Once Upon A Time | Rewritten

sunshine and whiskey

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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I only want to see characters that are from actual fairy tales, such as, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Frozen, Beauty and the Beast etc etc... Got it? Good.

I also want to see creative thoughts put into your sheets. Give them color and make them pretty! :) If I feel that your character does not belong then I do have the right to reject your character. Just saying. So, better WOW me, people. Mwahahaha!!!

It may seem like I am asking for a lot but I am really not, or maybe this roleplay isn't for you. Either way, I am just wanting to see your creativity here.

{Full Name}

Here I want to see a different name than their fairy tale name. Give them a middle name as well, please.


What else do they like to be called?




M or F?


Hetero? Homo? Bi? Pan? Sapio? A?


Keep in mind of their fairy tale. Can't think of anything, I'll be glad to help out.


I want a realistic IMG or GIF of your character here along with at least a paragraph describing what the picture doesn't show. Clothing style? Do they have any tattos/piercing/other markings?


A minimum of five.


A minimum of five.


A minimum of three.


At least two paragraphs minimum describing how your character acts and their thought process.


Here will be their fairy tale history then their history after the curse. Two paragraphs minimum.


Anything else you would like for us to know about your character?

DO NOT post in the main thread until I have accepted your character.

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{Full Name}

Megan Elizabeth O'Brien

"I'm a big tough girl, I tie my own sandals and everything."



"At least they would if I had any friends. So did they give you a name along with all those rippling pectorals?"



"Keep moving, Junior"



"I'm a damsel... Ugh! I'm in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day."



"I won't say I'm in love"


(Still trying to think of something)

"Are you always this articulate?"



As shown, Megan's wavy brown locks are always up in a high ponytail. What the photo doesn't show is her lean and slender figure. Her most prominent feature is her curvy hips. In addition, her eyes are more of a deep blue color. The photo also fails to make note of her above average height of 5'8". She will always be seen wearing something purple.

"You're really choked up about this, aren't ya?"





Articulate vocabularies


"Think your nanny goat would go berserk if you played hooky this afternoon?"







"Hey, I've sworn off manhandling."






"I'll be fine. Just get me down before I ruin the upholstery."


Megan is a free-spirited, independent and quick-witted woman who is also slightly hurt due to having her heart broken by her boyfriend in the past. She has a very low opinion of men in general, since her experiences with them have been mostly negative. She is also cynical and world-weary. She puts on a hard, bombastic front to cover her feelings of hurt and disappointment. She's so scared of opening up again--trying to get others to see her for who she is as she so aptly sees them for what they are--and then getting hurt.

She occasionally shows a bit of the warm, genuine, romantic little girl inside her. Though she's charming to the end, Meg grows to show her genuine, strong, childlike side and discovers that the "crazy" things she does in following her heart instead of her head maybe aren't so crazy after all.

"Don't worry, maybe Shorty here can explain it to ya."



Megara (aka Megan), who was madly in love, sold her soul to Hades in order to save her beloved boyfriend's life. But shortly afterwards he left her for some other woman, abandoning her and leaving her heartbroken and a prisoner of Hades. This leaves Megara feeling trapped and she vowed to never fall in love again.

She is being harassed by Nessus the centaur in a river, who shows perverse interest in her. However, Hercules steps in on her behalf and saves her by fighting Nessus, while she looks on in the midst of wringing water out of her hair. After Hercules has won, he tries to strike up conversation with her and she introduces herself before leaving. It is while she is departing that it is revealed she doesn't like working for Hades, and the reason she was with Nessus was to recruit him for Hades's army.

She shows up again telling Hercules about two little boys (actually Pain and Panic) trapped under a boulder. When he goes to the rescue, she watches him take on and defeat the Hydra from Hades's lair, and is shown to be, for the first time, impressed by his determination.

When Hercules goes on a winning streak against all of Hades's summoned monsters and becomes a famous hero, Hades resorts to deciding to use Megara as a pawn to find out Hercules's weakness. Although she refuses the job at first, Hades gets her to agree by promising her freedom if she succeeds or if not, her soul will be for Hades forever! Thus, she pays Hercules a visit and goes out with her.

Megara has clearly fallen for Hercules. However, when reminded of the plan to seduce him by Pain and Panic in their disguises, she attempts to do so, but her plan didn't work! After a conversation that almost leads to a kiss, Phil and Pegasus find them and interrupt it and drag Hercules home, though not before he gives her a flower. She then realizes her feelings for him and tries to deny it to herself. Hades then comes in, asking her for Hercules's weakness. She proudly declares he has none, and that she no longer wants to be part of his plans to destroy him because she loves him. Unfortunately, through their purely intense and close romance, Hades comes to realize that Meg
is 'Hercules' weakness.

Hades interrupts Hercules' training, talks and snaps his fingers, making Meg appear. Before she can finish trying to plead with Hercules not to fall for the trap, Hades snaps his fingers and she disappears, tied up and gagged by smoke, then reappears with another snap of Hades fingers. He uses Meg to try to get Hercules to give up his God-like superhuman strength for twenty-four hours in return for Meg's safety and wellbeing from any harm whatsoever. Meg shakes her head frantically, trying to convince Hercules not to make the deal, but he does not listen. When Hades sets Meg free, Hades forced her to watch Hercules getting humiliated! Deeply heartbroken and feelingly crushed, the now-severely weakened Hercules loses the will to fight the Cyclops that Hades unleashes upon him. Meg finds and unties Pegasus and battles her fear of heights to find
Phil, persuading him to come back and help Hercules regain his self-confidence and bravery.

After Hercules manages to defeat the Cyclops using his wits, Meg sees a pillar collapsing onto him and, in a moment of selflessness, leaps to push him out of the way. Unfortunately, this means she is crushed by the pillar instead, sustaining huge internal injuries, but not having a visible scratch on her. This breaks Hades' contract, meaning that Hercules regains his strength. When he asks her why she would do something so dangerous, she finally admits that she loves him, "People do crazy things...when they're in love". Touched by her equally strong and genuine romantic feelings for him, Hercules promises Meg that she be okay and leaves her in Phil's care while he goes to stop Hades from taking over Olympus.

After saving Olympus, Hercules races back to be with Meg rather than chasing Hades, but arrives seconds after she has passed away from her injuries. He then travels to the Underworld and rescues her ghostly spirit/soul, which returns her to life (and makes him a True Hero). Meg and Hercules are then brought to enter Olympus on a cloud, where she, being mortal, cannot follow. However, Hercules realizes that he wants to be with Meg, and gives up his chance to be a god on Mount Olympus in order to live a complete mortal life on Earth with her. After choosing that path, Pegasus now has hugely warmed up to her; whereas in the beginning he did not like her at all. Meg goes on living a happy and joyous life with Hercules as his beloved wife, until the curse happened.

The Curse left Megara with no memory of ever meeting her beloved Hercules. Megara, or Megan in the real world, is back to her original man hating, bitter, and lonely self. She lives alone in an apartment above her place of employment (TBD).

"Look, I learned my lesson, okay?"


~She's a hopeless romantic, even though she'll deny it to the death.

~She'll tug at her hair when she's nervous/anxious.

"It's all right. The sea of raging hormones has ebbed."

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shygirl3 said:
WIP (will finish some time tomorrow)

{Full Name}

Megan Elizabeth O'Brien (is Megan too close to her real name?)



"At least they would, if I had any"







"I won't say I'm in love"


Keep in mind of their fairy tale. Can't think of anything, I'll be glad to help out.


I want a realistic IMG or GIF of your character here along with at least a paragraph describing what the picture doesn't show. Clothing style? Do they have any tattos/piercing/other markings?




Being Independent






Her past/ younger years








At least two paragraphs minimum describing how your character acts and their thought process.


Here will be their fairy tale history then their history after the curse. Two paragraphs minimum.


Anything else you would like for us to know about your character?
Megan is fine. :) I cannot wait to see the rest of your character. :)



{Full Name}

Muriel Rebecca Murphy.


She often goes by her own name, since it's a water based name. But she will also accept Reba, Becca or M&M. She doesn't like being called out of her name but she does adore cutesy nicknames.








Works alongside with her father, Tristan, at their local owned aquarium named King's Tristan Aquarium. She is just a regular employee there.


