Once more, Gloriosa, with the feels.

Alani blinked in surprise as the door just burst opened. She barely prevented herself from tumbling off the table in shock and fear. The sight of the girl from earlier abated her tension somewhat, however, and the renewed adrenalin rush slowly started to subside after a long moment. “Heya,” she grinned as she scooted forward on her kitchen table to let her legs dangle carelessly over the side. “You cleaned up pretty well.”

She stretched before hopping completely off of the table to gesture at the other two to come in as well, ignoring the rudeness of the sudden intrusion as best she could. “I realize that Barbie would find this rather ******* cramped, but it’s home. Come in and have a chair!” Busily and nervously, the girl opened her fridge and frowned at the obviously spoiled milk and half rotten banana that proved to be the only things inhabiting it. Rather quickly she closed the door again.

“Right …” she muttered under her breath as she crossed to her cupboards and found that she had a few boxes of the kiddy cereals she favored around exam time. She guessed these would have to do for now. Alani just sighed as she took the sugar filled crap from their home on the shelves and noted that they would probably be mostly stale and tasteless at this point. Regardless, she set them on the table before sitting down and crossing her legs as she shot the others a rather sheepish glance.

“So …” she pondered after a short moment of silence, “I have a question.” Her face was serious as she took her phone and started to play with her contact list absentmindedly so as to cause the others to stew over what her query might be. Then her cold blue eyes flashed up to look at them with the slightest bit of guilty humor shining in them. “Normalcy is our biggest weapon right now… that being said: do we require pizza or Chinese takeout for lunch? ******* explosions made me skip breakfast and I’m pretty god damned starved … As such a ‘normal’ act would be take out and tele time as we watch the latest updates. Preferences?”

@Vive @Kagura @The Villain King
"Meh, I'm indifferent," said Jevel, shrugging as he searched for a suitable place to seat himself. The dwelling was, in his opinion, less than desirable, but they didn't have any other option, really. Beggars can't be choosers.

The place looked really low rent, worse than the apartment that they had been at before. He took off his trench coat and fedora and tossed them onto the solitary couch in the room.

"Well, it's not the Ritz, but it'll do, I suppose. More homey than sleeping under the stars in Egypt, that's for sure..."
Emilyn held Puddin' right against her as she looked around the new place. From what's he could tell it was a complete dump and needed one hell of a clean up but in the end she had a feeling it could look pretty ballin'.

She looked down at Puddin before setting him on the ground. "Don't eat anything." She warned an in response, Puddin snorted and trotted across the large room. Emilyn looked to Duncan and sighed.

"The only thing I really would like, other than a bedroom hehe, is a greenhouse. Maybe on the roof? I don't know I just need a nice sunny place... Well as sonny as England can be, place to grow and at with plants." She said with a little smile as she placed her hands on her hips.

With that she nodded and ran off after Puddin', interested in exploring the place a bit.

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