One Piece: Dawn of a New Age

Full Name:Haru Senji

Nickname/Title:The man of a thousand blades



Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Oga.Tatsumi.600.482161.jpeg.14b5fc6957616fddac154d7865178939.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Oga.Tatsumi.600.482161.jpeg.14b5fc6957616fddac154d7865178939.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He has many bandages from all the trainning he does while the ones when he was a kid are healed he keeps them on for the memories. He also hates the marine hats and refues to wear it but hh likes the jacket and will wear it like a cape most of ths time.

Height/Weight:5,4 110

Personality: Haru is an outgoing guy who trys to help everyone to the best of his ability he tries to not be a jerk but sometimes can screw up then he'll quickly try and fix his mistakes. He's quick to start fights with those who get on his nerves. He's not one to back down either even when he's clearly out matched. He likes training and fighting and being on edge the more dangerous the better. He hates people who think they are better then everyone. He also can't stand people who don't know how good they got it.

Character Strengths:Haru is very social and respected he will help when need be and won't back down when it comes to helping a friend.

Character Flaws: He has a pretty hard time fighting females and can get alittle in over his head in moments. He's not the smartest but in battle he's a genius.

Behaviour:Haru out of battle is kind to others and very much a joker while in battle he holds his joker attitude he can seem almost like a monster when fighting not holding back one bit. He does this for friend or foe. Anyenemy who knows of honor has his respect which can lead to Haru only wanting to fight them more.

Dream:Haru hopes he can become a person who he's dad and sister would had looked up to and reach the top being the head of the Marines. He wants a type of place his sister and mom and farther would love to see. also wants the ultimate battle one that pushes him against a wall the ultimate life or death battle.

Combat Style:Haru is a close range fighter using muay thai and some boxing styles along with his fruit making him a dangerous foe at close range. To make sure he stays in close he learned the CP9 move Soru to getclose and use his attack the vanishing slash.

Akuma no Mi: Haru's fruit gave him the ability to grow blades from any part of his body he can turn limbs into blades and can create blades of all shapes and sizes. Like sythe blades sword jagged spiked and round. If he is focused he can make the blades longer he can only go about 10 feet when focused normal blades are around 1 to 2 feet long he sometimes makes tiny blades on his knuckles to make spiked punches. When he puts his hands together he doubles it getting 4 to 5 feet long. The thinkness stays the same being .28 and .27.

Haki:Haru has kenbunshoku but he hasn't mastered it so it's range is low only 10 feet around him and it doesn't work unless he is focused.

Story:Haru was born and raised on a marine ship his mother passed away not too long after his birth. He was left with just his farther and sister both apart of the Marines he was trained day and night by his sister at the age of 6 when she was 17 she was the lieutenant to their farther the trainning was brutal and he would also be either bruised from the beating. Oralmost drown from getting knocked over board. His sister and farther would always tell him not to push himself or that he didn't have to be amarine but he didn't listen and would even train himself when his sisterwasn't around. Soon his farther saw this and on Haru's 10th birthday hisfarther told him he would be trainning with him as well. Trainning got even harder for Haru things took a real turn when he food a strange fruit with sharp edges on it. He broke off a edge and ate it he wanted to barf but didn't. He knew what he was eating had to be a Akuma no mi and he wanted to get even stronger for his family. After leaning he had eating the fruit his farther and sister yelled at him but they knew it was going tohappen one day. They began teaching him to fight using his new power and he got good so good when he turned 16 he was already a lieutenant. But it wasn't all good after going on a mission and not coming back for a while Haru came back to hear his sister and farther had died they drowned he was shocked. No one told him they had fruits and because of that he hadn't thought about them drowning but it had happen and it onlypushed Haru more and when he became 19 he finally reached the position of Captain. But he wasn't done he wanted to make sure he became numberone and help others like his farther and sister wanted.



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Twilight J. Libby

NickName: Libs

Crew: N/A

Role: Archaeologist

Bounty: 0-B

Age: 16

Height/Weight: 4' 9'. 116 lbs.

Personality: Libby is a very funny and kind girl. She can be a bit harsh when she feels offended, but she will most likely get over it. She can get easily scared and she has a huge fear of heights. She also get sick easily from having such a weak immune system.

Character Strengths: Libby has this little ability to tell when someone is lying. She can find good hiding places and she can easily trick people.

Character Flaws: Gets sick easily, afraid of heights, and gets scared easily.


