Once is Happenstance [Team Walkabout] [The Silver Apples of the Moon, the Golden Apples o]


Senior Member
It is rare than the newly-Exalted find themselves with a time of peace in which to enjoy their new powers, and this is no exception. Although the Mask of Winters has failed in his most recent invasion, trouble is still brewing. Lookshy and the Realm have sent forth all the Dragonblooded soldier they can and more to clean up the remnants of the Deathlord's army, leaving large swaths of territory without their usual guardians. Celestial Exalts, too, have suffered, having been drawn to defend Creation with their might and, sometimes, their lives.

The town of Silk Passage was lucky. Built along the Grey River and specializing in turning the thread produced by the dozens of tiny artisan villages upstream into bolts of shimmering cloth, it was out of the Juggernaut's path. "Luck," in this case, meant that Silk Passage only suffered the assault of the hungry dead and a pair of Deathknights; more than half the town lies in ruins, but many of the townspeople were spared by the arrival of the Sun- and Moon-chosen.

The townspeople are grateful but distracted, attempting to rebuild and salvage their industry before the silkworm towns look to other buyers. They have, however, offered up the least damaged buildings to the Exalts, although they clearly would prefer not to have their new status as a "Haven for Anathema" trumpeted to the four winds. The local Immaculate priests were killed by Scarlet-Tongued Blasphemer, one of the Abyssals, and it will take several months before a new priest arrives.

In the meantime, several of the more profit-minded townsfolk have started to organize a festival to pull in visitors from the villages (and their coin), and there's always the rumors about monsters in the forest...
Grinning Magpie

"Man!" Grinning Magpie was, in fact, grinning. She stretched, making pleased little grunts as her back popped, before she let her arms fall again with a gusty sigh.

"That," she announced to the world, and also to her two Lunar traveling partners, "was a pretty boring war. Except for the part with the horde of hungry ghosts chasing us into the salt mines - that was just funny." She made a moue of distaste. "Totally unfair how those Full Moons punked the Deathknight I was fighting; I totally had him."

She flopped onto one of the couches in the 'common' room of the old (and now half-ruined and desecrated, presumably) Immaculate temple the townsfolk have gifted to the Anathema, stretching out her legs and wriggling her toes. "Still, the Weasel in the Muck wasn't here after all." She looked over to Jessamine and Dis, lacing her fingers behind her head and reclining even further. "Unless I missed something while I was busy being totally awesome, I mean?"

The Axe was currently slung accross his back, but the thing, as it often did, was making a soft susuruss that sounded almost disconcertingly like a big cat, satiated and insufferable pleased with itself. He wore a perpetual smirk as he listened to Magpie, his eyes idly roaming up and down as he listened to her talk.

"Heh... yeah, you were awesome, Mag... but did you see the way I made those zombies dance? Never knew dead guys could be all... synchronized like that. Awesome. Funny, too, when they started falling to bits."
Worthy to Be Beloved

"The Shoat of the Mire," Worthy corrects her, only a trifle tetchily.

She had remained on the edge of the conflict, occasionally dispatching a luckless zombie when the opportunity presented itself, her hungry eyes scanning the battlefield for a familiar form. Not finding it, she has grown morose and a bit abstracted. Normally the most diplomatic of the trio, she no longer hides the fact that she is impatient with this place and ready to move on.

Now she says, "I want to talk to those others before we go: they seemed to know something about the dead...and those who lead them."
Grinning Magpie

The Night Caste grinned over at the Lunar with a crush on the Deathknight. "Mongoose of the Muck, whatever." Her grin broadened. "What's important is...is she a cutie?" Magpie paused briefly. "Wait, isn't Mink of the Swamps a little kid? I think I remember you mentioning that. Or something like that, I dunno, sometimes it's hard to hear people over how awesome I am."

