Once more, Gloriosa, with the feels.

This bitch couldn´t be serious...

Lizzie had lost interest for the woman´s speech the moment she was told that there was no way that she´d be able to leave. To say she was pissed off was to put it lightly as she wanted to burn the whole goddamn building down and when she had to leave her stuff behind, she got even more mad. Lead down to her cell, she sat down on her bed and started to gather her thoughts.

Now that she wasn´t in a rush or panic, she was starting to find this kind of... Weird. First of all; how come the government was so prepared, they had been situated at the area merely minutes later and they had barricaded the place so quickly that one would believe they were simply waiting the explosions out. The prison was prepared to, with it´s comfy beds and all ding-dang activity crap the doctor bitch was talking about. Things are going way to smoothly to simply be a random incident. Even with the lack of policemen, this was just to suspicious for her.

The fact that doctors and scientists were ready and mostly not in a rush was also a key-factor in her little theory as she abruptly stood up from her bed. Quickly she ran to the nearest guard and smiled sweetly at him. "Say, did you get a call to quickly gather here this morning after the explosion? Is this a code red or something? I mean the government seems awfully prepared for this..."

The guards face didn´t change when he replied making Lizzie frustrated. "Is that so, I did not notice... I´m working my regular shift here so you can stop trying to get answers out of me and scurry away to your other supernatural friends."

Plan A failed, plan B on the roll.

Doctor bitch had told her that they had access to some computers in the library and right now, Lizzie was hoping that they had access to the internet. But sadly she wasn´t the first person to arrive and a disordered line was created since no one wanted anyone to access them before they themselves had. Sighing, she simply joined it until some fool started to spit fire out of his mouth before getting sedated by some nearby guards. Apparently he flipped out when he was told they had no sort of access to the outside world whatsoever.

Lizzie wanted to join his little madness but since she didn´t seem to have any power; well not any power she had come upon, she believed herself to be useless. The line became nonexistent and Lizzie felt exhausted now that the day was catching up with her. So to not waste her precious time no more, she went looking for Yurev. Her old partner in crime maybe had a plan in store...

A smirk crossed the blonde man's face. He stood across the street from a local pub. Behind him stood 4 people. They all had the same smirk as him. The look of pure destruction. The leader begin to walk forward alone. The others not following. He ran his slim fingers through his blonde hair as he feet pushed him across the street and up the sidewalk to the doors of the pub. From outside you could hear the music blaring and the conversations moving around through out the room. This made the blonde man smile. He pushed his way inside, moving for the bar. He slipped into a seat and hunched over the bar with his hands clasped together. He glanced over when the door opened. In walked the other 4 that was with him. 2 of them moved to a pool table, another moved to a empty seat by the back door, and the last sat at the bar a few seats down from the blonde man.

He looked up as the bartender shuffled over with a glass in hand. "What'da like?" The large fat man asked the young one. He smiled at the bartender. "Give me..." He stopped and glanced over at the man named Jared that sat at the bar a few seats down. He moved his head a small bit and Jared jumped over the bar, running over to the bartender. He wrapped his arm around his neck and placed a knife at his throat. The blonde man, named Ayden, stood and turned to the now quiet pub. The only sound was the music. Another one of Ayden's group walked over to the stereo and turned it off. 3 men begin to walk toward Ayden, they all had expressions that would kill. Ayden's eyes flicked over to the 2 females of his group, Zoe and Ellie. They smiled and jogged over to the 3 men. They begin fighting, leaving one still coming for Ayden. "Jared..." He simply said as the large man grabbed Ayden's shirt and slammed him against the wall.

Jared pushed the bartender away and begins to fill his pockets with the money in the cash register. Ayden winced as the man slammed against the wall again. He brought his knee up, slamming it in the mans gut. The man gasped and his grip loosened. The 4th person in the group, called Frankie, grabbed Jared's collar and begins to pull him to the exit. "Lets go!" Ellie and Zoe ran for the exit, leaving Ayden with the man. Ellie's arm was grabbed by a large woman. She cursed and her arm slipped away from the woman's grasp with ease. Ayden's fist connected with he man's face and he was dropped to the ground. He took off, dodging people as he ran out of the pub, catching up to the group.

Once out of sight, Ayden grabbed Jared's arm. He spinned the kid younger man around and glared him down. "Did you get it?" He growled at him. Jared smiled and pulled out a handful of money. "Its right here Ayden." He nodded like a loyal puppy. "Alright. Lets get to that safe house Garrick said to go to." Ayden mumbled as he moved past the members of his group, they followed after. Once at the safe house, Ayden let him and the group in, awaiting what Garrick wants him to do.

Sorry. The pictures didnt work. So you got links.




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A small smile lingered across Emilyn's small pink lips. As she listened to him reply to what she said on both gardening skills and romance. For a split moment she wanted to use the way he hinted at not having gardening skills that she, of course, knew he meant about her powers, to twist it into a dirty joke and tie it into the romance comment but decided against it.

"Well, with or without 'gardening skills' I'm happy you're wanting to help me with mine." She said covering a giggle with a small clear of her throat, her mind still stuck in the gutter.

She leaned forward against the buggie she was pushing and began to lead them towards the check-out counters. When she had smoothly placed them in the back of a line she turned back to Duncan and put on her best suave look on. "On the subject of romance though, bro. I can teach you a thing or two. I am female, I know what females want more than you do." She waggled her eyebrows for a second before continuing. "What you need to do is go in there, throw the roses at her, like literally chunk them at her, she'll love it, shows your aggression, but good aggression, okay?

Yeah, so throw the flowers at her and then take her out of that seat and dip-smooch her, no questions asked! Just do it! She'll love your spontaneity. It's perfect, I'd go nut, it's be on like donkey-Kong." She said with a confident smile and stretched her arms out, proudly displaying her happiness at her own idea and her pug shirt.
Autumn thought this whole situation was absolutely absurd! Why would someone so much as dare to put their hands on a small child and bring them over to this dreary place! Not only did they seize a young child and bring her to an unfamiliar place, but they took several other people too. These people could be absolute creepers and just be waiting to get their hands on a perfect little girl like Autumn. When the lady in front of them started to speak Autumn calmed down slightly. So this place wasn't an absolute prison. It was more like summer camp. A summer camp full of creepers!

The lady soon dismissed them and left them to their free will. Autumn stood and looked at all of them, "Alright, alright listen up, guys! I think it would be a good idea to decide a pecking order," before Autumn got to finish her sentence a pretty girl with blonde hair left the group. "Well, we all know who the bottom will be," Autumn eyed at this pretty girl trying to be subtle. "So, I think we all know who should be the leader, and that is obviously me!" Autumn said singing a little fanfare.

