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The One Piece is a legendary treasure and he who holds it shall forever more be known as King of the Pirates. What if he is a she? What if Luffy failed and a new young woman sought to complete what was once started? That's what our story will explore. Join Scarlet Johannah Indigrid and her crew - the Red Ribbon Pirates - as they explore the seas to fulfill all their hopes and dreams, including becoming QUEEN of the Pirates.

Lady Warlock

Anime RN
One Piece: New Pirate Era
Plot Hooks and Interest Inquiry
Come Aboard!
Over 200 years has passed since the time of the Straw Hat Pirates. They never found the One Piece. No one did. It’s existence faded into myths and legends over the years that followed and the great pirate era came to an end without any fanfare or chaos about it in the slightest. No one grieved its passing because the world became more peaceful for a time. However, among the marines, there were those who wanted a return to the times of old, who wanted pirates to pursue because to them, it was part of their identity. A branch of the marines broke off into an organization whose name is not known, but who work in the shadows and within whispered breaths to bring back a world that allows for men seeking power to pursue it through the marines, through the world government and through piracy. The marines themselves are aware of an insurrection growing, but even they can’t identify what’s being planned.

Then Mirestone happened. An undercover marine planted the seeds for the world to hear rumors that a map had been located detailing the location of the long forgotten but legendary One Piece, and the rumors took with much enthusiasm. Every living, breathing pirate made their way to the island in an attempt to get their hands on it and in the process, they got themselves sucked into the biggest Buster Call the West Blue had ever seen. Many pirate lives were lost that day. However, the unprovoked extreme action taken by the marines - although it was sparked by a smaller collection within the marines - triggered a New Pirate Era. Pirates rallied around those that died as martyrs and took up arms once again, seeking to find power wherever they can to defeat the menace that seeks their extinction.

In the aftermath of Mirestone emerges Captain Scarlet Johannah Indigrid. She was one of the few survivors after the Buster Call that pirates collectively refer to as the Mirestone Massacre. There never was a map. It was a set-up from the start. However, Scarlet Johannah Indigrid has her own plan for getting back at the organization that dared plot her demise. She’s going to find that legendary treasure that they dared to taunt her with, and she knows that as the Pirate Queen, she’ll be able to amass an army that no one can defeat. Only then will the world be safe for the pursuit of freedom in the best ways known to man - by sailing the seas and scavenging the remains of the destruction only a world government could cause.

But first, she needs a crew. After washing up on the shore of Lil’ Amyth, a small island in the West Blue that was ravaged by a tsunami resulting from a bomb in Mirestone, she starts to seek out those who might aid her. Everyone’s got a reason to hate the marines nowadays so that shouldn’t be hard. Then they’ll need a ship. It’s only after that that the real adventure begins.

Care to join the Red Ribbon Pirates?
A Bit ‘o Background
Hello Friends! I’m Lady Warlock. I’ve been GMing fandom based RPs here on and off for at least five years and most of them have had at least moderate success. This roleplay, like all of my other projects, will be AU in nature. Rather than erasing canon for this one, we’re just in the future. There might be some improved technology at some points, but I don’t think that’ll come into play too much. Although canon characters did exist, you cannot play the descendant of any canon character. All character submissions should be completely original. This will be a detailed rp with each post expected to be one five sentence paragraph at a bare minimum. Everyone will be expected to post weekly.

I tend to like going a route of collaborative storytelling and although I do have plans for overarching story arcs, I do also like to include story arcs meant for character development and these tend to work best when I collaborate with various players along the way so my inbox is always open for story arcs you’d like to play through for the sake of developing your character further.

Lastly, everyone always asks about devil fruits. I grant devil fruits to highly detailed characters that do not function without said devil fruit. There is no set writing limit that I look for; rather, I’m seeking originality and something quirky that feels like it belongs in the One Piece world. Individuals are welcome to PM me about devil fruit ideas and I can give tentative yes’s or no’s but I will not give final answers until I see the finished character sheet. Yes, this does mean you might put a lot of effort into a character just to find out that they don’t work. If you aren’t willing to take that risk, then I recommend just making a character without a devil fruit. Haki is not allowed in the beginning. The Six Powers are allowed, but your backstory needs to explain how your character learned whichever ones they have, and it should make sense. The Six Powers are marine based so some connection to the marines - and not an uncle of an uncle of an uncle - will be required.

This thread is open for people to ask more questions or start claiming roles on the ship. I will - obviously - be playing the Captain and you cannot claim the role of “First Mate.” Scarlet will appoint her own First Mate. If you claim a role and then do not make a character within one week of character creation opening (it’ll probably open before the end of 08/20/21 CST), the role will open back up for someone else to claim.

I can’t wait to hear from you guys!
~ Lady Warlock

Stay tuned for the first saga in the journey of the Red Ribbon Pirates!
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Captain Scarlet Johannah Indigrid
GAH! Had it really been a week already? Had it even been a week? Scarlet’s head had been pounding so much over however much time had passed since she’d faced the full force of the marines and lost. Surprisingly, she wasn’t too disappointed in herself for failing to defeat them. They had a good plan in place, and she’d fallen for it. Spades had always taught her to give credit to her enemies. It would help her be more prepared the next time she faced them. What she was disappointed about was the loss of her ship and the separation from the crew she had been building in Mirestone. Some of them had seemed like really awesome people and now she wasn’t even sure if they were alive anymore or not.

The reality of the situation was that she fought the marines two weeks ago. An island was destroyed two weeks ago. A tsunami had struck the island she now found herself on not longer than a day later. In the time between then and now, the crewless captain had wandered around helping the inhabitants clean up all the wreckage that remained from the disaster. In exchange, kind people had offered her food and a few small supplies. It certainly wasn’t fun, but her head needed to stop throbbing before she could really figure out how she would move forward from that point.

She probably would’ve spent a few more weeks in a wandering haze had she not heard the news that the marines were now heading here. Not all of them - not like in Mirestone - she had heard. Rather, they were coming to deliver aid to the people. Though it was kind of them, Scarlet wasn’t interested in being recognized; she’d already had far too many encounters with them and she wasn’t ready to face them again quite yet. She needed a ship. She needed a crew. She needed to get off the goddamned island and she needed to do it days ago. At least she had some warning, but rumor was that they could arrive that very same day.

Scrambling all the brainpower she could muster up, Scarlet scurried towards the main docks on the island. They were still under heavy repair, but a few ships were able to get in and out with some assistance. The docks had been one of the first repair stations because they needed to be able to bring ships in and out to receive any assistance from anyone at all. There were some random people around selling their goods in little stands they had constructed while shops were being fixed up again. Some shops were back up and running, but not all of them. After all, people had to repair their homes, too, and they tended to prefer a place to live as opposed to a place to work. Fast feet carried her straight to the dockmaster. “Do you have any ships available? Or even a small boat? I need to get off the island now!” She emphasized her need, but did not explain why. Obviously she wouldn’t explain that she was out to be the Pirate Queen to a man who probably had some small loyalty to the World Government.

“I’m sorry, Miss. You’re stranded here with at least one hundred other people and we’re working as fast as we can to get things back up and running. If you’d like to assist, it might contribute to the speed of things. Otherwise, I suggest you try to hop onto one of the ships coming in or going out. We won’t have our shipyard up and running for a while yet,” he spoke with some small sympathy, but clearly didn’t have the patience to put up with any argument and promptly walked away from the young pirate.

A grumbling expression formed on her face. Scarlet wasn’t happy with that answer. She had been helping with the repair effort and she was pretty sure one person wouldn’t make much of a difference. Her eyes turned to the ships going out and she noted a few sails on the horizon coming in. Hopefully they weren’t marines. All she could do was flop onto her butt and wait to see if there was any way she could board one of the incoming ships. Or… just maybe… she could commandeer one - although more people would be preferred for that endeavor.

Ships had plenty of reasons to head in and out of Lil’ Amyth at that moment. Now that Mirestone didn’t exist anymore, Lil’ Amyth was the closest island to Reverse Mountain - the passage in and out of Paradise. Many merchants had reason to come help build the place up so that they could later set up shop there. It was bound to receive lots of business once the chaos of the Mirestone Massacre had settled down so it was a worthwhile investment. There were also charity resources bringing in aid for the islanders. Heck, some pirates might even stop by en route to the Grand Line, particularly if they hadn’t heard that the island had just suffered disaster. They might have expected to be able to resupply. And the marines were heading in to help as well - probably so they could make it look like they were the good guys all along. Scarlet wasn’t about to buy into that bullshit. Despite catching onto it, though, all she could do was wait with a weather eye on the horizon.

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel shadowdude505 shadowdude505 Hanarei Hanarei Damafaud Damafaud grudge grudge PlusUltra PlusUltra SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Traveler Traveler Scribe_6 Scribe_6 Sega Sega wyvernheart wyvernheart MazaInferno MazaInferno
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Alicia Harte

A rather unusually dressed woman seemed to be shuffling to-and-fro along the outskirts of the docks. Wearing a teal and white maid outfit it was far from what one might expect given the town of Lil' Amyth though now of all times was far from the usual. The meek looking girl seeming rather uneasy, trembling a bit as she held onto the large crate seeming to aid in moving around the various goods. Not a very 'maid-like' activity if there truly was such a label to be applied. The frilly outfit already seeming a little bit dingy from the world despite her best efforts to brush herself off after each crate, the girl meekly tugging upon the skirt as to try and pull it down below her knees to fit in better with her stalkings somehow having avoided getting torn up a bit in the act of carrying so many things.

The girl's icy blue eyes glanced up as she seemed to take a pause from the labor she had gotten herself into staring out across the ocean seeing the various ships that seemed to be approaching. The cool breeze blowing through her hair causing her hand to lift swiftly as to keep her hair from getting too unruly, a habit more so from her original job before this all went down. It was far different from serving a more wealthy client who tended to want you to look nice but also tended to be a bit more lax on the work only requesting it to be done punctually rather then a hurry like the work on the docks seemed to require of her. Then again perhaps it was her fault being the horrible person she was with the little 'accident' she had caused earlier. The very sound of the man's voice yelling at her prompting the girl's eyes to water a bit in distress at herself for the pain she had caused them.

Alicia Harte was her name, a girl who had brushed against fate and for it had caused pain and suffering to others. A mistake born out of a foolish desire to act out of line that cost many she loved dearly. It was a sin she had sought to use the rest of her life to pay back to others, to enrich the lives of those who might see some value in her doing so, giving her sense of fulfillment that she might be able to make up for her own wickedness. Yet as comfortable as she had it working for a kind family that was more then happy for her to serve under them despite how much of a screw up as she could be, she had felt a longing for something more. What it was she wasn't certain... but it was a strange longing for something different and the sea seemed to be what had been calling her. A rather foolish thing considering 'that curse' also made those beautiful waves a more then certain call for death should she fall into them.

