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Fandom One Piece: Adventures on the Grand Line


One Thousand Club
Having just left Reverse Mountain the crew of the Mary del Roques fallowed their log post to Creame Island.

Captain Whiluf Xander slowly walked to the bow of his ship looking out to the unknown. It was clear weather today but that could change at the drop of the hat. He turned around and looked at the motley crew that decided to fallow him and he couldn't help but smile.

They had only been a crew for a couple of weeks but it felt like a life time.
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In that time, Alice had already established herself as gratingly cheerful. In deep deep contrast to any of the more serious members of the group, she seemed to always demand to brighten everyone's day, no matter how inconvenient it seemed to be. But at least she was enthused to be on the ship.

She was currently sitting near the starboard, spraying a coating of liquefied camembert onto a piece of hardtack to try and not taste the wet-cardboard-like substance under the cheese. She often found herself experimenting with preserved foods as her body could transform into one of the most commonly long lasting and best aging foods, cheese, so it felt natural to her to try and learn how to season it.

As she bit into the hardtack, she mostly tasted the camembert. The hardtack definitely could've used salt, but it wasn't half bad for a cracker which she had added cheese to.

She had made it abundantly clear that creating and eating cheese, which was debatably a part of her body, didn't bother her. Although the idea of essentially cannibalizing their crewmate likely didn't resonate too strongly with the rest of the group. So for now, she'd likely just have to eat the cheese on her own, which probably gave her a bit of a heartache since she wouldn't get to "share something special with her friends."
Ethel sat leaning against the main mast, having just finished maintenance on his swords. He watched as Alive experimented as usual. "You try garlic yet? I've seen people eat some pretty strong garlic-cheese with crackers before. I never found it enjoyable, but I prefer my garlic in smaller doses to begin with." Not exactly as cheerful and talkative as Alice, he also wasn't one to sulk and ignore everyone else on the ship either. While prone to nap during longer periods of calm waters, he was normally willing to talk with a crewmate if they felt so inclined.

Being of mostly average height, he was neither the nor the shortest of them, but this was probably the only thing about him that tended towards the middle ground between the crew members: His temperament sways between Melancholic and Phlegmatic, but most of the time is a mix of the two. When it comes to the sword, these temperaments seem to almost disappear and he becomes much more outgoing, willing to talk for hours on end about the differences between a Longsword and a Bastard sword (or hand-and-a-half sword, as he prefers to call it). Ethel isn't prone to anger. In fact, the crew would have found that even purposefully provoking him would have gotten nothing more than a glance that said "Dont' you have better things to do?"; The one thing that can and will make him pissed, is touching his swords without asking.
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While Zerry would have preferred to either do nothing and sit on the deck or go for a swim he knew that this close to Reverse Mountain the currents were insane, even for the Grand Line. So he was standing at the ships steering wheel in case his skills as helmsman were needed, still he couldn't wait until he could finally go back to doing nothing.

As he half listened to the conversation between Ethel and Alice he wondered not for the first time why anyone would give up their ability to swim in exchange for the power of a random Devil Fruit. On the other hand if he knew he would get a strong power Zerry knew he would eat the fruit in an instant, after all he needed all the power he could get for his dream.

Despite being reasonably sure the ship was still on course Zerry decided to ask Will since it had been a while since he checked with the navigator. "Hey Will, we're still going the right way right?
So this was it?

The Grand Line, that great pirate graveyard Slick had always spoken about with a mix of reverence and warning.

After the reverse mountain Will was expecting the ship to immediately fall into some form of danger and due to that he was currently standing in hybrid form, hoping that the enhanced senses provided by the form would give him a head start in spotting any trouble. Will was far from the most imposing figure on the Mary del Roques but as a panda-man he could compete at least in height with the taller folks on the crew. He was stationed near the front of the ship almost nervously switching his attention between a log pose in his hands and the water below that seemed to stretch far across his vision.

Will thought he'd gotten to know his crewmates decently well but he certainly had a tendency to keep to himself. Crowds were not something Will was accustomed to especially with the differences in presences and personalities on this particular pirate crew.