"Now, you, with that ugly mustache and soul patch, you shall be the second last after that girl over there, okay?" she observed the people standing before her again, "geez, you all are making these decisions so difficult for me," she laughed and tapped her foot. "Third to last will be... you, girl with the dirty blonde hair. Fourth will be you, the guy with that whole beard around his face and that hair" she pointed at Kaleb, "man with the black hair, you can be fifth, and then finally the one right next to me and that will be my butler is the handsome man with the dark brown hair!" she grabbed Parker's hand and started to walk off from the group, "Remember your positions~"
~Parker Jamison; Pentonville Prison~


Parker had barely been able to keep his head wrapped around the concept of "manifestations", yet, before he could even begin to try and understand the sh** that followed suit a small hand thrusted into his own. He blinked once, then twice, then three times and stared down at the little girl who had rudely insisted he was her butler. Unfortunately, due to the little girl's insane delusions, he was unable to catch the doctor woman before she slipped away.

Muttering curses under his breath he turned to gaze at the rest of the prison's inhabitants with wide eyes, these "manifestations" were clearly not visible to him, and he was sure he didn't have one. In fact, he was certain, and he had no idea if sticking around with people who did have these manifestations would make him develop his own. He glanced around in desperation for a guard, he needed to explain his situation, he had tests scheduled, one couldn't just reschedule these things. Everything had been organized perfectly, and when things were disrupted, by stupid, petty, irrelevant explosions then things were ruined.

He remembered the mini-brat stuck to his palm and a small smile slipped onto his face, plastering on his best, child-friendly smile he crouched down and smiled at the girl.

"Hey, I have a better idea, let's play pretend. I'm going to pretend to be your Daddy, and we're going to get out of here, and then I'll give you... taxi fare... so you can get back home. That sounds like a fun game, right? Riiiight?" he chided, his grin growing from small to uncomfortably large within a matter of seconds.

He remembered the handsome comment and furrowed his eyebrows, "And some extra money for a lollipop, or skittles, or whatever," he added.
Jevel remained with his head in the clouds for most of the trip's duration, but suddenly jolted back to reality when he heard Seb starting to talk about him to some other guy.

To put it mildly, he freaked.

He had no idea that he was able to hyperventilate so fast. His thoughts blurred and whirled around in his mind in a panicked shitstorm of anxiety. What if someone was tapping into the call? Who was this person anyways, and why could he be trusted? Why did she bother saying his name? Jevel cared not whether he was making the other inhabitants of the car uncomfortable, because there was no telling what kind of danger he was in. He was at more risk than any of the other Altereds...

Jevel calmed down a bit by the time they arrived at the dwelling. He raised an eyebrow at the drug equipment, his eyes watering from the penetrating weed-stink. He settled down into a couch (which also smelled like weed) and had started to relax. Then, what else could happen but Robyn publicly de-panting.

"Uh, Robyn? Shouldn't you be changing in the bathroom or the closet or something?" he asked, his face flashing red as he turned around to face the wall.

What the**** what the ****what the ****what the ****what the ****-

(@The Villain King In the future I would ask that you refrain from bypassing our language filter. It exists for a reason and ignoring it farther will result in an actual warning point - Chao)
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When the girl began speaking, Gerry shut it and listened. 'Guess that makes sense that we weren't just a random find,' he thought to himself, realizing that he'd just been too caught up in all the madness before to actually look up and notice the 'ghost' of this woman trailing them. The whole situation and reminder of the powers made his head feel a little fuzzy for a moment, but he shook it off, just in time to notice the hint of accent peek through her words. "Hm," he mused, but said little further, letting her continue.

Lori took a breath and seemed to relax a little and Gerry tilted his head. Her words were interesting, but for some reason they didn't surprise him. Well, after the day he and the others had been through, there wasn't much that came as a shock to the gent.
"Shit," he said, but smiled as well when she mentioned driving the tank and SAM launcher. "Still, helluva thing. Not many folk can say they've gotten to have that experience."

As she explained the trouble they were in, though, the bearded man's look turned to that of grim understanding. The ache for a cigarette and twisting serpent of panic coiled itself around his chest and, for a moment, he seemed to have forgotten how to breathe.

Taking in a large breath, he regained some of the color in his face and gave a somber nod.
"Talk about a doom and gloom situation, eh?" he sighed, almost breathlessly, watching her aura for changes and hoping something would flicker just enough to show she was full of it. He knew it wouldn't though.

Money. Of course, all this stuff must've costed her a fortune.
"Damn it all, I didn't even think... bollocks," he cursed, about to say something along the lines of attempting to repay her, but she'd glazed over it quick enough that he found himself pushing past it and listening closely. "Well, at least there's a glimmer of hope somewhere in this, eh?" The male smiled warily, hoping his various quips were annoying her. He'd never been one to keep his trap shut for too long, though.

The talks of recordings interested him as well. Talk of police going after someone, doing genetic testing so quickly.
"You're right. Good bloody lord, I dunno why I didn't even see it like that before. Hell, was too preoccupied with losing my mind, I s'pose," he joked half-heartedly, concentrating again to dim the lights that swam across his vision. "And yeah... a plan."

Continuing, she explained their trip at St. Anne's and the future and he could only nod - especially when it came to pushing themselves. He could only assume she meant about their various new 'abilities'. Their mutations.
"You're damn right. If they plan to come find us, I know for one I'll be as ready as I can be. Hell, I've got the foggiest what all I can do with this new -- erm -- set of skills I've got. Well, how far I can push it, really. All I know is that we've gotta' be careful. I pushed a bit too much earlier today and it wasn't pleasant."

Her talk of security worried him as well, but he grit his teeth and tightened his jaw.
"Got a point there. Not much to do against something like that... but, some of us might be able to give a hand. I've got an idea." Unsure how much about his 'power' he should let on, especially when they could be monitored so easily, he spoke vaguely. "If one's got the ability to 'see', it's not a far off assumption they could hone it to a control.." he murmured, trailing off a little as his mind began to race.

Suddenly, he felt much less tired. Much less hung over, much less sickly. With a determined flicker in his bloodshot eyes, Gerald Edwards began to feel alive.
Kaleb sighed weakly, this whole ordeal was maddening, first the checkpoints then being corralled into a freaking courtyard like some kind of human cattle. The young man cringed at all the noise, the confused inmates, the guards banter, the Dr. lady's speech. His head rang from it all, after all he had been plucked from a pub, and his buzz was starting to turn sour.

The nice numb feeling he had felt was now becoming a subtle pain that throbbed beneath his temples. He brought his fingers up to the bridge of his nose, squeezing it to try and release some of the pressure. Though he quickly realized that he'd have no such luck, this wasn't pressure that could relieved, rather it was the makings of a hangover, plain and simple.

The young man winced once more as the young girl beside him began to make proclamations, he scratched the base of his collarbone. Scratching at an itch that wouldn't go away, he felt his nails tear slightly at the bandage he wore beneath his T-shirt. He had just finished his newest tattoo not even a week before this debacle and this itch was starting to annoy him, he stopped scratching rather quickly though. Knowing full well he was in danger of ruining the fresh ink.