"Are ya goin' to finish movin' them boxes or ya planning on paying me back in full for the hole ya put in my ship?"

The white haired girl nearly jumped in place glancing back and forth nervously looking over at the portly man who had been yelling at her. A very uneasy look coming on her face blinking as if she was about to tear up feeling a pain in her chest realizing she was letting the man down. She shook her head fighting back any tears for being such a screw up once again. She bowed enthusiastically in response, several times in rapid succession nearly looking to be groveling at the man from a distance.

"S...sorry sorry... sorry sorry sorry! I'll.. I'm right on it!" She apologized begging for forgiveness as she quickly shuffled forward to grab another box continuing to work on lugging the crates over towards the ship for it to be loaded up. The girl being swift to act trying to pick up the pace. Sure enough as quickly as she picked up the first the second followed with her placing it down, the girl despite looking so feeble seeming to show practically no sign of physical exhaustion carrying such large boxes around, ones that the crew taking them on the ship seemed to struggle much more with picking up and carrying. It was something that had caused a few of the sailors to look upon the girl with a mixture of both awe and uneasy though fortunately for Alicia she hadn't caught the slightest wind of such looks.

The maid girl pausing once more seeing a short pause once more with no more packages to help move as she glanced out once more in a daze out to see. The whole Mirestone situation having wrought. The ship she was helping to load wasn't even prepared to set sail as much as it seemed to be loading up goods they strangely didn't want in the docks before the Marines arrived... whatever reason it might be she couldn't be sure. The town was doing its best to get back into the swing of things and she didn't know how long she might be stuck there. The girl dazing off once more in thought not paying much attention as she stood out in the middle of some mild foot traffic contemplating with herself.
The weeping of seagulls could be heard circling above as the waves struck the coastline, blasting sea spray in the stands. The setting sun's rays fell on the area, painting it with light. A man lay flat on the beach, his back embedded in the sand. His face turned ashen, like a raisin, as his body was emptied of all life. The twitching of his fingers was the only movement he was capable of. This man obviously had been left for dead, abandoned to the elements for weeks on end until he finally succumbed to nature's forces. Completely deserted, without a single soul in sight, this man seemed doomed to fall to the forces of nature, in solitude....

"So, this is how it ends, huh..." He mumbled quietly, as his pale purple eyes slowly began to close, his final moments.

At least, that would be the case if all of Lil’ Amyth wasn't sitting right behind him!

As the fact he was lying right on the shoreline of a populated civilization became revealed, the previous drained raisin look his body had completely melted away, showing that he was in a completely healthy state, All he was doing was imagining the situation as much worse than it truly was. He had only been on the island for a week or so, he hadn't really kept track, and all he was doing was wallowing in sand with nothing better to do. His eyes shot up as he quickly sat up, gripping the side of his head in annoyance as he gritted his teeth. "I HATE IT" He shouted out in annoyance, his voice echoing over the vast sea. He stood up from the ground, dusting the bits of sand off his vestments as he let out a sigh. A fair amount of time had passed since he had witnessed that massive attack from the World Government, who had completely demolished his hopes of getting the One Piece. Not to mention that the explosion had caused a tsunami that had consumed him and his ship.

It wasn't long after that until he washed ashore to Lil’ Amyth, he placed a hand on his chin as he remembered how excited he was to be alive at that moment, frantically kissing the sand only to cough and sputter as he had to evacuate the bits of it that had gotten into his mouth. As he dragged his tongue over his teeth, he still felt like there were small bits of grit on his teeth...Anyhow, that excitement of being alive was short-lived as he had recollected what had happened, replaying the sight of seeing his dreams go up in flames over and over in his head. The first couple hours of him being on the island was somewhat blank in his mind, mostly because it was blocked by a mass of tears and ugly crying. Luckily, there was no one around to see that.

After finally getting a grip on himself, he finally took the time to see what Lil’ Amyth was about, only to come to a grim realization very quickly. This island had NOTHING! After being ravaged by the tsunami, barely anything was in operation and the attack from the World Government had completely scared away all ship traffic! A shadow appeared over his face as he remembered walking through the town, trying to find someplace to get some booze or something to eat and getting turned away at every corner, the shop owners directing his attention right towards their destroyed business. With no other choice, he retreated back to shore, only being able to nibble on some rations he had on him. And that was his daily routine...

"Dammit! This sucks! I want to leave!" He screamed out to the ocean once more, clenching his fists in anger as his expression exploded into one of fiery rage as his long hair flowed from the force of his vitriol, only to have it quickly snuffed out as his expression turned into one of a depressed grin, as the corner of his lip twitched. "Ah...but I can't..." He lamented. His ship had completely disappeared in the tsunami.

"No big deal, right? SURELY a town right next to Reverse Mountain has a ship I could buy!" His past self thought, oh so foolishly.

"Oi, oi. We're in the middle of recovering from gettin' hit by a damn tsunami, You really think we got the time or people to set you up with a ship?" The man at the counter told him, crossing his arms.

The color drained from his face as his mouth opened in shock, as if he had been struck by lightning, his sight becoming completely black and white, but before he could lose himself completely, he bounced himself back into color, a resolved look coming on his face. "W-Wait! Let's not loose hope yet! Now that some time has passed, there has to be some gullible idiots who will let me board their ship!" He thought, a devilish grin on his face.


"Eh? Ride on our ship? Alright, I'll let ya. But it's gonna cost ya 20,000 Beli per day. What? You can't pay that? Don't waste my time then, idiot!"

The merchant turned away from him, grumbling under his breath as he left the man standing there with a pained expression on his face, feeling his knees go wobbly. But, before he could collapse, his eyes steeled, as he restored his resolve. "Surely, the next one!"


"On my ship? Hmm, you look really suspicious. I don't wanna get involved into anything strange before I even get back to Paradise."


"Are you also a fisherman? No? Why do you want on my ship then? You one of those weird hitchhiker types?"


"No way, You're all sweaty and clammy and those stickers on your face are weird."

As this lady walked away, his pupils slowly formed into dark empty voids as all color disappeared from his face, his pride in complete tatters as he slowly crouched down to curl up on the ground...


As the flashback ended, he laid crouched down in the same position as back then, his empty eyes staring off into the distance aimlessly as the wounds in his pride reopened. "Why do I even want to leave this island? My hope of becoming Pirate King is already gone. I'm out of a ship, again. I didn't have time to find another crew in my rush over here, I'm all alone. Maybe I should just jump into the sea? That would probably be the best, not like it'd matter if I did. My journey's over anyway, I might as well just die on this island. So ends the story of the Invincible Higo-Sama..."

Higo's eyes closed once more, as flopped back onto the ground again, completely resigning to his fate as the seagulls began to circle around him, and slowly he began to prune up once more...

Then, his eyes blasted open once more as he rose off the ground like a revived zombie, "AS IF I'D LET IT END HERE!" He screamed out, again, as he stumbled forward, wiping his lips and breathing heavily like he was in the middle of an intense battle. "That was close. I almost let this island get to me!" He stated, before kicking the sand and letting out a cocky laugh, "BURAHRAHRAHA! Well, too bad! The mental fortitude of the great pirate Higo Dronfir is to not be underestimated!" He declared, pointing to himself "I'm going to get off this island and start my journey anew once more! If I can't get on a ship willingly…" He trailed off, crossing his arms as he gave a devious grin, the bangs of his hair falling forward to ominously shadow his face. "I'll STEAL one! I'm a pirate, after all! BURAHRAHRAHRAHA!"

He turned on his heel, dramatically pointing towards town as his cape floated in the wind, "Now, to the docks!" He said, and in an instant, began to dash forward. Filled with adrenaline and confidence, he blazed through the town like a speeding bullet, approaching the dock with a cloud of dust following him, only to come to a skidding stop as he came within inches of flying off the dock. His hands waved frantically as the force caused him to lean forward, but he was quickly able to adjust himself to stand flat on his feet once more.

"Now...which ship to board..." He cupped his chin, as his eyes glazed over the ships placed at the dock, almost as if he was glazing over a food menu. "Ohhh...Ohhhhhh! OOOOHHHH!" His hums of excitement slowly grew louder and louder as his eyes jumped from one appealing option to the next one. However, there was one that stood above all the other ones. A bright light shinning behind it that bathed in a shadowy silhouette that slowly lifted to reveal the form of the ship. A large vessel with a tall mast, a strong looking hull, and a powerful rudder. It was perfect! Higo rubbed his hands together as he slowly approached the ship, ready to make his move on it himself. But, before he could get far....

"Oi did you hear? Apparently they are sending some marines here to help with repairs!" One man said to another as they walked past Higo. "Really? That's great! With them here, we should get everything back to workin' in no time," The other man replied. They walked past Higo without a second thought, which wasn't strange, they were simply engaging in idle conversation. But, Higo who had overheard, had completely stopped in his tracks, a cold sweat going down his face as his eyes bulged out of his head. A bubble of thought appeared over his head, revealing some simple math.

Stolen Ship + Marines = ...

Higo imagined himself sitting with a ball and chain around his ankle, wearing black and white stripped clothes as his hands gripped against seastone bars.


Higo's confidence completely faded away as he turned away from the merchant ship, giving a weak smile as he laughed nervously, "O-Of course the marines are coming! That's great! Stealing ships is so o-overrated now anyways..." He said, coping with a shrug as he exhaled. However, internally he was letting out a horrendous scream of worry. The marines were coming HERE!? This was bad! He had no allies, and no reliable means of transportation to escape the island! Stealing a ship, especially by himself, might work, but if he ran across the marines on sea, and they decided to check the ship, he didn't stand a chance. He was truly a rock in a hard place right now, He brought his fingers up to his mouth as he quickly began to gnaw on his nails. He needed allies, and fast! But where would he find someone who could help him in a place like this!? He dashed away from the docks in as much of a hurry as he came, Surely there had to be someone around who might be able to help him get off this island!
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Cherluca Nyneve | The Red Demon


Current Action
Chasing after Higo (though slower than him)

Lil' Amyth - Docks

grudge grudge
Deep blue waves rose and sunk rhythmically, reaching high into the heavens before crashing back down to earth. The sky was bright and idyllic, casting mesmerising reflections onto the waves of the sea. Such a sight bore itself into crimson eyes, as Cher felt a yearning that he had resisted for years. It was not that he hadn't swam at all during his time on the surface. This particular yearning was different, one of a world he could no longer go back to.

Looking away from the bright view that burned his eyes, Cher glanced over the busy workers traipsing around the docks. Loading and unloading, repairing and replacing, everyone seemed so busy, so much so that he felt a little bit out of place.

This island, Lil’ Amyth, was hit hard by the aftereffects of the Mirestone Massacre. Broken homes, sodden supplies, it was quite the pitiful sight. Though, none of it was really any of Cher's concern. The reason he was here was simple, to find a new pirate crew. As Mirestone no longer existed, the new pirate centre of West Blue should be the very island he was standing on, as the closest land to Reverse Mountain.

