Once is Happenstance [Team Walkabout] [The Silver Apples of the Moon, the Golden Apples o]


The Lunar musician ambled along, not really appearing to hurry. He unslung the Axe again, his fingers fiddling slightly with the strings as he put the Pick in place.

He stared at the creature for a moment, then flicked his hair backwards. Suddenly, a blaze of silvery light gathered around his hand as he brought it downward. What bellowed forth from the Axe was not music, but the tortured screams of shattered dreams and the cries of dying gods - a cacophonous wave of pure sound that could batter flesh and shatter bone.

Join Battle: 5D10: 10 7 9 9 1
Attack: 16xD10: 8 10 4 4 5 6 8 7 10 6 4 6 4 9 7 5 (9 Succeses. +10L damage for the Sonic attack, Piercing.)
Horrible patchwork mammoths, like most prehistoric characters, do not appreciate Dis's jams. Overwhelmed by the Lunar's death metal, the monster recoils to the wall of the gully, its skin bruising and leaking green slime at the sonic assault.

With its rear against the solid (if slippery) wall, the monster seems to rally. Seams pop around its face and the full mass of trunk-tentacles emerges, whipping around like lightning made flesh. They flash first towards Magpie, writhing in the air as if to drag her to its maw, while a second bundle tangles itself around Fury, leaving him a mere instant to act before being engulfed.

Dis slams the mammoth with the gnarly riff, bypassing its tough hide entirely. 4 levels of damage!

But uh-oh, it's tentacle time! (Get your minds out of the gutter.)

First attack on Magpie: 18xD10: 5 6 1 10 2 10 1 4 3 10 9 5 1 7 9 7 4 9, 11 successes.

Second attack on Fury: 17xD10: 1 5 1 7 4 10 2 1 10 7 3 4 4 6 2 6 10, 8 successes.

I wouldn't recommend getting grappled.
:D Think giant squid.
Grinning Magpie

"Hah, bet you felt that, you big creepy fu - Dragon's balls Dis!" With a totally uncool-sounding squawk, the young Night Caste frantically flips out of the way of the Lunar's sonic assault. Wailing away on his big freaky silver sitar, looking cool, she thinks, pouting. Not fair, stealing my thunder... Magpie is unkindly jerked from her sulking reverie by a burst of flailing, creepy tentacles from the stitched-together elephant-thing.

"What the hell!" she yells, lunging backwards in a burst of Solar essence - and away from the questing tentacles. She clambers up the sides of the gully with indecent (tee hee) haste, scrabbling as she leaps from rock to overhanging tree and towards the beast's back again.

"I'm not a Dynast schoolgirl!" She's red-faced and angry, batting a pair of tentacles aside in midair before whirling like a throwing star and slamming a pair of powerful kicks into the back of the monster's head.


My DV's only 8 with the penalty from my previous action, so even with stunts I can't beat that roll. Lucky I have Seven Shadows Evasion! 3m, perfectly dodged.

I totally forgot I could flurry! Two kicks to the head comin' right up!

13xD10: 7 2 2 7 3 6 10 8 6 6 3 10 9, 8 suxx, 9L base damage.

12xD10: 9 6 1 2 7 5 5 10 8 10 2 9, 8 suxx, 9L base damage. Again. :?

Grinning Magpie's Combat Block

- Speed 5 Accuracy 16 Damage 6B/L Defense +4 Rate 3

- Speed 5 Accuracy 15 Damage 9B/L Defense +0 Rate 2

- Speed 6 Accuracy 15 Damage 6B/L Defense NA Rate 1 Piercing

Dodge DV 9 (7 until next action) Parry DV 9 (7 until next action) Sta+Res 5
Personal 4/14 Peripheral 20/33 WP 8/8

Soak 2B/1L/0A, Hardness 0
-0 [ ]
-1 [ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
In [ ]
Dy [ ][ ]
Midnight's Fury

Fury flicks his wrist once more and Fury's Fang shoots back into his hand. The Lunar twists away from the slime questing for his weapon - only to be met by the tentacles grasping for his flesh. Snapping a length of chain into his left hand, Midnight's Fury wraps two loops of the chain around the tentacles pursuing him and quickly tightens the chain. The Full Moon runs at the side of the gully and, with a burst of Essence infusing his limbs, runs up the wall and flips over backward, twisting the tentacles around and away from him.