He reached into his pants, grabbing a half full pack of cigarettes from his boxers. He smiled, proud of his foresight, this was after all not the first time he had been booked or arrested. He had been sure to stow the cigarettes right beneath his taint, as soon as he was led into the long lines leading to the metal detectors. He glanced over his shoulder, and quickly plucked a cigarette before stashing the rest of the pack back into the elastic of his boxers.

If this place was anything like a real prison then these cigarettes could very well prove to be more valuable then gold. Kaleb walked toward the doctor bich slowly, "Hey lady, libraries and a rec room are cool and all but how bout a pub?" he asked as he glanced around looking for any sympathizers in the crowd. After all they were all being unlawfully detained, might as well have a drink to make this whole headache a little more bearable.

He stood impatiently his foot tapping on the ground, as he heard the young girl proclaim that he was to be her 3rd in command. "Oh? Flattery will get you everywhere my young friend" he said with a grin as he turned back toward the illustrious doctor. "Hey you wouldn't happen to have a light? those pricks took mine.." he muttered in an exasperated tone. The metal detectors having obviously found his lighter rather quickly.

He paused a second, an idea suddenly coming to mind that should have dawned on him much earlier. "Hey I'm an American citizen is this even legal?" he asked, the cigarette still dangling from his mouth as he stood waiting for a light, a stern lecture, or a beating. Either way things were about to get enlightening, he was about to find out just what kind of place this was in a matter of seconds...
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As she had expected, her hot shower made every aspect of this hell day seem a bit less desperate. Thus it was nearly forty-five minutes until she finally dragged herself from her now steam filled bathroom in order to towel off. Wrapping her hair up in the towel to dry, she noted with a scowl that her apartment really was a bit of a disaster area. Lately she had been so caught up with her school work that she hadn’t really been focusing on cleanliness as much as she should. Begrudgingly, Alani decided that she would rectify that situation now … well … she would rectify it after she finished getting dressed and pinning her hair up – things that might help her feel a bit more normal and at ease given everything that had been going on.

In fairly short order, however, she had finished prettying herself up again and cleaning her living quarters to socially acceptable standards. A resigned sigh escaped her lips as she set a pot of water to boil so as to get a bit of tea brewed. She had so much to consider right now. The nullboy’s assertions of an Armageddon that had been brewing for thousands of years was absolute bullshit, and she knew it. Of course, people were prone to crazy theories when the unexplained happened. Still, however, the baseless claim had irked her considerably more than it should have.

Again sighing to herself, she twisted her hair into an oriental style bun with 2 pens replacing her usual chopsticks before climbing on top of her cheap kitchen table and sitting down cross legged. “Think, Alani,” she muttered as she closed her eyes. Now was most certainly not the time to allow such crackpot theories to enter her head. What she had to do was create a list of purely observed fact. Opinions, worries, and biases of any kind could skew her data beyond a point where she would be able to work with it. Theories like the boy had dared state would just hold her back …

Of course, she had a minor problem in that she trusted neither him nor his companion to any extent at all. This lack of trust caused a severe issue for her as it meant that she couldn’t utilize her normal methods of problem solving because such methods required her to post her thoughts along the walls for examination and rearrangement. For now, it would seem, her theories and observations would need to be mentally categorized until such time as she felt safe again.

“Fact,” she mused softly to herself as she settled back to forcibly cement these points in her memory as she waited for the others to return. “A set of 3 noticed explosions occurred. Speculation: a set of 3 explosions at different time intervals could have been intended to draw more fear from the populace or may have simply resulted from spreading chemicals or fire .. Fact: Rainbow flairs appeared over the explosions and lasted in for some time following them. Speculation: …” And so she would continue until interrupted by the return of the others.
While Duncan and the rest unloaded groceries Lori began looking at alternatives to St Anne’s. St Anne’s had been a good choice when she had been expecting the full group. But for a total of only four people it seemed ridiculous. And if Jevel and Robyn were followed or caught, an interrogation could lead police to the Church. Now in truth they could probably have stayed the night at St Anne’s safely. But with people displaced from homes, News would soon focus on local efforts to help those displaced from their homes by the quarantine and destruction.

Duncan’s suggestion for a longer term place to stay was Dover. He knew the area better than London really. He had spent some years down that way growing up. And he used to skydive at a dropzone halfway between London and Dover. He briefly considered asking his friends for help, but set that idea aside without a word to anyone. In his opinion the fact that other had involved family or friends was bad. It had made accessories of them all.

Lori narrowed her search to the Dover area and came up with half a dozen possibilities. But it was simply getting too far along in the day to get to a place, meet with the owner and lease a place in the same day. Besides, they would have had nowhere to sleep. So instead she settled on locating an inn in the Dover area that was near the most likely candidate.

Once they had settled on a plan Duncan called the rest into the Main Hall that Lori had leased for the day. “Bring it in everyone.” He leaned over Lori and looked her in the eyes. “I don’t suppose you have a way to ensure we have a little audio privacy?” He looked at her laptop.

Lori gave a curt nod and an eager grin as she suddenly went to work, holding up a finger as if it would silence everyone. Over her head Duncan gave a broad grin at Emilyn and Gerry and winked, shaking his head slightly in disbelief. When Lori looked back up at him his face went instantly back at a blank expression.

Lori gave him a look of suspicion as Duncan couldn’t hold the straight face. “I don’t know what’s scarier - that you have that program … or that we might need it. We good here.” He waited for a nod from Lori then got started. The he looked up at the others.

“First, introductions. I’m Duncan and this is …” he looked down at Lori.”

Lori paused long enough that Duncan almost decided to skip over her. “Uhm … Lori. But that’s not even my real name. It’s just the name people here know me by.”

“And you’re not even British.” Duncan finished for her, getting a widening of eyes from Lori. “Every now and then you lose the British accent. I’m just not sure exactly what you are.”

“Better you don’t know.” Lori repeated the warning she had given Robyn and Jevel.

Duncan nodded. “Fine for now. Not important yet. But I would guess that has a lot to do with why you know so much about hiding and why you were so prepared. Thanks for at least trying to help the rest of us. I have a good idea just what it took for you to take that kind of a chance.”

“Okay,” Duncan continued, “food is taken care of. Next … clothing. Maybe haircut and a shave?” He looked blankly at Gerry, but there was a faint twinkle of mischief in his eyes. “I suppose we can do something about all of that tomorrow. I would say we should lay low for now - keep our visibility low.

“Shelter. We have been looking at real estate in the Dover area. That’s not too far away - about 70 km (40 mi). And it still isn’t set in stone if anyone objects. Noone is twisting anyone’s arms here. But the sooner we get out of this area, the safer we’ll be.