I want a realistic IMG or GIF of your character here along with at least a paragraph describing what the picture doesn't show. Clothing style? Do they have any tattos/piercing/other markings?


| Water | Swimming | Social Outings | Romantic Novels | Reading | Writing | Smiling | Laughing |


| Being told what to do | Horror Movies | Yelling | Disrespectful people | Arguing | Bad smells |


Muriel has an awful fear of heights, snakes, spiders and being in tight spaces.


At least two paragraphs minimum describing how your character acts and their thought process.


Here will be their fairy tale history then their history after the curse. Two paragraphs minimum.


Anything else you would like for us to know about your character?
{Full Name}

Frederick Flint Riht


Fred, Freddy <-- Real World

Flynn, Flynn Rider, The Smoldering Bandit, Handsome Thief <-- Fairy Tale World








Frederick is known for being a common criminal having the prowess on things like hijacking cars, sleight of hand, using his charm for persuasion, things like that, but his true occupation to veil his thieving ways would be working at a Recycling center as a trash guy...so to speak. Although ofcourse, if he finds something that catches his eye in the piles upon piles of recycling odds and ends he caters to he will find a way to keep it for himself. He also does...favors...for people in exchange for some cash. The bigger the favor, the bigger the reward he seeks.



The character pic base I used is Sam Huntington from the US version of Being Human. The only difference is from the picture, is that his hair is a bit longer; almost shoulder length but not quite. He also doesn't exactly wear flannel, moreso a denim jacket with a white T-shirt underneath. He prefers cargo pants and converse shoes to complete his look, brown colored. Sometimes he will grow his beard out, but most of the time he likes to keep a clean goatee. If he is going somewhere fancy, or is undercover for some reason he will be clean shaven and often times wearing extra layers of clothing. He also occasionally carries a satchel with him which contains various things ranging from anything between water bottles, broken car parts, tools, all the way to severed voodoo heads, rope, and medicinal herbs. Only he truly knows what he is carrying and why. He lives a dangerous life, he always has to be prepared.



Pictures that actually look nice.

Blonde women.




Long conversations.


Being broke.


Lazy people.



Being punched in the nose.

Being alone.


Frederick is a jokester. He enjoys humor and good company. He can be serious under dire situations or circumstances that call for it and will act quick on his feet to measure up to whatever demands life gives him. However, when he is around a beautiful lady he will act more on instinct than thought. He will often lose himself in ways he cannot fathom and will go above and beyond to seek the woman's attention. This gets him in plenty of trouble, but he usually snaps out of it if there is something more he desires distracting him than someone's looks. He will stay on a designated path and keep his eyes on the prize if he wants something bad enough. He will do whatever it takes to achieve something he strongly desires.

In a situation that calls for cheering someone up or morale, he has an undeniable charm that will even bring a sick horse on the verge of death to their feet to push through the pain. He has a way to motivate others that very few can do, he is a natural born leader with a bite for adventure. He will do things and take risks where many wouldn't dare tread. He usually does this for a reason, either to impress someone or gain something very important. Very rarely will he take up such big boasting without a real cause for it. He always seems to have something to prove and everything to gain, and he will go to the ends of the Earth to feel complete in his ways.


There was once a boy who grew up so cold and alone, orphaned at a young age surrounded by others who couldn't give him the affection and attention he desperately wanted.

He grew up filled with tales of great Princes and brave knights traveling around the world defeating dastardly foes and gaining large sums of gold in their plundering. But there was one story in particular of a dashing swashbuckler that truly caught the boy's attention. A man whose freedom knew no bounds, a man so skilled and cunning no one could match him in both battle and intelligence. This man did whatever he wished whenever he wished, and was his own product of happily ever after.

The hero's name was Flynnigan, and the boy? His name was Eugene. In fact, Eugene was so inspired by the story of Flynnigan Rider, that he decided to take his name; Flynn Rider.

One night, young Eugene escaped the orphanage to live a life of solace and excitement. He was found by a band of thieves and raised in their ways eventually being old enough to live on his own and do his new name proud with this fresh freedom brandishing a sword and impeccable charm wherever he went.

The man now known as Flynn Rider became a common criminal with some serious survival skills and alot of courage. His tongue and his wit will usually get him out of trouble, but not always. But in this world of sudden luxury he one day became confused. And it was the moment he met a princess named Rapunzel, in which he felt love for the first time in his interesting life that he eventually changed his ways and risked his mortality to save her from an evil witch. Rapunzel revived him with her tears after his brave sacrifice and the two never seperated again. Flynn married Rapunzel, and now royalty, lives amongst kings and queens with a lifestyle that he would have never dreamed of. On occasion he would still go on outtings of exploration, but only to scour the world for great riches and artifacts for his bride. He finally became happy....complete even, the moment he met Rapunzel's gaze. Although his life felt slightly less dangerous and impulsive, he found a new way to live and he cherished it for the rest of his life.

But this was the fairy tale world......

After the witch's explosion caused such disorder and destruction, it also sent Flynn and so many others to a new and strange world. A world where living was alot harder, magic was not a factor, and love was hard to find....this wiped Flynn's memory completely and turned him into a new man. In this other world Flynn's name was Frederick, he worked at a Recycling center, and he had a terrible problem with getting bored with women and stealing things. Technically every talent and skill, even up to his charming endeavor, he still had in this new life but with no recollection of his life with Rapunzel in his home world. Flynn was still in there somewhere, but there was no doubt, this man was certainly a whole different person. Could it be that somewhere inside him he could find his one true soul and reunite with his love? Presently it seemed he didn't quite want to anyway. He was finding new joy in stealing motor vehicles, forging signatures, and selling illegal goods from all over the place. This was his life now, and it was all he knew....all he would ever know.

There was no witch. There was no castle. And more importantly...there was no Rapunzel. In this new terrifying world Frederick survives like only he knows how, and it isn't the best way to survive, but its all that he knows. Now lost, alone, and completely wild in his thoughts, Frederick thrives in his crazed world looking for anything to wake him up, anyone to save him....except, he will never fully awaken.....not yet.
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{Full Name}

Harvey Spencer Gold.


Harvey isn't too fond of nicknames but he likes to be called Mr. Harvey or Mr. Gold. Nothing else.






Sapiosexual. Mr. Gold is very attracted to people who has common sense and is very intelligent.


Harvey owns the local pawnshop downtown. It's called Gold's Pawnshop.


I want a realistic IMG or GIF of your character here along with at least a paragraph describing what the picture doesn't show. Clothing style? Do they have any tattos/piercing/other markings?


| Money | Making Deals | Clever Minds | People with Intelligence | Betraying People | Manipulating Others |


| Sarcastic Remarks | Smiling | Know It All's | Smelly People | Deal Breakers |


Harvey fears losing his pawnshop, making the mayor mad and growing old alone.


At least two paragraphs minimum describing how your character acts and their thought process.


Here will be their fairy tale history then their history after the curse. Two paragraphs minimum.


Anything else you would like for us to know about your character?
{Full Name}

“I'm youth, I'm joy, I'm a little bird that has broken out of the egg.”

Peter Richard Malcolm "Pan" (because of the instrument he plays)


"Most call me Pan"

Pan, the Pan, Boy, Pixie, Fairy boy, the lost boy, the child thief, the boy who never grew up


“I suppose it's like the ticking crocodile, isn't it? Time is chasing after all of us.”



"I'm a boy! Can't you see that?!"



"It's in the name sweetheart"



“I don't want to go to school and learn solemn things.”

-leader of the Lost Boys (fairy tale world)

-runaway (both worlds)

-street musician (the real world)

-hustler (both worlds)


Oh the cleverness of me!"

As The Pan:


In the Real World:


Peter stands tall at a whole 5'8". He weighs in at anywhere from 135-140lbs (All muscle). Peter is nicely toned because of how active he is (climbing trees, building forts in the woods). He also needs to keep up his looks for the clientele that need his services. Peter's a very late bloomer. The effects of puberty are not evident or even visible. He looks as old as 14 or as young as even a mature looking 12. Peter's boyish soft skin doesn't offer a single visible hair. There is no way this lost boy is ever going to grow a mustache. His innocent looks and powerful charm draw curious people to him.

