Once Upon A Time

@Queen of Fantasy I just saw your post about your character waiting for someone to notice her. My character interacted with your character, I believed I tagged you in it.
@shygirl3 Yeah I edited it when i saw it in my alerts. I didn't notice until now! Sorry! Go ahead and read it again, it's edited so it should be different now!
@blink0623 I don't want to hold you up. I'm not sure when I'll be able to post next so you can leave Michael and join the others if you want.

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Hehehe. No probs.

Soooooooooooooo. If ANYONE wants to try to break into the Vault, PM me first please. I'm not god moding; Regina IS powerful and even if you CAN get in there are presents you will be greeted with :D

Oh and disclaimer: the "fairy boy" comment is not intended as homophobic, it's because, well, Pan's a fairy. :D Anywho, if it offends anyone I'll change it. Just avoiding misunderstandings :D

Wow, I abused the " :D "


Ermagerd I can't believe I wrote that! The image *shudders* It's creepy and funny... mission accomplished :P
Allllllright. Some Regina up. I'm fooling around with some BB Code. And yes, I'm more or less putting her away for a few posts hahaha I've been so absorbed in Yzma. Who, by the way, will be in a post coming right up :D Sorry again for the laggy laggy. I'm working out the kinks for her evil scheme! IT'S DINNER TIME! :D


Whaaaa! Sorry for the slight inactivity. I won't be able to reply today, grand-pa's 85th bday... ANYWHO!

I'll get on it tomorrow.
"Talking phones, moving picture boxes, that devil box that plays music unexpectedly." xD
So bug or bling? For my latest post that is, for some tension, I can even make it so that we're in the same restaurant, up to you though, I'm undecided.
Well, if you want to bring him by Killian and Emma that's fine(: Killian won't take kindly to him bothering them and will probably hit him lol

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