[One Piece: Eternal Quest] From Strange Beginnings

Vorgol, Fishman Chef

Vorgol’s face blanched a bit when the man casually mentioned creating the undead, but he tried his best to hide his disgust. “Well, in that case, I would say he’s far from alright, shachi, what with being dead and all.”

He finished the cinnamon roll in two huge bites, and moved ever so slightly away from the counter where Victor sat, greeting another regular with a smile and one of the strawberry tarts he had pulled from the oven previously, whipping a pastry bag out of seemingly nowhere to frost it in-transit. “Gilna, good to see you, shachi! How is your husband doing?”

For the next few minutes, he engaged in idle chitchat with his other customers, occasionally...well, not so occasionally, actually, sampling some of his stock.

(Jel, bud, you've gotta give me something to work with here. I can't really respond to one line of dialogue.)

Victor Thanos - Human Specialist/Scientist

Waiting until Vorgol was done speaking to Gilna, Victor asks him Where are you from any way?

(yeah one line again but i hope that this one is better at giving you something to work with)
Vorgol, Fishman Chef

The zombie man was speaking again, and after he finished the latest order, Vorgol had no excuse to ignore him. He turned to look at the customer, forcing a smile and pointedly not looking at the reanimated corpse following him.

"I was born on Fishman Island, like most fishmen," he said, finishing off a strawberry tart and picking up a cross bun. "The national attitude didn't agree with me, shachi."
Victor Thanos - Human Specialist/Scientist

wondering what this "national attitude" was Victor asked the first question of many that came to his mind.

What would the national attitude be?
Ships Doctor Rob Charon - Human Brawler/Doctor

as he was heading to the sunken Norwegian Rob noticed a woman with a snake skin scarf and a leopard print bikini. he stops and stares at her chest.

(he does have the perverted disadvantage... it is perfectly in character.)
"Five String" Jim, Human Specialist/Musician

Jim stood among the giggling crowd cold to the bone and dripping wet when a redhead kid in the crowd burst out into uncontrollable laughter and started walking towards him. A shadow went over Jim's face and a vein started pulsating in his forehead. When he finished his sentence Jim walked up towards him looking down at the brat, standing up with his full 6.3 feet of height. "You think it's funny, eh?" he said, tightening the grip on his instrument.

There's only that much a guy can take in one day.
Jimbo "Flame Blade" Hughes, Human Specialist/Navigator

Jimbo made a vain attempt at halting his laughter, locking his face in a wide grin: "Well, it did look rather funny," He smelled the air, surprised: "You smell like smoke as well. What, did you catch on fire?" This seemed to catch his attention, his grin fainted and he now looked somewhat serious.
Diona "Hammer" Irons -- Human Brawler/Pirate

Hammer had watched without comment as the taller woman started to make faces at and with the musician. She took a draw, then another off the neck of her bottle of alcohol. She gave a little snort as the buffoon lit himself on fire, then leapt into the bay to extinguish it. As he crawled out, however, those around stood laughing at the man, and some pony-tailed lout in a loud shirt and weird-looking short swords came up to mock him. As the musician loomed up above pony-tail, his temper clearly about to snap, Hammer came up and clapped him on the back with a wet slap, grinning a smile fit to scare the devil straight. Bloody but unbattered, she looked like the phrase You should see the other guy made manifest, with her blood-spattered gauntlets and her ragged bowler hat. Flashing the coins she'd palmed earlier, she chimed up at the musician, "Just ignore the kid. Y'might be a bit wet all over, but if he thought that was a good idea, then he's wet between the ears, and without anything else between 'em, as well." Giving a shrug, and trying to convey that she was in a good mood, for now, she attempted to steer the musician marketwards. "C'mon. Let's get you some dry clothes to wear, and you can tell me what you really did, to get kicked outta the Norwegian."
Ships Doctor Rob Charon - Human Brawler/Doctor

shaking his head and forcing himself to look away, Rob finally notices the others around Azeila. A bloody brawler trying to move a musician towards the market, a laughing man, an intimidating blue haired man in a black coat.

shaking his head again, he mutters to himself well better get a move on...

moving through the midnight market to reach the Sunken Norwegian. Even if it wasn't the best route it should be interesting.
Juno "the Tree" Daidarabotchi - Kuja Swordsman & Chef

Juno reached for the long post sticking from the water, her long arms covering the distance as she looped the coil of rope over the post. The fisherman steered the boat around, pulling the line taught and swinging the boat up to the docks. She moved to the front of the boat, but the next post was out of reach. "I need some help," she called to no one in particular, and the white necklace she had been wearing slithered along her arm before straightening to a long fishing gaff. "Thanks," and she looped the rope around the pole and pulled the end back, drawing to nose of the boat closer to the dock.