(In Combat)

Enemies: She can get a little sassy and smart elic when talking to her enemies.

Friends: She usually always thinks she has the right idea to win a fight, when she usually doesn't.

(Out Of Combat)

Enemies: She just ignores and pretends they aren't even there.

Friends: Libby is always kind and compassionate to her comrades and friends and she can be a really funny girl.

Dream: Her goal in life is to raise her bounty high up. She wants the highest bounty in history.

Combat Style: She uses two katanas and each sword has its own power.

Haki: She doesn't know if she had Haki or not. But most likely not.

Story: Libby doesn't really know who her family was. Ever since she was 5 she gre w up on the streets. The only way she survived was being a servant for rich nobles. She grew up in a small town named Lagopelo. They are known for their produce of star shaped diamonds and is located in East Blue. One day as she was cleaning in one of the noble's library, she accidentally pulled a trigger to a secret room behind a bookcase. In the room were dozens of books with different languages and facts of archaeology. She is still reading the books but is almost finished. If you ask someone from her old town, the first thing they will say is how incredible she is in archaeology. At the age of 14, she earned enough money to buy a ship and travel the world.



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@Nenma Takashi Accepted!

@Andrea Logan Could you give us more information about your character? For example, your story is way too simple. Tell us more about it! What streets did she grew up? How did she learn archeology? How did she get out of this servant life?

There's great potential in this one, she just needs to be further developed :)
Full Name: Taka Shima

Nickname/Title: (Keep in mind that no one begins with a title)

Position: Ensign

Age: 18

Appearance: He has short gray hair, golden eyes, which he usually keeps shut, and small, oval shaped eyebrows. He uses a pink scarf to cover his mouth, he has marks around his mouth. He is skinny with little to know muscle definition and is usually wearing his marine uniform.


Height/Weight: 6'1"


calm and handsome young man and comes across as intelligent and charismatic and at times a womanizer. demonstrates significant arrogance and a tendency to look down on others, as seen when he looks down on his peers for failing on there duties. He also cares little for the lives of others he is cold-blooded and not above inhuman mass murder. Regardless, he demonstrates respect for his superiors and follows orders even if he doesn't agree, this may be in part to his need for tidiness and organizational skill.

Character Strengths: He is good with his words and hands able to persuade and lie without most people ever knowing to the point were he could massacre a town at night and make it look like his sword grew legs and went crazy. He is a adept swordsmen and a piratical hand to hand fighter.

Character Flaws: He is diseased and suffers from body failure some times losing control of his limbs other times internal bleeding that can be seen spewing from his ear, nose and mouth, he also suffers from mental instability. He must take several medications to stop this from happening and to further his life span.

Behaviour: Calm and charismatic when he wants but frantic and cold when he feels like he doesn't need to hide it like with his usual crew of peers in the ranks who already know who he really is and already have grown to understand his ways. In battle he is usually calm but the way he fights he is frantic and aggressive but he never shows it in his words

Dream: He dreams to find the One piece

Combat Style:
He fights with a rudimentary style yet it would not appear that way due to it appearing very wild but anyone who clashes with him can feel it.

Akuma no Mi: N/A

Haki: has a hint of Kenbunshoku being that he can see with little use from his eye's

Born and raised on Kyuka island he has lived a wonderful child hood never experiencing much of hardship, he has lived with everything handed to him literally. His parents always made sure he had fun and had whatever he wanted including themselves always giving him the attention he deserved as parents they were number one, he met many people who taught him many things as a child and even gave him many souvenirs from there adventures. He grew to be a huge a**hole and a spoiled brat. Nothing truly impactful happened in his life until a group of pirates entered the hotel speaking of a treasure called the 'One Piece' this interested Taka something that he didn't have but could achieve with hard work and dedication he believed it could be fun, from that point onward he strive to get stronger, he received training from the usual pirates that entered most had little skill but it was much more than enough for Taka to learn. Reaching his teens Taka had become a okay fighter and less cute the usual treatment he received vanished over night so he became more social learning how people acted and reacted to people and events. Though most people took his charismatics nature as the truth while others like his parent lived with him and knew he was a devil child that they created but could not kill he was dissolving into his illness. He soon realized that his parents were really protecting him but he refused to fall victim to guilt and continued with his ways though his parents continued spoiling him and feeding him medicine that would halt the disease but he was already in critical condition his body was failing and he needed to live and find the one piece. He continued his training but he wasn't capable of getting stronger and his only option was to get professional help in other words he joined the marines but in honor of his island and all of it's caretaker who treated him like prince he got markings around his mouth to symbolize for him to not bite the hand that feeds you. Being 15 and weak he was looked down upon but the instructors gave him extra time to train which mainly involved haki which helped him see and hear wait out his natural senses. He continued this training knowing that his growth has surpassed his peers after two years but not for long he spent a few months as a officer/guard in the Impel down but was ordered to take a leave due to unnecessary violent behavior, though he still is allowed to wear his impel down uniform
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Name: Tremki V. Kaguya