She stretched again, less for pops and more for seeing if she could make either of the Lunars' eyes pop out, and rolled upright. "I think the other Exalts are somewhere in this building, but hell if I know where exactly. Want to go looking, or we could just yell something like 'Look, a Yozi-cult' and see if they come running...?"
Midnight's Fury

Midnight's Fury enters the room, his tall, muscular frame encased in his moonsilver armor and covered with the detritus of battle. In contrast, Lin-Rei, beside him, stands a foot shorter than the massive warrior, but carries herself with a lithesome grace. As always, she is smiling. He still carries his grimcleaver clutched in his colossal fist. His face is grim, eyes burning with what can only be conceived as a zealot's intensity.

"You think Yozi cults amusing, Sun-child? You find death and destruction amusing? You find this village, half destroyed, amusing? They're not. As seen today." A haunted look comes into his eyes, and he looks down, the focus gone, as if he's seeing something only he can perceive. His voice drops to barely a whisper, but the whisper has more hatred than most men feel in a lifetime. "They will be the death of us all......"

A shake of his head and his focus is back, in the room with all those in it. "I saw you fight. You were good. All of you. I can appreciate efficiency. Six Chosen. Working to a common end. Impressive."

After a moment's pause, Midnight's Fury turns to Worthy. His eyes have regained their intensity, and seem to blaze with his next question. "Who is The Shoat of the Mire?"

At the sound of "death of us all," a much smaller hand take's Fury's free hand, his companion Lin-Rei moving a little closer, though she can't wrap all the way over it and ends up wrapping her arm around the big man's wrist. Almost his complete opposite, Lin-Rei's posture seems alluring and beams brightness. Her figure is slim but still curvy in her sashes and skirts; hoop jewelry has been placed around her wrists and ankles but she doesn't make any noise walking, unless she wills to, it seems.

She wasn't wearing that outfit before though. In fact she seemed to be wearing something of entirely different fashion than the last time she was spotted during the battle. Her vermilion hair is pulled back with finery that looks new as well.

And that smile. It's serene, pleasant... but somehow that she can hold it in place constantly, without falter, seems a little disturbing, cold. That feeling passes as the performer tries to keep the atmosphere more warm with pleasant conversation.

"Fury dear, there's no need for harshness now," she pats his shoulder, her voice could be compared to a sonorous bird, though many would argue she is by far the prettier, "After all, we have routed your foes decisively; it can't hurt to be jovial for this fleeting moment of victory."

She then greets the trio one after the other. "I do not believe we've met formally... what with all the excitement. My name is Lin-Rei and my serious minded fellow here calls himself Midnight's Fury."

"Quite so on the celebration, Lin-Rei," says the remaining Lunar as she follows the couple in, a woman whose golden bracelets and silver tattoos glitter like a field of stars against her coal-dark skin. Her simple, minimal clothes are still streaked with dirt and spots of ichor. "Every wise warrior makes sure to release their tension after a battle."

She pauses to peer out a dusty window, then turns back to the others, shrugging her odd-looking spear off her shoulder and planting its end on the floor with an appreciable thunk. "I am Melissa Muzen-Cab, the Spear of Many. You all carried yourselves very well on the battle today... I must admit, this is the first time I have faced the dead, save little more than a handful of hungry ghosts. What you told me of them was invaluable, Fury," she adds, turning to look up at the larger warrior with a smile.
Worthy to Be Beloved

"She's not a little kid!" Worthy retorts hotly. "She must be rising fourteen...at least..." her voice trails off as the others enter.

When Fury suddenly turns his attention to her, Worthy looks away slightly, not meeting his gaze. Her eyes are a bright emerald, and her hair is the light yellow-green of new leaves.