Four days they had been trawling the waters and the fisherman would like to have stayed out longer only to get a better glimpse of the bikini-clad woman he had hauled from the sea. The man's beard was a mixture of black and grey in what normal people would call salt & pepper, but Juno had called snowy night. She hadn't seen one of his kind before - a man - but he looked nothing like the story her mother told of her father, a giant mountain of a man well over twenty feet tall, rippling muscles, and sparkling eyes. No, this man she learned was a fisherman, thin and wiry, tiny eyes hidden behind wrinkles, and small, very small. He was less than half her height.

She disembarked from the fishing trawler in one large ungainly step, while the fisherman rolled several barrels to the side of the boat. "You need help with those?" She reached across the divide before the fisherman could slide out the ramp, and hefted the barrels filled with eels and fish with a bit of ease. They probably weighed several hundred pounds, and she placed them lightly on the dock as the white snake pulled them together to form a solid row of barrel upon barrel.

"Where did you say I would find my answers?" she asked the fisherman as he handed her the gear she had earned on the trip back to solid land. She piled them into a wicker basket, slung it over her shoulder until the opal-coloured snake wrapped itself around her waist and shoulders, holding the basket against her back.

"At the end of the dock" - said as most fishermen considered the near part of the dock closest to their boat - "make a right, and at the large central street take a left and go ahead, you can't miss it."

Juno followed the direction to the end of the dock and made her first mistake. She went left instead of right and turned at a narrow opening between a set of stalls. Turning to the one of the people at the stalls, she asked "I am looking for the Prince in this town. Is that you?"
Victor Thanos - Human Specialist/Scientist

after speaking for a while with the kind baker, Victor decided he needed to look at the other stalls. Thanks for everything:). i gotta go though. Hopefully i'll see you around. with that final exchange taking place, Victor went around and began looking at stalls.

okay my characters are on auto pilot. Rob will reach the drunken Norwegian at some point but is in transit. Victor is just looking around the midnight market. feel free to strike up a conversation
"No ma'm. Prince George don't walk the streets with common folk like us." Replied an older man.

"In fact, he wouldn't take kindly to the thought that you expected him to do so, even though you are a beauty of the likes that we rarely get to see." He smiled, showing that off the few teeth he had left.

"Care for an apple and some advice?" He asked her, already pulling one out.

"You look lost and confused. Just head on down that way," he said, pointing further down the street. "and Vorgol should be happy to lend you a hand. The whale is nice like that."


Benji's relatively pleasant walk was interrupted by the stench of rotting fish and a warning cry as a a rather large swordfish landed next to him with a messy splat. Looking around him he notices a man dressed in the uniform of a marine arguing with members of the Port Cross town guard.
Benjamin "Benji" Plunkett Human Marksman/Marine

"...never a dull day."

Hopping to it, Benji immediately made his way towards the Marine and the guardsmen, aiming to figure out what was going on...but not before stowing away the large swordfish.

Hey. Food was food.

"Um...excuse me. What you all are doing just ain't right...wasting food like thi-I mean, arguing in public like this. What seems to be the matter?"

"Hey, where are you going?" Azeila called out as she chased after the man with the banjo and the serious looking woman. "I'm sure I've seen that blue-haired man somewhere before, do you recognize him Natch?" She said to the snake around her shoulders, to which the snake responded with a hiss and pulled out a list of bounties from Azeila's backpack. "Oh, in here is it?" she said as she began thumbing through the list while she jogged after the pair as they moved further away from the dock.

(I'm gonna hand Azeila over to Shep, as per the general consensus in the OOC thread. Just wanted to do this last bit first to set things up)
Tibu the Red, Fishman Brawler

The young Fishwoman stepped off the ship, taking time to stretch out her back before preceding to walk up the docks. She took in a big whiff of air, letting out a long sigh. "Ahhh, the smell of sort of fresh fish. Makes me miss home."
Juno "the Tree" Daidarabotchi - Kuja Swordsman & Chef

Juno could get lost in a narrow hallway with no doors. Giving her direction on the path through the night market was certain failure. Despite the fact that she could see the large whale-shark-man-thing over the stalls and tents didn't matter. As soon as she started moving she lost sight of her destination, and soon was walking among stalls turning in various directions as she tried in vain to get to the person who would know where to find the Prince of the town.

Drakil had obviously been paying less attention than he thought he'd been, because upon arriving back at the docks where he expected to find the man with the banjo and the two women with him. He instead found a man and a fishwoman, both with striking red hair. "Where the hell..." he trailed off while spinning around looking for the people he'd lost sight of. As he did this, his coat spread wide behind him, blatently revealing the jolly roger emblazoned upon it.
The marine turns to Benji and grins, obviously pleased at the thought of a fellow marine to take his side.

"These ignorant townsfolk who can only pretend to do real work," he begins as he sneers back at the guards. "Say that I, an honest-to-gods Marine have been stealing from the fisherman and causing serious trouble." The marine is interrupted when a guard steps forward and pushes him, sending the man straight into a fish that had been knocked to the ground. The guard turns to Benji and says,

"This is official Port Cross guard business. Unless you are this criminal's superior be on your way." moving forwards until Benji was forced to step back, gesturing angrily with his spear.