Taking 4 motes from the stunt, so my peripheral essence is now at 28. But not for very long....

Wits (4) + Melee (4) Roll: Results for 8 dice: 7 successes [ 6 0 8 5 4 0 2 0 ] Fury's Fang is safe!

Spending 5 motes of peripheral essence on the First Dexterity Excellency. My current Parry DV is 4 (5 - 1 for the attack).

Excellency roll: Results for 5 dice: 3 successes [ 9 1 1 1 0 ]

That's a Parry DV of 7. Depending on the stunt dice for the defense:

For a one die stunt: Results for 1 dice: 0 successes [ 5 ]

For a two die stunt: Results for 2 dice: 2 successes [ 8 9 ]

So. If it's a one die stunt, I am hit. If it's a two die stunt, I am safe.

My current essence totals: 23 peripheral, 17 personal. I am almost totemic, having spent 10 motes of essence.

Bursting from the undergrowth, Melissa can't help but goggle for a split moment at the sight before her. Tentacles lashing everywhere, spewing from a patchwork monstrosity like cotton from a ragged doll! Once the initial horror passed, however, her golden brows furrowed; time to fight. And since, it seemed the beast was a deadly threat from close range...

She lifted the twisted spear up, pulled her arm back; the moonsilver that traced over its strange haft pulsed, as if breathing, and a perfect circle of moonlight burst into life above her eyes as she drew on her essence, sharpening her eyes, steadying and strengthening her arm. Then a streak of pearl-white light, and with more speed and force than it seemed possible for a human to muster, the shadow spear shot forward through the air.


Spending 4m peripheral on Dexterity Excellency to throw Almadar. Accuracy 9 + 4, therefore, equals 13 dice, disregarding possible stunt bonus for now. Result: 3 9 10 9 4 4 9 9 1 3 10 1 7 (9 successes).

Damage is [leftover successes] + 12L, piercing.
Magpie's pair of kicks have far less than the intended damage, bouncing off the squishy hide of the patchwork monster with nothing more than another tear along the seams.

Fury managed to pull himself out of the way of the tentacles, his anima glowing like a lantern in the pouring rain.

Melissa's thrown spear pierces the monster deep in its side, sending forth a flood of ichor and gelatin which quickly solidifies into tentacles that wrap around the spear-shaft with lighting speed.

Magpie pulled off a 2-dice stunt, but doesn't manage to get through the soak so well, so she only did 1 level of damage.

Stunt bonuses are added directly to your DV, vanman. That's a nice little 2-dice stunt there, so Fury is safe. (I keep writing his name as Furry, though.)

With her 1-die stunt, Melissa did 3 levels of damage after the Patchwork Mammoth's ridiculous soak. Oops, it got ahold of the spear! I'm ruling that the spear-retrieval power is reflexive, so you can yank it back if you want to.

Tick 6! Arynne, you're up next.
Worthy to Be Beloved

The swanmay squawks in astonishment and horror at the sight of the grotesque monstrosity, but she does not falter.

Worthy's weapon is a gift from her mentor: made of a piece of mulberry wood which curves and bends like a snake, with a polished stone tied securely in the middle. Now she holds it behind her shoulder, hook end up, and fits a white-feathered shaft along it so that the dart points forward and slightly upwards. Her unreadable black bird's eyes seem to harden as they take aim. Keeping hold of it by the finger loops, she swings her arm forward and snaps her wrist, launching the dart with great velocity at the monster.