He's usually seen wearing his green beanie, a teeshirt with a semi-childish graphic, his black leather jacket, jeans, and his tennis shoes.


“All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.”








"Codfish Pirates"



-when people don't listen to him

-most adults

-when people tell him how he should be like


"Afraid?! Not me!"

-growing up

-dying alone

-becoming everything he hates


"To die would be an awfully big adventure."

Peter very immature and quite flirtatious. He doesn't act his age, at all (He acts 12 on a good day and 6 on a bad one). He is brave (fighting pirates and protecting his lost boys from them and the dangers of Neverland can do that to a person). His is determined and optimistic ;as he is almost always thinking happy thoughts. Peter is cocky and believes that he should be able to do whatever he wants whenever he wants. He always wants to be a young boy who has everlasting fun and adventure.

{His and Michael's Homeland}​

“Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning. ”


You all know the story. Every child grows up but one. That one child would be the one and only Peter Pan. But the story isn't the same as it was in the fairy tale.

Neverland isn't the happy go lucky place it is in the fairy tales. It's a dark mysterious island full off hazards and dangers around every corner located in the mysterious and dangerous Bermuda triangle.

Most of the lost boys are truly lost. What they've lost is their minds. They've gone mad because of the island's power. They are a savage bunch who hunt and kill for fun and sport, rarely out the necessity or need of survival.

The pixies are a violent bunch. They are keepers of the magical fairy dust which allows Peter to stay young and fly. They guard it with their lives and aren't afraid to kill to keep it in their possessions.

The pirates are a cruel and evil bunch who want the fairy dust to be theres and refuse to take no for an answer. They're much more than a bunch of bumbling idiots with a swords. Led by Captain James Hook they are bloodthirsty and refuse to take no for an answer when it comes to stealing the magical dust from the pixies. The only thing hook wants more than the dust is revenge on Peter for cutting off his hand.

The Indians are the only sane group on the island. Tired of the pirates trying to steal their land they have made an alliance with Pan and the few lost boys have remained sane. Finally their are the mermaids or should I say sirens. They swim in the waters of Neverland and work for Hook. Their enchanted song can be heard all over the island. It's purpose, to lure lost boys and Indians to theirs death if they get to close to the shore.


“All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again.”

Peter was born in the year 1887. He was raised by his drunk, prostitute mother until the age 12 when she died. Peter became an orphan not knowing who his father was. Peter became a "street kid" living on the streets until he was 15. During his time on the streets he became a master thief and hustler to survive. He fell in love with one of the other hustlers, Mason. The London police arrested and charged Mason with sodomy and he was thrown in jail. Peter was heartbroken and relived that Mason kept their relationship a secret.

Peter continued stealing and hustling until a fairy, which he named Tinkerbell, took him to Neverland to fight as their chosen warrior. The enemy of the fairies was a man with dark magic who had recruited a group of pixies and pirates to fight by side. Peter, the Pixies, and the Indians were able to fight off the man and lock him away in the center of Neverland so he could never hurt anyone again. Peter was then left on Neverland to deal with his own demons.

Peter then started stalking the Darling children through their bedroom window in London. He wasn't there for Wendy.

Peter was there for Michael, the youngest of the Darling children. (and listen to Mrs. Darling's stories so he could rely them to the lost boys). Peter, aged 15, became infatuated with the ginger haired 14 year old boy. He wanted to show Michael Neverland to show him everything He could. Peter needed to get Michael to know he existed and then get him to fall in love with him. The night he planned on taking Michael to Neverland he accidentally woke up Wendy Darling, the oldest of the three children at 16 years old (a whole year older than Peter). She immediately began crushing on Peter. Peter took the 3 Darling children to Neverland. They went on many fun adventures and Peter didn't let Wendy Stop him. He and Michael became secret lovers. None of the other lost boys or even Wendy knew of the secret affair. Sadly evil Captain Hook discovered the love the boys shared and he kidnapped Michael, his brother John (15), and Wendy. Hook attempted to poison Peter but his trusted fairy, Tinkerbell, saved his life but at a price. She was killed until Peter was able to be save her by using the magical dust of the fairies,the same magical fairy dust which allows Peter to stay young and fly.

Peter went to Hook's ship to save his beloved Michael. He and Hook had one final battle before Hook fell into the sea and was eaten by the dreaded crocodile. Wendy decided after this dangerous encounter it was time for her and her brother's to leave. Michael told her he wanted to stay and wendy asked him why. Michael told her. She was appalled at what she had heard and deemed Peter a sexual pervert and demanded that they be taken home. Michael refused to return home with his sister and brother. His love for Peter was too strong. Peter was saddened when most of the lost boy's went home with them not approving of Peter's choice in lovers but the fact that Michael defied his sister and stayed by his side made him happy. Those lost boys (the ones who left) were later adopted by the Darlings and left Neverland for good.

Peter returned home with Michael. His lost boys had abandoned him but having Michael made up for that. And of course over the years Peter was able to collect another group of lost children from London (the reason he is known as the Child Thief).

Hook was thought to have been eaten and killed by crocodile but the fairy dust he had stolen from

Peter kept him alive inside the crocs belly long enough so he could cut himself out. Hook felt the power of fairy dust and he wants to feel that power again.

Peter, his group of lost boys, and Michael have been keeping Hook from getting his hand on the mystical prize he seeks.

After the curse his memories of the lost children,fighting pirates, and even his beloved Michael disappeared. He woke up in a tent in the woods. His head was filled with false memories about being a foster child. He'd run away from his foster father again. A mean, abusive Vietnam war vet with a hook for a hand (he'd been told it was blown off by a land mine). Peter began hustling again and plays his pan flute on street corners, to make money.



“I'll teach you how to jump on the wind's back, and then away we go.”


  • Peter is a master in areal acrobatics and gymnastics​

  • Even without his pixie dust he can jump and do flips in the air higher and faster than the average person​

  • He is a master swordsman and can defeat any pirate's cutlass with his little measly dagger​

  • He can scale any tree no matter now tall or thick​

  • He can build shelters wilderness and start a fire the old fashion way​


Because he was the made the champion and guardian of wonderland by the pixies he has certain abilities in places with magic:

  • Because of how often he used pixie dust to fly in Neverland he no longer needs it fly.​

  • His own feelings, emotions and even mere presence affect various aspects of the weather in Neverland.​

  • After defeating the darkness he gained the ability to use his own shadow as a weapon. He can also detach his shadow from his body and send it out as a scout.​


“Fairies have to be one thing or the other, because being so small they unfortunately have room for one feeling only at a time.”


-His own personal fairy, Tinkerbell, goes with him wherever he goes. She gets a little jealous but Peter knows how to keep her under control. (In the real world she's an artificial intelligence app similar to Siri on the iPhone.)
his gear :

“Proud and insolent youth,” said Hook, “prepare to meet thy doom.”

“Dark and sinister man,” Peter answered, “have at thee.”

His dagger:


His Pan Flute:


{Full Name}

"Would you like an adventure now, or would like to have your tea first?"

Michael Nicholas Darling


"Michael had friends at night"

Mike or Mikey (though, he prefers to be called by his full first name unless he know's you)


"Mother, dear, what time was I born?"



"What's he saying?"



"That was a hidden kiss."



"Forever is a very long time Peter"

-high school junior

-Rich Kid

-Intern at the local toy store


"Oh, look! A firefly!"

As a lost boy:



In the real world:


Michael is very scrawny and thin. Most people think that he is weak on frail based on just his looks. Anyone who thinks this of him doesn't really know him. Michael is 5'6" a whole 2 inches shorter than peter. He is about 140lbs. Michael's appearance is older and more mature than Peter but his curious and innocent eyes show that his spirit is still young and pure, the things that drew Peter to Michael from the start.


"Fairy dust! You need fairy dust!"

-his inner child

-his compassion for others

-researching Native American culture

-collecting vintage/antique toys and collectibles

-His Teddy


"Mother, can anything harm us after the night lights are lit?"

-his clumsiness

-his vulnerability

-When people are rude to him

-the worries his sexuality brings

-How his parents expect him to be the perfect heir to their little empire in town


"Please. Please, don't kill me!"

-losing his inner child

-forgetting his happy thoughts

-losing those he cares about


"Take that! Give up, Captain Hook? You give up?"

