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Realistic or Modern Once Upon a DISNEY Time! [Casual to Detailed Role Play]


Full name:
John O'Rourke

King Kong, The Game Master

May 24th, 1965

Chicago, Illinois



Disney Character:
Wreck-it Ralph

9 feet

Weight: 643 pounds

Body type: Tall, muscular

Humble, clumsy, determined, tough, short-tempered, reckless(ironically), nice

Family and friends, respect, praise, baked goods

Being mistreated, garbage.

Being alone his whole life

John is an independent game creator, he's very creative but because of his massive size people tend to be intimidated by him despite being pretty nice. He doesn't really know where this reputation came from but he's become kind of synonymous for being a shut in freak who lives alone and is slightly unhinged because he makes/plays video games all day. It's because of his association with video games that makes him strange. Because he's been shunned ever since he arrived in town, he's become a lot more depressed and makes him try harder to help people out.

User name: @sgtmickey ( R@lph_Senpai :3 )


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    Are you always this articulate?



    ● Meg.

    ● That’s what my friends call me.

    ● If I had any friends.

    BIRTHDAY ● July 13

    BIRTHPLACE ● Athens, Greece

    AGE ● 21

    GENDER ● Female

    DISNEY CHARACTER ● Meg, Hercules





    120 lbs.


    Meg is slight, weighing in at 120 lbs. and standing only at 5'4". Don't let that fool you though. Meg was a track star all through high school and despite her smallness, she's a fierce competitor.

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Full name

Timothy Christopher Hawkins


Tim, Timmy


July 3rd


Boston, MA, USA





Disney Character

Christopher Robin

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_mab0w6vnyY1rf97m1o6_250.gif.7f45c976bc2dafa0bb46aa6d269c7bfe.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99044" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_mab0w6vnyY1rf97m1o6_250.gif.7f45c976bc2dafa0bb46aa6d269c7bfe.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




138 lbs


While not being the toughest of guys, Timothy remains fairly fit. His body is toned, yet not too toned. Think of a cuddly little one, no bony shoulders or sharp hipbones to disrupt a soft hug. Timothy isn't that tall either, but he does manage to get past average, which he considers an achievement. To be fairly honest, he has quite a nice built, a masculine form to keep him going.


His hair isn't that special, it has a simple hazel tone, and is often kept brushed towards the right side of his face to keep it out of his eyes. Oh, I should tell you about his bedhead. Every time he falls asleep, he is doomed to wake up with a chaos on his head. How it happens is yet a mystery, but let's say that he is quick to fix it the first thing he does in the morning.


Timothy's eyes are as green as the olives of Italy, but they seem to have a golden tint in them at times. They are considered his best features, along with his brows, as they reveal all sorts of concern at all times. You can see it in the way his brows are furrowed and his puppy-like eyes are focused on yours. Because of this, he has been granted quite a bunch of upper-hands in discussions and argumentations.


Timothy is a true believer in the fact that tattoos and piercings will haunt you for the rest of your days, which is why he has never even considered getting one. Allthough, he doesn't have anything special against those who prefer to decorate their bodies.

When it comes to scars, he has all those little ones from woodshop and cooking, the usual ones so to speak. His hands and fingers has several ones from accidentally cutting himself from time to time, as well as burning himself on the stove. These are the scars from his own clumsiness.


Timothy may very well be one of the most caring people you will ever meet, he takes care of everything as if they were to break at any second. Upon seing someone trip and fall, Tim will almost always run up to them and see how they are doing. He's gentle in his way of moving, and rarely ever hurts someone out of free will. Maturity is one of his keywords, and responsibility as well. He takes matters in his own hands at any given time, and has some of the wisest advices you can find nowadays. One thing you can do is rely on him at all times, he'll always be around, even though you aren't speaking. If in need of a chat, he'll stay up to the holy hours of thee night in order to get your mind off of what is bothering you. In ways, his loyalty becomes a flaw as he will never leave his friend's side, even in the darkest of times. More often than not, he ends up being dragged down with others. Also, Timothy is very much sensitive, almost to the point of being annoying. He's easily hurt, and isn't afraid to show it. While he may not cry all too often, his facial expression can go from a smile to a frown in a matter of seconds. His moodiness is unlike anyother, and he can switch feelings at the snap of a finger, metaphorically speaking.


