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Rina Kohu

She left the medical bay with Bepo entering the dining area as Raper was laughing and rolling on the floor. She blinked at the scene before her. What just happen here? She notices a patch of snow on the back of Law's head. She started giggling Bepo was shocked that his captain haven't killed this other pirate yet. She approached the angry captain as she brushed the snow off his head. "Calm down, He just playing around." She wasn't sure what Reaper was thinking throwing that snowball at the captain's head. "I have never seen snow before. I thought it was a fluffy cloud. Only cold." She stared at the wet spot on her hand. "Does it snow where you're from?" Bepo asked as Rina shook her head. "I have seen Rain, Our sea is different than the blue sea." She explained.

She sat down in an empty chair near the two pirates. "Do you want a drink?" Bepo asked. "Yes please." She asked with a smile Bepo went into the kitchen to fix her a drink
Amadeus Sparx & Trafalgar Law

"Thank you..."
Law said with a sigh, calming down as Rina told him to. He was still peeved with 'Sin' but wasn't completely enraged anymore. "Fluffy clouds? Now that would be an interesting Devil Fruit! Being able to create, control and become clouds..." 'Sin' thought out loud after sitting up, devil fruits and the abilities they give always fascinated him beyond imagine. He proceeded to pull out his notebook before jotting down some notes and ideas he had of what the fruit could do if it exists. Law raised his eyebrow at the notebook, surprised that the Reaper kept notes on different topics, maybe he wasn't as dumb as Law originally thought.

"Well, we can expect to be at sea for some time. The closest island is about 2 days away from our current location, so get comfortable everyone." Law announced to the group, he quickly added. "We'll be stopping at an island that is divided between two forces. The half we'll be landing at is occupied by average villagefolk and other pirates, we need to keep away from the other half since it belongs to the Marines though." He warned the crew, since if they cause any trouble things could get ugly very quick. 'Sin' had his usual cynical grin, he thought the island would be perfect for possible picking a few fights.
Rina Kohu

Stared at Reaper as he wrote down in his notebook. Controlling clouds would be interesting but Rina wasn't looking for a devil fruit she was strong without one. When Law explained about the next island. That one place she might skip out on staying she did not want to be in the middle of the marines again. Even now she said she would leave on the next island. What can she do? She was just here to travel with them until it was safe again. Bepo returned to the dining room with a glass of juice for Rina she takes the glass as she take a slip out of the glass.

"I'll do my best~ I can also help out cooking also" She had a couple of dishes they might like as Bepo whispered to her about the captain's dislike of bread. That was childish but cute also. Rina giggled a bit she found it cute how can someone hate bread. But again Rina did not mind she wasn't planning on making bread dishes anyway. "Maybe Rina can tell us stories about Skypiea!" Penguin asked. "Yeah, I want to know more about Sky Island!" Sachi grinned.
Amadeus Sparx & Trafalgar Law

The two pirates seemed interested by the the idea, 'Sin' kept his notebook out just in case a story would be told so he could write down some new info. "Would that be okay with you, Princess?" Law asked Rina, admittedly quite interested in the Sky Island himself since he's only heard a few stories about the place. "The most I've heard is when Straw Hat told me of some things when he was there." Law sighed, he remember how much of a pain Luffy was before and after talking about the Sky Island.

"Oh, you know the Straw Hats? I've only seen them a few times, never spoke to one of them though..." 'Sin' replied, recalling the few moments he saw the crew in action.
Rina Kohu

"I don't mind, Sharing."
She wanted to keep her kingdom out of this for the moment. "It was hell before the strawhats arrived. We had a fake god name Enel." She remembers that fake god and his rage on the islands. "He was a devil fruit user. Not many people on Skypiea knew what a devil fruit was." She stared down at her half glass of juice with a frown. "When Luffy and his crew arrived on the island as everything changed. He saved Skypiea from Enel he wanted to destroy Skypiea from the skies" She explained. "Where I am from. My Kingdom is not part of Sky island it was cut off from the Skypiean." Sachi blushed at the thought of Rina being an angel from Heaven. "Luffy and his crew taken down Enel and his priests. Gonfall who is the real god of Skypiea returned as the real ruler." From the stories, she has gotten from the people on Jaya. "Did you know there is a city of gold?" Penguin and Sachi stared at Rina. "WHAT?!" They both said together.