Nickname/Title: Psycho

Crew: N/A (So far he is solo)

Role: N/A

Bounty: 0 B

Age: 15

Appearance: Has various stitches around over his body, carries around a cage with a Doll (Voodoo doll) which he calls “Sammy” (One of his three friends)


Height/Weight: 5’6ft / 40kgs


Tremki is rather childish in most cases, often being curious of things he hasn’t seen, enjoys fooling around and will often make cheeky remarks. For a child his appearance comes off rather unsettling for most often being feared making Tremki rather lonely. Tremki is the definition of Sadist often making sarcastic jokes to the dead, enjoys messing around with ‘dead’ things. Tremki is insane, being bred that way he will often lash out violently ranting crazy things especially when energized or provoked. Although being insane and drop dead creepy Tremki values his friends and will often put his life on the line for those he does call friend.

Character Strengths:

Tremki has an great durability making him able to take a lot of pain, Tremki is able to notice negative intentions based off expression especially sorrow, sadness, anger, pain, greed & lust.

Character Flaws:

Being mentally unstable Tremki often finds it hard to keep his cool together, often lashing out. Being extremely lonely Tremki has become somewhat depressed although sometimes he does not notice it.



Tremki often lacks remorse to death, in fact he often finds it rather amusing treating his enemies with no respect in fact toys with them. While fighting Tremki will often make fun of his opponent and will also fight in a goofy way as if playing. To those Tremki finds as a “Friend” (His pumpkin head is one) he will often be protective for often putting his own life on the line.


Although never admits it Tremki’s real dream is to have an emotional connection with someone. Though when asked Tremki will often respond with “More toys”

Combat Style:

When fighting Tremki often isn’t as offensive as most would presume him to be, he normally uses his hands and feet and maneuverability to avoid his opponent until an opening is find and he strikes.

Akuma no Mi:

Voodoo Voodoo No mi (Can only use 2 dolls at a time, Can partially use Goma No So (Doll state) for a limited time)

(Tremki while using Goma No So)



Hinted to have Haoshoku & Kenboshoku (Undeveloped)


Tremki’s original birth place is unknown to him and most people, at a young age Tremki was brought to Thriller Bark in practically pieces, having lost his arm & legs it was a surprise that he was still alive, it was believed that intense healing would have been used to have made this possible although the full picture is still yet unclear, in Thriller bark Tremki had been stitched back together and had resided in the castle there for most of his life.

By a young age Tremki was often experimented on, put through extreme pain, torture and agony to the state of his hair turning white and giving him a mild mental condition which has made him practically insane. Tremki often would join in the experiments when he wasn’t apart of them himself to him, his only family was those who also tortured him but by this time Tremki was brought to believe there was nothing wrong with it, that it was normal being plainly oblivious to most ‘normal’ things in life.

Being the perfect experiment Tremki was also used as a ‘vessel’ for their experiment on a new Devil fruit they had acquired using him in order to see it’s potential, forced to eat the fruit Tremki had then gained the “Voodoo Voodoo No Mi”.

At the age of 13 Tremki had increasingly become more and more insane, constantly being put through daily torture although in the later reports was found laughing at the pain.

It was also after these last three reports of him laughing that he had wiped the Castle clean of the doctors who had any part in these experiments, this was done by Tremki using his ‘Voodoo” doll ability to inflict lethal pain on the doctor's and ending them all using his “Goma No So” state.

After escaping Thriller Bark, Tremki then finds himself on a new adventure which is to find out the real world and what it holds for him.

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Full Name: Alexandria Carter

Nickname/Title: Alex (nickname, not title)

Crew: none, will join one, but for now a wanderer.

Role: muscle.

Bounty: none~

Age: 17


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/sample_c3b0cf22104fa0703e04617bbf768d66e84c44f5.png.5b819d92d966f6dc334f9a726876b154.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55650" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/sample_c3b0cf22104fa0703e04617bbf768d66e84c44f5.png.5b819d92d966f6dc334f9a726876b154.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Long orange hair, bright green eyes, large bust, long legs, very fit, very tall, nice tan.