Cher's last pirate crew didn't end up very well. With a tattered ship, floating corpses and an angry sea king, safe to say that his last quest to become a formidable pirate with strong crew members ended in failure. To be honest, since he was asleep at the time, he didn't even know how they had irritated a sea king so much. He knew them well, having fought them with his fellow soldiers so many times in the past, hence he pondered this matter from time to time. Perhaps they had invaded its territory unknowingly? Few would make their homes so close to the surface though...perhaps apart from those living in the Calm Belt. To be honest, he had no idea how Sea Kings were apart from those that lived near his home in the past, so perhaps he shouldn't make so many assumptions.

Either way, Cher's old pirate crew was no more. Even his captain, who wielded the forbidden powers of a devil fruit, was sent flying, and he hadn't seen him since. He was always a rather confident and determined fellow, hence Cher had belief that following him would lead to success, some way or another. It was unfortunate that he was gone now, most likely having drowned at the bottom of the sea...

Speaking of him, that man over there looks rather similar. With long dark green hair combed back and a few strands coiling down his face to his chin... Cher used to occasionally question his choice of hairstyle, wondering how he managed to avoid that middle strand from getting in his eyes and face. The stranger eyeing up those ships was also dressed similarly, wearing lots of purple with stickers on each cheek. He always thought his captain dressed like a clown, though, he never said it to his face. He'd probably beat him up... It was hard to tell what exactly the stranger was wearing from this distance, but... it felt awfully.... familiar...

Just as Cher came to a realization, the man ran off into the distance, at a speed Cher definitely could not hope to catch up with. Out of frustration, as he immediately began chasing after him, he yelled for him at the top of his lungs.


If he didn't stop him now, he might never see him again!

Nicole Robbins


It was an odd turn of fate. One moment she was free as a bird, the next a tsunami had knocked her on her ass with her clothes soaked through. With all that transpired, she was lucky to be alive. Others couldn’t say the same. She hadn’t seen any of the Revolutionaries she had been with at the time. She assumed they were dead.

Nicole managed to find a nice family with a younger girl to stay with. The house wasn’t in the best condition, but it was like she had a little sister.

Over the couple weeks, she’d been helping with the rebuilding. She even played her guitar to help keep hope alive.

But now it was time to leave. The marines were coming and she didn’t want to stick around to see if she had a bounty.

“Do you really have to go?”

Nicole looked down at the girl and flashed her a grin.

“Sorry kiddo. I have places to be, people to see. That’s the life of a rockstar,” she replied. “But I will miss you,” she added, gently ruffling the girl’s hair.

Nicole waved her goodbye and started to walk toward the docks. She didn’t like lying to the family, but she wasn’t sure how’s they react to her true identity as a freedom fighter.

She spotted Scarlet sitting alone. She had seen her around, but they had always been working on other projects.

“No luck?” Nicole asked nonchalantly, flopping down beside Scarlet. “At least we finally get a chance to talk. Name’s Nicole.” She flashed flashed a charismatic smile and held out a hand.

“Maybe we can figure something out together. You know what they say, two heads are better than one.”

Lady Warlock Lady Warlock
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Fortune Amidst Disaster


Andar Jaranath
Beastbound, er, merchant
Somewhere on the Shore of Lil' Amyth Island

"No, bad girl, Bosso! Don't swallow!"

Andar forced the sea cow's mouth open and jumped in. A moment later, he rolled out with an aquarium bowl clutched against his chest. The bowl had no cracks and Zarith, the betta fish living inside, somersaulted to greet Andar. The cute trick put a smile on Andar's face, but he still turned to side kick Bosso on the head. Not hard enough to injure it, but definitely hurt.

"Go back to the ocean!" he chided before throwing a piece of squid away. The sea cow mooed mournfully. It may not understand speech, but the pain radiating from its temple told it Andar was not happy. Bosso chased after the squid, but not before sending a pained gaze ashore.

Andar threw an apologetic look at Roam. "Her friend died when I scraped by the Buster Call. Poor girl. She is not usually so desperate for attention."

The llittle bay Andar had docked his ship, a short distance from the main port, was far from the ideal shipyard, but it was the best he could have. Many were stranded following the tsunami over Lil' Amyth Island, though it proved to be a blessing for Andar. The mixed crowd from the Four Blue barely recognized him as the Beastbound Pirate. He was just a poor beast merchant now, whose living goods got destroyed by the tsunami.

Following Roam's direction, Andar hauled logs and other materials where they were needed. Roam was the right hand of Andar's regular shipwright, so finding him was a pleasant surprise. He stuck out from the crowd of humans with his back that glimmered gold, but Andar did not mind and continued working under Roam's instruction. Anyone trying to attack him from greed would regret it.

"Ah, Roam, do you want to be the captain?" Andar asked without turning his head. He weaved his fingers together and smacked a peg into place. "I told you about Nessy. Good girl, good heart, but if she's the captain... ah, I can't rest well. And... captain, I only had beast crews before. "

Nerissa Orta, or Nessy, was a priestess of an obscure religion Andar met during his stay in Lil' Amyth. They clinched it off well and agreed to travel together to find the truth behind Nessy's god, Aquarius. Andar agreed on a whim. He wished to travel anyway, so might as well have some companions on the way. Roam the third member of their skeleton crew, wanting to find materials and information to build an unsinkable vessel... well, he was in!

Andar had a ship ready, but it was in desperate need for some help. It was slightly damaged, but the ship was initially built to house beasts. Rooms needed to be reconstructed so people could use it with ease. Andar stretched his back and faced Roam with a smile. "Ah, what do you think? Captain Roam?"

From its fish bowl, Zarith waved its fin up high as if to cheer.

Interaction: Roam ( Scribe_6 Scribe_6 )
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Interactions/Mentions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers (Cher)

Running through the streets in a desperate attempt to find something that could answer for his problems, he wasn't sure what, but as it stood right now he didn't have any other options. But then slowly he came to a stop, as he breathed heavily to catch his breath, raising a hand to place it against the palm of his face. "What the hell am I running around for? I've already been here for days and I haven't come across a single thing that could help me get off this island..." He lamented, falling to the ground on his knees. "It's hopeless. I might as well just buy a harmonica so I can play the blues behind bars!"

Higo planted his head against the brick road in defeat, but as he heard a faint yell from behind him, his head slowly rose to look over his shoulder, brushing his hair out of his face, only to be met with someone running directly at him in a full sprint, their eyes trained on him like some kind of homing missile! "EHHHHHH!?' Higo screamed out, as his eyes shot out of his head and his tongue wiggled out of his mouth like a worm in shock. He quickly jumped right back into his feet and started running again, repeatedly looking over his shoulder. "Why!? Why is he chasing me!? I haven't done anything!" He questioned out loud, tears beginning to form in the corner of his eyes. His mind began to circle through the things he's done that would lead to someone chasing him down, but as he rolled down the list it just kept going and going. His expression turned blank, as he realized that it was more of a question what he hadn't done. That brief moment of distraction ended up getting the best of him, as a small pebble on the ground ended up sending him falling forward face first, dragging it against the ground as the force of his landing fought against the friction, leading him to slide a few inches forward before coming to a stop, the rest of his body landing against the ground flatly. He pulled his face off the ground, revealing a large red mark that stretched over his whole face, but Higo didn't pay attention to that as he was more focused on the person who was chasing him. Once again, it seemed like his luck had run out. As he turned around, he was ready to resign to his fate....once again.

But then, his eyes narrowed as his head jutted forward, getting a better look at his pursuer. "Wait a minute..." He mumbled, as two cut wires in his brain slowly pushed towards each other, sparking in recognition. The one who was chasing him wasn't someone he had wronged in the past, quite the opposite in fact. It was no one else but a member of his former crew!

Flying off the ground like a rocket, Higo came right towards Cherluca with a swan dive, tears from his eyes training behind him as he fell, "CHERRRRRR!" He screamed out in joy, before landing right in front of him, placing his hands on his crew member's shoulders. "It's really you! You're alive! I don't know how you got here, but I couldn't care less!" Higo exclaimed, rapidly patting his shoulder. He turned around, his cape valiantly flowing in the wind as he raised his hands up in the air, the sun shinning on his face. "BURAHRAHRAHA! Once again the gods shine on the Invincible Captain Higo once more!" He exclaimed, a cocky smile on his features. He turned right back to Cherluca, an expectant look on his face "So if you're here, you must have come on a ship, right!? That's great! Let's go ahead and get right off this island!" Higo said, not even waiting for a response from the man as he began to strut towards the docks again, he truly felt on cloud nine right now.
Nerissa (Nessy) Orta
Nerissa looked up from where she’d sitting on the beach, reading a book that’d been given to her in return for helping a couple on Lil’ Amyth find their lost child. It’d been a week since she had recovered on Fishman Island. Another week since endless amounts of water scrying and searching finally led her to the bays of Lil’ Amyth…only to find herself in the company of another Fishman. Certainly, not all Fishman chose to live in their ancestral home and Nerissa couldn’t say she hadn’t been surprised, but she wasn’t displeased by the outcome either.

Aquarius worked in strange ways.

Besides, Nerissa had always considered those living in her body into be sacred—a race blessed by her to live in her domain. Priests on Mirage Island, scholars that they were, all had various interpretations of how the people of the sea were viewed, but had been her ability to communicate with fish that had led her to the position of Head Priestess on her Island in the first place.

That and her piousness, of course.

Nerissa would like to think she hadn’t changed much in that regard…even if many other things had. She’d been taught to be graceful and serene. Educated, so that she might be the voice of Aquarius, that guided even the chiefs and kings of Mirage Island down the proper path. That same Nerissa currently pouted. The outside world worked under different rules—the events of Mirestone being one of many proofs of such. During the meeting of pirates, when all others laughed at her suggestion to share the ‘Map of One Piece’ if it was found, only Scarlet stood by her side. The girl who desired to be Queen of the Pirates. Nerissa couldn’t say she favored very many pirates—the most common ones she met being scoundrels and thieves—but if Scarlet were to become their leader, Nerissa thought the world all the better for it. More importantly, Scarlet was a friend—just like Arlen. Therefore, Nessy wanted the young Captain’s dream to succeed, nearly as much as she wanted to find answers she sought on her pilgrimage.

“And I told you, Andar, that the captain of the ship will be one Captain Scarlet Johanna Indigrid,” Nerissa said firmly as water vapors gathered to her free hand, forming a bubble that reflected the image of the redhead in question. Traces of Aquarius existed everywhere. The air. The sea. The bodies of men. Therefore, it once she connected to Aquarius’s body through the Gem of her blood, it wasn’t difficult to wield her powers…to a limited extent. “It is the will of Aquarius that the Red Ribbon Pirates be reborn once again…”

The Red Ribbons.