"Hehe, I knew your pirates would get a kick of that. Yes, it's true."
Rina pulled out her map of Skypiea it was a hand-drawn one. It looks horrible children drawing. She pointed at the area where the city of gold would be.
Amadeus Sparx & Trafalgar Law

'Sin' wrote down a few facts while erasing some previous speculations, after that he closed the book and returned it to his bag. "A city of gold? I wonder if its value is equal to the One Piece..." 'Sin' said thinking out loud, not realizing it. Law was shocked to hear of a city of gold but then quickly swiveled his head to 'Sin'. "I doubt it, the One Piece is supposed to be the grandest treasure of the sea." He said as a reply to 'Sin's' thoughts but the Reaper quickly intervened. "Exactly, greatest treasure of the seas... Not the skies... Or the world for that matter." 'Sin' made his statement quite clear, no person even knew what the One Piece was so there was no way to distinguish its value from other treasures.

"I'm surprised Straw Hat and his crew didn't hear of the city and go take sight of it at least." Law sighed, not wanting to give 'Sin' the satisfaction of being correct with his theory.
Rina Kohu

"I heard they did take some of the gold with them. It was a gift from the Skypiean for helping them."
Rina explained as she titled her head. "One Piece?" She asked as Sachi and Penguin were shocked by what Rina said. "You never heard of One Piece?!" They both were shocked. "Umm......" She blushed deeply as Law explained it was one of the treasures of the seas she wonder what this One Piece is. "Interesting." She wonders if she can help them find it she remembers that Luffy wanted to become the King of the Pirates. "Long time ago. The City of Gold was part of the Blue sea. Before it was taken away from Jaya into the sky." She does remember that story she remembers she had one of the dials with her she pulled out a seashell. She press it as a breeze came out of the shell. "It's called a Breath Dial. We have many dials in Skypiea they help out on daily things. Some of them can be used for weapons" She explained.

She had Impact and Reject dials but she only would use them if she needed to. "I have a heat and water dial. That is how I would cook my food and Jet dial helps my boat move faster." She explained about the dials as Bepo picked up the Breath Dial and stared at it. "You have strange items on Skypiea." He saw anything like it.
Amadeus Sparx & Trafalgar Law

"Hey, I'm pretty sure one of the Straw Hats uses a dial like those. It's their sniper, I think I've seen him with an Impact Dial..."
'Sin' mentioned as he saw the Breath Dial, his notes had minimal info of these tools but now he can add a little more next time he writes stuff down. Law nodded having seen the same thing from the Straw Hat Sniper, then he took a look at the dial in Bepo's hands. "My, you're very resourceful Angel... I might need to get some dials for my crew." Law admitted, he had become slightly more interested in the tools of other nations now if they were anything like the dials shown by Rina. 'I might need to get me an Impact Dial... From what I've seen from others, they pack a punch...' 'Sin' was thinking of how he could use certain tools in fights with a devilish smile.

"Reaper, whatever your thinking. No." Law glared at 'Sin' already recognizing the smile the Reaper had on his face. "Whaaaaat? I'm not allowed to have my thoughts...?" 'Sin' groaned, not wanting to be told what to do. "No, not while you're on my ship." Law replied simply with a smirk as 'Sin' looked defeated as he didn't know what to fight back with.
Rina Kohu

Rina blinked what was this guy thinking maybe she should hide her Impact dial and her reject one also. "If you guys want some dials. I have a few I can give away" She had many of them she only had one impact and reject dials. She does wonder how everyone was doing back on Skypiea. She finished with her drink she stood up from her spot she grinned at the two guys. "Hey play nice boys or do I have to pull you two apart." She teased Bepo and stared at Rina was she the only person that can get away with saying things like that?! "Do you have any hobbies?" Sachi asked as Rina nodded her head. "Besides studying medical herbs. I can play the piano. I also cook." She explained before staring down at her bag with the books she bought back on the island.

"Oh do I have to share a room with the guys?" She finally asked as both Sachi and Penguin passed out from nosebleeds. "Did I say something?!" in panic as Bepo pawpalm at two guys' stupid perv ideas. "No, Don't mind those two. You'll share another room with another female we have in our crew also." Bepo explained. "Or do you like being alone?" They had another room if she wanted to be alone. "It's hard to ask to have my own space?" She stared at Bepo
Amadeus Sparx & Trafalgar Law

"Why do I have to be nice to this fool?!"
'Sin' yelled, not liking the idea a single bit, Law just glared at 'Sin'. "Because I'm your captain, now shut it before I put your arms where your legs are..." The two both glared with intent to kill at this point. Law groaned, deciding to be the bigger person and walked away to his chambers for the evening. "Stupid Surgeon..." 'Sin' mumbled under his breath, before sighing and sitting by the wall. He hated not being able to fly away from something he was annoyed with.