His nose gave a twitch as he smelled the air, nothing much aside from salt and the smells he usually associated with the ship. Those being familiar people, wood, food and oddly enough cheese among plenty of others. He turned when he realized the helmsman, Zerry, had a question. "I think so, the log pose is always right and its pointing pretty steadily ahead. Just watch out for wild currents, I've heard they can be tricky and that mountain makes me believe it."
Aster was currently restoring the infirmary in the ship as the trip through reverse mountain did a number on it. Desk drawers fell out of place, papers strewn all over the floor, and the small infirmary bed completely disheveled. Thankfully none of her equipment to make medicine was damaged during the whole ordeal and of course the medicinal herbs she had planted on the walls with her power were unscathed. The wall in front of her desk looked closer to a garden, clumps of medicinal flowers and herbs fully covered the wall and was organized meticulously to be ready whenever needed.

She always left the infirmary door open to anyone and as much as she wanted to interact with the conversation crew after getting past reverse mountain, she wanted to focus and get her office cleaned up. She needed it to be prepared for any emergency that could happen, especially now after getting over reverse mountain and into the grand line. Afterall, her main role was that of support and this place was practically her headquarters on the ship.

That isn’t to say she would never take an active role in combat but she worked better from the sidelines with the help of her devil fruit. Physically, her combat skills were on the lower end of the crews but she made up for it by using poisons that could subdue enemies temporarily. She tended to be a more passive type of person than an active one.

Similarly, Aster was just happy to listen to her crewmates bantering to each other as she worked, picking up piles of papers and reorganizing them in their original folders. She had always been more of a listener than a talker so this much was enough for her for now. It was nice being around so many lively and interesting people and only made her smile as she thought about their future adventures together.
Within the inside of the ship, there was a specific room that was claimed by a particular marksman on the ship, the very room itself filled with tables, some of which holding parts, shelves full of tools and materials, and on one section of the wall was a couple of blueprints attached through the use of nails against the wall. Most of the blueprints were detailing the details of the size and length of various firearms or specific items such as bullets currently in the works, some of the blueprints on the wall having either an ‘Failure’ in red ink and a red X across it or an ‘In progress’ in black ink written on it. And currently tinkering with some of parts and some tools was none other than the Marksman of the crew himself, Ernest.

Ernest was currently deep in focus as he had a magnifying glass mounted to a stand, currently pouring a set amount of gunpowder into a small metal cylinder. Today was a day of crafting like any other, and even while he currently wasn’t working on a project for a experimental firearm or ammo, he was still making some spare ammunition for his revolver and shotgun. He had made it explicitly clear throughout his time here on the ship to the rest of crew that no one should bother him when he was working, lest, in his words, ‘this entire ship will go up in flames’. And well, considering he was working with something rather explosive, he much rather avoid such. Giving a sigh, Ernest had grabbed an small hammer and a bullet for his revolver before carefully hammering it into the casing, soon stopping and now grabbing the newly made bullet, placing it into a small box full of other bullets on the table as well.

That should last him for a while… a sigh of relief being made as he wiped the sweat off his brow. Another day of work done, best get some rest. Now placing away his tools and cleaning his table, Ernest decided that he may as well head on outside for the good ole smell of the salty ocean once again. Grabbing his hat placed on a stand nearby the door and placing it onto his head, he went to go exit the room and head right onto the deck of the ship. Once reaching such, he gave a glance all around, mostly as to what his fellow crew has been doing so far. His interactions have been… lacking somewhat, most of the time, he spent tinkering away for whatever project or task he had, and even without such, he still found a way to hide somewhere in the ship despite his height being slightly over 7 ft tall.

Such did make him feel more at peace when alone. No one questioned him about why he wears bandages all the time or regarding his tinkering, only him and his thoughts… but even he had his limits before he became bored or in even worse cases, ‘burnt out’. Ernest had crossed his arms as he began to walk around on the deck, his boots sounding his arrival with each step as he stopped at the side, looking right out at the ocean. “Nothing but ocean and more ocean… where’s even the next island at? It feels like days since I last seen something green.” Ernest said with a bit of irritation to his voice. Now, he has been sailing around with this crew for a while, but as of now, he wasn’t really making any progress making new things with the materials he has now. That and he needed to stretch his legs every once in a while, but he couldn’t really do that without finally finding a island to stop at.
Raleigh Goose
Mentioning: Lady Moldoma Lady Moldoma
Ships waist, Starboard side
Mood: Philosophical

"So, like, if you eat cheese someone else makes, right" Goose looked up from her tangle of gears and wiring, gesturing with her own hardtack. "Does that count as cannibalism? What with you being cheese made flesh and all that." The shipwright let her head rest on one of her giant mechanical fists as she stared up at her new crewmate. The contraption at her feet gave a dangerous whine as she spoke, stray sparks shooting up into the space between them, fading before they hit the deck.