Lazy mornings

Blueberry pancakes

Late night talks


Literature of all sorts

Typewriters, they're simply gorgeous.






Those who forget promises and important dates

The feeling of being forgotten or not important enough

Rock Bottom

Being forgotten




~Carries around a journal at all times, in which he writes down thoughts and ideas that may pop up at random occations.

~Fiddles a lot with the hem of his jacket, his tie or the watch around his wrist when he's nervous.



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Character Image(Realistic):


Full name:

Valentina Rose




Aug 7







Disney Character:



Physical Description:



Hair color:dark brown


others: she is mute

Personality:Valentina is a very shy person when it comes to meeting up new people but she is very kind and helpful even thoe she is mute and she cant hear but she will do everything to make to frown into a smile.


stuff toys





mean people

animal abuse

nature abuse

scary things




Bio:Valentina was born in an orphanage were every kids bully her becuz she cant hear and she cant talk some abuse her mentaly and some physical she cant scream and shes helpless but even thoe they did that she forgive them for she knows they are just being miss understood. she will try to make herself brave, she escaped the adoption center and live her life alone until she go to school and build an adoption Center and a Cofee shop for her Scholarship she wish to graduate soon and have a Great future.

Other things: she likes to Draw and paint she sometimes Participate in some Nature care and Animal care as she loves the nature and support Mother nature.

User name: Astaroth Suzumiya

(please accpet me. if there is some error im sure to edit it
@DarlingWaylonPark )


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Full name;; Baylee Valentina Addams

Nickname(s);; Baby-cakes, dolly, BB, Bea.

Birthday;; February fourteenth, which is how her middle name was chosen.


Gender;; Female.

Disney Character;; Barbie.

Physical Description(Include Height, Weight, Body type, etc.);; It's often considered that Baylee is an alluring, attractive young woman, although it really depends what you're interested in. She stands at around five foot seven, give or take an inch, with long legs and wide hips. She's quite busty. Thanks to exercise, healthy eating, and a pretty fast metabolism, Baylee's stomach is relatively flat and she tries to keep herself a little toned, although has no visible muscle to speak of. Her thighs are a little larger than she'd like but then again, she's quite a self conscious woman. Framed by relatively long lashes that are always enhanced with either mascara or false lashes, her eyes are predominantly blue with some green undertones, crowned by arched, groomed eyebrows; she had them threaded regularly. Her hair is naturally blonde and she sometimes sleeps with it in rollers for a loosely curled look, although likes having it straightened and glossy as well.

+ Traits;; Bubbly, generous, creative, organised, romantic, loyal, protective, well meaning.

= Traits;; Feisty, flirtatious.

- Traits;; Stubborn, naive, manipulative, worrier, easily stressed,msarcastic.

Likes: Beauty products, flowers, romantic gestures, yoga, fruit salads, scented candles, nightclubs, fashion, designing, sketching, organising closets.

Dislikes: Building flat pack furniture, large dogs, bad hygiene, walking alone in the dark, double crossers, disorganised people, heavy drinking, cigarette smoke.

Fears: Trypanophobia, mottephobia.

Bio: Baylee was always daddy's little princess even when things started to go downhill for the man. He lost his job, his car, his money, and yet still his daughter was blissfully oblivious- she didn't understand why he never came home one evening. At the age of seven, Baylee moved in with her aunt Barbara, who as highly interested in fashion, and the passion rubbed off on Baylee; the girl did many beauty pageants when she was younger, almost acting as her aunt's life sized doll, and during her late teens she began to partake in modelling. Though she wasn't fond of modelling, she's still kept the scrapbook of every article and every spread she had been in, and her portfolio is somewhere under her bed- her aunt treasured them for some reason and she hasn't got the heart to toss them away. Baylee's aunt died last July.