Michael has always been clumsy and he's accepted that now that he's gotten older. Being the youngest of three, he's been left with an innocent mind, an an innocent look which makes him seem much more vulnerable when he's alone. He doesn't like to let go of the inner child that he once was but he's 17, it can wait a few more years to leave (I mean he works in a toy store). He's very observant of situations but also very easily caught off guard which is quite contradictory. Michael is always up for a new adventure but also afraid of leaving the past behind.


(See Peter's for pre-curse bio.)​

“Just always be waiting for me.”

Now in the real world the curse has affected Michael in many ways. For starters he's now a blonde of all things. When he woke up in the Darling's manor. He was back home in the mansion, not that he remembers running away with Peter. His parents grow older by the day. His father is a stock broker at the local bank and his mother owns and has stock in the toy store and other places of business around town. Michael believes he will never find the "one" in this town. He believes that he's lived there all his life. He and Peter will find each other again, that is a guarantee. The only problem is how will they form a special bond when they cannot remember the past.


"Where did he put them?"

His childhood teddy bear that was his grandfather's when he was a child. He always carries it with him in his backpack as his security blanket. He just doesn't feel like himself unless it's somewhere near him.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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{Full Name}

Jovelyn Lynette Belrose










Jovelyn works closing shift at a small bookstore and spends her extra time as a house keeper in a small inn.


Jovelyn is an average size girl measuring only five feet and five inches. She isn't the skinniest girl in town, but she can still squeeze in her size 3 jeans. Jovelyn doesn't really complicate herself when it comes to style. Aside from her jovial colors, Jovelyn's style can be described in a pair of jeans and a comfortable, yet stylish, shirt. She wont go out of her way to buy the latest trend, but she tries to look her best. Although, clothing is just one part of appearances. Nothing contributes to a person's first impression more than a person's face and Jocelyn's is adorned with just the right amount of makeup. Subtle and soft, Jocelyn doesn't need much makeup to look dashing. With just a spec of eyeliner, mascara, and her lipgloss, Jocelyn is good to go.






Books//Reading//Fairy Tales//Music//Dancing//Winter


Rude People//Being enclosed//Living in a dull world//People who think she is odd//Being bossed around


Wolves//Losing the people she loves//Dark Places


As everyone can see Jovelyn is a very peculiar girl who lives with her head in the clouds. Every book, every story, and every tale fills her head with illusion of far off places, daring sword fights, magic spells and a prince in disguise. Jovelyn is just a young girl craving for adventures and dreams that one day her life will be just like the lives of the heroines in her books. She'll hear a cry for help, mount her noble steed, race across the forest and into the mountains, to save some poor villagers from a fire breathing dragon. She is an imaginative girl who lives in the daydream of a fairy tale world she created for herself.

However great this might sound, people categorize her as weird, dazed and distracted. She has never been one to fit in. Jovelyn's gaze is always far-off into the distance something most would called absent minded. Many people do not understand what her fascination with reading and books is, so they simply label her as odd and different.

Jovelyn is strange but special. She lives by the saying don't judge a book by its cover. Caring and sweet, she is willing to look past a person's flaws and see the good in people even if it's buried deep inside of them. Jovelyn is also very curious and loves a good mystery. If there is something to be discovered you can bet that she'll drop whatever she was doing and find out what that something is out of plain curiosity.





The Jovelyn has now hasn't always been as it appears. Before Jovelyn was...well Jovelyn, she liven in a small town with her father, an inventor. Back then she was known as Belle. Belle was much like her father, Maurice; they both had ideas verging on crazy. They were both known for their peculiarness and craziness. Belle for always having her nose stuck in a book and Maurice for always creating wacky gizmos that resulted in failure the majority of the time.

One night Maurice was on his way to a fair with one of his recent inventions, but got lost in the forest. Maurice was chased through the forest by a pack of wolves and stumbled upon a mysterious looking castle. In need of shelter Maurice enters the castle and is greeted by talking inanimate objects. There he meets a cup named chip, a teapot names Ms. Pot, a candelabra named Lumiere and the head of the house the clock Cogsworth who welcome him with joy. However, the Prince of the Castle, The Beast, is enraged by Maurice's staying.

The Beast used to be an arrogant prince who denied an elder woman shelter for a night. The elder woman turned out to be a sorceress and cursed the prince to live under the skin of a beast so he could learn that there is more in the world than just appearance. The Beast was given a rose and was told that if he found someone to love him before the last rose petal fell the curse would be lifted.

When the Beast hears that Maurice needs a place to stay, he throws him into a dungeon and keeps him as his prisoner. The next day Maurice's horse returns home and Belle begins to worry about her father. Brave as she is, Belle goes out and searches for her father and she also comes across the mysterious castle of The Beast.

Belle enters the castle searching for father and is greeted by the enchanted objects. They lead her to the dungeon where Maurice is at, but is caught by The Beast. Belle offers herself up in exchange for her father's freedom against her father's wished. The Beast reveals himself to Belle and even though she is terrified, she doesn't back down from her proposal. The Beast agrees and keeps Belle prisoner as long as she wont go into the West Wing.

Now a prisoner the enchanted objects try to cheer Belle up with a fancy dinner and a tour of the house. All was great until Belle's curiosity kicked in and she managed to make her way to the West Wing. Belle finds a desolate room with slashed pictures and the enchanted rose. The Beast finds Belle in the West Wing and frightens her. Belle runs away from the castle and is attacked by wolves. The Beast appears and saves Belle from the wolves, but is injured. Belle returns to the castle with The Beast and cures his wounds.

As time went by Belle and The Beast became friends. The Beast even gave his library to Belle. Happy that Belle might be the one to break the curse, the enchanted objects prepare a very romantic night for Belle and The Beast. After dinner and a very romantic ballroom dance Belle tells Beast she wants to see her father again. The Beast then takes Belle to the West Wing and shows her the magic mirror which lets you see anyone. Belle sees her father is lost and sick and The Beast releases her.

Belle rushes to find her father and takes him back to the village where a mob is ready to take him to an asylum. Gaston, the man who is pursuing Belle, tells her that her father will be spared if she marries him, but Belle refuses. Belle uses the magic mirror to show the mob The Beast and promises them that he is kind and gentle. Out of jealousy Gaston rallies the crowd and prepares to go kill The Beast.

Belle and her father where then locked in a cellar by Gaston. While all this was happening, Chip, who had been stowed away in Belle's satchel, helped Belle and Maurice escape. They rush back to the castle and try to stop Gaston from killing the Beast.

After the enchanted objects threw the villagers out of the castle, Belle shows up while Gaston and the Beast are fighting and gives the Beast strength to fight. The Beast defeats Gaston although he is badly wounded. Belle tries to assure the Beast that all will be well, but he knows that his wounds are fatal. The Beast tells Belle he is happy to see her one more time and dies. Belle, in tears, whispers that he loves him just before the last petal falls from the rose. The spell is broken and the Beast is brought back to life and reverted to his human self, Prince Adam. The enchanted objects become human again and they live happily ever after...or so they thought.


After the curse was casted Belle, now Jovelyn forgot all about her happy ending with Prince Adam and her friendship with the enchanted objects.

Jovelyn lives with her father, Arthur who works as a mechanic. She plays the role of a house maid in the morning and a bookshop keeper at night. Although she loves reading, Jovelyn hardly finds time to bury herself in a book. The only time she gets is when she isn't taking inventory at the bookstore or when she is waiting for the linens to dry.

Jovelyn's life is dull and every day is the same. Still, Jovelyn dreams for one day running away and traveling the world. Jovelyn wants to leave her grey life behind and find a her great adventure out there. As for her father, she'll bring him along.


*She's a neat freak

*Jovelyn often talks outloud which makes it seem that she is talking to inanimate objects

*Jovelyn loves to sing, so you'll find her singing about the things she is doing.

*She daydreams very often


wonderboy1234 said:
WIP will finish tomorrow when I have time
{Full Name}

Peter Richard Malcolm "Pan" (because of the instrument he plays)


Pan, the Pan, Boy, Pixie, Fairy boy, the lost boy, the child thief.








