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Realistic or Modern Once Uppon Of Time In San Libero (a Mafia RP)


The Sop
Please read the Overview before you make your CS.






Nationality (If a character is from the mafia, he must be at least half Italian):

Appearance description:


Rank: (Boss, Consigliere, Underboss, Captain, Soldier/Enforcer)


Weapon of choice:

Other (for characters that isn't from the mafia or that want to fill other information)


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Name: Thiago Giannetti

Aliases: Don Thiago

Gender: Male

Age: 51

Nationality (If a character is from the mafia, he must be at least half Italian): American/Italian

Appearance description: 5ft8. Average build.

Rank - Family : (Boss, Consigliere, Underboss, Captain, Soldier/Enforcer) Boss of the Giannetti Family

History/Background: Thiago was born in Sicily, but when he was 4 his parents moved to America. He joined gang activities in The Bronx Italian neighborhood in his teenage years. Thiago understands well the street business at a young age. Later he was made into the biggest crime family - The Conte Famitly in San Libero, climbed rank to rank and became the underboss of that family at the age of 41. But when his boss - Salvatore Conti, a hotheaded, stubborn man started a war with another family, Thiago made an arrange, to turned on his own boss, whacked him and took over his family, became a boss himself.

Unlike other mob-boss, he is a modern Don, he doesn’t care for unnecessary traditions from the old-school Sicilian and run his family as he see fit.

Weapon of choice: He's now a boss and doesn't get involve in murder anymore but when he was a soldier, his favorite was the Colt 1911 pistol.

Quote: "“Only business is what matter, no nonsense.”
(wip until more character joins and see what families are available





Nationality (If a character is from the mafia, he must be at least half Italian):

Appearance description:
5ft9in 79kg


Open to anyone that would have me.

Associate possibly later soldier and beyond

WW1 veteran and now vice detective, suspected of corruption and some his family have suspected connection to organised crimes.

Weapon of choice:

Other (for characters that isn't from the mafia or that want to fill other information)


Jared Jones


J.J., Kiddy, Gas Mask (preferred formal)





Nationality (If a character is from the mafia, he must be at least half Italian):


Appearance description: 5'7" 150 lbs




Rank: (Boss, Consigliere, Underboss, Captain, Soldier/Enforcer)

None, Hitman/Enforcer-for-hire (May become a soldier in the future)


There have been several conflicting theories of where Jared comes from. Some say that he comes from a broken family with an abusive father, others say his mother was a drug addict and a prostitute. Regardless of where he came from, it is undeniable of what he is: a violent psychopath who sells his service to others in the form of hit contracts.

Weapon of choice:

Baseball bat, garrote wire, switch blade, Colt 1908 pistol

Other (for characters that isn't from the mafia or that want to fill other information)

Jared is ambidextrous.

Despite not being an official member of any mafia, Jared follows the Omertà, the Mafia's code of honor to silence, non-cooperation with authorities, and non-interference in the illegal actions of others

Jared knows how to play jazz on the piano


"Who am I supposed to kill?"

"If you could just put your temple against the barrel of my gun, that'd be great."

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Name: Valentina Giannetti

Aliases: Daddys Girl, BabyDoll, Little Red, and Val

Gender: Female

Age: 20 years old

Nationality: Half Italian and Half American


- Father (Thiago Giannetti )



Rank: Consigliere

History/Background: Valentina was born into the biggest crime family when she was younger and still is. Valentina had grown up seeing fights break out and gun shots near her house. Valentina witnessed her first death right in front of her when she was being driven to school by one of her fathers men when a gun shot came in through the front window and struct her driver, the shot was aiming towards her but it hit the driver instead that day she was bathed in blood. Valentina promised to protect her family and her families last name meaning she had trained and watched her fathers men train all day and she came in contact with a gun at the age of ten years old. Valentina always got along with her father and many would refer her as a daddy's girl and most of them weren't lying either. Growing up her mother raised her to be a very poised and well mannered young lady but she mainly focused on the family business which is why her mother and her would be constantly arguing and how her mother tells her that she has to leave the killing job to a man and how it was no place for young girls like herself to be running around with a gun.

Weapon of choice:





Valentina personality is very organized, clean, persuasive, flirtatious, courageous, helpful, dauntless, humble and sometimes stubborn when it comes to things. She is very blunt towards others and because of her bluntness she is often getting into trouble with the wrong group of people but she knows how to handle herself pretty well. She isn't a force to be reckoned with. At times she is easy to talk to and at times she isn't. Valentina is very was and still is well educated and she is well mannered as well. She loves parties and during parties she has a bubbly personality that comes out but some would say it's the alcohol taking it's place. She will not let anyone get in her way of completing a task. Valentina is pretty sweet, nice, and generous once you get to know her and she has this seductive calm voice that makes it easy to talk to others and persuade them as well but when you get her mad...run for the hills.


"All things must come to an end sooner or later"

"Looks can be rather deceiving."







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Name: Adia (italian name for helpful) willow

Aliases: Kitty, baby face, little dia

Gender: female

Age: 23

Nationality : Afro-Italian

Appearance description: she will often be seen wearing rompers and play suits. When she doesn't dress down she dresses up in the latest Paris styles.



Rank: consigliere

History/Background: Crime has always been a part of her life,receiver or giver. Her mother raised her,if that's what you want to call it and it wasn't until she wasn't untill she was 19 that she was introduced to her italian roots. she was nervous at first, all she knew was that her father was murderd my her brother. Last time she had saw them she was three, she was to young to have any real memories of them. In fact when she reached out to her family and found her brother she didn't even regonize him. Four years later she is in one of us most trusted people when dealing with the family bussines. Tho it's hard for the others to take her seriously since she is fairly new to this. Yet she continues to prove herself worthy of her family title. And is one of the best spy's since she hardly even looks Italian.