The Charybdis.

Nerissa had failed to protect them during the events of the Mirestone…but seeing as Captain Scarlet was still alive, it seemed like Lady Aquarius still favored the crew. That, of course, was Nerissa’s interpretation, but the priestess of Mirage Island liked to believe it was the correct one. She had strong faith that her fellow Mirage Islander, Arlen Hakhassi, was still alive out there somewhere as well. For now, finding Scarlet came first.

“…as soon as I find her.”

Which shouldn’t be too hard since she knew Scarlet to be somewhere on the island…but Nerissa kept getting distracted. A flooded house here. A lost child there. Lil’ Amyth seemed facing all sorts of problems since the tsunami, and, as a priestess of Aquarius, Nerissa knew she couldn’t leave it be. The island didn’t deserve Aquarius’s wrath. If anything, it was the marines that did. An island…once full of life…reduced to nothing. All because the marines hated pirates. Hated their secrets being discovered.

Hand clenched tightly around the binding of the book she held, Nerissa forced herself to sigh and set the novel back in the satchel she carried. Reaching for her staff, which rested against a large rock, Nerissa slipped her bare feet back into the sandals she’d been wearing. “Which I will do so now before the marines arrive.” Not that Nerissa couldn’t disguise herself if necessary, but it seemed easier to leave the island before they arrived with relief supplies. Less conflict. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Sir Roam. You too, Boso.”

Smiling at the large sea cow that chased after a squid, Nerissa dusted her robes started her trek off the small bay towards town, a large bubble of water in one hand and a staff in the other. If she deduced the images shown to her by Aquarius correctly, Scarlet was on the dock at the other side of the island. Reaching the young captain as shouldn’t be very difficult…so long as she didn’t move. Scarlet tended to move around quite a bit from what Nerissa remembered. Then again, there was every possibility that Scarlet had changed since the buster call that destroyed Mirage Island—just as she had. It was the first time Nerissa had seen the cruelty of the marines—of the World Government---firsthand. Aquarius wouldn’t approve of such a thing. Not at all. Civilians. Animals. Plant-life. Pirates may not be perfectly good people…but there were limits to the actions one could rightfully take, even during war.

The Marines had crossed that line...and Nerissa wouldn’t hold herself back if they did so again. This time, she would protect the friends she made.

Damafaud Damafaud Scribe_6 Scribe_6

(mentioned: Lady Warlock Lady Warlock )
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Levin Waldfried Roam

At: A bay on the far side of Lil'Amyth

With: Andar Damafaud Damafaud & Nessy QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel

A hammer rose from amidst a great pile of building supplies, its handle nearly one-and-a-half times the height of the average person, and its head bobbing in sync with words that rose from within the heap.

"Tell her I'm sorry for her loss." Roam responds without a glance towards Andar, or the mischief-making Sea Cow and the little fish which it was made to spit up. His attention is focused solely on the pile of logs and lumber before him as he attempts to assess the wood for any deformations or bloat brought about by all the water that had been kicked around in the preceding days. Sometimes water damage could cause discoloration, or warping, but other times it simply caused the wood to swell; and over time this swelling would die down as the wood dried naturally, causing an uneven fit with its fellows... He knew how that felt. Here he was venturing out for only the second time in his life...

Goodbye Lyre and the rest of the gang. Goodbye Metra Kingdom. Hello... who knows what? It was a daunting idea, and so he focused in on what he knew best, the repair, reconstruction and ruination of ships. In this case a bit of all three. The vessel in question had been at the edges of the chaos brought on by the Buster Call and had cracks and splinters and holes strewn about it, not to mention the whole thing had essentially been a floating menagerie prior; meaning the interiors needed large breakdowns and overhauling. And so it came to be that he was staring at logs.

Shaking his head slowly the woodworker sighed as a shock of ruddy brown spikes flopped down over his eyes. Adjusting his goggles higher onto his head he managed to get the hair out of his face and took the moment of restored clarity in order to look away from his task and over to the pirate he’d hitched his hopes to. Andar was a pirate captain, and one who Roam’s old boss respected to a fair degree. He had, previously, run a crew somehow composed almost exclusively of beasts and made a name for himself in the region. He was capable, he was strong... but he certainly wasn’t acting like the ‘captain’ that Roam had known him to be. Maybe he had been a captain of a crew of beasts because he didn’t really know how to lead people? Then again, for that matter...

“I don’t really know how to lead people.Or talk to them for extended periods of time... He thought to himself. “Besides; you’re a lot more qualified than me. I just build ships. Haven’t sailed one further than the far end of the harbor for a few years now, barring recent events.” He didn’t feel he was suited to the title, and frankly Andar trying to foist it on him made him think maybe the beastman wasn’t either. This ‘Nessy’ that Andar had met was little more than a bit of gossip and goodwill to him at this point, even sitting a short distance away from him, but Andar being uncomfortable with her as the captain did make things more trying.

"Right... um. Nice meeting you. Good luck finding this 'Captain Scarlet' person." He said as a hand poked up from amid the mess of material he'd buried himself within. Quickly the hand turned in on itself and the thumb alone stood facing skyward as he offered a thumbs-up by way of encouragement. Looking between the banged-up ship and the pair of misfits currently working to get it working, the shipwright couldn’t help but think back to something his boss had told him.

No plank is perfect, but some logs are there for making ships, and some are more suited to being firewood or mulch. The trick isn’t knowing the difference, that’s the base expectation of doing your job, the trick is knowing how to make all those things useful to your work.Even in memory she was a blur of a person; constantly moving, constantly working, constantly little more than the glimpse of a smile caught at an angle as she turned away to set to the next task. He hoped she and the rest of the Plucked Strings Shipyard crew was doing alright...

OH! Oh man... huh. I just realized I should probably say sorry for your loss, too.” A head popped up from the heap, it’s mess of brown hair looking as though the man upon whose head it had grown had just stuck his head in an outlet, then been dragged through a sawmill. “Sorry!” He said as he offered a crooked smile and what he hoped was a look of concern but felt more like a slightly forced glance of uncertainty, before drawing a pencil from his apron pocket and beginning to mark out the dimensions he’d be cutting from one of the heftier logs. So too did he prepare to cut off that awkward bit of condolences by uttering a few more words.

Just in case she doesn't randomly stumble into the person she's looking for... maybe we just hire a qualified captain? At least to get us moving, and we can pick someone else up along the way if that doesn’t work out...” Even as he said this he pondered the name 'Red Ribbon Pirates' and tried to think of the best place to put a little whittled bow on the ship... just to hedge his bets.
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Cherluca Nyneve | The Red Demon

A bit dusty overall from tumbling on the ground.

Current Action
Walking and chatting beside Higo.

Lil' Amyth - In town, near the docks.


grudge grudge
Cher could only sadly watch as the distance between the pair grew larger, as he struggled to find a fast rhythm his legs could handle. He wasn't particularly tired, being one used to day-long training regimes, but his legs were simply incomparable to his tail, even after three years of adjustment. Tripping over stones and tumbling into a ball were repeated occurences during this bizarre chase, but Cher firmly kept his target in view, almost like a predator locked onto its prey, with his blood red eyes. As ominous as it may have been to be on the received end of such a gaze, the constant tumbling seemed to lighten up the scene, with onlookers occasionally watching them in a bewildered fashion. Despite how many times he tripped over his own two feet, Higo was fortunately always in view for Cher on this largely flat street. Even though he appeared quite tiny over the horizon, Cher's eyes lit up as he watched that violet figure seemingly sit down. Seeing his chance, Cher had a surge of strength as he ran towards the kneeled individual.


He yelled again, though his voice was slighty hoarse from earlier. Rather than meeting him head-on though, his captain chose to bolt in the opposite direction!

What? Why? Did he not want to see him again? Was the sea king his doing?

Such thoughts flitted through his head in an instant, though he kept up the chase and brushed them aside. If he wanted answers, even if he needed to tackle him down, he would get them somehow!

Miraculously, it was as if the world had heard his call, as his captain tripped over an invisible entity and slid himself right across the floor. Cher looked forward to finally having a nice talk with his captain again, but his legs were uncooperative as he struggled to slow down. Fortunately, as if Higo had seen his dilemma, his momentum was countered by firm hands on his shoulders... as well as a deafening scream in his ears.

"I'm glad you're alive Captain Higo... But a ship...? I don't have one, I came here on a merchant's ship in exchange for doing some chores and guard duty."

He explained absentmindedly, as he looked upon the arrogant man he had thought was long-dead. He couldn't help but break into a smile as he looked up at his valiant, confident appearance. In his head, this was what a pirate should be. Proud, determined and someone that stands out from the crowd. Perhaps a part of his intimidation came from his great height, as Higo was basically an entire head taller than Cher, hence he was always looking up at his captain.

He vaguely remembered that his captain wasn't really one for small talk, so he skipped straight to the details he seemed to be concerned about.

"Are you worried about the marines, Captain?"

He questioned vaguely, thinking that it was his main reason for wanting to depart from the island so quickly. Lil' Amyth was afterall, a pirate hub, if his captain wanted to find a new crew, wouldn't this be a great place to start?

"If you have a bounty, they'll probably... be trouble. But if not, we could disguise ourselves for a bit until the ships are repaired and the dock is in working order. What do you think?"

He inquired with a low smile, following after Higo's footsteps. It felt somewhat surreal to be walking beside him again, as if he had travelled in time before their old ship was torn into tatters and their old crew was lost. Maybe that was just him though, as he looked forward to the continuation of their adventures.

Mary Read

While many of the population had been desperately scrambling in their various repair and clean up efforts, a strangely hued woman could be seen slowly sailing into the dock on a rough deck barge, the surface of which appeared to have been loaded with a variety of canvas, timber, and variety of other crates. Sitting with one leg crossed over the other on several of the boxes the woman would keep a subtle smile on her lips as the low vessel would gently knock into what remained of the dock, raising from her seat as she knocked the anchor into position and took a quick hop onto the dock itself.

Standing silent, she clasped her hands behind her back as she surveyed the extent of the damage and the people present. Fairly tall and curved, the woman was clad in what appeared to be a short cut oriental dress that matched her blue skin in color, highlighted with golden trim,. her eyes were hidden behind the fringe of a river of azure hair that flowed past her thighs, though another strange feature for those close enough was the slightly darker blue markings across areas of her skin along with an ident that seemed to bisect each of her limbs and face straight down the center.