-leader of the Lost Boys (fairy tale world)

-runaway (both worlds)

-street musician (the real world)

-hustler (both worlds)


As The Pan:



Real World Appearance:













-when people don't listen to him

-most adults

-when people tell him how he should be like


-growing up

-dying alone

-becoming everything he hates


-Peter very immature and quite flirtatious.

-He doesn't act his age, at all (He acts 12 on a good day and 6 on a bad one).

-He is brave (fighting pirates and protecting his lost boys from them and the dangers of Neverland can do that to a person)

-his is determined and optimistic ;as he is almost always thinking happy thoughts.

-He is cocky and believes that he should be able to do whatever he wants whenever he wants.

-He wants to always be a young boy who has everlasting fun and adventure.


You all know the story. Every child grows up but one. That one child would be the one and only Peter Pan. But the story isn't the same as it was in the fairy tale.

Neverland isn't the happy go lucky place it is in the fairy tales. It's a dark mysterious island full off hazards and dangers around every corner located in the mysterious and dangerous Bermuda triangle.

Most of the lost boys are truly lost. What they've lost is their minds. They've gone mad because of the island's power. They are a savage bunch who hunt and kill for fun and sport, rarely out the necessity or need of survival.

The pixies are a violent bunch. They are keepers of the magical fairy dust which allows Peter to stay young and fly. They guard it with their lives and aren't afraid to kill to keep it in their possessions.

The pirates are a cruel and evil bunch who want the fairy dust to be theres and refuse to take no for an answer. They're much more than a bunch of bumbling idiots with a swords. Led by Captain James Hook they are bloodthirsty and refuse to take no for an answer when it comes to stealing the magical dust from the pixies. The only thing hook wants more than the dust is revenge on Peter for cutting off his hand.

The Indians are the only sane group on the island. Tired of the pirates trying to steal their land they have made an alliance with Pan and the few lost boys have remained sane. Finally their are the mermaids or should I say sirens. They swim in the waters of Neverland and work for Hook. Their enchanted song can be heard all over the island. It's purpose, to lure lost boys and Indians to theirs death if they get to close to the shore.

Peter was born in the year 1887. He was raised by his drunk, prostitute mother until the age 12 when she died. Peter became an orphan not knowing who his father was. Peter became a "street kid" living on the streets until he was 15. During his time on the streets he became a master thief and hustler to survive. He fell in love with one of the other hustlers, Mason. The London police arrested and charged Mason with sodomy and he was thrown in jail. Peter was heartbroken and relived that Mason kept their relationship a secret. Peter continued stealing and hustling until a fairy, which he named Tinkerbell, took him to Neverland to fight as their chosen warrior. The enemy of the fairies was a man with dark magic who had recruited a group of pixies and pirates to fight by side. Peter, the Pixies, and the Indians were able to fight off the man and lock him away in the center of Neverland so he could never hurt anyone again. Peter was then left on Neverland to deal with his own demons.

Peter then started stalking the Darling children through their bedroom window in London. He wasn't there for Wendy.

Peter was there for Michael, the youngest of the Darling children. (and listen to Mrs. Darling's stories so he could rely them to the lost boys). Peter, aged 15, became infatuated with the ginger haired 14 year old boy. He wanted to show Michael Neverland to show him everything He could. Peter needed to get Michael to know he existed and then get him to fall in love with him. The night he planned on taking Michael to Neverland he accidentally woke up Wendy Darling, the oldest of the three children at 16 years old (a whole year older than Peter). She immediately began crushing on Peter. Peter took the 3 Darling children to Neverland. They went on many fun adventures and Peter didn't let Wendy Stop him. He and Michael became secret lovers. None of the other lost boys or even Wendy knew of the secret affair. Sadly evil Captain Hook discovered the love the boys shared and he kidnapped Michael, his brother John (15), and Wendy. Hook attempted to poison Peter but his trusted fairy, Tinkerbell, saved his life but at a price. She was killed until Peter was able to be save her by using the magical dust of the fairies,the same magical fairy dust which allows Peter to stay young and fly.

Peter went to Hook's ship to save his beloved Michael. He and Hook had one final battle before Hook fell into the sea and was eaten by the dreaded crocodile. Wendy decided after this dangerous encounter it was time for her and her brother's to leave. Michael told her he wanted to stay and wendy asked him why. Michael told her. She was appalled at what she had heard and deemed Peter a sexual pervert and demanded that they be taken home. Michael refused to return home with his sister and brother. His love for Peter was too strong. Peter was saddened when most of the lost boy's went home with them not approving of Peter's choice in lovers but the fact that Michael defied his sister and stayed by his side made him happy. Those lost boys (the ones who left) were later adopted by the Darlings and left Neverland for good.

Peter returned home with Michael. His lost boys had abandoned him but having Michael made up for that. And of course over the years Peter was able to collect another group of lost children from London (the reason he is known as the Child Thief).

Hook was thought to have been eaten and killed by crocodile but the fairy dust he had stolen from

Peter kept him alive inside the crocs belly long enough so he could cut himself out. Hook felt the power of fairy dust and he wants to feel that power again.

Peter, his group of lost boys, and Michael have been keeping Hook from getting his hand on the mystical prize he seeks.

After the curse his memories of the lost children,fighting pirates, and even his beloved Michael disappeared. He woke up in a tent in the woods. His head was filled with false memories about being a foster child. He'd run away from his foster father again. A mean, abusive Vietnam war vet with a hook for a hand (he'd been told it was blown off by a land mine). Peter began hustling again and plays his pan flute on street corners, to make money.


-His own feelings, emotions and even mere presence affect various aspects of the weather in Neverland.

-In places with magic he has gained the ability to use his own shadow as a weapon. He can also detach his shadow from his body and send it out as a scout.


-His own personal fairy, Tinkerbell, goes with him wherever he goes. She gets a little jealous but Peter knows how to keep her under control. (In the real world she's an artificial intelligence app similar to Siri on the iPhone.)

His trusty dagger:


His flute:



{Full Name}

Michael Nicholas Darling


Mike or Mikey (though, he prefers to be called by his full first name)








-high school junior

-Rich Kid

-Intern at the local toy store


As a lost boy:



In the real world:




-his inner child

-his compassion for others

-researching Native American culture

-collecting vintage/antique toys and collectibles



-his clumsiness

-his vulnerability

-When people are rude to him

-the worries his sexuality brings



-losing his inner child

-forgetting his happy thoughts

-losing those he cares about


Michael has always been clumsy and he's accepted that now that he's gotten older. Being the youngest of three, he's been left with an innocent mind, an an innocent look which makes him seem much more vulnerable when he's alone. He doesn't like to let go of the inner child that he once was but he's 17, it can wait a few more years to leave (I mean he works in a toy store). He's very observant of situations but also very easily caught off guard which is quite contradictory. Michael is always up for a new adventure but also afraid of leaving the past behind


(See Peter's for pre-curse bio.)

Now in the real world the curse has affected Michael in many ways. For starters he's now a blonde of all things. When he woke up in the Darling's manor. He was back home in the mansion, not that he remembers running away with Peter. His parents grow older by the day. His father is a stock broker at the local bank and his mother owns and has stock in the toy store and other places of business around town. Michael believes he will never find the "one" in this town. He believes that he's lived there all his life. He and Peter will find each other again, that is a guarantee. The only problem is how will they form a special bond when they cannot remember the past.


His childhood teddy bear that was his grandfather's when he was a child:


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I understand that you are on your phone but can you put all the pics in a spoiler, please. Also, I want the personality section to be written in paragraphs, not listed. Another thing, space out your paragraphs for Peter's history because it looks a bit jumbled up.

I like the direction you are going so far so keep it up! :)
{Full Name}

Hey, I'm Dorian, nice to make your acquaintance.

Dorian Anthony Jones

(Dmitiri- Anastasia)


Call me whatever you'd like beautiful.

Dorian doesn't have a preference on what people call him.



Yep, I'm legal



As you can tell, I have variety in my chromosomes



Hello there, beautiful



The way I see it, a bit of coin"ll do more in my pocket, than in the purse of some snooty moneybag.



Be sure to get my good side.



I admit, I do have a few vices

"Gambling" (cheating)


New People



A minimum of five.


Now these really tick me off.

Improper Grammar






Run! Ruuuuuuuuuuuun!



Being Alone


Really, I'm a great guy.

At least two paragraphs minimum describing how your character acts and their thought process.