"A deathknight I'm hunting." Her expression is guarded.
Grinning Magpie

"Like a cougar!" Magpie adds helpfully. "Aaaaanyway, I'm Grinning Magpie, Chosen of the Unconquered Sun or something like that." The wiry young woman bounces on her seat a few times, before finally moving over and making room should the others wish to sit. "We're hunting Deathknights all together, I think. Though we do a lot of other stuff in the meantime, looking for rumors and stuff." She started bouncing again, faster and faster, before she finally burst out, "Man, didja guys see me kick that one zombie so hard it exploded?! And when you guys were, like, bouncing the big mean-looking Deathknight back and forth and then he tripped on his own hammer - that was so cool!"

Dis was still eyeing Magpie quietly, but at last he tore his attention away from her to speak. "Harmonious Discord. You can call me Dis. Yep. Me, I'm just lookin' for a good time. War. Huh. What is it good for? Not a whole hell of a lot, ask me. Still, better to fight than let these angsty jackasses run roughshod over creation. I mean, sure, some of 'em are kinda cute in a pale kinda way, but mostly they're a buncha downers. Wouldn't know a good tune if it bit 'em on the ass, neither."

He looked around at the new-met Chosen, paying significantly more attention to the women. His smirk widening a little at Melissa's words, he spoke again. "Speaking of releasing a little tension... anyone up for a drink?" he asked, the pause just long enough to make one wonder if he'd been planning on saying something else.

The female Full Moon raises a blonde eyebrow at the musician's manner, but smiles as well, amused. "That depends," she says; "Are you offering to provide? You know it takes a lot of drinking to get Exalted to relax." She turns her head slightly, tilting it in the direction of the temple's entrance. "And we'd have to hurry. With the day they've had here, I'd venture to say there won't be a drop of liquor left in the town by morning. We might have to come up with something else to do."

Dis laughed exuberantly, whipping the Axe around and plucking off a couple of chords seemingly at random, but still managing to sound perfectly sublime "Hey, the day I can't get free alcohol one way or another is the day I hang up the Axe and stop being so damn good-looking" He said in a half-joking tone. "Don't matter how bleak things look... everybody likes a little music. And Luna knows they love a musician."

His fingers rippled idly over the strings, producing a series of low, gentle tones that felt like purple velvet on the ears and silk on the skin... soft, enchanting, and more than a little seductive.

So yeah, I'm offering drinks. Gimmie an hour or two and I'll have these guys and gals barkin' at the moon."
Midnight's Fury

Midnight's Fury's hand tightens on Lin-Rei's, seemingly taking comfort from the small hand. "My foes are never routed decisively, Lin. We may have won the battle. The war still rages. As it ever does."

The massive Lunar nods at Melissa. "My thanks to you, Melissa. I'm glad my information could be of use. As always, you fought bravely. And well. But you know that spear will be the death of you. If not your body, then surely your soul." He stops, then shakes his head. "A conversation for another time. As always." A trace of a smile plays on his lips. It never fully forms, and those not looking for it would never see it, but it's almost there, teasing. "As for relaxing. I'll relax when I know no more Deathknights or other creatures of the night will be descending among us. Don't know if more will be coming."

Finally, Fury turns to Worthy. "The Shoat of the Mire. Don't know that one. Don't let her age fool you. Fourteen or not, she needs to be put down. I've hunted Deathknights. I'll be happy to assist you. Hunt her. And put her down."
At the words "put her down" Worthy's walnut-colored skin turns dark red. She bounds to her feet, her eyes sparkling with fury.

"You are speaking of my wife, sir!"

((OOC: I love unintentional double entendres...))

Dis looked at the both of 'em, then shrugged. "Either way, fourteen seems a little young for my tastes... but hey, who am I to judge?" Though the look that he shot both of them indicated that he was very definitely judging, even if it wasn't out loud.
Midnight's Fury

You can see every muscle in Midnight's Fury's body go rigid. His knuckles turn white around the handle of Fury's Fang, his grimcleaver. The chain connecting the weapon to his wrist jingles slightly as the shaking knocks the links together. His voice, when he speaks, is barely controlled rage.