Other things: She'll steal your man, she'll break in just to organise your closet, she's an aspiring fashion designer and has done a little modelling here and there.

User name: @ailurophile.



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Peachypants said:

Kiearah Mikaelson (Waiting for approval)

Timothy Hawkins (Waiting for approval)

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    Full name

    Kiearah Mikaelson


    Kira, Curly


    October 21st


    Lyon, France





    Disney Character

    Kidagakash Nedakh

    View attachment 220547




    121 lbs


    Small and slimmed. Due to working out quite a lot, her body is somewhat toned. Her way of moving around is graceful, yet somehow very swift, and she rarely ever stumbles or drops something. You could describe her movements as careful, as her grip remains light and innocent. Everything she holds, wether it's a rock or a piece of porcelain, she will hold it like it was a fragile little bird.


    This is her most distinctive feature, the silvery-lavender hair of hers. What comes as a surprise to most is that it is completely natural. Nobody knows why her hair turned out that way, but she prefers not to do anything about it. Looking past the color of her hair, you'll also notice the bird's nest. Frissy curls that almost take the form of an afro, some hanging down her face, some pointing straight upwards. This, too, is something she doesn't even bother doing anything about.


    Her eyes aren't particularly interesting, they're just plain grey. But the light, or lack thereof, may cause them to look quite black. At times, these eyes are covered with round sunglasses or a a pair of ordinary glasses with a thin silver frame. But she prefers to wear contacts.


    No such things as piercings, but she admits to having a tattoo or two. One of them is a single bird on her ankle, symbolising little to nothing, and the other one being the small wave on the outside of her wrist.

    Above her right eyebrow sits a small scar that remains from the time she fell and hit her head while out in the woods.

    She lacks freckles and redness in her face, but around her body is a reasonable amount of birthmarks. Innocent little beauty-spots are put in places such as her back and arms, but none of them being far too outstanding.


    Kiearah is what one would call a genuinly graceful soul. She is careful in her choice of words, but the words that do come out are often very fitting to the situation. Her voice is always soft and calm, and she never really raises it unless she is over-the-top angry. But she's fair in all sorts of ways. Never will she be one-sided when arguing. Her peaceful way of speaking and acting causes her to often be the one standing in the middle of a fight, desperately trying to solve it. Also, she very hospitable, and welcomes just about any stranger into her home if she senses that they need it. What's more, Kiearah is extremely idealistic, and seeks perfection in her every act. When drawing or writing or doing anything creative, she will remain with the same piece until she finds it flawless enough. But with traits comes all these flaws. For a starter, Kierah leans towards being superficial, and she will often judge a book by it's cover. Also, you can't really rely on her as she often floats away quite easily. She will only ever stay with you if she's in the right mood, otherwise she will most likely run off to find someone new to hang out with. But at the end of the day, she will probably return to your side. To add more to her list of flaws, Kierah is also very secretive. It isn't because she doesn't want anyone to know, it's just that she cant express it correctly. She might walk around with this horrible secret for years without telling a single person about it.


    The Unknown








    Cheesy romantic gestures

    Unneccecary stress

    Bringing harm to animals

    Rude, selfish and inconsiderable people


    Being pushed into decision
    Rock Bottom

    Never finding true peace

    Revealing too much about herself

    Water (aquaphobic)



    ~Allergic to citrus fruits, can't even be in the same room as a peeled orange.

    ~Tends to walk off on her own when she feels the need to recharge. It will probably be best to leave her that way until she returns on her own.

    ~More often than not, she can be found in the woods or by the cliffs near the ocean to philosophize.


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? Full name ?

Isabella Cinderella Adams

? Nickname ?

Ella | Addy | Cindy

? Birthday ?

July 4th

? Birthplace ?

London, England

? Age ?


? Gender ?


? Disney Character ?

? Height ?


? Weight ?


? Built ?

Isabella has a small yet nimble frame yet not that skinny to be anorexic. She has curvy body frame but it's all natural (unlike some people she know) She quite tan and no bones stick out. Isabella is fit yet there aren't any six pack on her.

? Hair ?