"Clever" is the word that perhaps describes Dorian best. Dorian is usually verbally as well as cerebrally quick, and generally love to argue--both for its own sake, and to show off their debating skills. Dorian has a perverse sense of humor as well. He enjoys playing devil's advocate. This sometimes confuses, even angers, those who don't understand or accept the concept of argument as a sport.

Dorian is as innovative and ingenious at problem-solving as they are at verbal gymnastics; on occasion, however, he manages to outsmart themselves. Dorian can be prone to "sharp practice" – especially cutting corners without regard to the rules if it's expedient – or, his juggling acts may simply be so over-ambitious they collapse. Dorian is basically an optimist, but in spite of this (perhaps because of it?), he can become petulant about small setbacks and inconveniences. (Major setbacks they regard as challenges, and tackle with determination.) Dorian has little patience with those he considers wrongheaded or unintelligent, and shows little restraint in demonstrating this. In general, however, Dorian is genial, even charming, when not being harassed by life. In terms of his relationships with others, Dorian is capable of bonding very closely and suddenly with his loved ones. Dorian is also quick to spot a kindred spirit, and is good at acquiring friends of similar temperament and interests.


Here will be their fairy tale history then their history after the curse. Two paragraphs minimum.

That's my life story.

At the age of ten, Dimitri was a young servant boy who worked at the Romanov's palace in the kitchen. During Rasputin's attack on the Romanov family, Dimitri bravely risked his life to save Anastasia and her paternal

Ten-year-old Dimitri saving eight-year-old Anastasia.

grandmother, the Dowager Empress Marie, by sending them through the servant's quarters and out into safety. But Anastasia forgot her music box and when she tried to get it, Dimitri insisted that she leave while she still could. Three of the invading Bolsheviks, Rasputin's revolutionists, burst the door open. One had a rifle and the other two searched the room, demanded to know where they are. Dimitri distracts them and is knocked unconscious, but saves the music box in hopes of remembering the royal family.

One decade later, Dimitri's a handsome twenty-year-old con-man searching for an Anastasia doppleganger/look-alike in the hopes of handing her over to the Dowager Empress in return for ten million rubles. When Dimitri runs into Anya inside the Romanov palace, he immediately takes advantage of her great likeness, offering to lead her to Empress Marie, but keeping her unaware of the reward money. However, Dimitri soon falls in love with Anya, and realizes that she is, in fact, the real princess, and has a "change of heart."
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{Full Name}

Bianca Isobel Hale


She would prefer to go by her own name, but she’d go by Bia by very close friends.








Cook and housekeeper at a local inn. Likes to volunteer at an animal shelter sometimes.



In the photo above, it shows that Bianca has dark, wavy hair, grey eyes, and quite voluptuous when it comes to her upper torso. What it does not show is that she stands at about 5’5” and she has a curvy figure. When it comes to her clothing style, she loves to wear flowy dresses and such. She does not have any tattoos or any markings of any kind on her body, preferring to having her body


of such permanence.


| Nature | Animals | Singing | Kindness | Daydreaming |


| Apples | Rudeness | Messes | The dark | Sleeping |


| Being lost | Being poisoned | Old hags |


Bianca is quite the optimist, always trying to find the silver lining, even in the worst of situations. She comes off as innocent, and is sweet-natured and gentle, giving others the benefit of the doubt before even judging them and giving others a shoulder to cry and an ear to listen, which if she is not careful, lead her to be naive of the person and too trusting of others.

When it comes to being social, she is quite introverted, a bit shy and wary. However she tries to be outgoing, though sometimes she’d rather have the company of animals than to put up with the drama of others. Though her mother

Having an affinity for nature and animals, she is most at peace when she is away from loud, urban environments and surrounded with nature. Her head can be caught up in the clouds, at times zoning out at an inappropriate time. Her daydreams consist of finding her

one true love





Bianca Isobel Hale

wasn't her real birth name: it was

Snow White.

She was born into a royal family. She never knew her mother for she died shortly after she gave birth to her. Her father, the King, remarried when Bianca was about seven years old to a very beautiful, yet cold woman, becoming Bianca's stepmother. Her father, who doted very much so on his only daughter, died about a year later, leaving Bianca an orphan and under the care of the evil queen.

Her stepmother was the one to raise her and she didn't exactly treat Bianca very nicely for she never liked her to begin with. She made the poor girl dress in rags and work as a scullery maid, not allowing her to go out and make friends. A living hell her stepmother wanted to make Bianca’s life into.

Though Bianca was treated like dirt underneath the Queen's shoe, she didn't quite resent her stepmother. If anything, she felt bad for her for having such jealousy toward a child, as well as for the fact she kept Bianca, instead of casting her out into the wilderness to be eaten by a wolf or other dangerous predator.

However there came a day that the very cold-hearted woman would want the pure-hearted girl gone forever. Bianca had blossomed into a very beautiful, young woman in which her stepmother despised very greatly so for she herself was growing old and her looks were slowly fading and graying. Her envy of the girl grew so high when she caught sight of Bianca having caught the eye of a very handsome boy, who was a prince and was just passing by when Bianca was out scrubbing the marble stairs of the castle, her lovely singing voice having caught his attention.

A huntsman the Queen sent after young Bianca to chase her off into the woods and to kill her, as well as to bring back her heart for proof. The huntsman, however, was not as evil as the vindictive woman, and so instead of killing Bianca that day, he told her to run far away from there and to never look back.

She ran off into the wilderness, getting lost amongst the dark and twisted trees. She soon came across a cottage, that belonged to seven dwarfs. In exchange of letting her live there, she became housekeeper: cleaning, cooking, mending clothes, she done it all for them.

Then there came the day she was left alone and she wanted to bake a pie, an apple pie. So she went out to retrieve some apples to bake the pie, and she came across an old hag, who was actually the evil Queen. The hag offered her a shiny red apple, and Bianca could not refuse the nice gesture. Being so naive, she took a bite out of the apple to find out it was poisoned, and she fell into an eternal slumber.

The dwarfs found her in the forest on their way home from the mines, they come across the hag and Bianca, who laid there lifelessly, they knew it was the Queen, so they chased her to a cliff, where the Queen fell to her death. The dwarfs thought Bianca was dead so they made a glass casket, placing her inside, beautifully adorning it with flowers. As they mourned the sweet-natured girl in a clearing of the forest, the prince that was mesmerized by Bianca's voice had come into view on a white stallion. He approached the permanently slumbering girl, entranced by her beauty,

skin that was white as snow, lips red as the rose,

and kissed her, waking her from her eternal slumber.

They were soon wed and lived happily ever after for a couple of years.


Since the curse had fallen, Bianca had forgotten about everything: from living with seven dwarfs to having her prince save her from death's sleep. Every single thing.

She lives at a local inn, cooking, cleaning, and such to earn her keep. Bianca isn't quite the same ever since the curse's explosion, though she is still the same sweet-natured girl, but a bit more wary of her surroundings. She feels like something or someone is watching her and it is leaving her a bit on edge.


~Likes to bake

~Likes to keep organized
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{Full Name}

Iris Anne Fyres













<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Emily-emily-bett-rickards-35694085-500-601.jpg.ee3f8d921f507864174fe196f54f13bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37844" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Emily-emily-bett-rickards-35694085-500-601.jpg.ee3f8d921f507864174fe196f54f13bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/V-R8iU8b.jpeg.7f0309061155e08182d216708d25c9ab.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37845" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/V-R8iU8b.jpeg.7f0309061155e08182d216708d25c9ab.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/emily-bett-rickards.jpg.e3397ccf7eaf9246d4aa2441c9f9d38b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37843" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/emily-bett-rickards.jpg.e3397ccf7eaf9246d4aa2441c9f9d38b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


| Dancing | Singing | Dreams | Romance | Animals * |


| Abuse & Mistreatment | Small Spaces | Restrictions | * Aversion to Cats | Soot |


| Claustrophobia | Abuse & Mistreatment | Failure |


At least two paragraphs minimum describing how your character acts and their thought process.