Height/Weight: (height: 6' 2") (weight: 124 lbs)

Personality: almost like a tomboy. She isn't afraid to get dirty or chip a nail. She loves to drink and can do anything the guys can do. She doesn't get along well with other girls, especially feminine ones. She's tough but has a soft and caring side that she rarely ever lets show. She loves to kick box and wrestle. She also loves animals. She hates perverts and isn't afraid to kick their ass if needed. She has a black great dane she named midnight.

Character Strengths: Alexandria is very good with almost any weapon, she also has a very strong punch and roundhouse kick. She can kick box better than anyone in her home town. (Which was only a village with like, 40 people)

Character Flaws: she can be a bit critical of herself and everyone around her, she can also be a bit rude to girls with a feminine side. She can also be a bit bi-polar and can become a bit depressed.

Behaviour: in battle, Alexandria prefers to hit head on but in silence, though her nature is head-strong. She uses training in stealth, she hits her opponents when they least expect it and she hits them hard. She treats her enemies with deadly force, and she treats her friends with extreme kindness and loyalty.

Dream: Alexandria's dream is to fulfill her father's fantasy of teaching the world of the more unknown mixed martial arts. Unlike kendo and karate, which are known throughout the world already.

Combat Style: she uses a wide array of mixed martial arts and uses any weapon which requires to use the martial arts. She prefers up close, hand-to-hand combat.

Akuma no Mi: Alexandria possesses the Goro Goro no Mi, though, she doesn't know how to control it.

Haki: bososhoku Haki

History: she grew up a good life. But her mother had died giving birth to Alexandria, and her father was an incredible martial arts master. So her father taught her his ways, she quickly mastered each move, and eventually left her father to go out on her own, she left her father at age 14. She has been on the move for the last three years. And she hopes to join a pirate crew so she can travel the world more and have a few epic adventures.



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@Tremki @I am Shadow

Tremki, you're good to go!

Shadow, the character is fine, but I don't think her appearence will fit the team at all. But that's up to you! Accepted :)
Full Name: Elysianna Bellarose

Nickname/Title: Elyse, Ellie

Crew: wants to join one

Role: munitions expert (takes care of weapons/guns/cannons, also can create blueprints for weapons and then make the weapons themselves)

Bounty: none~

Age: 18



Height/Weight: 5'3", 100 pounds

Personality: Elysianna is a laid-back, easygoing girl who just likes having fun. She loves to see people at their best character, so she can be an enabler and an instigator of others bad behavior. But she never means any harm by any of her actions, she just likes having a good time. Though her attitude is very airy and it may seem like a gust of wind might change her alliances, she is very loyal to those she cares about and those who care about her. Her personality can change from lazy to fired up in mere seconds, and over the randomest of silliest of things sometimes. You can never really read what she's thinking and even if you could, it would most likely be either weapons or some kind of random thought, like how silly a macaroni taco would be.

Character Strengths: Elysianna is a master of weaponry, specifically guns and cannons. She's very nimble and good on her feet, and can finish jobs quicker than you'd expect of someone like her. When she's given something to do, or finds something she wants to do, she won't give up until she's finished it. She will always put her crewmates first, no matter what the situation is.

Character Flaws: Elysianna is a tad bit of an airhead, and can be slightly naive and overtrusting. While she won't give up on a task at hand, she really won't give up, no matter what might be happening. There's a meteor headed for the ship? Nope, she's gonna stay right here and finish fixing the jammed trigger on this gun. She can be selfless to the point of sacrifice if it came down to it, not even thinking of herself if it means protecting her crewmates. Because of how random she can be, sometimes it can be annoying. She's definitely some kind of bi-polar, with her personality able to switch on a dime over even the smallest of things.

Behaviour: in battle - Elysianna loves to use her weapons to fight. She loves the sound of guns and cannons going off, and adrenaline can send her emotions into overdrive, to the point where she's almost maniacal. Her small frame helps her be quick and nimble, and her strong reflexes mixed with some untapped reservoir of strength allows her to wield weapons with ease. She's very jumpy and flitty in battle, never staying in one place for long.

Out of battle - she loves having a good time and relaxing with her crewmates. It's as simple as that. She loves listening to live music, and dancing to that music.