Tibu can see all of this from where she has disembarked as can Drakil and Jimbo. Tibu also notices two other marines are lying unconscious in the remains of several market stalls, primarily ones that sold fish.


As Juno wanders the markets she catches the eyes of all those around her. Some finger their purses, obviously contemplating robbing her yet look away as a hulking thing rounds the corner and walks towards her. It's innate wrongness is apparent to all, and Juno may be the only one to notice the rather short and strange man it was following.

The sudden commotion catches Drakil's eye. "I wonder why the marines and town guard would be fighting..." As Drakil watched, he noticed that the entrance to the palace was looking quite unguarded. "Hmm, this might make a good opportunity to slip in quietly and look for a way to steal that ship.. Bah, that's no fun." Drakil began walking briskly toward the marines and town guard that were fighting.

(Faltharen's character is called Jimbo btw, you confused me for a second there)
Benjamin "Benji" Plunkett Human Marksman/Marine

Taken aback by the accusations, Benji looked towards the other marine with a look of utter disbelief. Not noticing the grin at the thought of the bolstered numbers, the gullible Marksman instead grabbed hold of his fellow Marine's hands, shock and horror on his face.

"You're kidding me! You would never have stolen from these fishermen! I mean, you're a Marine, a proud servant of peace and justice for all. If you had stolen from these fishermen, why...I can't even imagine what horrible punishment might await you at the hands of Commodore Norris..."

Shuddering involuntarily at the mere memory of the hundreds upon thousands of latrines he had been forced to clean over the years, Benji looked to the guards with a salute and a puff of his chest.

"Marine Chore Boy, Benjamin Plunkett. Pleasure to meetch-...I mean, meet you. I can't understand what you mean to say by 'criminal' though, sir. If you point the spear in another direction, perhaps 'up', then maybe you might explain yourself."
Juno "the Tree" Daidarabotchi - Kuja Swordsman & Chef

People. There were just so many of them. From her island, there had only been a few dozen so while unique she was 1 in 30. But here, there was no one like her, and there were hundreds. Or even the level above hundreds, which she never bothered to learn.

The hardest part of being in the port was that she needed to find the Prince so that he could give her directions to the treasure that held the Kuja artifact. But she had no idea what a prince should look like. And there were so many... men... here that they could all have been princes.

That was when she saw the short man walking with his hulking brute. Now this might be a prince. He had a bodyguard walking with him as protection, something a prince would have. He was shorter, which would explain why they would need the big chairs to make them seem important. There might be a chance she had found the Prince. "Excuse me. You wouldn't happen to be the Prince of this town. I am looking for some information on a treasure."
Victor Thanos - Human Specialist/Scientist

Lost in thought about how to improve his weapon and not really paying attention to anything else other than avoiding hitting people Victor burst into maniacal laughter.


....Immediately after Juno had asked her question. after he was done laughing, he noticed that she was there and, as he was just not paying attention not full on ignoring the world, he recalled her question.

Somewhat embarrassed (after all he had ignored someone talking to him), he replied to the woman,"Er, sorry about that. To answer your question, no I'm not the Prince of this town."

Still embarrassed, he decided to offer his aid. After all he had been rude, so he should make up for it.

"The prince is in that palace that way," he said while pointing north, "Any way is there any way I can help you? I'm new here myself so, I can't really act as a guide, but I might know something about this treasure your looking for. Just as likely I don't though so don't get your hopes up."

Juno "the Tree" Daidarabotchi - Kuja Swordsman & Chef

Apparently, the Prince of this port was a lot harder to find than she thought it would be. You couldn't just ask someone where the Prince lived and just walk to his house. That was how you would do it on the island she came from. It also didn't help that simply following directions was near impossible for her.

"Finally!" It wasn't a Prince, but someone was willing to talk to her about the rumours of treasure. She needed to get some information, perhaps even a place to start so she could return as their leader. "Where shall we talk?"
Victor Thanos - Human Specialist/Scientist

Thinking on this for a bit, Victor decided the best place to talk would be a library. After all he could look up the information there if he needed to.

"I would say a library would be the best place to do this at. Unfortunately I do not know where one is on this island. Still I'm sure we could ask someone for the information."

after he said that he realized he did not know the woman's name.

"Oh and we have not been properly introduced. My name is Victor Thanos. What is your's?"
The marine winced and nodded at Benji's words.

"Of course, I would never risk the wrath of the Commodore." he said, smiling sleazily and smirked when he paused. "In fact, I believe that it would be best for everyone if you buffoons let us go and he never has to hear about all this mess."

The guard snarls and shoves his spear into the marines face, halting just before it hits his eyes.

"No more words scum."

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