Cinderella's fate was never determined or cemented on the day she was born, but rather when she reached the age of twelve. Her parents were of noble heritage and of wealthy descent and their only child, a beautiful golden-haired girl, was raised to own a place in social hierarchy and to be a proper lady. Her environment and relationships with her family members were positive and healthy, and she was fortunate enough to not be hindered by any learning or physical defects. For most of her childhood, Cinderella was want for nothing. All of her dreams and wishes and hopes were almost certain to come true. At least, she had every opportunity and the ideal background to support her. This was all until her mother died on Cinderella's twelfth birthday as a result of pneumonia. Her last words to her daughter were that she was to promise to that she would always remain pure and kind-hearted even in the face of adversity.

Her father, the wealthy Lord Edmund, mourned for six months and married once again in twelve. Her parents' marriage had been arranged in the first place, and although he had often been forced to admire the generosity and sweet-temper of Lady Yvaine, he had never truly loved her. In his opinion, marriage simply presents the chance for a profitable outcome for two separate parties in the measure of money and social status. However, due to Cinderella's naivety and generic trust in people, she was never presented to this cold, unfeeling personality side of her father until after the death of her mother. This new marital alliance was the catalyst for Cinderella's fate. Unfortunately for her, Cinderella would not be able to achieve her happy ever after until she had been forced through a series of traumatic, abusive trials.

Her new step-mother, Lady Tremaine was a cruel, socialist woman who instantly became envious of her step-daughter once she realised Cinderella's natural beauty and perfect nature in regard to the physical appearances of her own two daughters from a previous marriage. From the very beginning of their relationship, Lady Tremaine became an insensitive tyrant who appeared to strip all of Cinderella's rights from her and forced her to become a servant in her own home. For the next six years, Cinderella was subjected to extreme cases of psychological torture and abuse as her entire family had either died or turned against her. Her father could not care less about what happened to her, and her step-mother and step-siblings only conversed with her long enough to either belittle her or order her around. Her great fear of claustrophobia and small spaces stemmed from a favourite punishment of her step-mother. If Cinderella managed to spill even a drop of water or failed to complete something fast enough, Lady Tremaine would force Cinderella into a small closet room and lock the door on her for insurmountable periods of time.

This torturous existence was relented only by the spare periods of time when she was allowed to visit her mother's grave or when she was able to magically converse with the secret animals of the household. The exception, of course, was her hatred of Lady Tremaine's cat, Lucifer. He was the only animal exempt from a pity and form of friendship towards Cinderella. His personality and desire to torture Cinderella was almost directly styled after his owner's. There was no possibility for Cinderella to find it within her heart to love or forgive her tormentors. Thankfully, she would not have to endure the abuse of her 'family' for much longer. The king of the land was to announce a ball in honour of his son so that he would be able to find and marry the perfect eligible maiden. Whilst every chance seemed to form against her, it was Cinderella's destiny to find her happy ever after with the prince.

The ball was to last for a total of three days, and Cinderella's step-family were determined that they would be present and that either Drizelle or Anastasia Tremaine would win the heart of the prince. However, Lady Tremaine was ever aware of the continued beauty of Cinderella and was equally determined to keep her at home to not ruin her daughters' chances. On the first night, just after Cinderella was led to believe that she would be allowed to attend the ball with her step-sisters, Lady Tremaine instantly piled a realistically unachievable amount of house work onto Cinderella which she had to complete before even thinking about leaving the house. Devastated, the young maiden almost resigned to the task, believing for the first time, that maybe all of her dreams would never come true. It was at this moment, as Lady Tremaine and her daughters left the house that Cinderella's fairy god-mother appeared.

As a result of continuing to strive to be a good, sweet-tempered person even in the face of adversity and as a last gift from the spirit of her dead mother, Cinderella was granted the magical gift of a stunning ball gown, glass slippers and a horse and carriage. However, as magic always has a price, she had to be out of the ball at 12 o'clock every night lest the magic would disappear and her true appearance revealed. Her chores would also be completed for her before her family arrived home at night, so long as she remembered the restriction of midnight. At the ball, her beauty and grace instantly attracted the attention of the prince and for almost the entire night, she was the only woman he danced with. Every night, Cinderella would appear, steal away the prince's heart and then disappear just before the clock ticked over to the next day. Except for the third night.

Frustrated that the mysterious beauty would always leave, the prince ordered that the steps leading up to the castle would be covered in thick tar after all of the guests had arrived. This would ensure that no one would be able to leave, trapping Cinderella with him for the night. As the clock struck closer to midnight, Cinderella disappeared from the ball to return home when she discovered her way of escape had been blocked. Knowing that her every chance would be ruined if she didn't, she continued down the tarred steps. Unfortunately, just as she was about to reach the bottom, one of her shoes became stuck to the steps and she was forced to leave it behind. Just before a now ragged Cinderella escaped into the night, the prince discovered her remaining shoe and vowed that he would search everywhere and forever for his true love.

Warned about the prince's search and knowing that her daughter's would lose their chance otherwise, Lady Tremaine ordered her oldest daughter to cut off the toes on her feet so that she would be able to squeeze into the tiny shoe. When the prince arrived at their door, Drizella Tremaine was presented and able to fit her mangled foot into the glass slipper without the knowledge of the prince. Having thought that he had found his beloved, the step-sister departed with the prince for the castle, now confident that she was going to be a princess. Cinderella was dismayed at the thought that she had lost her chance, but just as the carriage began it's journey, the spirit of her dead mother sent a white dove to warn the prince of Drizella's treachery. Disgusted at the discovery of Drizella's bleeding foot, the carriage was brought back to the home to return the step-sister. However, Lady Tremaine had also been prepared. Anastasia had cut off the heel on her foot so that she would be able to fit into the shoe. Begrudgingly, the prince allowed the second daughter to try the shoe and was once again fooled into believing that he had found his mystery woman again. However, the white dove arrived just as the carriage was preparing to depart to warn the prince about Lady Tremaine's plan again.

Infuriated by the deception, the prince returned to the house to demand an apology. Cinderella, seeing her chance to reveal herself to her beloved, emerged just as Lady Tremaine was given the glass slipper to investigate it. Having been at the ball herself, the step-mother realised that Cinderella had in fact been the mysterious golden maiden and shattered the slipper, thinking she had destroyed the young woman's chances. However, Cinderella was able to produce the second glass slipper and was able to fit her foot into the shoe without any need for mangling. The prince, now confident that he had found his true love, freed Cinderella from her abusive home and married her soon after. It would seem that she would now be allowed to live out her happy ever after when the curse began.


Cinderella, having forgotten all about her true existence or of her marriage to her prince, has been living under the name of Iris Fyres. Fyres, being an unconscious connection to cinders and her real name, alludes to the possibility of her fairy tale counterpart without being blindingly obvious. Iris lives in a small apartment just inside the boundaries of the town centre and works as a house-maid to earn her living, hired by multiple families in the town. Although she dreams of a grander existence and an epic romance, she is resigned to the fate that she believes she deserves. A servant who should be a queen.




{Full Name}

Jason Anthony Knight

Lancelot Du Lac










Police Officer




| Adventure | Legends & Folklore | Fine Craftsmanship | Bravery | Romance |


| Inactivity/Boredom | Abuse of Power | Bullying | Failure | Guns |


| Failure | Being Forgotten | Becoming the Villain |


At least two paragraphs minimum describing how your character acts and their thought process.


Du Lac in French means 'of the lake' and refers to Lancelot's magical upbringing rather than his parental heritage. The son of King Ban of Benwick and Queen Elaine, he was never destined to be raised by royalty. Whilst Lancelot was just an infant boy, his father and family were driven out of their own kingdom by enemy Claudas de la Deserte and forced to flee for their lives. However, wounded during their escape, Ban quickly died from his injuries, despite being cared for and tended to by his wife. It was at this moment, just after his father's passing, when Lancelot was discovered by the mysterious, powerful Lady of the Lake and was carried away to be raised in her magical kingdom. His mother, broken by Ban's death and the loss of her son, joins a nunnery but dies content when gifted with a vision of her still-living son thriving in the kingdom of the Lady of the Lake.