"You.....you're married to one of these monstrosities?!?"
Grinning Magpie

Magpie ought to know better, she really should. Still, she's never been able to resist stirring the pot before; why start now? "I thought there was a special term for it, though. A Mate, wasn't it?"

Dis nodded and gave Magpie a knowing grin. "Aye, love. That's the term. Though in some cases it's more literal than others." He said with a slight chuckle and a rather hungry look in his eye.
Midnight's Fury

The Lunar...freezes. His muscles are vibrating from the tension. His body is shaking. He gives one quick look to Lin-Rei, and then some of the tension seeps from his body. Eyes previously holding rage and violence now soften. Somewhat. He nods, and looks at Worthy.

"A couple of weeks ago, I wouldn't have understood. I do now. Just know - the Black Exalted serve no one but their Masters. If that Master orders her to kill you, she will. Feeling or sentiment will not dissuade her. Her soul is tainted. Tainted by death." There is another pause. Then he says, ever so softly, for Worthy's ears only: "I don't envy you."

"Makes me wonder when I'll meet my Solar mate... or deathknight, as the case may be..." she adds, with an air of displeasure at that possibility. "And yet!" She stretches out a hand, making a calming gesture to all involved. "All that is for the future. For now, we should concentrate on now, yes? Let us go and relax, as far as we are able, with the locals. I'm sure Discord here..." She gives him a smile, "Will impress us all with his music's ability to draw out a more positive attitude. Such a marvelous instrument can't just be for show."

Still attached to the Lunar's arm, Lin tugs at it, trying to mollify the situation.


"Lady Melissa is quite correct, we should relax with Sir Discord's music. After all, in the whole of Creation there are no stranger bedfellows than the ones fate gives us." An awkward pause follows. Lin-Rei eventually realizes no one saw the play that quote came from and tries to lead Fury towards a seat.

"Even were we to have ...a disagreement, I'm sure that the locals would ill appreciate such a thing to break out now. For their sakes let us all get along without strife. Discord is alright, though." she covers her mouth with her sleeve as if to stifle a giggle.

"Perhaps later we could trade tales, or perhaps glean from each other where we shall wander next. After all, it would be unwise to stay here..."
Worthy's expression is mulish. "I don't accept that. She could have killed me in Shandir Woods, but she didn't. She remembered me. She remembered my name." She settles back into her seat, arms folded.

A moment too late, she catches Lin-Rei's words and belatedly recognizes them.

"Err...that's from The Wedding of Awar and Bulekwe, isn't it?"

"Bulekwe's Dreadful Interlude; you have the correct playwright, wrong script." Lin-Rei corrects, "Nonetheless, Fury-dear meant no offense. Surely you must realize his ire towards the Deathlords is not a personal vendetta from agent to agent. I'm sure if he had known, his choice of woulds would have been more civil. Isn't that right, dear?"

Dis grinned wider, preening a little at the complements. He shifted the guitar. "Heh... thanks, but there's no need to call me Sir. Never been all that noble, and I'm not likely to start now." He said, with a rougish glint in his eye. "But I play a pretty good tune" He said, and

, his fingers playing as his voice hammered out the lyrics
When he finish, his head hung low for a moment, his hair shielding his face. Slowly, he raised his head, grinning fit to split his head in two, and winked at the group. His eyes gleamed bright, and he ran his tongue accross his lips in a manner that would make the most ascetic Immaculate nun shed her clothes quicker than a Nexus prostitute. Running his fingers through his hair, he spoke, his voice husky. "Yeah... Pretty good."

(Just for giggles, Manipulation + Performance) Results for 16 dice: 17 successes [ 3 0 7 8 0 4 0 0 7 5 9 0 6 8 0 1 ] (TN: 7)... I think I just wasted a truly epic roll. Ah well, c'est la vie.

Edit: Oh, and it's hard to see because of Dis' speech color but "let the music flow" is a link.

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