Other] Despite his calm attitude is very quick to get in bar fights.
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