Finishing her short survey she would hop up on a nearby crate "Voila! In view a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously by the vicissitudes of fate with the visage and vital voice to vivify and vouchsafe, of one own virtuous volition, sure to demand veneration by the vigilant. Vowed to engorge the material stores currently vacant with variety of very valuable goods, the only logical verdict is in which to buy, vis a vis...I am in a position of a large number of material goods for those seeking to expedite repairs and construction that and be exchanged in liu of suitable monetary compensation"

Throughout the display the strange woman's voice would carry across the docks, enunciating each of her words with a theatrical display of gestures and movements attempting to draw attention from where she could. In truth she had been traveling for a bit in order to amass the funds she would need for her goal, so naturally, when the news of the disaster reached her ears from the sea it was only natural the sound of opportunity would also ring through. The one thing she knew about disasters is there was always a dire demand for relief supplies such as building materials, food etc which were in low supply, and nigh a demand for beli or valuables. So in the end it was basic economics to her and an opportunity to fleece the richer desperate individuals before she did the charitable thing and helped out the less fortunate.
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Captain Scarlet Johannah Indigrid
While she sat upon the dock and stared out at the horizon, anticipating her impending doom, Scarlet’s mind wandered more than a little. She remembered all the adventures she had gone on with her former captain and she considered where he might be now. He’d always wanted to venture further into the Grand Line and Scarlet had encouraged him to follow through; he hadn’t wanted to bring her there - to the New World - until she was ready, though. It was part of the reason why she’d shifted towards forming her own crew rather than sticking with the Crew of Spades and continuing to follow in John Spades’ footsteps. They would meet again, after all. Scarlet fiercely believed that.

Well, if she could get off this island, she believed in it. That was a current obstacle that had no solution.

The young captain was jolted out of her thoughts when another individual plopped down and took a seat right next to her. Scarlet didn’t instantly recognize the woman, but the more she looked at her, the more some small details clicked into place. She wasn’t forgetting anything; she simply hadn’t ever been formally introduced to them before although they had crossed paths a few times while helping the islanders pick up scraps.

Taking the offered hand, Scarlet smiled a bit. She’d always liked meeting new people, after all. “Captain Scarlet Johannah Indigrid!” Absolute joy and radiance fluttered through every aspect of her being as it always did when she decreed who she was. “Although, I’m not captain of much right now. I’m hoping to fix that. You wanna help me steal a ship? Maybe of those stranded here, we can muster up a crew!?” Crews always started with one person, after all. Nicole could be that one person. “You could be our ship’s musician! You play that guitar of yours really well and it would do excellent things for morale.”

Soon enough, Scarlet had convinced herself that this new plan would work and that Nicole was bound to agree with it. After all, who wouldn’t want to be on her crew?

Scarlet hopped to her feet and gestured for Nicole to follow as she meandered around the docks, searching for anyone who caught her interest. It was in that search that she noticed a woman dressed rather strangely. Maids usually didn’t work in docks, after all. However, what made it even more interesting was the fact that she was lifting far more than anyone else who was helping load that particular ship seemed to be able to carry. Something was up. Promptly, her footsteps changed direction and brought her towards the woman.

Completely ignoring the rest of the crew loading up the ship, Scarlet called out, “Hey lady! You’re strong! You want a job on a ship? Not quite as much heavy lifting, but probably some?” Enthusiasm flooded her voice, and Scarlet didn’t even notice the glaring eyes of the man currently employing Alicia. However, Scarlet did turn her head briefly at the echoing voice of a… blue person? She had to look twice to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating. She heard mention of supplies, which she might consider looking into later, but for now, Scarlet’s mind was focused on gathering a crew. “What say you!?”

Tags: shadowdude505 shadowdude505 Hanarei Hanarei
Mentions: PlusUltra PlusUltra
Nicole Robbins

"Hell, ya!" Nicole immediately replied. Her gut was telling her that Scarlet was a good person.

A fiery passion bubbled up in Nicole. As a pirate, she couldn't wait to stick it to the marines; but they'd need a ship first...and a crew.

Nicole chuckled before running off after her new captain. As Scarlet excitedly called out to the maid chick, Nicole pulled out her guitar and started to improvise a rift. "Come on! You know you wanna!" she added in a punky sing-song voice, swaying her hips as she rocked out on the instrument she was born to play. To some it might have looked silly, maybe a little embarrassing; but Nicole was too fired up to care about what other people thought.

"Join the crew! Join the crew!" she started to chant.

Lady Warlock Lady Warlock Hanarei Hanarei PlusUltra PlusUltra
Nerissa (Nessy) Orta

Bartering and trading.

It was a skill Nerissa had grown good at since she never really even considered stealing as an option—though that was what pirates generally did; Steal from the sea; Steal from landlubbers; Steal from each other. Fortunately, the king of Fishman Island’s Ryugu Kingdom had been quite generous with the visiting Priestess of Aquarius who only wanted to learn. In addition to having his men take her to land on Lil’ Amyth (mermen were fast swimmers), he’d given her some of the jewels of the sea…which Nerissa used to trade for books. Books, seeds, and anything else that interested her.

There was much of the world beyond Mirage Island that Nerissa did not know and she was resolved to learn it all, whether it be medicine or politics. Cooking wasn’t a skill she excelled at, but she could make simple dishes following a recipe. Nerissa might not be a doctor, but she could follow instruction manuals on how to provide first aid. The plants beyond Mirage Island were all new to her, so she recorded them all down in her notes, along with their effects. New creatures as well. Bound it all together in a book. She’d been the chronicler for the first Red Ribbon crew after all…and even their tale has ended (before it even got a chance to start)…another was about to begin.

One that would start on the small island of Lil’ Amyth following the destruction of Mirestone.

As she arrived back in town following a lengthy trek through the forests—where she stopped to check for any poneglyphs or interesting plants that caught her eye—she noticed Scarlet had moved again. This time the Red Ribbon captain was not only interacting with a short haired woman, but one in a maid outfit. That was no surprise to Nerissa as she’d always known the redhead to be good with friends…though she winced at bit at how loud Scarlet was being. “She really hasn’t changed much at all.”

It made Nerissa relieved. Normally, losing most of one’s crew had a negative sort of impact on the Captain of a ship and she worried the same might've applied to Scarlet.

“What’s that?” A child who had never seen a waterbenderWater Magic in action pointed to the large bubble of water in her hand.

“A power given to me by Aquarius, Young One.”

“What’s that?”

“A goddess who rules the sea.”

“What’s that?”

“A butterfly,”
Nerissa smiled as she lifted her staff and wove the water, manipulating it into the shape of a butterfly that fluttered off. The child clapped. The townspeople whispered. However, the people she helped with her abilities, who knew her, didn’t. They waved at her. Such was a normal occurrence for Nerissa…but it wasn’t as if she could’ve helped some of the more especially flooded places without using her abilities. Besides, what better way to get them to take her seriously than to show off the powers of Aquarius a little. No matter how much she spoke about her god, it wasn’t hard to tell that they didn’t take her seriously. She supposed it was better that they didn’t.

The world government didn’t approve of her religion, after all…and they buster-called anything they didn’t like. The other priests had warned her that leaving Mirage Island was a bad idea. They told her of the dangerous people that didn’t respect the sea or the culture of Mirage Island…but how can one live without knowing what lay beyond? After finding the poneglyphs on Fishman Island, Nerissa became more certain than ever of her path.

The truth was out there…waiting to be discovered.

And the Red Ribbons would be the ones to help her do so. With any luck, Scarlet might know where Arlen was as well since—wherever he was—her scrying wasn’t able to reach him. That thought in mind, Nerissa moved in the direction of the docks…only to waylaid by a collection of books brought in by one of the merchant ships. Food was important for travel. Supplies were needed to build and repair a ship. But a chronicler needed good pen and paper…a navigator did as well, she supposed.

“I wonder if I can convince Sir Roam to make a room for a library on the ship,” Nerissa hummed as she browsed the various titles. “Sir Roam, Sir Andar, Miss Scarlet…and the two women she’d invited. Including myself, that’s six~”

Twelve hands to run a ship should be plenty…provided they all knew what they were doing. Nerissa didn’t doubt Scarlet’s social abilities so included them in her count as well. “Miss Scarlet would need space for all her clothes as—are you a merman?”

The worlds came out before Nerissa could stop them. Blue eyes catching glimpse of a pair of men headed in the direction of the docks within her field of vision, she would’ve ignored them if not for the “air” the red-eyed one gave off. It was probably because she’d been living with Fishmen and merfolk for the past two weeks, but the way he carried himself reminded her of them…yet it shouldn’t be possible.

The men of the sea didn’t split their tails from what she been told.

Nerissa’s face turned red. “N-no. Never mind. I must be mistaken…” Eyes hurrying back to the books to avoid the quizzical look the merchant was giving her, the priestess hoped the strangers hadn’t heard her. That would be little embarrassing. She also needed to hurry lest Scarlet do something impulsive like trying to steal a ship with the marines coming...but the 'How to talk like a pirate' book by Simon Redbeard looked interesting. 'All about Reverse Mountain' as well. Knowing Scarlet, her goal was still One Piece...which meant they'd be going to the Grand Land...and, unfortunately, the underwater channel the king of Fishman Island's men had taken her through wasn't really accessible to those who lived and breathed on the surface.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers grudge grudge

(mentioned: Lady Warlock Lady Warlock , shadowdude505 shadowdude505 Hanarei Hanarei Damafaud Damafaud Scribe_6 Scribe_6 )
Alicia Harte

Alicia had been in her daze as another box was placed out in front of the building carried by two men and placed for her to pick up to bring to the ship. It was quite unlike her to really get herself distracted from her work, though perhaps it was due to the rather usual type of work she was doing. It was far from the more maidly chores she was use to, not that it was really remotely fatiguing for her to handle carrying such heavy loads. Naturally it didn't help her in getting the work done when she heard a voice directed towards her, making the white haired girl blink as she glanced about showing a bit of noteable confusion by the unfamiliar voice before looking towards Scarlet.

"Huh? W.... what? M.. me?" She muttered glancing about nervously looking half as if she had done something wrong despite the words uttered towards her hinting nothing of the sort. Her pale cheeks tinted a light shade of red a she seemed a bit flustered really processing what was said. I mean why would some stranger be asking if she wanted a job? She wasn't any good for anything and to be asked directly without having to beg or grovel was rather strange for her. It didn't help as another spoke up shifting her eyes from her to the woman as she played a small rift on the cord calling on her to join the crew. The girls cheeks suddenly tinting even redder becoming that much more flabbergasted by the entire scene.

"That's a.... I'm a... not really s...strong.. I mean I... that is... uh..." She fumbled poorly for words to say faltering repeatedly completely red as she shook her head the girl lifting her hand up rather nervously toying with her fingers. Not a very uncommon tick for her when she lost her nerves acting in a way as to distract her mind as she tried to sort herself back together. I mean for her she had wanted to go out to sea, granted for what exact reason she herself wasn't quite sure of. Sure she wanted to try and do some good in the world but she felt there was something calling her that she couldn't explain. Here someone seemed to be willing to try and take her in even if she felt unworthy and useless and not at all really fitting for such a thing. Her mind racing in thought.