Once Lancelot achieved the age of a man, thirteen, he was sent to the court of King Arthur where he became a knight at the request of Sir Gawain. Almost immediately after his arrival, the perfect, talented Lancelot fell instantly in love with Guinevere, Arthur's wife. This lustful love and devotion to the beautiful married woman cemented the destiny for all of Camelot. An affair between King Arthur's greatest, most noble knight and his illustrious wife would be the catalyst for the downfall of the legendary city and the eventual murder of the king himself. Although Lancelot would have never dreamed of or wanted to be the cause behind his monarch's death, he could not find it within himself to be able to simply forget about his desire for Guinevere. Even if he had known about the prophecy, nothing he could have done would have been able to stop it. What is possibly the strangest fact about Lancelot du Lac, was that despite the fact that every single person he came across, whether it be enemy or friend, described him as uniquely perfect and the bravest of all knights, he was an adulterer and that these actions would be the cause behind the destruction of an entire kingdom.

His desperate fear of failure comes from an unconscious knowledge or at least awareness of his destiny. Although Lancelot has never been told, neither from his foster mother nor the legendary Merlin, about the dire consequences of his adulterous actions, this hatred cannot solely stem from not wanting to disappoint his king on adventures or in battles. His intense fear of failure is improbable to only stem from one aspect of his life, especially since he has experienced such divine success and achievement in every quest he has been a part of. One of the most famous stories about his great skill in battle would concern the prophecy of Logres. Recently named a knight of the Round Table, and quickly becoming renowned as the greatest of them all, Lancelot set out searching for adventure. His love for Guinevere was beginning to become an obsession and he knew that if he tried to pursue it, he would find himself in deep trouble. Although the Queen had started to realise her own feelings in return for him, she had not acted upon them yet and thus the young man was led to believe that he was alone in his love.

In his journeys, Lancelot came across a heavily guarded castle which was under the tyranny of the Dolorous Guard and the Copper Knight. To meet this challenge, he was forced to battle ten guards at the first gate, ten guards at the second gate and then to fight the Copper Knight himself. However, once Lancelot had bested the almost simultaneous assault of many more than twenty men [with the aid of his foster mother] and was preparing to fight against the tyrant, he was able to soon discover that the Copper Knight had actually fled the castle after have witnessed Lancelot's great skill. The townspeople celebrated Lancelot's arrival and then led him to a metal slab which had been prophesied that it could only be lifted by one man. One man whose name was written on the underside of it. Lancelot, being able to lift it, discovered that he had in fact been destined to free the people of Logres. This grand achievement only further convinced the world of Lancelot's outstanding battlefield performance and persuaded Guinevere to return her feelings for him.

At the age of twenty, Lancelot was able to reclaim his father's kingdom from Claudas with the help of King Arthur. However, even though he was given the chance to become a King himself, Lancelot chose to return to Camelot with his cousins and illegitimate half-brother. This was partly because of his loyalty to Arthur, but mostly because of his secret adulterous affair with Guinevere, of whom he had fallen madly in love with. At the time of the outbreak of the curse, Lancelot was on an adventure with Sir Perceval and Sir Galahad on the search for the Holy Grail. Fortunately for him, King Arthur was just beginning to discover the affair between his favourite knight and his wife and had issued a command for his arrest.


Jason Knight remembers nothing of his previous history, his intense love and lust for Queen Guinevere, his knightly adventures nor of his foster mother, The Lady of the Lake. Similar to Iris Fyres, his last name of Knight alludes to his real personality and identity. At the current moment, however, Jason is a police officer and resides in a small, modest home near the outskirts of the town yet close enough to the centre that he can be there quickly enough if there is any trouble. Despite the fact that he can't remember Guinevere, he has a strong feeling that a great love exists for him somewhere, he just has to search for it.





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All of your guys character sheets look nice. :)

I will give feedback and critique them when I get finished with my own and when the others get done as well. I will also let you know if your character is accepted or rejected. :)

Sound good?

Check out the OOC guys, I have something I need your guys input on.
WIP- Will hopefully finish (there's a lot still I haven't added in even for the stuff already there) within the next couple days and I'll make it look nice ^^

Also, let me know if it's not okay to make the M.M. female, thanks!

Name: Crystal Amara Visiden (Magic Mirror)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Stylist at a beauty salon

Appearance: Crystal has pale skin, light ginger hair, and dark brown eyes. She considers herself a plain-Jane type of girl. Her clothing style is cute but casual, and she likes to wear soft and neutral colors. Although she enjoys making others look nice, she doesn’t spend much time on her own appearance, often opting for no makeup or at least a natural look. Her hair is normally left loose unless she’s working- then she’ll put it up. She doesn’t really stand out in a crowd, but she’s perfectly okay with that. Crystal is fairly thin and has an overall fragile or dainty appearance. She scars and bruises easily, so it’s not uncommon to see a small bruise or cut on her skin as a result of life’s mishaps.





Crystal is a wallflower, through and through. She is shy and timid, often fading into the background of social situations and opting not to speak unless spoken to. She has always felt like an outcast and believes people see her as more of an object rather than a living being. Her primary client practically ignores her existence unless she needs an opinion (more like a confirmation of her excellence) and even forgets to pay her for her work sometimes.

She is very caring, though she prefers to show how she feels rather than saying. She likes working at the salon because she wants people to look and feel beautiful. Contrary to expectation, she actually spends very little time on her own appearance. She would rather not be a bold style statement.

Although she lacks social skills, Crystal is very in-tune with people. She can read emotions and is practically a walking lie detector. She can see the truth easily and is always honest, even if it means saying things people don’t necessarily want to hear.


{Full Name}

Killian Arthur Jones




Captain Hook








Killian is the branch manager at the local bank.



In both worlds Killian is frequently seen in all black clothing with black shoes and a leather jacket. At work he wears the appropriate attire for a banker, but as soon as he's home, out comes the bad boy look.

His right ear is pierced. He has a shiny, silver hook in place of his left hand. He has a tattoo of a skull on his left shoulder and the words "Mens regnum bona possidet" are on his back which means "his own desires leads every man".

He's 6'1 and muscular. He has a beard and thick, dark hair. His eyes are a striking blue against his dark features. His hands show signs of manual labor with their thick skin and calluses.






Chick Flicks



Men who abuse women



Cheap alcohol


Being alone

Falling in love

Becoming like his father


Killian can come off annoying at times, but he is charming. He knows how to get what he wants and is almost always successful. He's normally genuinely happy and kind, but does have a temper. He's a gentleman around the ladies. He can be a brute towards men and isn't afraid to beat the snot out of any of them.

Killian's a pirate at heart. He's selfish and aggressive at times. He doesn't open up to anyone and that, ultimately, hurts his chances for finding love. If he finds himself getting too comfortable with a women he shuts her out of his life. It hurts him, but he will never let her know that. It'll take someone really special to break his barriers.


Killian was born in a small village. His family was poor and frequently went without meals. By the time Killian was three and his brother was five, his parents sent them to work. His brother worked in a black smith shop with their father and Killian did the local's laundry with his mother. As the years went on Killian's father became an alcoholic and beat their mother. When his brother was thirteen he became very ill. Instead of letting him rest, their father worked him harder to support his habit. His brother died six weeks later, leaving Killian alone.

It tore him and his family apart. His father become more violent. His mother disappeared. Killian took over the blacksmith's shop at the age of fifteen. He loathed his father. He was frequently told he would never amount to anything and would turn out just like his father. Tired of everyone and everything around him, he left and never came back.

As the years went on he learned how to sail a ship. He became first mate on the Victorian, the King's finest ship. After learning that the King was smuggling women and overtaxing his people, Killian rebelled. He and a large majority of the crew overtook the ship and became pirates. They vowed to destroy any ship from the King's fleet and take the gold. Killian became one of the most wanted pirates on the sea.

He was never completely satisfied with his life. He frequented pubs more and more until he realized he turned to alcohol to numb the pain- just like his father. He turned to women and had many of them in the Captain's Quarters until one of them changed his life. He fell in love with this young maiden and was ready to abandon everything, including his ship, for her. With a twist of fate she abandoned him. After a night of a drunken brawls with another pirate and his crew, Killian woke up with a massive hangover, a broken heart, and a missing hand. Thus, Captain "Hook" was born.

Right before the curse, Killian and his crew became ruthless pirates known even in other realms. As he awoke after the curse, he has forgotten who he was. And why he has a shiny hook in place of his hand. His taste for liquor and women haven't changed, but he's on a journey to figure out who he is.


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