“The rest of your group - that went off to meet the pair that Lori and I met. They were supposed to meet us here. Lori even had her doctor take care of one of them. Now they have gone and probably gotten themselves seen. And neither seemed to have much of a sense of caution. Lori, we need to get them picked up as soon as possible. No, I haven’t forgotten what you showed me. But neither do we know the extent of what it means. Or at least we didn’t. I think I may have some ideas about that now.” He hesitated.

“Lori has been running background checks on everyone. In Robyn’s case, the girl had been charged with a sex offense. But before anyone goes and starts judging, that could mean anything from rape to prostitution. Personally I’m not concerned with the latter. However, she was also in hospital scrubs when we met. Did she get those from the medical tents? Or a hospital? Was she a short or long term patient? I am guessing long term and not from the medical tents. Not really a guess. It was her makeup and general lack of filth. She hasn’t been outdoors much for awhile. So I am guessing a few days minimum at a hospital. But then the same analysis would apply to Lori here - save for the scrubs.”

“The point I am getting to is that each of us may be a threat to the others by way of our past. But we all share one thing in common - the QZ - and whatever it may have done to us. I’m not sure yet if I was affected. The rest of you were definitely affected. So I am thinking we should use this afternoon to gather thoughts and explore just a little.”

Lori raised her hands. Duncan rolled his eyes, but nodded. “We should take batteries out of phones. Really we should ditch them. We have the burner cells. Use those for any callbacks.”

Duncan gave a mental groan but tried not to show it. “Right. Not a bad idea.”
Yurev had required help; something happened to his eyes after his small altercation with 'Lisa'. In the truck he thought it was just the sudden light when his blindfold was abruptly ripped from his head but it seemed it was not so, his sight had been impaired and he felt a pang of panic. Whatever happened to him, he simply hoped that he would get his sight back, he couldn't quite comprehend what his life would be like if he couldn't read again. He had taken so many things for granted but of all the things he had expected to lose in his lifetime, it was not his sense of sight. "I require assistence." For a moment he thought no one had heard him but then a few seconds later a pair of rough hands took hold of his shoulders and he managed to shimmy out of the truck. It sounded as though he were the last to exit. "What's wrong with you!?" A surly voice questioned him. "I cannot see, something hez heppened all I see are blurred shapes and colors." He replied with some reproach in his voice, the man seemed stressed, his voice sounded like he hadn't had sex in quite some time. Yurev thought to himself that he had just made quite the odd observation from just the sound of man's voice.

The sound of disgruntled people traveled about him, voices saying; 'what's happening?' 'Where are we?' 'What about my children?' In all of them he heard anxiety, some of them just needed a pat on the back and a smile, others sounded like they needed a hug or a reassuring word. Pain shot through his and he almost collapsed to the ground but yet again those rough hands took a hold of him and brought him back to his feet. "You alright there buddy?" the guard asked unsure. Yurev took a deep breath and steadied himself before nodding reassuringly in the direction the man's voice came from. "I am Yurev, who might you be?" Immediately knew he had the guy off guard already but he waited and he heard guard's quiet response. "Miriam?" he whispered somewhat incredulous but he hid it with a cough. "What is it your friends call you?" This time Miriam had replied with a bit more confidence. "I thenk you Mic, can you tell me what eez heppening? Why are stopping?" "We''re waiting for Dr. Dietrich to make her speech before I can move you to the infirmary."

Her speech was long winded but over the noise he could only catch snippets of meaning from the Doctor's words were rather melodious. Yurev frowned, though he could not see her, he caught impressions of her. She liked classical music. For Yurev it was odd. To find out that the person who holds power over you is indeed human, his fear now was mixed with consternation, his mind fought with itself over the notion of a human being with so much power over others.

When she had finished talking, Yurev waved his hand so that the guard would know he was ready to move on. Soon enough the sound of people shifted away as he was escorted to the infirmary. Their footsteps echoed emptily along the ground, its material unknown to him. They took two lefts and a right before they arrived in the infirmary where a person approached them. "What's the matter with him? He should be in his cell like all the other freaks!" Yurev sneered though he could not see where the woman was. Her voice leaked with daddy issues, really bad daddy issues. "HE has ears, HE is standing right here and HE is no freak, Dispense with your petty prejudice!! I hev gone blind!! And all you can do eez spit poison about someone you hev nevierr met!! Now! If you hev finished blubbering like a child I suggest you find out what is wrong vith my eyes!!" His voice leaked with unrestrained venom and authority, Yurev might not be of Royal blood but he was no peasant ripe for bullying either.

His medical examination over, the doctor's could find nothing wrong, there was nothing medically wrong with him but they had all surmised that his powers had something to do with it. So, Yurev had to wait and hope that his sight would return to him in time, for the moment however he was having a hard time coming to terms with being blind, perhaps for his entire life. Mic had led him to a more secluded room, Yurev did not want to deal with people so soon after going blind, for now he would sit and think until Mic returned to escort him to the telephones, he'd have to inform his family and his job of his current situation.

He lay down in his rather comfortable bed. He took a deep breath and sighed heavily, he would have to disappoint both his family and his employers; some he'd never done before in his life, not one sick day ever.
At Jevel's clear discomfort with Robyn's state of undress-- and the likelihood that it would progress-- Chloe laughed.

"Good thing you weren't here for the party last night! You would have been turned against that wall for the whole evening!" She burst into another fit of giggles, and her joyful shaking disturbed Isis, who had been curled happily in her lap. It took Seb only one glance at the black cat's expression to know the feline was irritated, an emotion which matched her own, since Seb pretty sure that Jevel wouldn't take well to the ridicule, and that any skirmish between Chloe and Jevel would only slow them down. Now that she had made up her mind that they were to go to Alani's flat, Seb had no patience for dilly dallying.

"Come on," Seb muttered, taking Robyn by her good arm and pushing her into the bathroom, and then glaring at her flatmate as she shut the bathroom door. Once inside, steeled herself against any awkwardness and wordlessly helped Robyn put on her disguise, wondering why on earth Jevel had said Robyn wasn't his girlfriend and had turned towards the wall, yet why she seemed so protective and open around him. The strangeness of their relationship made Sebastianne curious, and not in a politely inquisitive sort of way, but in a way that made warning signs flash in her mind. Finally, as Seb was pulling the neon leggings up past Robyn's waist, curiosity overcame stoicalness and Seb asked, "What is between you and Jevel?"

In any case, Sebastianne gratefully discarded her newly-ripped jeans and t-shirt before dawning her own disguise, making sure that all of her hair except her fringe was pushed up inside the cap. Then, she took off all of her jewelry and slipped it in the pocket of the oversized black jacket. Without the makeup, long hair, or the piercings, yet with the addition of the button-up shirt, jacket and sweatpants, Seb almost looked like a boy. Hopefully it would be enough to fool any public cameras they should come across.