Alicia, if you feel in your heart you want to do something, don't allow that silly head of yours get in the way. Just do it.

"Y... yes sir... I... I mean ma'am!" She spoke bowing before her as a familiar voice of the past played out in her head seeming to encourage her. The girl bowing her head before her keeping herself bent over as she seemed to not know how else to express such gratitude but to remain in such a position.

"Th.. th.. thank you for the opportunity I... I'll do my best! I... I 'm not re...really that strong I'm d... decent... at cleaning.. serving... g.. gardening... c..cooking... and other menial work." She spoke still bowing before her as she seemed quick to downplay herself, particularly with her own strength. Even if she was one to acknowledge what she was capable of, it was 'that' curse that she felt the most hesitant of speaking of. Even if she had monstrous physical strength, particularly for a noncombatant like herself it wasn't something she would ever speak about having. Not with the terrible things it had caused in her life having it. The blood staining her unworthy hands for the foolishness of one young of heart.

Alicia seemed to jump in place, the ground seeming to almost quake at the motion though likely just some odd trick of the mind as she turned her head back. She tugged at her skirt a bit nerviously before finally turning about to face the man who was currently 'employing' her. She could feel the stern gaze of the man who had been putting her to work as she seemed fearful. The girl quivering a bit as she fumbled a bit with her fingers again realizing she had been slacking, not to mention she had effectively accepted employment elsewhere before she had finished working off the damage she had caused. The man seemed to huff in response quite annoyed.

"Yer slackin' off anyways, go on piss off then. Ya worked enough to pay off the hole ya caused." The portly man spoke with rather crude words though seeming to extend at least an ounce of kindness, though perhaps in part due to the hassle she seemed to cause. Hard to say given how the man seemed to be and Alicia wasn't the type to expect anything but the worst directed at her.

"Th... thank you!, thank you!" She spoke bowing repeatedly as the man seemed to roll his eyes clearly not caring to spend more time on her. Alicia suddenly shifting back to Scarlet as she began bowing again repeatedly in response.

"Thank you... thank you again for taking me... I'l... I'm not the best at anything but... but I'll do my best I'll try I promise... thank you thank you." She spoke bowing more towards the pair her cheeks a soft tint of red expressing perhaps a bit too much gratitude coming off almost desperate in response.

Lady Warlock Lady Warlock shadowdude505 shadowdude505
Aya Thorn
Is desperately in need of a header


Aya was just sat on top of the wreckage from her old boat, groaning. "Not even a day on the sea and I crash, just my luck."

She'd just arrived on the shore after about half a day on the sea trying to figure out how she'd be able to sail a ship. Tons of belli down the gutter and all her rations were at the bottom of the sea. So morale wasn't at the highest point as of now.

But there's no use moping, she decided, and hopped ashore to look for civilization. "Hello? Anyone?"
She'd shout out as she strolled through the woods. Keeping track of any form of areas with cut trees or paths where grass stopped growing as it could be signs of human life. After some rummaging, she managed to find her way out of the forest with only two mosquito bites, to see what might have been a town at some point, but now just one massive construction site. "Jesus. What happened here then?"

Keeping her pace, she would walk up to some worker and ask him a bit. "Hey, you know a way off this mess of an island?" Looking up, the man would mention the lack of boats and how it might take a while before they got that place up and running again. Aya took a quick look around before nodding, the broken-down town did seem more important than ships.

What happened here anyway?" Aya would lean against a wall and wait for a response. "Big ol' tsunami coming through, wrecked the entire place worse than this, been repairs fer a while now and still looks like hell on earth." Aya nodded slowly, debating if this was the right time for a snarky remark, but ended up thinking that these people don't need to be bullied harder than they've been already. "Wait, how long is it gonna take to fix all this?" The man muttered out "Dunno, maybe a month, I'm not a good judge of time." Aya's body literally recoiled back, she needed to take a step back and place her weight on that leg to not fall over, a month? She thought she was finally gonna be able to leave and explore the world. "Wha- Hell no, that's too long! Screw that, i'mma find my own way out."

Walking off, Aya would take a look around, was this shitty town gonna be her home? Hardly anything had changed from the island then, stuck in a place against her will. This time she wasn't gonna wait though, a raft it was, or stowing away on one of the few ships that came in and left. Aya decided to take a stroll down to the docks to grab a quick lookover, maybe there was a ship she could hop on right now?
Interactions/Mentions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers (Cher), QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel (Nerissa)

Upon hearing Cherluca's explanation of how he came here (on a ship that wasn't his own), Higo had only enough time to take one step forward before freezing completely. That moment Higo's expression morphed to a distortion that mimicked a Picasso painting, the void echoed with the sound of glass breaking. "Ah... I see." was all he could manage to say, plunging back into his own personal tunnel of misery.

However, the panic in his eyes dissipated as his friend postulated (and correctly guessed) that Higo was worried about the marines. He quickly regained his senses, quickly spinning around to face Cherluca, stamping his feet, and pointing angrily. "Worried!? About the Marines?! Hardly!" In a rather dramatic fashion, he yelled, thrusting his arms out while his robes flapped in the breeze "After what they've done, I think the marines should be worried about what I will do to them! That attack which obliterated my hopes in one fell swoop..." As his face immediately filled with rage, he quickly brought a fist to his face. "They'll be forced to bear the burden of the Unstoppable Higo Vengeance!"

"Heh! As if!" The internal voice of Higo chimed in, as the faux anger he expressed outwardly hid the nervous grin he had internally, a cold sweat going down his face. "No way in hell would I try to tussle with the World Government. I gotta hurry up and find a way off this island!"

Clearing his throat, he turned away from Cherluca to continue walking, "I-It always tastes better when revenge has had time to sit and marinate! For the time being, we should leave this island. In my current state, if I saw a Marine officer, I might take a swing at them!" Higo arrogantly snapped his finger to emphasize his comment. He wiped sweat from his brow as he hoped that the man would believe his excuses, because he was already composing another speech to use as a justification in his head. The new speech would only dig his hole deeper, but he played along in his imagination anyway.

But something, which pulled his attention immediately, grabbed him before his stories went too far. He happened to notice a woman browsing books while passing by. His eyes focused unwittingly on exactly what types of books she was considering, just out of absentminded curiosity. He quickly saw that many of the books were informative. Things only valuable to a newbie. Nothing of worth to him. On their way past, he was planning to pretend that she never existed like he did with most people, but he couldn't help but get interested after a tiny slip of the tongue. It was clearly a question for him and his partner because it only occurred after they had passed, making it clear it was aimed at them. Though it was nothing special, to Higo it was a habit, something he did often. In his day, being hyper aware of one's surroundings was essential, especially when the threat of death was lurking from every corner. Higo stared from himself to Cherluca, glancing back and forth several times. He had no doubt that he wasn't a merman, but what about Cher? He really seemed to like seafood...

Nah, obviously, this woman had something wrong with her head.

That left him to continue to walk to the docks, completely ignoring the comment.


A lightning bolt of realization crashed through his body as he internally screamed. In those few seconds, his memory had reversed like a tape recorder, right up to the moment he looked at the books. Such books that seemed like they would be nice for a rookie....a rookie pirate! Higo's head around with an auditable crack, as he eyed her once more. Could this woman be a rookie pirate? She certainly didn't look the part... But, if she was, she could possibly have a crew on the island....one with a ship.

As a shadow fell over Higo's eyes, a smirk spread across his face, and his fingers were wiggling in excitement. "CHANCE!"

He quickly reached out to wrap an arm around Cherluca's shoulder, placing his head right next to his as he brought his voice right down to a whisper. "Oi, Cher. I got a plan to get us off this island," he said, before turning and pointing at Nerissa with the dramatic flair of a gossiper.. "I don't have much evidence of this, but I think that lady is part of a pirate crew," He stated, placing a hand on his chin, "And if she is, that probably means they have a way of transportation off this island!" He then raised his voice only to immediately lower it to a whisper again. "If we can convince her to let us join her, then we got an easy way to get off this island with some fellow outlaws. It's fool-proof," He added, flashing a wider grin while his eyes glittered. It was no surprise to hear Higo make such a suggestion, since he is always concocting plans that are quite far-fetched.
Drowning in Beers and Memories


Andar Jaranath
Beastbound, er, merchant
A seedy bar on Lil' Amyth Island

Andar smiled, helpless, and shook his head. "Ah, yes. Scarlet Johannah Indigrid. The great human destined to be the pirate queen. Goddess Aquarius has her plans, isn't that right, Zarith?"

The betta fish circled around Andar's dipped finger. Its fins tickled whenever it brushed against his skin. Andar chuckled and pay no more attention to Nessy, who was leaving.

Ah, as much as he likes Nessy, he can't brings himsef to like the Scarlet she showed as much. Scarlet her hair was, but nothing else felt special. Is this a case of a 'Chosen One' like in the fairy tales Mother used to read? Ordinary by any means except for courage and destiny. Ah, he still can't believe it, prophecy or not. He hopes the real one is more impressive than the image. Finding One Piece is grander, more reckless, and less relaxing than his, Roam's, or Nessy's goal.

The sudden condolence caught Andar offguard. It pierced without warning, somewhat cruel despite the innocence of the intent behind it. His smile stiffened, but he forced it to stay. "Ah, it is what it is. Such is the fate of a pirate. For some of my partners to survive is fine already."

Andar ran his hand against the scale-like hair on his arm. They were soft, like feathers. Fur. He abruptly stood up, walking away into the crowd. "Good idea. I'll look for a captain. Shu, replace me helping Roam."

The kung-fu dewgong sunbathing on the deck stared at Andar's glimmering back before tilting its head at Roam. Help with what? On the platform below, Zarith splashed and jumped in his fish bowl, wanting to follow, but Andar had disappeared into the crowd.

Away, amidst the crowd going to and from their destination. Andar heaved a sigh. His smile faded without a trace and he only held his arm tighter for comfort. He was not fine. He thought he was. He already told the tragic tale several times with a smile already, but somehow, the pity ripped the wound open again. The change of topic came at the right time. It was all he could do not to return a sharp retort at the shipwright.

The kung-fu dewgongs that had been with him since his father. The sutchies wasps his mother died to rescue. The spotted sharks he raised since he was 10. Which one of them wasn't like family? Which one he couldn't differ by sight, which one of them he didn't know by heart? And his farm. Razed barren. Flattened by cannons. Meeting Nessy and Roam had distracted him from his mourning, but the wound was still fresh, the blood had yet to dry. A wrong sentence, a piece of memory, the slightest thing was enough to drown him again.

When he came to his sense, Andar found himself at a bar. A seedy one, where people from low walks of life congregated. The bartender asked Andar what he'd like. Andar smiled.

"Just a drink."