Results for 8 dice: 4 successes [ 9 7 3 5 7 3 3 8 ] (TN: 7)

Damage: 7L (piercing) + extra successes
The dart strikes the monster in the flank, tearing the muscles that keep the hind end steady. It falters as the tentacles capture the dart, waving back and forth around the hole with visible agitation.


With her 1-dice stunt, Worthy did 2 levels of damage.

Does she make the darts out of her own feathers? That would be cool.
:) )
[spending 3 motes on Striking Cobra Tech. and rolled a 1,5,9,3,5 (1 success plus 5 automatic from SCT = 6) To join in, it's what, -5? Putting me at tick 1?]


A rustle from the bamboo is all that anyone could hear as a blurred form bounds against a few stalks like a springboard and arcs into the air before dropping, hurling down like the wrath of an angry, smiling goddess. Lin-Rei appears with matched hooked blades in each hand. She even passes a wink towards Fury, doubtful that he'd see, however, during her plummet down at the creature. Skirt billowing, her hands move too fast for the mortal eye as she spins and twists the blades with her descent past the beast. She enters into what looks like an aerial spinning dance move, only with hook swords rather than fans, each of which deftly arc and slice at the beast several times before she touches down.

"I do apologize for the lateness in joining you all. I was unhappy for a few long moments. ^_^ "



Results for 14 dice: 6 successes [ 4 6 2 0 3 9 3 6 9 1 9 6 9 1 ] (TN: 7)

I hope I did this attack right, her swords are 6L damage, plus any bonuses or stunt dice. Sorry for this, it's my first attack in Exalted.
Several long slashes appear in the elephant-monster's sides as Lin-Rei hits the ground, and the beast's frantically thrashing legs splatter the nearby exalts with thick, slimy river mud.

Two dice stunt for you, TKmobile! Lin-Rei did two levels of damage.

Tick 0: Laundreu

Tick 1: WhiteKnight777

Tick 2:

Tick 3: Vanman

Tick 4:

Tick 5: Chimerical God-Mammoth, Laundreu

Tick 6: Arynne, Jukashi, WhiteKnight777, TKMobile

Tick 7:

Tick 8: Vanman

Tick 9:

Tick 10: Laundreu

Tick 11: Arynne, Jukashi, TKMobile, Chimerical God-Mammoth

I'm up close by the mammoth thingy. Not that it matters all that much, but I'm curious as to why TKMobile is ahead of me in the initiative phase, seeing as how we both got 5 successes on the Join Battle rolls. As it stands now, it doesn't much matter, because we're essentially going at the same time, but, as I said, I am curious...
If you're close enough to hit the monster, you're close enough to get splattered. Plus, everyone, please bear in mind that it's pouring rain. :)

vanman, TKmobile is going first because he got 6 successes and is joining a battle already in progress. It's still Tick 6, though, because WhiteKnight777 hasn't posted. Hope that helps!
D'oh!!!! I was talking about Whiteknight, not TKMobile. My apologies. I had a brain fart. According to your initiative chart, Whiteknight went on Tick 1, but he rolled 5 successes for his Join Battle roll. Am I missing something?
I think he did his Join Battle at Tick 0, actually, but I might be misremembering. Anyway, let's not disrupt the flow of the game; I'd like to get to the next bit soon. :)

Dis shifted his stance, his hands sliding up the body of his guitar. He grinned, suddenly, passing one hand across his eyes in an odd gesture, then lifting his middle finger towards the undead monstrosity. "Ya know what, fugly? You're really starting to piss me off. And I got better things to do than hang around with your slimy, back-from-the-grave ass... so do us all a favor and get back in your grave"

Dis' fingers suddenly moved with incredible speed, dancing accross the strings. Rather than the hideous abomination of sound it had produced last time, the Axe issued forth a riff of blazing speed, sending a bolt of blazing blue energy streaming from the tip, hurtling like a falling star towards the creature. As it flew, it took on the appearance of a blazing dragon, and it singed foliage and started small fires with the sheer force of its speed.