As she exited the bathroom, Sebastianne saw that Jevel was still flush against the wall. "Hey," she said curtly, throwing a tan trench coat over in his direction.
"If you don't change, we're going to leave you behind."

"We wouldn't mind," Chloe/Jessica interjected. "Could give you a chance to broaden you horizons," Chloe added, winking at Jevel.

While Jevel presumably changed, Seb took a large canvas bag out of the pile of clothes and transferred all the belongings from her rucksack into it, along with the cardigan she has been wearing earlier. Then, she looked at Isis, considering whether to leave her with Chloe, and decided against it. As much as Seb dearly loved her flatmate (although she didn't often show it), Seb wouldn't trust her to keep a cactus alive for more than a week.

Finally, Sebastianne pulled out her mobile and looked through the contact information to find Alani's address. Seb tried to concentrate on the address, trying to see if she could figure out where it was much like she had found Jevel earlier that morning. She ignored the vein that pulsed sharply behind her temple, and tried to focus...No images appeared, and a murmur of people referenced the street but...Seb shook her head. Nothing useful. In the end, Seb used Stephen's computer to locate the address on a map and memorized the route they would take to get there. Then she wiped the history clean. Just in case.

She stood up and looked at her two traveling companions.
"Alright-- you guys ready to go?" With that, Sebastianne put Isis in the canvas bag, nodded at Chloe and Stephen and left the flat, leaving the door open so the other two would follow.

"I will never understand how you two get along," Stephen commented to Chloe as he watched Sebastianne's back descending the stairs.
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Emilyn, who had been playing with Puddin' and showing him a passage in the bible that depicted Job's wife being turned into a pillar of salt in order to scare the little dog into not peeing on the floor was going pretty well until Duncan called them all together. As soon as Emilyn raised her head to look in the direction she was being called to, Puddin' took that as opportunity to sneeze all over her face. Emilyn responded with a disappointed look but scooped the little retarded pug into her arms and joined the others.

As soon as Duncan mentioned being alone with Lori and then looking to her and Gerry Emilyn's face lit up and she looked Duncan in the eyes and silently mouthed "REMEMBER, THROW THE ROSES AS HER, JUST CHUNK 'EM," and added a gesture of her throwing something just in case he couldn't read the wide words forming on her lips. As Lori's head swiveled from him and to her computer, she went flat stare and still and when she saw her looking away she became animated again and added with another gesture, "AND DON'T FORGET THE DIPSMOOCH. I BELIEVE IN YOU. BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF THE DIPSMOOCH."

When they continued she stopped and listened, she couldn't help but think the whole time while they spoke that it had been for-like-ever since she'd lit up, but it was easier to concentrate on what she needed to right now off the cannabis. When Duncan mentioned changing their appearance a little she looked to Gerry. "Yee, keep the beard!" She added with a smile and then instinctively tugged at her own long brunette hair. "I could go blond?" She suggested with a shrug, not really wanting to loose a lot of length.

She nodded and continued to listen as they explained the plans to travel to Dover which wasnt too terribly far from here but far enough to feel safer. When they mentioned the others in the group and the QZ Emilyn frowned and stared down between the wide set eyes of Puddin who looked back at her as if he understood how she felt, or had to fart, she really couldn't tell. She sighed and chewed on the bottom of her lip. "What about the other people who were taken from the QZ? What's gonna happen to them? I wish there was a way to get them to a safer place too.." She muttered, suddenly pretty bummed.

"Oh yeah, I don't even know what happened to my cell." She added in response to Loris concern about them.
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Jevel rolled his eyes and changed, putting on the trench coat over his T-shirt and putting on a tan fedora.

He kind of liked his new look. It made him look like Rorschach from Watchmen...almost. He didn't have an ink blot mask. Oh well.

Jevel nodded.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Hey, can I borrow someones phone? I have a colleague of mine that I should contact. I need to let him know that I'm okay."
Duncan suggested they all try to get in a little time in exploring their powers. But also advised that they all be prepared to move out in the event of a catastrophic discovery - like accidentally burning down half the Church. Then he pulled Lori aside to see about getting a little research done. Before he got started he facepalmed himself gently and walked away - and over to the cut roses.

“I almost forgot,” - he hadn’t forgotten at all - “the potted plants were for Emilyn to practice with. Yes, I know there are public gardens. But it seemed prudent to stay away from prying eyes. These were for you. Didn’t want you to feel left out. I suppose I could have offered Gerry some, but I don’t think he’s my type.” Then Duncan dumped a few dozen roses in Lori’s lap unceremoniously.

For a brief moment Duncan hesitated as if to say something else, then turned away. Then, remembering there was something else he had been about to ask her he turned back. “Oh, almost forgot. I need you to pull up everything you can on Churchill. All his speeches and letters. I especially need the ones he wrote to America. Oh, and the history of Civil Rights in the UK. And UN based Civil Rights activity. Also, the Human Genome Project - technical data. That one’s not a priority. May want to hold off on it until we put some distance from here. Also, I’d like to do some math refresher courses. And I need that CAD system working. There’s a project I want to do. Anything I forgot?”

Without a word Duncan started to turn away. Lori’s mouth gaped as she looked down at the flowers and tried to think of something to say. Her open mouth was enough to get Duncan to hesitate. Lori fumbled with her words. “Uhm … “ she grabbed a rose and flailed it a little. “Thanks … uhm … Duncan?”

“Yeah?” Duncan looked just a little uncomfortable.

Lori thought about Duncan’s comment about Gerry not being his type. Then there were all the spices Duncan had made it to buy at the store. Gears of feminine intuition gone wrong started to churn. “Uhm .. I noticed you like to … uhm … cook?”

Duncan blinked in surprise. “Well, I live alone. And I don’t make a lot of money. Someone has to feed me. I’m no chef, but I can grill a mean steak. I could fix something for you sometime if you like?”

Lori forced a smile. “Uhm … sure. I just saw all the spices …”

Duncan nodded energetically. “Yeah, I think my sense of smell may have been affected by this thing. So I wanted to see what I could come up with.”

Lori was still not satisfied. “Look, you like to cook. You have great taste in flowers. Are you … ?”

Duncan looked puzzled. “Huh?”

“Gerry’s not your type?” Lori hinted.

THAT opened Duncan’s eyes. His jaw dropped open in shock. “Wha-? No! NO! Good lord, no. Very straight. Crap … Dipsmooch.” He mentally kicked himself for having ignored Emilyn’s advice. He hoped like hell she hadn’t witnessed this scene. Of course, with his luck … Duncan stepped back toward Lori and jammed a foot behind a wheel of her chair and tilted her backwards with one hand. Then he leaned in to kiss her squarely.

Finally, they'd arrived. They'd stopped to drop off and unload the groceries, which had surprisingly woken Gerry up a little. That, or the prospect of fiddling more with their powers, he couldn't be sure. Either way, there he stood outside, finishing the last of a cigarette before heading inside. "Who knows where we'll find peace in the future..." he murmured aloud, then blinked and looked around to make sure nobody heard him.