"Cause, like, I was thinking right, wouldn't that mean eating your own cheese was a form of auto-cannibalism. Which, to a sane and reasonable person like, might come across as somewhere between barbaric and truly disturbing." Goose began to gnaw at the biscuit, face contorting as she continued to speak around it.

"It raises potentially concerning implications vis a vis using cheese as a vector for wrecking dudes. Like beating someone over the head with your own leg. Granted, you can grow a new leg, but I'm not sure that outweighs the innate ickiness of the image, ya know." The whining noise continued to build, a faint smell of ozone beginning to waft up from it, followed by a thin stream of smoke which wound its way up between them. The gears began to slowly rotate, locking together as the mass started to shift and reshape itself, seemingly unprompted.

"Not to cast aspersions on your character or anything, you seem fine like, but self-induced amputation for the purposes of knocking the snot out of someone and or making lunch would make one look rather suspect, in the eyes of the sane and reasonable no?" Finally, manging to snap off a section of the biscuit, grinding it between her teeth as she started expectantly.
Xander felt a cold breeze causing him to look up. What appeared to be snow started to drift down. He moved his hand upwards touching the snow and it dissolved into a type of cream. He licked it and tasted a sweet vanilla.

"Ice Cream?" He thought as he gazed at the island. It was big with three mounds in the background one that was white, a brown one, and a pink one. Infront of the island was a large castle. He just stares at the island in disbelief how weird this seemed

"Damn Grey you could've warned me how weird this was." He muttered as they drew closer.
Character: Spinaltap T. Alice

Mentions: Nuclear Magician Nuclear Magician (indirectly)

Mood: Perky

“As is the nature with all Devil Fruits, a person who consumes one is no longer considered a traditional human. In the case of the Cheda Cheda no Mi, my fruit, that allows me to control, transform into, and create cheese of any sort or variety it makes me a cheese human!” She explains

“Asking if me enjoying eating cheese is cannibalism is comparable to asking you if you enjoy digesting food. You’re fundamentally made out of the same stuff, as all things are. Cheese is not a species nor can it object to being eaten by me. And once it’s detached from me it’s no longer.. well… me!” She explains. “If cheese itself isn’t alive, Merely being held together by the force of the devil fruit and my own consciousness, ergo why I can survive being hit with a canon ball, blown to bits, or stabbed through the head, then technically it’s not cannibalism at all! The question is fundamentally irrelevant, as cannibalism would likely imply that I’m consuming someone else who is also a cheese human.”

“And besides, I’ve always loved cheese anyway!” She says. “That’s why I ate the fruit, I just thought it was a fancy cheese!”

“That’s why I didn’t bat an eye at the taste. I assumed it was some rich person thing that I didn’t understand at the time.” She continues. “All of my cheese sort of used to taste like my Devil Fruit, it was a while before I got the hang of making cheese that didn’t taste so foul. So for a while I assumed I was cursed to make near inedible cheese. But I eventually solved that problem.”

“What’s wrong with beating someone with your own body? Martial artists do it all the time.”
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Aurelia was sitting on the deck tuning her lute and watching what crewmates were currently on the deck talk amongst themselves. They were certainly a unique bunch (she reckoned that might be a bit of an understatement though), but they were her crew, and from what little interaction she had with her uncle's crew it seemed everyone who followed the pirate lifestyle was perhaps a little bit off their rocker. She knew she was no exception, of course, she left behind a comfortable life to chase down her presumed-to-be-dead uncle just to prove herself to him after all.

In the interactions they would have had with her, Aurelia's crewmates likely would have found her friendly and open with a sense of honesty that made her say things she should not say in more polite company. After fiddling with it for a while, she strummed a chord on her lute and satisfied with it, stood up and put the instrument on her back. She stretched and looked at the approaching island, which seemingly had mounds of ice cream on it. Huh. Well, that was new.

"Is anyone else seeing giant mounds of ice cream or am I just so tired of hard tack that I have started hallucinating better food?" She asked her crewmates.
Ethel had been close to starting a nap when he notices the snow and sat up to what was indeed aptly described by Aurelia. “Nope. Not just you. I think we all are seeing them.”
Ethel had heard that things were different, not just more dangerous, along the Grand Line. But he hadn’t realized “different” meant “weird”.

“Either way, it seems our days of nothing but hardtack and cheese are over. I’m sure our chef will be delighted to get some actual ingredients. Assuming this island has some kind of town on it.”