Dream: Elysianna dreams of traveling the world to learn about every type of weapon there is to know, but mostly to come across the different guns and cannons around the world. She's good at making blueprints of the weapons and wants to create a collection of blueprints of guns and weapons from every corner of the planet. After she's done that, she hopes to use all of her knowledge to create the coolest and strongest weapon in the entire world. She also wants to find Captain Jacques Bellarose again.

Combat Style: she usually sticks to long range with her cannons and guns, but if prompted she'll take up a sword, and if that happens she will pair a normal sword with a dagger that she's had since she was small. She's not really good at sniping and extreme long range precision, she can't sit still long enough for that.








Being restricted

being left behind


Akuma no Mi: Metal-Metal no Mi. She can control and manipulate metals. Right now she can only affect steel and sometimes iron, and can only affect metal within a five foot radius of herself.

Haki: none

History: Elysianna.... doesn't really remember much of her childhood. She knows she's always had a dagger, but can't remember where she got it or who gave it to her. She doesn't really remember much from when she was younger than 14, when she found herself lying awake in a bed in some village she didn't recognize. In fact, she knew nothing except her own name, and only her first name at that. Some older people came in the room she was staying in, explaining things she didn't really understand, but she distinctly heard the word "pirate" in their speech. Scared because of her loss of memory and because the word pirate just sounded scary she reached for her dagger, which was on a table a few feet away. To everyone's surprise, especially her own, the dagger flew to her, and she caught it with ease. The villagers, scared that they had been hosting a demon in their inn, ran out of the room, but the pirates looked at her like it was normal. The captain, Jacques Bellarose, explained that sometime during her past she must have eaten something called an Akuma no Mi, and that triggered a memory where she happened across some kind of strange fruit, and her natural curiousity brought her to eat it despite the nasty taste. A figure then knocked her out, and she was brought back into reality, looking at Captain Bellarose with uncertainty. Seeing Elysianna being so lost he decided to have her travel with them for a while until she could get her own bearing back, especially considering the villagers were looking at her like a monster. So she did, for almost 4 long years, and she grew to love pirates, and her personality started to develop into what it is today. Captain Bellarose forbade Elysianna to use her powers until she was 17, and instwsd taught her all about caretaking for a ship and navigating and the like, but she eventually fell in love with learning about weapons. Bellarose initially protested, but came around when he saw her natural talent for recreating weapon blueprints. But on her 17th birthday (which she formally decided was the day the captain found her) he woke her up and started training that day. Six months of training went by, and she had only gotten some control over it, to her dismay. One day they decided to stop in port on a random island. Elysianna ran off to look for food, with Captain Bellarose saying they were staying for two hours, but after a single hour had passed he decided to leave port right then and there. As the ship was beginning to sail he looked back on the island, thinking that Elyse would be truly happy not living the life of a pirate, only wishing her the best in life. She was the closest thing he ever had to a daughter. He hoped one day she would forgive him. Elysianna, having spent money to buy each of the crew a local confection (they all loved sweets), she ran back to the dock to find the ship was gone. She frantically asked what had happened, and all the locals could say was that they were in a rush to leave. They knew she was left behind so they offered her a place to stay in an unused house they had. She asked if there was one by the dock, which there was, and she made her home there. Every day she looked out the window hoping to see Captain Jacques Bellaroses ship one day come back to port. Then one day, on her 18th birthdah she got a letter, from the captain himself! It was an apology letter for leaving her behind, and a hope that she was doing well. He hoped she never loses that drive and passion for weapons and the creation, and that maybe one day they would see each other again. it was then that she decided she was going to join a pirate crew, just like when she was traveling with Bellarose. She was going to travel the world, taking Bellarose's last name as her own, and make blueprints of all the weapons so that when she would see Bellarose, she could make him proud by showing him the most powerful weapon in the world, one that she's made herself of course. Now the real question is... where is she gonna find a crew to join?
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Full Name: Hector Terubian Sequan

Nickname/Title: The Man of Stars

Crew: Ex-member of the Lunar Pirates

Role: Navigator

Bounty: 0

Age: 22

Appearance: Clocking in at 5'6, Hector isn't exactly the most imposing man. His ruffled blonde hair seems to almost have a mind of it's own, always seeming to get itself tangled and messy even when he takes meticulous care to make sure it doesn't. Underneath these unruly bangs are bright blue eyes that put the sky to shame. He wears a dark blue tailcoat and white undershirt along with a pair of brown shorts. His back is covered in a large amount of constantly moving white dots.