There was talk of an inn, pretty close to where they were headed anyhow. At least for somewhere to sleep the night away. Even the thought of sleep, refreshing as it should have sounded, gripping his mind in a soft hold of worry. Despite just how exhausted he should have been, he had the feeling there wouldn't be much sleeping that evening.

With him finally joining the others, the woman fiddled around and assured there weren't ears in the walls. Gerry returning the other male's grin with one of his own and mouthed, '
Technology's amazing, isn't it?' then snickered, turning his head back to the gal at the laptop. She nodded that they could talk again and so began the introductions.

"Welp, I already mentioned to Duncan - but my name's Gerry. Spose that's all folks know me by, outside the crazed names I manage to get when with the band," he said almost distractedly, the others talking about Lori's accent and all that. He shut it rather quickly, though, when Duncan started speaking, all this seeming important again.

When the other mentioned a haircut and a shave, Gerry frowned a bit, shaking his head at the mischievous look the other regarded him with, despite the straight-laced face.
"I agree... on the laying low bit, anyhow," he quipped, nodding once again at the mention of real estate in Dover.

The dreadlocked man stayed mostly quiet, until there was a new name mentioned. Waiting for the other to finish first, Gerry piped up again.
"Firstly... who in the bloody hell's Robyn? That's a new one to me. How many folks you been spyin' on, Lori?" he questioned with a half-smirk, showing he was kidding - a bit anyhow.

Frowning again at the talk of mobiles, he shook his head.
"Well, that's a bit of a downer. A good idea, but I might still hold onto mine. Can always get a new battery... just have some things on there I'd really not like to lose," he mentioned, eyes darkening just a little, but he said nothing more on the subject.

As if remembering something, he turned toward the stoner girl again and raised a brow.
"Oi. I don't think we ever caught your name, luv. I mean, hell, if we're all introducing ourselves, now's probably the time. That're I'll end up forgetting 'em," the bearded bloke joked.

At the other male's suggestion of exploring their powers, Gerry grinned and stepped a bit away from them for some privacy. It wasn't that he didn't want to be a part of whatever they were on about, but sometimes everyone's auras coupled with the various types of light and energy surrounding everything were a little much. The quip about Duncan not being his type brushed past his ears, but he hardly noticed it, letting his eyes slip closed for a second as he concentrated.

Light pulsed through his vision, despite his eyes being shut and, for a moment, he almost gave a concerned shout. Calming down, he studied the shapes before him and realized with a bit of shock and surprise that he was seeing the heat signatures of the others. They weren't perfectly outlined, but he could still see the shapes of them, down even to the goofy looking pug.
"Bloody Predator vision, why'm I not surprised," he mumbled, not even realizing he was speaking aloud.

Duncan's raised voice snapped his eyes open and he looked over, almost ready to say something crass when the other said 'dipsmooch' and then leaned Lori's chair backwords and kissed her full on the mouth.
"It would appear I've missed something," he said outright, scritching his beard thoughtfully and shaking his head. "Well, while you lot are doing... that whole thing, I'm going to be over here trying to see what I can do without melting my $#@&@!% brain."
Lizzie had walked around for at least ten minutes before she gave up on her search for Yurev, and instead she simply observed the others that loitered around. Some were muttering about a annoying brat and some were simply trying to figure out what was going. Others slept or spent their time in their cells, accepting their faith making Lizzie mad. And even worse, her motherly instincts was kicking in as a small little blonde girl was holding a young man´s hand and as she walked closer she heard their conversation. "And some extra money for a lollipop, or skittles, or whatever!"

Offering candy to a child + leading said child away = Sneaky pedophile.

Lizzie obviously believed that the poor little innocent girl, which reminded her of her own daughter, was being lead away to horrible days in this hell hole; separated by her parents. The government was not only risking small children´s lives but also their innocence, who knew what sort of perverts were locked in here? Swiftly she came in between the two before glaring at the young man.

"Or you could get my foot up your ass if you don´t leave this child alone! This little girl has been already separated from her parents, she surely doesn´t need some pedophile trying to lure her away..."

Her voice wasn´t a soft melody neither a sharp knife but a devil´s scream for help before she turned around from the man and crouched down. Lizzie´s eyes softened and her voice turned so sweet that one wouldn´t be able to believe she had just threatened another human being. "Hey, sweetie. Why don´t you come with me, I´m sure we can get you out of here. Mommy and daddy are probably very worried about you."
By the time Jevel’s voice reached her Robyn was already sliding her pants off her feet and shot the boy a questioning look. Or would have if he wasn’t embarrassed enough that his eyes seemed focused on the wall. She was a lot more comfortable with her body than the average girl, not only used to the hospital visits, but showing a little skin sometimes worked in your favor. Before she could have a little fun teasing him, Maria took her by her good arm and dragged her into the bathroom.

Wordlessly, the pierced girl helped her change, and Robyn could really only help by moving her body in an opportune way. Finally, when Maria slipped her leggings up past Robyn’s waist, she asked a question that actually got her to blush. “W-What do you mean?” she finally gets out, “We’re friends” she confirms, looking at the door as if she could see through it. An idea suddenly comes to her mind and she turns back suddenly “Why? Did he say something??”

The woman was busy changing, so she’d have to wait for her answer, but in that time Robyn gears were slowly turning in her head. Did Jevel possibly think there was something between them? The girl never really looked at him in that way, but it wasn’t like he wasn’t attractive. A sheepish smile crossed her face in that thought; she hadn’t noticed in their hurry but maybe he had said…or did something. The signs were all but foreign to her, especially from a boy, but she suddenly was very unsure of herself.

Glancing at her reflection in the vanity mirror, she straightens her collar and slips the sunglasses over her eyes. Maria’s own reflection mirrors hers now without the piercings but with her hair pulled into a cap, the girl looks more masculine. The thought they could practically be siblings stings her, but she tries to push that thought aside as they exit the bathroom. Fixing her arm back in the sling, she watches Maria toss a trench coat towards Jevel.

Now that she is actually able to see him, Robyn eyes him, not even bothering to look discreet as she checks him out. Jessica suggests exploring his horizons and without even thinking about it Robyn’s blue eyes shoot a hot glare in her direction. Jevel puts on the trench coat and a tan fedora, giving an affirmative to Maria’s question to which she just nodded. “Are you really going to keep your cat in that bag?” she wonders, idly, following the woman down the stairs.

Remembering that Jevel asked for a phone, she realized she had kept silent “I don’t have one” she confesses. “Maybe that girl will let you borrow your landline” she suggests, speaking in reference to where they were heading now. Maria seemed to be in a rush, so Robyn didn’t even bother saying anything about her handheld device. They eventually found their way to the metro station and correct platform before making the trip over.