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Tao stood in the galley of the ship, the soft sway of the sea beneath him as the ship cut through the waves. The tantalizing aroma of spices and freshly chopped vegetables filled the air, and a smile danced across his lips. Today, it was just him in the kitchen, and he relished the solitude as he prepared a special meal for his beloved crewmates.

He had spent the early morning hours scouring the ship's pantry, selecting the finest ingredients he could find. A crate of succulent fruits, plucked from a tropical island they had visited awhile ago, lay nestled on the counter. Nearby, a sack of exotic spices from a bustling market they had encountered in a bustling port city awaited its turn.

As he worked, his mind wandered back to the faces of his crewmates, each one a unique and cherished individual. He imagined their delighted expressions when they tasted the dishes he was preparing. The thought of their happiness filled him with a sense of purpose and contentment.

Soon, a pot of aromatic broth bubbled on the stove, and Tao added a medley of fresh seafood to the mix. The broth infused with the flavors of the sea and the spices, creating a mouthwatering symphony of taste. He then moved on to the next course, carefully wrapping rice in seaweed, and creating delectable sushi rolls filled with vibrant colors and flavors.

The galley was alive with the sounds of sizzling and the tantalizing scent of culinary delights. Tao's heart swelled with joy, knowing that he was not only preparing a meal but also nurturing the bond that held his crew together. For him, cooking was a language of love, and every dish he crafted was an expression of his care for those around him.

Tao would grab his trusty staff, using it as support as he approached his young crewmates." The food is nearly prepared." he announced. The mink felt something cold fall on his skin, glancing up at the sky. Snow?

"Don't worry Will, I'm keeping an eye out for currents." Zerry had barely finished saying that or it started to snow, while he understood why some of the other crewmembers would be caught off guard by it he just figured they had entered the biome of a winter island. He was just about to mention it when Xander revealed something that was a bit odd even to him, namely that the snow was in fact ice cream. Curious Zerry used his tentacles to catch some so he could taste it himself since he never had ice cream before while keeping his hands on the helm. "This is pretty good actually."

After that taste though he put all his focus back to steering towards the island since the change in temperature no doubt affected local currents. Luckily he didn't need to make any sharp turns but there were a few times where the Mary del Roques drifted off course a little. With the island in sight though he was easily able to correct it. "Anyone see a good place to dock?"
Aster was still cleaning up when she heard the conversations starting to make mention of a new island in the near distance. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to bring her journal to record any new botanical life she could find on the island. Placing the last of the fallen drawers back into her desk, she got up with her journal in hand and headed out of the ship's infirmary to the deck with the rest of her crewmates. To her surprise, they found themselves suddenly in a snowy climate and even more surprising, the snow tasted like ice cream.

“Well this isn’t something you see everyday.” She hummed with a small amused smile as she saw the island with what looked to be giant mounds of Neapolitan sitting on the island. Tucking the journal away from the snow/ice cream in her bag, she looked over to notice Tao now on the ship's deck with the smell of whatever he had been cooking in the air. “Smells good but… you might have been a little late with dinner, everyone has just found the dessert.” Aster joked looking between him and the island as they approached. Tao was assuredly the most experienced pirate on this ship so she was curious about his thoughts on this weird new island they stumbled into.

“Ever see anything like this?” She asked looking back at the ice cream mounds that sat like mountains on the island. The air was getting cold and soon the crew would probably need to bundle up before even stepping foot in the island.
Will turned as he felt something cold fall upon his head. He turned to look at the island and was a bit confused for a moment before he pieced together the words of the crew around him and the way Slick had described the weather of the rest of the world. The description matched snow but Xander and Aurelia called it Ice Cream. Will had never seen either, he stuck his tongue out to catch some falling flakes and gave them a taste, it was sweet sort of like a strawberry. He was somewhat distracted from the weather as his gaze went towards the castle that was visible on the island.

"I'll keep an eye out but it might be a good idea to try and avoid the castle for now. No telling how they'd react to a pirate crew docking near their home" Will gave his two cents to Zerry. He silently thanked his devil fruit for the protection from the cold the panda fur allowed him while standing exposed on the ship, he'd scan the island for movement or spots that may provide some form of shelter to the ship when docked.
As the ship got closer the ice cream rain became heavier. Xander watched as they got closer. " Go to the opposite side of the island." He said to his helms man. "Your right we can't let them see us."

On Creame Island.
He ran quickly blood dripping from his shoulder. He had to make it back home warn Bella of their plans.

A sudden jerk sent him flying. "Where you going?" A voice said before striking the man again. A human like penguin appeared infront of him. "Too bad."

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