The mug arrived, but the atmosphere of the establishment was no longer merry. Andar's back, glimmering gold, attracted eyes. The greedy kind. Voices were lowered. Hands moved to grab weapons. People who wanted no trouble started to get out of their seats. Andar remained unpertubed. He chugged the beer, slamming the mug to the counter. "Keep it coming. Ah, it's troublesome when weak humans don't know their place."


"Say that again, seascrap!"

A woman charged ahead, bringing down her broadsword at Andar. Disdain crinkled in his eyes. Too slow, too weak. The sword swung at his back... and slid off with a metallic clang.

"Like I said." Before the woman could react, Andar had rised and kicked her on the stomach. The woman flew out of the door, only stopping after sliding against the ground for a while. He watched with cold eyes as people screamed, and blood trickled off the woman's mouth. "Weak humans should know their place. Ah, it's not like my scales are actual gold. Just colored like it."

For a moment, an ugly desire whispered in his heart. To kill everyone here, to channel his pain through violence. Like he had when he murdered Her Cue and crushed her skull in and ripped her limbs. Ah, but it wasn't right. These people weren't the murderers. Only the culprits would be satisfying. The marine captain...

No one in the bar moved, as if frozen in time. The glimmer of wealth made them forgot something. From birth, fish-Men were stronger than humans. Someone like Andar, who could walk openly without a weapon despite being colored gold, must not be someone to trifle with either. Andar returned to his seat, tapping the counter. "My drink, again. I will pay, so it's not a problem, yes?"

The words seemed to break the spell cast in the bar. People started chattering once more, talking among themselves and paying no attention to the fish-man sitting alone on the counter. Andar drained his second serving and felt his mind started to haze. He felt the cold scales on his arm with a sorrowful smile.

Ah, it's not easy, being an exotic being. A drink for you, Tai. Sieva. Li. Del. Father.

He ordered a third serving of beer.

Interaction: Roam ( Scribe_6 Scribe_6 ), Nessy ( QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel ), Open for Interaction
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Cherluca Nyneve | The Red Demon

A bit dusty overall from tumbling on the ground.

Current Action
Chatting to Nerissa by a book stand near the merchant ships.

Lil' Amyth - By the docks.


grudge grudge QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
The flash of despair on Higo's face was unmissed by Cher, but as his captain's mood suddenly swung to one of arrogant anger, he couldn't help but blink in surprise.

Wow, I forgot how well he hid his true thoughts...

Cher thought idly in his surprise, remembering how often in the past he used to attempt to read Higo's thoughts/emotions, only to be flabbergasted by the truth. Such was the man he called captain, afterall. He was literally unreadable, as if his expressive outer appearance was just a facade. It fascinated him every time. In this instance, it seemed that Higo was currently filled with a rage towards the marines he knew nothing about. Perhaps he was a victim of the Mirestone Massacre, or the consequent Buster Call...

"--are you a merman?”

Unconsciously, Cher's entire body froze as his crimson eyes locked onto the aqua-haired speaker. His state only worsened once he realized that the words were undeniably directed at either him or Higo, and he definitely could feel that he was the target audience.

Three years. For three years, no one had even had a doubt that he wasn't human. Even when he first came out of the water like a waddling toddler, people merely thought he had problems with his legs in the past.

How? Why?

Such thoughts flitted through his head in an instant, before abruptly shifting as his eyes constricted.

Should I get rid of her?

He didn't know why she would ask such a question, but such a threat could not continue to survive here, at least, until his goals were reached. If word spread that he was a merman, in this pirate hub, he would be done for, surely. Rumours could take a long while to die down, and he didn't want to wait for his revenge. After he had completed his duty, he couldn't care less about being sold into slavery or the like. But for now, this was not an option.

He exercised his hands and wrists reflexively, as he usually did when he prepared for combat, until a sudden arm wrapped around his shoulder.

Every word his captain spoke increased his unease, up until the full plan was revealed to him. Higo didn't seem to have any doubts on his race, which was good. But travelling together with someone that speculated his identity...

He glanced back at the aqua-haired woman, dressed in loose robes and adorned with shells and accessories from the sea. Perhaps she was also from the ocean? Like him? He couldn't understand why someone in a similar situation to himself would dress so... obviously, but perhaps he had to re-think her intentions. Someone that dressed like the sea, probably wasn't an enemy of the sea? It was hard to tell, and was mere speculation on his part, but it did help calm his originally bloodthirsty thoughts.

Usually Cher was the type to rather be safe than sorry... but since his captain had spoken, he would roll with it. If he deemed that woman a threat during their travels, he would still have time to get rid of her too.

It was only after a long silence that Cher responded, when his eyes had returned to their usual, tranquil state.


Was all he said, before moving towards the aqua-haired woman when the salesman was preoccupied with another customer.

"...Are you a pirate? Can you let us join your crew?"

Blunt, and to the point. Cher wasn't the best at conversation, but he wanted to use this opportunity to assess the woman at close range. He hoped Higo wouldn't mind...


Mary Read
With show Mary had put with her expansive vernacular to draw attention, it was certainly only matched by her shrewd business sense as she gradually fleeced several of the desperate merchants in dire need to repair their own vessels with the supplies she had brought. Sure she was called several things in escalating levels of crudeness and offense, but given her perspective prey had few alternatives they had no choice but to pay, after all there was always another buyer right behind them and the first ships able to leave and return for goods would undoubtledly have a unearthly advantage on their own asking prices when they got a head start on the competition. Her azure tongue was definately showing its worth, and before long the several tons of lumber, fabrics and more were slowly dwindling down until with a final offering, she went to sell the boat as well.

Many may thing the sale of her only method of travel to be insane, but for her it was anything but. The craft was in reality a simple barge only good for short inter island trips given it was a few steps above a raft with its lack of cabins, and given she had purposefuilly been trading in exchange for small items or beli notes she had little need for cargo space. Given the large markup she was able to sell the barge itself for, it would be little issue for her to simply swim back and acquire another one then keep the difference in profit. As a navigator she naturally had a knack of finding the best way after all, be it to make profit or reach her goals and objectives.

Leaving the grumbling but newly supplied men to go about unloading their goods and purchases, she crossed her arms with a hand belown each elbow and sauntered forward with the ever present smile on her face. Her attention was naturally drawn to the small gathering and musican chanting loudly over the people regarding a crew, given this would likely both save a swim and allow her to ply her navigation skills it definately seemed like a interesting opportunity, provided they could be trusted of course. Either way it was certainly music to her ears, well if she had ears but listening to a artist as she travelled would certainly beat swimming in silence alone, so they walked forward next to the group all the same.

"I heard a crew was in need, though three does appear to be a little few, but four is a ill omen to some" she casually turned her head towards each of them "The one thing the local area does have in surplus at the moment is persons, So I may be able to offer my services should you have need however to guide a path across the seas to your planned destination...One that you may need to choose with some haste given the impending arrival of the devils in white."

Hanarei Hanarei shadowdude505 shadowdude505 Lady Warlock Lady Warlock

Nerissa (Nessy) Orta

Nerissa blinked, glancing up in the surprise when the person she’d called a merman approached her, the book ‘How To Talk Like A Pirate’ still in her hands. She’d been certain he hadn’t hard her since neither he nor his green-haired companion replied to the question. Or, perhaps, they thought it too much of a silly notion to comment on. Mermen didn’t split their tails like mermaids, after all. Face once more turning a bit red at that the memory of her ‘rudeness’ in calling a regular human a merman—not that she’d intended it to be rude since there was nothing wrong with being a merman—the priestess cleared her throat to regain her composure, focusing her attention on question he’d asked.

Was she a pirate?

Nerissa hadn’t stolen anything and didn’t really intend to (except maybe knowledge), but if she was journeying with pirate crew to reach the same goal (One Piece), didn’t like the marines, and considered herself one of them did that make her pirate? “I—yes. Yes I am.”

She had already decided to join Captain Scarlet Johanna Indigrid’s crew, and Scarlet wanted to be the Pirate Queen, so that made her a pirate. It wasn’t as if she especially disliked pirates either. No two pirates were the same. From some of the novels she read, they sounded more like adventurers—traveling Aquarius’s body in search of treasure, exploring the unknown, etc. So long as she didn’t wrong Aquarius, being a pirate sounded like it would be fun experience.

“But I’m not the Captain. It’s the Captain that decides these things, I think…” Pirates had rules about things like that, didn't they? “I was actually about to go look for her and tell her about Mr. Andar’s ship…”

Glancing back longingly at the books, Nerissa quickly grabbed a few more titles, paid merchant in a large, sea-colored gem that had his eyes widening, then slipped her new purchases in her satchel before smiling at the red-eyed man and his green-eyed companion. “So let’s go ask her together. I doubt she'll say no." Because Scarlet was trusting like that. She also owed it to the red-eyed one for being rude to him earlier to introduce him at the very least. "I’m Ner—Nessy Orta by the way. Nessy of the Red Ribbon Pirates.”

Waving them along, Nerissa used her staff as walking stick before leading them to the outskirts of the dock, where vessel seemed to be loading their wares and a crowd seemed to be forming---likely due to the chant and music that was being played. Cheers grew when the ‘maid’ finally said yes. They likely didn’t know what ‘the crew’ the ‘maid’ had joined was nor what all the commotion was about, but happy people were happy people and the energy the short hair girl gave off was contagious. Even at the wake of a tsunami music had that effect on people. Or perhaps, the people of Lil’ Aymth were simply positive people. Standing on her tippy-toes at the back of the crowd, Nerissa could barely make out Scarlet…but it wasn’t hard to see the 6 foot blue lady that asked to join the crew. Fishman? It was hard to say for sure since their race came in all sorts of species, and it wouldn't do well for her to jump to random conclusions (lots of other blue races out there) just because she'd been dealing with a lot of fishmen and merfolk these days. Seeing them everywhere. “That’s her over there. Captain Scarlet is the red-haired one.”

Seemed rude to interrupt, so Nerissa waited her turn, all the while peeking curiously at the two strangers that wanted to join the crew. One was dressed in an...extremely colorful manner...and the other in light armor that made him look somewhat like a knight. The way their appearance visually opposed each other was almost comical. Both carried with them the scent of the sea, though it was stronger with the red-eyed one...but that could mean many things. "Are you two part of a circus troupe? Pirates as well?" The last line was whispered because it just occurred to her that the marines were coming and any rumors about them being pirates was probably a bad thing. Hopefully the book merchant hadn't noticed her claim claim of being one. His eyes seemed quite focus on the jewel she paid him with, after all.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers grudge grudge

(mentioned: Lady Warlock Lady Warlock Hanarei Hanarei shadowdude505 shadowdude505 PlusUltra PlusUltra )
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As a long silence stood between the pair, Higo couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at Cherluca; it wasn’t very often that his companion would take so long to contemplate one of his schemes or plans. For a brief moment, he worried that their time apart would instill a teenage-like rebellion in him. Higo was completely oblivious to the bloodthirsty look in his eyes, or how tense his body had gotten, awkwardly waiting for the expected agreement from Cherluca. Luckily for him, the man did agree, causing Higo to let out a sigh of relief.