Despite the array of conversations she wanted to have, the girl stayed silence in the prospect that somebody might hear them. The explosion this morning was still the talk of the subway car they were seated in, and the girl listened in on the discussions of terrorism, altered, and the like. Then when they got to their stop, she once again followed Maria to wherever they were heading. When they got to the apartment, Maria took the liberty to knock on the door. Robyn simply slipped past and tried it, the door was open and she entered.
Emilyn stretched for a moment and looked to Gerry who had spoken to her. "Well, I might have been super high earlier and hallucinated it but I'm pretty sure I told you peeps that I'm Emilyn...then pierced chick and angry woman told me they weren't interested in sharing names..." She made a side-slanted frown and then suddenly smiled again, regaining her positive default mood. "But yeah, Emilyn! Pleased to meet cha'!" She smiled and searched around for the potted plants.

She was about to make some plant joke to Gerry but when she turned her head in his direction, he'd walked away. She shrugged and went back to searching for the potted plants that Duncan purchased for her use. When she found them near the other purchased goods she quickly scooped up the plants and traveled to a secluded spot in one of the rooms of St. Anne's that had a lot of sunlight. She set the plants down on a long dark mahogany, dusty desk and stared at them. She wasn't completely sure what to do, earlier when she'd manipulated the roots to stop the angry woman from hurting herself or others with the rock, it was pretty much heat of the moment, her "abilities" just kind of flowed through her and it took a boat load of concentration and her emotions were pretty flared. Beside her, Puddin' sat near her feet and looked up at her. Emilyn looked back down at her pug and rubbed her chin in thought. "Ya know what? It's probably not even me, it's probably you, you're the earth bender." She said and squatted down and scratched Puddin' under his chin.

Puddin' made a little pug grunt and licked her face a few times before turning and leaving Emilyn alone in the room with the plants. Emilyn sighed and placed her hands on her hips and looked at one of the plants. "Okay... grow or some shit." She said and held out her fingers, doing jazz hands. When nothing happened she slapped her hands against her thighs and growled. She studied them for a second and suddenly got an idea. "Water! You need some water, you guys are pretty terrible looking! Yeah!" She said and ran from the room. She bolted past Duncan and Lori Who was dispsmooching. She gave a squeal of joy as she passed them and then Gerry and into the St. Annes kitchen. She filled a huge pitcher of water and then bolted back to her room, sloshing water around as she went.

"OKAY! I SHALL NOURISH YOU." She announced to the plants and took her time watering them before setting the nearly empty pitcher down and watching as the water was soaked into the roots. "Happy plants" She smiled and clapped before turning her attention to an ivy plant who was hanging over it's pot and looked wilted. She moved it to one of the windows and looked out. When she saw no one in the backyard of the church she opened the window a foot and placed the wall ivy on the sill. "Okay." She sighed and cracked her knuckles as she looked down at the plant. For a moment she even surprised herself as she suddenly felt a little attachment to the plant. What was with her? She shook her head and cleared her throat as she forced herself to concentrate on what she wanted to happen. She furrowed her eyebrows lifted her hand, curling her fingers in as she felt her head begin to throb. "Grow..." She mumbled as she squinted her eyes and willed her plant to make this wall it's home. Suddenly, the ivy started to slowly, painfully slowly, creep up the side of the window sill and out the gap in the open window. Her stomahc twisted and her brain felt like it was going to explode but it was working! It was working! She took in a deep shakey breath and brought out her other hand. Her muscles in her arms started to tense and shake but the ivy climbed the wall slightly faster. It's leaves grew in size and became a beautiful shade of healthy green and soon, the whole half of the wall and first foot or two of the ceiling was covering in the wall ivy. Exhausted, Emilyn dropped her tired arms and fell backwards onto the dirty wooden floor with a loud THUMP. Her breathing was hard and her heart pounded in her chest but her large blue eyes marveled at what she'd just done.

"Holy-awesome." She breathed.
Jevel averted his gaze from the eyes of Robyn as they scanned him up and down without an regard for subtlety. When he asked for persmission to use someone's phone, Robyn replied that he might be allowed to use the one at at Maria's place.

"Okay, I suppose it could wait for awhile. I've gotten lost in underground tombs and crypts before, I'm sure that my colleague knows I'll take care of myself..."

He followed his two female companions into the subway platform, and then onto the train, stepping inside and settling down for the trip. No one else said anything while they were on board, so Jevel said nothing either. Instead he caught ear of the various rumors and conversations of the other inhabitants of the subway car, most of them conversing about news they heard from some guy about the quarantine zones, or speculation about the cause of it all.

Once they arrived, Jevel followed the two others off of the subway car and to the apartment, watching as Maria knocked, and Robyn pushed past and simply barged right in.
Lori didn’t mind researching Churchill for Duncan. She was really more curious as to why he wanted the information - though she had her suspicions. Duncan was thinking outside the box. His mental energy was now focused on solving a problem - the persecution of Altereds. That meant he needed a great deal more than he had asked for. And that might take days to accumulate and turn into a workable propaganda and legal weapon system. And he lacked the skills and equipment to implement a plan. So, she surmised, he was gathering his resources. It was all he could do for now.

With everyone now engaged in experimenting with their new abilities Lori decided to help Duncan get started. She knew he was physically fit and probably was dying for a gym to workout in. But for today that would have to wait. Today was more for mental work. And St Anne’s had originally been a school. While started a data search for Online Courses associated with engineering, she set up Duncan’s new laptop. It took nearly two hours, but when she was done she transferred all the data links.

She had set up a forged ID for Duncan to take his new course load, paying for the courses through temporary accounts set up with offshore funds. Then she ordered some school texts - instructor versions - for course review. She made the orders a rush order - next morning delivery. She smiled to herself. Duncan was going to love the books. One of his hobbies was collecting textbooks and technical books that he found at old second hand bookstores.


That done she decided to retire to another room to relax. It was time to do a little more exploring of her powers. It was getting pretty routine now. She would make sure Duncan knew she was “going out”, enter a meditative state and go out of body. What was not routine was where she went.

First on her agenda was her apartment and Duncan’s. She was a little surprised to find them undisturbed - though in the case of Duncan’s apartment it was hard to tell. Either the tong had done their job - or no one had looked.

Second was were the crater sites and the medical tents locations. But there was really nothing to see anymore.

Third? Did she really want to go there yet? Third was either the local precinct offices - which would probably reveal very little - except maybe to whom reports about Altered would be referred to - or who was running the liaison for that. It would be some middle man who would collect the reports and either transmit securely or do a drop, or something like that. At least that’s how it was done in the movies. She sighed. She didn’t have time to run a stakeout, much less even figure out who .. She suddenly stopped her train of thought. That was a waste of time. She could follow the tracks easily. She just needed bait - and that could wait.

