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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Uh, for zoan devil fruits please follow standard zoan rules, three forms, one dragon, one half dragon, one human form. Also I believe you have spelt the crew name wrong.
Name: Sango Iori

Age: 25

height/Weight: Average


Gender: Male

Race: Human

personality: withdrawn, vary self reliant, has a tendency to get into unneeded conflict with other swordsmen, a terrible navigator.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.):Swordsman

Devil fruit/skill: as a Wano Samurai, he has been trained to cut through things as dense as steel. he is also a practitioner of Fox Fire sword-style, which allows him to Generate, attack with and cut through Fire.

Background:(at least 3 sentences): Sango grew up in Wano Country, where he learned from his master the ancient sword art of Fire-fox style. he was extremely gifted at it, and at the age of 14 he joined up with the Fireland pirates to test his sword skills on anyone who was brave enough to go against him. He appreciates his captain for seeing his skill at such a young age, and is extremely loyal.
Name: Jackel Lins

Age: 22

Height/Weight: 6'7 230


Race: Human

Personality: Jackal is a calm and quiet individual, earning him the name "Silent Reaper " He doesn't get NAD easily, and he will usually try to end a confrontation as fast as possible. However, he is still a deadly killer, and is one of the most infamous young pirates.

Role: Warlord

Devil Fruit/Skill: Jackal posses the

Door door fruit, which let's him make portals. He uses this to trick and confuse his opponents, and then finishing them off with one of his final moves. He has mastered it enough to open doors right in front of people and posting them up in the sky to make them drop.

Background: Jackal has had am interesting life, but not much is known. He was born in the North Blue, where his parents were wealthy landowners. On his 16th birthday, he stole his parents ship and sailed out to sea. However, so much of his life is shrouded in mystery.

(He is my warlord character) @pbtenchi
I looked through character list. I saw the inu inu modal wolf, but I didn't see an inu inu modal inugami. I also saw fox fox model ninetails.
Name:Erica Robins




Son wukong form:



personality: she can be bubbly one minute and serious the next. she is a wild fighter, who's moves are unreadable because they are all born of natural instinct rather then thought.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.): Warlord

Devil fruit/skill: Mythical Zoan type: Son Wukong.

Background:(at least 3 sentences): Erica was born into the pirate life and quickly created and captained her own crew. one day she got ahold of the mythical Zoan type: Son Wukong fruit and because of the fruits nature, she physically stopped aging at 15. she became a scourge of the sea, her combat skills where not outmatched, with her ability to naturally understand the flow of the battlefield thanks to her animal instinct, as well as her natural athletics because of the monkey god within her, she was able to raise to the top of the governments most wanted and soon asked to join the warlords. she now spends most of her time in marriejoi, only venturing out when it is requested of her. she loves pie.
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as for her abilities I would like to confirm with you. because her devil fruit turns her into Sun wukong she should have his abilities, which mainly consist of combat. but looking at his abilities from the story I can see how some of them would not make sense in one peice, like his ability to survive deep water. so I am just going to name the powers of his I would like for her to have. you can tell me if it's too over powered, but she is a warlord so I think most of these should be fare.

  • Body Freezing Spell: Allows him to immobilize enemies.
  • Bi Huo Jue/”Fire Avoidance Charm”: Allows him to survive fire.
  • Jie Suo Fa/”Lock-Breaking Spell”: Allows him to point a finger or his staff and open any lock.
  • Jīndǒuyún/”cloud-somersault” or “cloud trapeze”: Allows him to cover 108,000 li (54,000 km, 33,554 mi) in a single leap.
  • Protective Circle: Allows him to erect an impassible barrier by drawing a circle on the ground with his staff.
  • Shen Wai Shen Fa/”Body Outside of Body”: Specifically refers to his ability to transform his hairs into fighting clones of himself.
  • Wind: Allows him to summon strong winds and storms.



Hajro "Whirlpool" Santana




6'60'' / 550lbs








Not much can be said of his personality, Hajro is extremely ruthless and methodic. He will do everything in his power to get what he wants, that included threatening, Blackmailing, Killing, Torturing or other methods. His Current Target is the secret Mukade so Dearly holds about the World government.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.):

Super Rookie, Captain of the Maelstrom Pirates

Devil fruit/skill:

Whirl Whirl Fruit: This Paramecia devil fruit allows the user to transform himself and produce Tornadoes. It's not a Logia, so it's possible to inflic normal damage at him, however, good luck trying to Hit him without being flung away.

Shari no Ken: A martial art that Invoves the user spinning his body to be effective.