Originally blonde, Isabella dyed her hair brown and has grown it to her elbows. Most of the time is hangs loose but Isabella ties her hair up if she has too.

? Eyes ?

Her eyes seem to change from two different blues, either Deep Ocean Blue or sometimes when she's really happy it changes to Robin Egg's Blue. Which unusual for an eye color.

? Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Birthmarks ?

Isabella has a disregard with Tattoos and Piercings if they are inappropriate. She doesn't mind ears being pierced for women but she finds it weird on other people. She has nothing against the actual person since its there choice. She also has a small borthmark shaped as a crown on her right shoulder.
? Personality ?

Isabella is a sweet girl that is easily pushed around. Isabella is a kind and gentle girl with only kindness in her heart. She tends to obey every command and won't speak up However, when a innocent animal or child is in danger she will protect them like they were family. Isabella is also very quirky how she tends to hum to get her work done. She's a hard working person and always focus on the the task at hand. Isabella was never educated properly she has read more than enough books to be consider intelligent. A special talent of her is quoting people. She doesn't know why but it's just a little quirk of hers. Isabella is a loyal girl and will always there to lend a hand. Isabella is a very sensible girl and always uses common sense. She tends to be a klutz and loses her shoes or trips over something when her head is in the clouds. Yet she always seem to have a smile on her face.

? Likes ?

Late mornings

Sweet things


Literature of all sorts

Typewriters, She likes the sound of them.


? Dislikes ?



No compassion

Those who think she's dumb or useless

The feeling of being alone
In Depth
?Bio ?

Nothing is much known of Isabella since she just moved here with her sickly father and horrible step-mother and sisters. Even though Isabella lives by herself she tends to stick around her father's home and take care of him.

? Other ?

Has a small black kitten named Charming

Currently studying to be a teacher

? Username ?

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? Timothy Hawkins ?

"He's such a sweet guy!"

Bella finds him adorable. She feels bad about ruining his papers and she's wants to set things right.




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Character Image(Realistic):

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Full name:

Bianca Wright




23rd of March, 2995


London, England





Disney Character:


Physical Description(Include Height, Weight, Body type, etc.):

Bianca sits at 172cm tall (5' 7"), and is fairly skinny body wise. She has an almost boyish figure, with a small waist giving her a slight hourglass shape. She has silver hair which fades to a darker black at the roots, and is ever so slightly brighter at the tips. Her bust is roughly 12C, though she does wish they had been slightly larger. She is a very prim and proper lady dress wise; flared dresses that sit tight on her chest, petticoats under most of her dresses, pencil skirts and lovely well made blouses.

Both of her hands are always full of a number of rings, all of them silver.

She has a small black and white tattoo of a clock on her right wrist, and a black and white rabbit on her left wrist.


A very prim and proper lady, though she always seems very rushed. Bianca is fairly business like, and fairly reserved around others. She owns and runs a small bookstore in town, which she has lovingly, if a little strangely, decorated with an assortment of differently styled clocks. Her favourite being an off white cuckoo clock, where instead of a cuckoo bird it has a small white rabbit. The store is a tidy mess, well organised mess mind you, of various different books.


- Books

- Clocks

- Not a fan of animals, likes foxes and rabbits from an aesthetic point of view

- Gardening


- Roses

-Card games

- Cats


Has a minor fear of being late, usually ending up with her being earlier than necessary.


Bianca was born in London; her mother was a well known artist and her father worked in business as an advertising consultant. She grew up as a bookworm, loving all kinds of literature, she played piano up to the age of 15. Her parents divorced shortly after she turned 18, due to her Mother's chronic illness driving a wedge in the relationship. Bianca's father died on April 3rd, 2014 in a drunk driving incident. Bianca does not particularly miss him, and only attended his funeral as a show of good faith for her Mother.

She received the small store, originally a business office, from her father in his will and quickly turned it into her now very welcoming bookstore.

Other things:

Despite her dislike of roses, there is a glass jar near her register in the store that she keeps full of flowers. Every 14 days she will have it full of pink roses, only for that one day before returning to another flower.

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