Finding the Altered was easy. Way too easy. But it posed a few problems. First it would take the sacrifice of an Altered to find them. And she couldn’t be the one to be the sacrifice herself. Second, once they found the other Altered they had no way to free them. She mulled that over and realized it might not be necessary to do anything. Duncan’s plans might sync with her own at that point.

Fourth target. Skip three and go straight for the jugular. Parliament itself. Or MI 5 or 6 or whoever would get involved in this. No - whoever gave the orders. The royal family? No, that would be a joke. Or would it. She thought for a moment. yes, without evidence it would be a waste. The PM it was then. She needed his itinerary - the real one. Finding the PM personally? Wasn’t gonna happen. Lori smiled. The Queen. Maybe the royal family DID have their uses. But getting to the head of the royal family wasn’t going to happen directly. No, she would have to think smaller - like maybe one of the kids.


It was later that night when Lori awoke from a short nap. She had found a piano and begun playing around with it. She had picked up a modest skill on a keyboard during her stay with the Church years ago. But it had been awhile since she had had a chance to play a real piano - years in fact. And the ambience of her apartment was no comparison for a church. After awhile she started playing and humming along some old tunes she loved.

Duncan’s sensitive ears had picked up the sounds of the music that was definitely not quite church material. Curious he moved over to one of the doors and listened. Then a slow smile spread on his face. He looked over at his other new friends and whispered loud enough to get their attention. “Guys, guys!” He was gesturing eagerly to get them to come over while putting a finger to their lips to shush them and making listening gestures.

Lori had begun to play some old 80’s tune.



(map view) https://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ll=51.123707,1.313928&spn=0.000458,0.001206&t=h&z=20

The new safehouse Lori had found was Castle Amusements of Dover, England. Duncan had entertained the thought of disguising the place as Altered States Recording Studio - partly for Gerry, partly in honor of Emilyn, and largely as a sort of defiance against the people who had taken so many Altered and imprisoned them somewhere. Lori opposed the idea vehemently, nearly freaking out at the use of the word “Altered.” Duncan had argued that is was the old Purloined Letter concept of hiding. In the end, however, the fact that the site was right next to a train station and would have made quality recordings tough to manage that tilted the decision against.

Duncan still wanted to disguise the place though. For the short term they could do without giving the place a facelift. But eventually they would have to do something with the outside or the city would move in and buy them out for the real estate. Lori’s idea had more merit - just something to do with boat charters. There was a marina not far off - and she didn’t care if they made much money or not. They could augment with selling lotto tickets or something.

Duncan wanted two things - a private gym and dojo … and a study. Both suited Lori who needed physical therapy and and was a cyber junkie. But he also wanted to make the place suitable for Gerry and Emilyn. Gerry needed a studio. Emilyn? Hell, Duncan had no idea. If he had, he might not have been amused. He was going to suggest a garden. Heck, a small landscaping business might have been worth considering. But that needed to wait until Emilyn understood what she could do better.

They had picked up camping gear for their first night’s stay. Lori had made a side strip with Duncan to pick up some stuff from a storage unit to make new ID’s for her friends. Her plans for that first day were to get everyone set up with new ID’s, passports, birth certificates, high school diplomas, and whatever else was needed. Of course, that would take time to build full background histories. While Lori was prepared the others would take a lot longer. As far as Duncan was concerned, Lori was occupied with something to keep her from worrying so much.

That first morning after their arrival Duncan laid out some of their options and asked for input for the renovations and plans for their new home. Gerry was of particular concern as he had had a public life. Duncan needed to know so he could make a list of the materials to get to start construction.
Autumn looked up at the handsome man with the brown hair, "Are you suggesting I leave your side and then break the rules?" she asks, "and besides, I'm not stupid. I don't play this silly "pretend" game anymore," she said with a cutting voice, "now where is my real daddy? I need to tell him to get me out of here before this pedophile gets his grubby hands on me," Autumn snorted.

Autumn was about to walk away when the wench came up to the handsome man with the brown hair. She smiled at her when she accused the handsome man of being a pedophile trying to lure her away. She swallowed and quickly put on her best "I'm so innocent" face. Autumn put her hands behind her back and said with a quiver in her voice, "Ma'am, this evil man was trying to get his grubby hands and someone as beautiful as me. He knows that I'm a pageant girl so he must want to lure me away to whatever evil dungeon he has in his basement," the lady then kneeled down and told her that she needed to get her out of there, "Oh, I don't have a mommy, but I do need to get out of here," Autumn nodded and held the lady's hand still playing her innocent act. She turned around and smiled smugly at the handsome man for a quick moment.
~Parker Jamison; Pentonville Prison~

Excuse me? Excuse me?

Parker's head was still spinning from the estrogen-pumped exchange, with slack jawed disbelief he tried desperately to figure out how Ms. Twinkletoes had gone from bossy to Broadway-worthy evil in 2.5 seconds flat.

Pedophile? Pedophile? Being locked up in a prison with super freaks while having no freakish add on of his own was one thing, but being accused of being a sexual? Nope, no, not acceptable. And of course it was the same blonde chick who was screaming at Dr. Dietrich when he first walked in, but he couldn't necessarily say his patience measured out as far as the doctor's.

He narrowed his eyes at the little girl, quirking a brow, noting that he now had a half-pint enemy, before zeroing in on the blond woman, "So you walk in here and here the words "candy" and assume I'm a pedophile? Congratulations, you made an inference! And guess what? You're inference was wrong!" he said, mocking a cheery tone as he spoke. The cheery facade quickly melted away, and a wicked sneer took it's place, as he lifted his chin up, glaring at the woman.

"Now, is safe for me to assume that the only reason you assumed I was a pedophile is because I'm a man and I was offering her candy? Or would it be rude of me to jump to that conclusion? Buckle up, sweetheart, it's the twenty first century and that shit doesn't fly anymore," he snapped, placing his hands on hips and turning on his heel, intent on leaving the room before things got dirty. Well... dirtier... but a particular comment chided him into turning around again and giving the small child a pointed stare.

"And my hands are not grubby, I wash them quite frequently, you little nose picker,"
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Lizzie felt insulted by the man but only slightly as she did not find herself to be wrong. The man had obviously no manners, luring away a child with a false promise of candy and what not. "I know that our money isn't useful here and thus you have nothing to give her but a bad experience, punk." Defending herself was the only thing she had come to think of as he stormed off with an attitude that made a drama queen seem plain. Even worse when the young child mentioned that she did not have a mother making Lizzie feel even more mad at the young man.

The Lizzie at the time ignored her rude way of concluding that he was a pedophile without thought but then again the Lizzie at the time did not care about anything else then helping a child which was separated from their parents from possible rape. She did not ponder on her next words nor the enemy she may gain from them and she did not know that Autumn was merely acting innocent but was a small devil-brat inside.

"Is that so? You poor girl! Where is your room, I'll leave you there and then we could ask the nice guard to keep this evil man away from you, yeah?"

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