'Sin' looked as two of the Heart Pirates passed put from their perverted thoughts, he laughed slightly before returning to silence. He decided not to ask about housing, deciding to just sleep in the main part of the submarine away from everyone else. So he started to wait, once the others went to their rooms for the night he would decide then to sleep.
Rina Kohu

Bepo shakes his head before leading Rina to her room. It was a space room but it had a bed and dresser with a desk also. "Thank you Bepo." Before shutting the door behind her as she climbed into bed she has fallen asleep until she woke up from a nightmare she had about her stepfather. "Damn those marines!" She muttered before pulling herself out of bed. She heads to the dining area as she sat down laying her head on the table. "Why can't he just leave me alone.. If I return to my kingdom he going take control of it and..." She paused maybe she leave on the next island. Marines or not she can't take any more of this. "I hate nobles..." She started crying about the memories of her father abusing her as a child she had scars on her back and arms.

She had an old photo of herself and her mother, With her real father before he died. "I wish you were still here.." She might have to go and deal with her stepfather's orders and return to the Kingdom. Become the next queen of the White Kingdom. "I wonder if I should tell them the truth?" She asked herself.
Trafalgar Law

Law awoke from his sleep during the night with a yawn, he couldn't sleep any longer so he got out of bed and put on his usual daytime clothes. He left the room and dealt with some matters before heading to the dining area to get himself something to eat, he saw Rina sitting at the table sobbing. He listened momentarily before walking to her and putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You don't need to tell anyone on this ship anything if you don't want to. But as a member of this crew for now, if you need someone to speak to... We're all ears." Law spoke on behalf of the crew, knowing that any of them even the stubborn Reaper who should be asleep not far from the dining area would listen gladly. "Just do what you think is right."

Amadeus Sparx

'Sin' hadn't slept a tad since the night started, he was too paranoid to sleep for now. Anything that could go wrong was playing in his head non-stop so he just stayed awake, hoping the thoughts would fade. He heard people talking but left it alone, as he was too focused on trying to clear his head.
Rina Kohu

She jumped when Law placed his hand on her shoulder she did not think he was standing there. "I just don't want you or anyone in your crew to hate me. If I told the truth." She can't hold it anymore. "Those Marines were sent by my stepfather. He wants me back home and to have me marry someone to take over the kingdom." She explained. As she gripped the old photo in her hands. "He killed my mother when I was young. He did not like the idea of having me put to sleep to protect the kingdom from Enel." She explained once more. "He not a good person, I got away and ended up in the blue sea." That's how she got all way out here.

"You see, My stepfather is a Noble."
She finally said it. "I hate asking for help, I'm scared that he might go after those who try to help me." She pulled her hair back reliving a large scar on her back.
Trafalgar Law

Law's eyes widened at the sight of the scar, he then had a serious look. "Then you don't need to ask for help... I don't do this often but, the Heart Pirates will now be your defenders as long as you remain with us." He sighed before taking a seat in the chair next to hers, he seemed to let his guard down for once. "Thank you for trusting me with your story..." He said calmly as he leaned back into the chair. Law was confident that his crew, with the added help from 'Sin' could protect Rina from the Marines or her Stepfather no matter what they try to do.

"If you still plan on leaving once we arrive at the next island, please be careful. If your father is willing to send people who have Devil Fruit abilities after you, I don't want to know who could be coming next..." Law warned with genuine concern, the Marines have tough opponents that could cause problems for people travelling on their own.
Rina Kohu

She stared at him then nodded her head with a smile. "Thank you." She was very thankful to him and everyone around her right now. Even if she does come across the strawhats she knew they'll back her up. "I don't tell many people this story. I don't know if they're trusted or not." She explained for some reason she can trust him and his crew even Sin. "I know, I was planning too, I mean made it on my own for while." Maybe it was time to join up with a pirate crew or someone that can protect her so she was not alone. She remembers her stepfather wanted her to marry someone named Doflamingo he was the King of Dressrosa.

"I have to ask, Do you have a man name Doflamingo?" She asked staring at Law she wasn't if he knew this man or not.
Trafalgar Law

Law would almost fall out of his seat once hearing the name, his eyes widened with anger but he kept his composure. "Yes... I do know Doflamingo, he's one of the Warlords of the Sea..." He said with a lower tone than how he usually speaks, Law didn't think he'd hear his name out of the blue like that. He looked down at his hand, thinking back to his past and the hate he held from what happened.