Weapon of choice: Tho she absolutely adores the Tommy gun, she can't shoot straight. switch blades is the preferred weapon for her and those around her

Other: she can speak Italian but you can still hear the slight Jamaican accent . she can't speak French but she can understand it (like English and Australian)

Quote: "don worry bout et"

"Are you a copper? cus this would be bad no?"
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Name: Joseph Latorio

Aliases: Joseph

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Nationality (If a character is from the mafia, he must be at least half Italian): Full-Blooded Italian

Family: The Latorio Crime Family

Rank (Boss, Consigliere, Underboss, Captain, Soldier/Enforcer): Boss of The Latorio Crime Family


Joseph Latorio was born as a victim of a poor and abusive family, and his mother broke her back to support their family. His Dad was an alcoholic, and abused both his mother, his sister, and himself. Eventually

aging into puberty, Joseph murdered his father with his bare fist by beating him to death. His mother, frightened by his deeds, screamed at Joseph to leave and never return. His sister was too young of age to comprehend the entire situation, therefore she never had any involvement in the situation. Because of his mother's reaction, it resulted in him running away; he never heard from his family since. After he ran away, Joseph met connections in the streets with the plenty of spare time he had away from education and shelter. Joseph began selling marijuana to a close circle of clients on the streets and began to make a quite large quantity of cash. Eventually buying an apartment, a decent car, and some half-decent suits to keep the heat off of him; he progressively began selling other drugs besides marijuana. Joseph began pushing lots of quantities of drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and Xanax. Now pushing his thirties, Joseph has piled up enough cash to begin a low key and smart organization (or crime family) of only people he truly trusts, the first being his sister. This causes the Latorio Crime Family to be quite small, but highly efficient, reliable, and trustworthy.

Weapon of choice: .44 Magnum Revolver & Bare Fists
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Name: Peter Caito

Aliases: Anzac

Gender: Male

Age: 42

Nationality: Australian-Italian

Appearance description:

6'1. 150kg. Muscular and heavily built.

Stemming from his days as an enforcer Peter continuously wears a trench coat. He was quick to realise the risk of being an enforcer and made a slight alteration to his trench coat design. Two compartments were made on the front of either side of the coat. These were specifically made for two fairly thick metal plates with the aim of protecting his vitals.



Family - Rank:

Boss of the Caito Family


Caito is an American born Australian-Italian. His father had immigrated to America and happened upon an Austrlian lass whom struck a chord. Growing up in San Libero wasn't exactly pretty, but it certainly was full of opportunities. Peter was quickly drawn into one of the more questionable crime families at a young age. As the years passed Caito became an enforcer. Working as an enforcer he found how charismatic he could be to those around him. As an enforcer Peter was notorius for being the first in and last out of any "business deal". Once he became Captain, most of the enforcers deeply respected him, not out of fear but for his accomplishments.

As the years went on, the family became more and more dishonourable. The amount of violant robberies and muggings of otherwise innocent bistanders was ever increasing. This would inevitably put not only themselves, but other families in danger if it continued. This was when the coup d'etat began to take form. Having power over most of the family's enforcers, he started a purge of those who agreed with the family's business practices. Neighbouring families aided with information as they knew that the current state of affair wouldn't bode well. Those that Peter weren't able to persuade into joining him met a swift end. Without an army and being unfavoured by his peers, the former boss fell upon the same fate as those who supported him. In the end, relativly little bloodshed was spilt only a few weren't able to see the unsustainabilty of the former Boss's practices.

The coup d'etat was succesful, to say the least. Becoming the Head of the family resulted in a focus shift towards the "protection and insurance" business. His charisma helped immensly in building his reputation and power as the Boss of the infant Caito Family. The current state of affairs is to continue growing their "protection" services across San Libero.

Weapon of choice:

Riot Winchest 1897


Quote: "Treat others like you'd yourself"



Name: Abram Gishnov

Aliases: Big Man

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Nationality: Father: Italian, Mother: Russian

Appearance description: Abram is a pretty muscled muscled guy. He has lots tattoos and has some scars on his face.

Family: None.

Rank: Leader of the Russian Family

History/Background: To be revealed through dialogue.

Weapon of choice: Beretta Model 38A, Beretta Model 1935

Other (for characters that isn't from the mafia or that want to fill other information)

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Name: John Alan Smith

Aliases: Talsman

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Nationality: Irish

Appearance description:


Family: Irish-Viteliya (Vy-tell-e-ah. Sorry if it seems like a crappy name, I really don't know what to call it I'm horrible with names)

Rank: A Captain in the Viteliya Family

History/Background: Back when he was just a young lad in Ireland John was always close with his grandfather, his parents never giving a shit about him, they likely wouldn't care, which caused him so much grief when he died. His Grandfather was the closest thing to a father he had, which made it hard for little John when he died. Life was hard after his Grandfather died and with all of that he ended up living on the streets trying to get by on his own, eventually getting a job at a local Pub and coming up with the money for schooling. Life for him got better eventually, well that was until a family friend turned up in the Pub he worked at and found him, John already having known him. Once they left from Ireland they headed to a city where they'd find his Godfather and perhaps have a more...exciting life with the Irish gang there.

When John arrived soon after his Godfather was killed before his eyes, driving him to join the Viteliya Family to kill this mysterious man.

Weapon of choice: He likes the design of Revolvers which is why he carries a silver Revolver along with his spare handgun, a Luger P08

Other: A highly educated gang member, one of the Viteliya's best. Known well throuhout some of the gangs, especially the Mafia, but he hasn't been chased except by the cops. The funny thing is no one has caught him. Yet that is.

Quote: "Funny, you've been with me all this time yet your both bone dead stupid."
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