“Okay! Pay attention, because-” Higo closed his eyes, raising a finger in the air as he began to recite his plan to Cherluca, only to stop as he opened his eyes to find Cherluca no longer there, a blinking red dotted outline of him taking his place. His head snapped over to see that he was already in the process of approaching the woman. “OIIIII! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” He screamed internally, reaching a hand out helpless to stop him, tears streaming down his face. “Wait,” he interrupted his own nervous outbreak, the tears disappearing from his face as his face turned to one to contemplate, “Maybe he has a plan! He’s part of my crew after all. I should trust him.”

But as soon as Higo had that thought, Cherluca had asked to join the crew in the simplest and bluntest way possible, causing Higo to fall backwards with his legs up in the air humorously. Hopping back up, his face drooped in defeat, thinking that Cherluca’s approach would compromise what he had planned. However, to his surprise, the idea wasn’t instantly dismissed by the woman.

Not wanting to miss his chance, Higo dashed forward, clasping his hands together. “Yes! You’re completely right! A captain should be the one to decide these things. We’d love to meet them and discuss furth-!” He cut himself off as his pupils widened like saucers as Nerissa pulled out the sea-colored gem. He dramatically raised his hands to cover his eyes as the gem shined brightly from his perspective. When the light cleared, he blinked to look at the gem again, it’s sculpted form causing his lip to quiver, “T-T-T-T-T-” He stuttered out, shakily raising a finger to point at it.

Then, like it was nothing, Nerissa handed it over to the merchant in exchange for a handful of books.

Higo’s expression in a single frame contorted to one of despair and confusion, as his arm weakly dropped back to his side. His eyes slowly drifted over to the merchant who was marveling over the gem, as Higo felt a ringing in his ears. Every single muscle in his body tensed up as the veins popped out of his forehead, the corner of his mouth twitching as he had to use every single ounce of his will to not snatch the gem right out of the merchant’s hand.

His hands slowly raised as a flaming aura began to encircle him, a red glow appearing in his eyes…

Only to let out a sigh as his head dropped in defeat. As much as he wanted the gem, he couldn’t exactly steal it in his current position for a multitude of clear reasons. Plus...

He put his hand on his chin and gave his usual villainous grin, the hair in front of his face hiding half of his face. “After all, we’re about to join the crew of that woman. They probably have more gems back on their ship that I could always steal later.” He thought, letting out a quiet snicker.

When he finally snapped out of his trance, he looked over to see Nerissa was already walking away, “W-Wait a second!” He said, quickly running to catch up.

Reaching the outskirts of the dock, Higo looked slightly perplexed as he was faced with a crowd of onlookers near the dock. Higo's height allowed him to easily see over most of the people in the audience, so locating the focal point of the crowd was easy. It sure was a colorful cast of people. There was a girl in a maid costume, another one with flashy looking short hair, a blue-skinned woman who was a similar height to him, which caused him to purse his lips in curiosity, and a woman with scarlet hair. With such a varied group, it was clear that this had to be this was the pirate group they were looking for.

“Clearly big blue over there must be the captain, she’s the tallest one,” Higo concluded, a confident grin on his face as he believed his simplistic thinking process was the correct one. Only to have it snap to a deadpan expression when Nerissa informed him that the captain was in fact, the plain looking red-haired woman among the group.

“That’s really the captain? She doesn’t look all that interesting,” he thought, his eyes narrowing as he focused in on her. “She’s probably a complete rookie. Which would make my job all the easier.” He concluded, closing his eyes with a smug smile on his face. “Being a pirate is all about taking advantage of others, after all.”

Once again, he was snapped out of his thoughts by Nerissa’s voice, her question causing him to tilt his head in confusion. “Ehhh? Circus troupe?” He questioned, before reaching over to pat Cher on the head. “I know Cher here looks a bit strange, but he’s no clown!” He said, attempting to defend Cher from the statement that was clearly more directed at his appearance, but Higo was completely oblivious to that fact.

Higo stepped forward, placing his hands on his hips to lean forward towards Nerissa, “We’re not here for laughs! We’re sea-hardened pirates! Ones who’ve been through numerous trials and tribulations to get where we are right now! Standing in front of you!” He exclaimed, spreading his arms out wide, “The Invincible Higo! That’s who I am!” He said, a spotlight coming down from the sky to encapsulate his form. Then he relaxed his stance, lazily pointing over to Cherluca who sat isolated from the spontaneous spotlight. “And this is my subor-- under--....” He stopped to take a deep breath, before putting a smile on his face, Friend. Cherluca.” He finally was able to spit out.

“Now, that we’re properly introduced! I’d LOVE if you could give us the honors of introducing us to your lovely captain!” Higo said, widening his smile as he leaned even closer to Nerissa expectantly.
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Cherluca Nyneve | The Red Demon

A bit dusty overall from tumbling on the ground earlier.

Current Action
Standing in a crowd beside Higo and Nerissa.

Lil' Amyth - In the docks.


QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel grudge grudge
Although at first, Cher had no idea why Higo had speculated that the aqua-haired woman was a pirate, things became a little obvious when he looked upon the book she had in hand. 'How To Talk Like a Pirate'... Was such a thing... useful? He had never done any preparation before trying to jump on a pirate ship... perhaps he was supposed to read guides like this too? Was he breaking the pirate code right now? Subconsciously, he droned out Higo's enthusiastic chattering once he came to take over the conversation, looking around at the other wares sold here. Minutely, he pondered purchasing books of his own... that was until the woman, who called herself Nernessy Orta or Nessy, paid the merchant in a large aqua-blue gem that glittered temptingly in the sunlight.

Taken aback, he looked at the prices on the signboard, looked at the gem again, and his mind went blank. Wondering if he was the only one feeling how outrageous this was, he glanced at Higo, who was in a similar state... though much more extreme. His expressions changed as quick as the seconds in a day, prompting Cher to just follow after Nessy and leave him behind. His captain had these episodes pretty often, he'll catch up eventually.

On his way to the docks, he pondered the name 'Red Ribbon Pirates'. It didn't sound very intimidating... so hopefully he and Higo wouldn't have a bad time on board. They were only temporarily taking shelter anyway, and if anything, he could just swim away in the middle of the night whilst carrying his captain if need be. Pirates were a mixed bunch, from what he had experienced. He just wanted to make sure he had a backup plan in case things went south.

As they reached the docks, and the large crowd that wasn't there earlier, he instinctively peered through the people to its centre to find the cause of the commotion. Naturally, he heard the chanting and the guitar strumming from a distance away, so he wasn't surprised to see a short-haired woman with streaked hair inciting the crowd. There was also a tall fish-woman, someone wearing a frilly apron and an auburn-haired human. He was most curious about the giant fish-woman, wondering if she was from Fish-Man Island, but as Nessy pointed out her captain, his eyes flitted to her.

Vaguely blue eyes and with her hair in messy braids. That was most of what Cher could discern from this distance. She seemed young too... and yet she was already the captain of her own pirate crew. Of course, he didn't know all the details, but he assumed she was someone just chasing their dreams, and he could respect that.

Lost in thought whilst looking through the noisy crowd, he didn't hear what Nessy had said, only faintly registering Higo's words as his head was patted.

"...You called me a clown?" He tilted his head as he looked at the aqua-haired woman, coming to his own conclusion from the words he had heard. Did he look strange? From the assumed comments of the both of them, he felt slightly self-conscious as he re-assessed his clothing. Sure, he was a bit dusty, but he was just wearing common cloth clothing found on the surface with his armour on top! He thought clowns were meant to dress bright and colourful... like Higo.

Regardless, all thoughts were lost as a sudden ray of sunshine fell upon his talkative captain, as he went on a whole tangent about being a sea-hardened pirate veteran. As always, Higo didn't know what it meant to be discreet... or quiet. Quickly, they managed to gather a small crowd of their own, as whispers from around them entered his ears.

"The Invincible Higo? Who's that?"

"Never heard of 'im."

"But just now... he said pirates didn't he?"

"Eh? Is this crew they're advertising for pirates then?!"

Cher faintly felt that things were getting a bit dangerous around here. Moving towards Higo calmly, he assumed a guard position as the other continued to jabber on. Once he was finally done making his speech for Nessy, Cher added on a few words more quietly.

"Yes, and after the introductions... perhaps it would be a good idea to change location."

Captain Scarlet Johannah Indigrid
The auburn haired captain was delighted when her newest companion - Nicole - joined in to aid in her attempt at recruiting the strong maid girl. The music she played was just as inspiring as Scarlet remembered it, and she already knew it would do wonders for the crew she was already working on making plans for. She was even more excited when the maid girl actually agreed to join them. She threw her fist in the air, jumped and spun in a little circle to celebrate such a success. “I’ve still got it,” she proclaimed, more to herself than to anyone else. After her mini celebration, she extended a hand to Alicia when the woman joined them. “I’m Captain Scarlet Johannah Indigrid and I’m gonna be Queen of the Pirates someday!” That detail was one Scarlet would never hesitate to shout loudly and proudly.

“Welcome to the Red Ribbon Pirates!” She shook Alicia’s hand if Alicia accepted the greeting, and if not, Scarlet wouldn’t really mind a single bit.

However, in the moment afterward, her attention immediately shifted to the blue looking lady who was still perched on a pile of supplies that Scarlet knew would probably come in handy if she could get her hands on them. Though the woman sounded like she was speaking in riddles, Scarlet thought she picked up on a small amount of interest in joining them. “We certainly have room for more if you’d like to join!” Her voice glimmered with enthusiasm. “Those supplies you’ve got would probably come in handy as well, if you’re unable to sell them and would like to bring them along. Either way, we’d be happy to have you!”

Scarlet’s attention shifted, then, to examine whether or not they’d garnered any further interest from any passerby who might have heard some small details of what they were planning. Though she didn’t notice any immediate further attention on them aside from the glares of the working group they’d just taken Alicia from, the redhead did notice that there was a small crowd forming around another group of people nearby, and she heard a voice that was not quite, but very nearly louder than her own proclaiming that they were invincible. Her eyes narrowed at the prospect of competition and she started pushing her way through the crowd to figure out what was going on. Once she actually got into the core of it, though, all that suspicion faded from her gaze almost immediately as she charged at the blue-haired lady and wrapped her arms around the woman.

“Nerissa!!!” Scarlet was clearly overjoyed. “I thought you were dead. I thought everyone died.” Pulling back slightly, she took note of the two men who appeared to be accompanying the priestess. “I’m rebirthing the crew! We’re gathering up a group, we’re gonna steal ourselves a ship, and continue on to the Grand Line. I hate to ask, but, will you join the Red Ribbon Pirates again? You and maybe your friends too?”

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