Amadeus Sparx

'Sin' had started to listen in after a while, still not being able to sleep so this was how he cured his boredom. His eyes widened when Doflamingo was mentioned and took note of Law's reaction, he knew something was wrong from that moment, he had the feeling in his gut.
Rina Kohu

Rina notices Law's reaction when she said Doflamingo's name. "My stepfather has me to on marriage with that man. He planned that from the moment I turned fourteen." She explained. "I don't like where this going!" She was upset now she did not want to marry that man. She stayed quiet as she stared at Law once more. "Sorry for bringing up his name. I did not think that would get you angry.." Maybe she should keep that to herself. She doesn't anything about what happened with Law's past or what Doflmingo did. All she knew her stepfather had some type of connection with that man.
Trafalgar Law

"It's fine, if protecting you means I have a chance to take him down... I'll take it."
Law said while putting a hand on his sword, gripping the handle tight. "You dodged a bullet though, that man- No, monster is not someone you want to be involved with." Law added before taking a deep breath, calming himself from the anger he felt at the moment. He wondered if Doflamingo could possibly one of the people Rina's stepfather send in the future, if so Law had to be ready to fight for her freedom... And his life.
Rina Kohu

What gotten into him? Was he that hateful against Doflamingo? She got scared of Law's reaction to the whole thing. "M-Maybe I shouldn't say anything about that..." She was deeply scared now she did not want him attacking her for what she said. Why does he want to take him down? That should be her taking him down she wasn't seeing the clear picture here. "You don't have to tell me. But.. Why are you after him?" She asked if he don't want to share his story she wasn't going to make him. "I'm going tell you now. I have no reason to marry that man." She wasn't going to let that happen she better be dead than go through something like that.
Trafalgar Law

"... Doflamingo murdered someone I held very close to my heart, the man who saved my life and understood the suffering I had gone through at such a young age. Corazon, the smile that's on my ships design was made to honor him. I will avenge him, even if it means I have to sacrifice my own life."
Law explained before letting his head hang down, memories kept flooding back into his mind and he had to swallow his emotions so he wouldn't break down. He sighed as he shook his head while looking at the ground, trying to calm down.
Rina Kohu

Her eyes widened when Law explained why he was after Doflamingo. He murdered someone close to him?! She placed her hand to her mouth as she was trying not to get upset herself. She reached over to him and she pulled him into a hug she knew how hard it was to bottle up those memories. "Sorry for asking. I did not mean to bring up those memories." She wanted to fight for her freedom. As she pulled away from him staring at him she made up her mind. "I'll stay with you until Doflamingo is taken down. I want to help you. I don't know what really happens. But I can tell it was painful" She wanted to get stronger and fight for her kingdom.
Trafalgar Law

Law had a small amount of blush streaked across his face after receiving the hug, but he also had a genuine smile on his face. "If that's what you really wish to do.. Then thank you." He didn't ask her to stay, so her wanting to help finish the fight he longed for meant a lot to him. Law looked up with a sigh before standing up from his chair, stretching. "Well then, if you excuse me Princess... I'm going to get some food. Thank you, again." He said before walking to the kitchen to grab something simple to eat for 'breakfast'.
Rina Kohu

She nodded her head as she watches him leave to go into the kitchen to get some food she'll wait until later to eat. She gazed into the ceiling she wanted to end this herself but she can't do this alone. She stood up from her chair and then heads back to her own room to do more reading. She stayed in her room until Lunch Time she really skipped breakfast this morning. She yawned before stretching out and then got out of her room she can hear Penguin and Sachi playing some game in the other room. She wonders what for lunch anyway. She entered the dining area and she notices Bepo with plates of food. "Oh Hi Rina! You haven't eaten anything haven't you?" Bepo asked. She nodded her head as she sat down grabbing one of the riceballs she love those.

"We only a day away from the next island?" She asked. "Yes, we're princess." Bepo smiled at her good she can stretch out her wings for a while she grabs another riceball before staring at Bepo. "Do you have any more curry?" She asked. "No, I can make you some." Bepo heads back into the kitchen to cook some curry for Rina.
Amadeus Sparx & Trafalgar Law

The clashing of swords could be heard throughout the submarine, the two swordsmen were dueling each other without the use of their Devil Fruit abilities or Haki, only skill. Law's attacks were slow, yet powerful and thought out, on the other hand 'Sin's' attacks were fast, reckless and constant. The two had been dueling for nearly 3 minutes straight, neither of them had been able to land a decent strike on the other. They kept their fight calmed and within a makeshift arena so they wouldn't bring harm to the ship or crewmates.

"You hold back too much Surgeon! Even when only using a sword you have to show power with every attack!" 'Sin' called out to Law while attacking, before getting swept to the floor by a kick from the Surgeon. "And you Reaper, lack form and patience." Law stated as a simple reply, as 'Sin' rolled and jumped to his feet. The two took a breath before continuing the duel.
Rina Kohu

As Bepo returned with her food she can hear swords clashing somewhere on the ship. "What going on?" She asked. "it's the captain and Reaper." Bepo explained they are training she figures as much. As she ate her food it was good she thanked Bepo before following the sound of the swords. She stood a few feet from the two pirates that were dueling each other. Does she wonder which one is stronger? She floated off the ground with small wings on her back. She had a feeling she might have healed both of them they're both stubborn. "Try not to kill each other!" She shouted at both of them.

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