Hajro firstly was a slave, wasting away with a cruel family of world nobles, they would often torture him and other slaves. One day, an article went around the newspaper that the whole family had been slaughtered and one of the slaves had escaped. After becoming a Pirate Hajro became ruthless and angry at the world government, swearing revenge on them. After learning that Mukade had discovered the WG's most important secret, He began hunting the Warlord and Blackmailing him. It appears that he went too far with Mukade's good will and made the Warlord furious, now he Hydes away in Skypiea for the time being.​
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Name: Emile Durvhast

Age: 19

height/Weight: 5'11"/ 198 lbs



Gender: Male

Race: Human

personality: Emile generally is very sarcastic, kind but more importantly, enigmatic. He is a loyal being but a lot of his choice are questionable until everything comes together. By his very nature, his loyalty may never be in question, but it doesn't mean that he will trust that person. Emile struggles with his need to be a normal human, and his undying thirst for becoming a Vengeful Spirit and taking down every Celestial Dragon alive. He's not exactly the most emotional of people and will sit there with a blank, face through even the most heart wrenching of stories.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.): Astrologist- able to keep the ship in the right direction at night by way of the stars

Devil fruit/skill: Can use almost any type of weapon that exists and his fists as a result of his being forced to fight for the enjoyment of the Celestial Dragons, also possesses a WICKED glare that has, as he says, "the ability to sink a frigate." Later eats the Goro Goro no Mi (if that's ok.)

Background:(at least 3 sentences): Emile used to be a slave to the Celestial Dragons until he was 16. In a fit of rage, he accidentally killed one of the Celestial Dragons, this caused a complete change in his personality. The sheer shock of seeing that his tormentor was in fact mortal coupled with the fact that they had made him into a killing machine made him vengeful. Emile turned and killed every last member of that family before escaping. Emile stopped running and burned the symbol off, replacing it with four lightning bolts intersecting. He has a slight aversion to PIE and is a highly wanted man.
Tellmeastory said:


Hajro "Whirlpool" Santana




6'60'' / 550lbs








Not much can be said of his personality, Hajro is extremely ruthless and methodic. He will do everything in his power to get what he wants, that included threatening, Blackmailing, Killing, Torturing or other methods. His Current Target is the secret Mukade so Dearly holds about the World government.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.):

Super Rookie, Captain of the Maelstrom Pirates

Devil fruit/skill:

If Logias were accepted: Paper Paper Fruit: He can transform himself or produce, small sheets of paper. Even being a Logia, it has many weaknesses, Including Water, Combustion or anything that can destroy a sheet of paper. If he's in Paper form, he might be succeptible to be taken away by the wind.

If Pb still think it's too early for Logias: Mythical Zoan: Carybdis


((Quick Greek mythology Lesson! Charybdis is a Mythcal beast first mentioned in the Odyssey of Homer, said to be an Aquatic monster that devored sailors and Boats whole by creating a Whirlpool with it's mouth on the center. Many despictions of the monster are of a Giant sea creature. However, if he's in Hybrid mode his main power would be Sucction, After all how would a beast like that Be able to create whirlpools like that with it's mouth otherwyse? Immagine him opening a giant mouth to chuck a pie in it!))


Hajro firstly was a slave, wasting away with a cruel family of world nobles, they would often torture him and other slaves. One day, an article went around the newspaper that the whole family had been slaughtered and one of the slaves had escaped. After becoming a Pirate Hajro became ruthless and angry at the world government, swearing revenge on them. After learning that Mukade had discovered the WG's most important secret, He began hunting the Warlord and Blackmailing him. It appears that he went too far with Mukade's good will and made the Warlord furious, now he Hydes away in Skypiea for the time being.​
you forgot something important. Water. No aquatic zoans.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Name: Emile Durvhast
Age: 19

height/Weight: 5'11"/ 198 lbs



Gender: Male

Race: Human

personality: Emile generally is very sarcastic, kind but more importantly, enigmatic. He is a loyal being but a lot of his choice are questionable until everything comes together. By his very nature, his loyalty may never be in question, but it doesn't mean that he will trust that person. Emile struggles with his need to be a normal human, and his undying thirst for becoming a Vengeful Spirit and taking down every Celestial Dragon alive. He's not exactly the most emotional of people and will sit there with a blank, face through even the most heart wrenching of stories.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.): Astrologist- able to keep the ship in the right direction at night by way of the stars

Devil fruit/skill: Can use almost any type of weapon that exists and his fists as a result of his being forced to fight for the enjoyment of the Celestial Dragons, also possesses a WICKED glare that has, as he says, "the ability to sink a frigate." Later eats the Goro Goro no Mi (if that's ok.)

Background:(at least 3 sentences): Emile used to be a slave to the Celestial Dragons until he was 16. In a fit of rage, he accidentally killed one of the Celestial Dragons, this caused a complete change in his personality. The sheer shock of seeing that his tormentor was in fact mortal coupled with the fact that they had made him into a killing machine made him vengeful. Emile turned and killed every last member of that family before escaping. Emile stopped running and burned the symbol off, replacing it with four lightning bolts intersecting. He has a slight aversion to PIE and is a highly wanted man.

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