Kind and resourceful, Hector is a pacifist at heart. He will always do his best to help those in need, often sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. He is extremely interested in the cosmos, believing that the constellations are gods and goddesses. and has spent many years learning as much as he can on the subject. While normally laid-back and joyful, Hector does enjoy a sense of civility in his company. While he isn't above wounding someone he refuses to take a life and often tries to stop others from doing the same, even his allies. He is only loyal to those he calls his friends, leaving a crew behind if they do things he is not comfortable with.

Character Strengths: Hector's key strength is his navigational skills. By looking at the stars in the sky he can pinpoint exactly where they are on the vast seas and choose the best route to his crew's destination. He is also a gifted diplomat and is able to talk his way out of most situations.

Character Flaws: While no slouch in combat, the highly random style of his devil fruit makes it impossible for Hector to plan his action beforehand in combat. Depending on the form chosen Hector may have to spend up to a few minutes to decipher what exactly he is capable of. He is also extremely self-conscious about the dots on his back and refuses to allow anyone to see them or even know about them.

Behavior: Outside of combat Hector is cheerful and calm, often getting the crew to join him in song or quietly reading a book. Though most of the time he is sleeping during the day so he can be fully alert to navigate by starlight. When forced into a scenario where diplomacy is not an option, Hector's behavior changes drastically depending on which constellation manifests. Manifestation of Lupus will turn him into a raging beast unable to discern friend or foe while Monoceros will focus most on helping his teammates.

Dream: Hector's dream is to find the fabled "Cosmic Road", the only way for a ship to enter the Sea of Stars.

Combat Style: Hector's fighting style varies wildly on the constellation manifested with his devil fruit. Without use of his fruit's powers, Hector is not much of a combatant.

Akuma no Mi: Seiza-Seiza Fruit; The user has become one with the cosmos and can imbue themselves with the powers of different constellations. Upon eating the fruit, the user sprouts a large number of swirling black dots on their back. These dots will form the constellation that the user manifests and are one of the only ways to determine what has been chosen without usage of the powers granted from the process. There are twenty four different constellations that the user can manifest, chosen seemingly by random each time. At the moment Hector can only keep up a manifestation for one hour before having to rest for another hour.

Haki: While he does not possess it normally, he may be able to use differing haki when manifesting certain constellations.

Story: WIP
Full Name: Leander A Meadows

Dru, Drunken monkey, Demon ape


Role: Musician


Age: 19

Lean and almost scrawny. Leander has large hands with long fingers, his canines are more prominent than normal peoples. He is african american and tends to have a somewhat mischievous look on his face.

Height/Weight:5'6" 130 lb

Leander likes to read and dream of getting away from his home island where he is feared or hated because of things his mother and father did before he was born. At age 9 both of his parents were murdered while he hid in the closet, to this day Leander doesn't know who his parents' killer is and searches for him. Since no one liked his parents they just left him on the streets causing him to have to steal food from people to survive. One day years later Leander saw an odd fruit and decided to take a bite of it, instead of a meal he got strange powers. From that point onwards he became known as the demon ape and the drunken monkey since he stole lots of alcohol and plays many pranks on people.

Character Strengths:

  • Smart
  • Great at causing trouble
  • Good at making distractions
  • knows how to play the drums and flutes
  • Likes to help people especially his friends

Character Flaws:

  • Hot headed
  • Strong willed
  • Easily bored
  • Gets distracted fairly easily

Behaviour: (Both in combat and out. How do your character treat enemies? And friends?)Leander supports his friends and will take a beating for them, without breaking will. Thanks to his devil fruit Leander will fight on the front lines and is willing to cross almost any line to protect people he cares for.

Dream: To find his parents killers and to keep anyone he cares about. He also wants to learn about anything he can especially music

Combat Style: Close combat hand to hand. He uses a specialized fighting style for his devil fruit.

Akuma no Mi:
Zoan type. Monkey Monkey fruit. In partial transformation he gains slightly more muscle mass and a long strong tail that can be used to hold himself and kill people if he needs to. He also grows excess hair on the sides of his face and his canines grow. His feet become hands. He has two full transformations one is more like king kong an ape and the other is like a monkey.

Haki: Defense Haki and Mantra (precognition).

Story: Dead parents acted out found a devil fruit that allowed him to act out better. For a long time he wanted to leave his island and go on adventures to make friends and find the killer of his parents.

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