16xD10: 3 3 9 10 8 10 10 6 8 7 3 5 6 5 5 7 (11 Succeses. +10L damage for the Sonic attack, Piercing. 'nother 10m expended.)
As the sapphire energy roils around the creature, it trumpets, thrashing about in panic as more and more tentacles vainly try to close up its disintegrating seams. As the rips appear and grow wider, the pounding rain takes its toll on the tentacles themselves, and they dissolve into an earth-smelling goo. At last, the beast collapses into the mud, nothing more than a collection of badly-tanned hides and a gelatinous substance washing away into the muck.

The moment after the monster is finally still, however, the top hides begin to part, and a glowing white faun pulls itself free. For a moment, it looks at the group of Exalts with fearless, limpid eyes, and then darts away along the ravine faster than a falling star.
Grinning Magpie

"Woo! Hell yeah, I'm so awesome!" crows the diminutive Solar, hopping off the piled hides and strings and giving the assembled other Exalts a bow. "'course, you were all awesome, too! Everybody's awesome."

She pauses, scratching her head as she thinks. "I'm not exactly a big brain, but the whole glowy faun thing doesn't normally happen, right? Should we follow it?"
Worthy to Be Beloved

Worthy watches the faun race away with the swiftness of a flying spark.

"If anyone thinks they can outpace that," she says in a hoarse, whistling sort of voice, "they're welcome to try." Moving forward somewhat awkwardly, she checks the pile of smelly skins to see if any of their captured missiles are intact.
Midnight's Fury

There's a growl from Midnight's Fury as his eyes follow the faun. "I'm Full Moon. Running fast is what we do. I can certainly try." With that, the hulking warrior breaks into a run at a pace that seems...unnatural for one of his size....

I am a Full Moon, and I'm almost at iconic. I will spend another point of Essence to put myself at totemic level. This doubles my Speed for the scene. I can also spend to increase this, if needed. Additionally, my Warform has Gazelle's Pace, which means I run fast as a horse over long distances. I also have Inexhaustible, so I can run for a long, long time. I guess my question is...how fast is this thing running?

My current essence totals: 22 peripheral, 17 personal.
Fury's sprint sends him along the ravine following the fawn, his feet sinking into the mud and slowing him down. He's only able to see a white glow ahead for a few seconds before all signs of the creature vanish in the pouring rain, but it appeared to be heading along the ravine into the deep forest.

Shaking some of the water from her hair, Melissa snorts with derision (and a little disgust) at the mess left by the creature's demise. The warrior extends her hand as a moving shadow glides out from the decaying jumble to her side and casually catches her spear as it ejects itself up from that small pool of darkness.

"That creature looked like it was... made," she says, glancing at it again.
Grinning Magpie

"Yup!" chirps Magpie, kicking the pile of string and hides. "Ol' Fluff-and-Guts here definitely wasn't anything natural." The young Solar turns and faces the spear-wielding Lunar. "You're Melissa, right? Full of bees? That's pretty awesome, how'd you learn to do it?" She grows a little more excited. "Is there some sort of cool Bee-Style Martial Arts? Can you teach me?"
Lin-Rei fiddles with something around her neck as both her dervish hookswords fade away, still looking pleasant in spite of the fact her clothes have just been ended with all that mud. Hell, the upper half of her face is splattered with it and she doesn't seem bothered.

"Someone made that? ...Oh dear. Could it be something left over? A remnant perhaps from the battle we'd prior found ourselves in, Ms. Melissa? There tends to be stragglers of all kinds after a war...^-^"
Midnight's Fury

Fury growls, but this time in frustration. He's not giving up yet. Turning back to the others, he shouts as loud as he can. "Thing went into a ravine. I'm going to investigate. Join or not."

With that, he turns back and heads toward the ravine...

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