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Realistic or Modern On Track: Small Group RP


Formerly Funny.
This RP, On Track, was an idea I had about a group of teenagers who leave home, and head for a small village hundreds of miles away. To get there, they'll hitch rides, take the train, bus, and walk for a shot at a new life. There'll be bonding, arguments and even romance. The age range for the characters would be somewhere around 16-19, and they'd all have different skills and traits that could help them get to their destination. If anyone's interested in this, I'd hope for an initial group of about five or six people to start off with, and possibly another three or four along the way. If this interests anyone, be sure to tell me so, and if enough people agree to this RP, I'll tell you all there.
Miss Mack Miss Mack
Teacup Cat Teacup Cat

You two, as you've been on the site longer, and have more posts than any of the others, I'm going to say I'll definitely alert you when I make the RP.

Atlas Marvel Atlas Marvel
FrazzledFox FrazzledFox
Heim Heim
Dogs2900 Dogs2900

As you four have either not been on the site too long, or haven't got a suitable amount of posts for the time you have been on here, I'd like to see four or so lines of how you write. It can be about anything, but it's just so I know if you'd be good for an RP where consistent posting will be a must.
Er. Ok. This is from a Elder Scrolls RP I was apart of. Mind you it was on Discord, so I didn't need to think of making it pretty and such.

The night was like most others on the fair Altmeri Isle of Auridon. The sky was a brilliant study of color, the blue-black studded with the bright stars in a variance of color, a cool white-blue, a shining yellow, a dazzling white; interuppted only by the giant, lone sentienls that were a constant in the lives of all on Nirn, Masser and Secunda. The road between the southern port city of Vulkel Guard and Skywatch was well traveled, even well into the night. The air wafted with the scent of the ocean, and the fragrance of flowers, lightened with the chirps of lightning bugs and the calls of wild animals.

The calm of the night was accompanied with the rhymatic patter of a horses hooves as it trotted across the cobbled path, the moonlight dappling the road as it shone through the over hanging trees. Atop a tall dappled grey horse sat an even taller figure, upright and proper. The figure was obvously male, but cloaked head to toe in distinct armor, like that of an old branch of Dominion military, or a Kinlord's personal guard. Despite the low light of night, the armor shone brightly, well taken care of. A golden eagle of the Aldmeri Dominion was spread across the front and back, standing out against a light cerulean metal over a royal purple leather. Through the rest of the armor were more symbols of the Dominion, worked a bit more subtly into the leather and metals. A similarly patterned hood and mask covered the mer's head and most his face, save for bright, silvery-white eyes. The horse was laddled with various sized bags, including a a long bow, the Eagle of the Dominion worked into the design of the elegant weapon, as well as the quiver strapped to it. A gleaming short sword sat at his waist, moving easily with his body, showing that it was more than just a decoration. Darting between the legs of the horse was a small, white pup, occasionally giving an exited bark as it followed
This is from something I wrote but never got to send because of one thing or another. (Zombie apocalypse)

It was dawn by the time everyone had awoken. The dark grey and blue sky mixes with the orange and red sunlight to bring a new day. Everyone was tired, and he could tell today would be tough. There was no food and very little sleep achieved with the constant noise of metal being hit all night. He slowly rose from his sleeping bag and went up the stairs carefully, so as to not awaken those still sleeping. As he made his way to the roof, he looked for the sunrise. That would surely make him feel better... it always does.

"How are we going to make it through this?" He said to himself in a whisper. "So many are dead and it doesn't get better."

He hangs his legs off the side of the rusted metal "tower" that he called home for the night. As a breeze pushed by his face, he took in a deep breath. This was the only way he could get a smell other than death and decay.


He looks towards the northern town and hears and sees gunfire. Loud bangs deafened by distance and bright flashes in a red city.
"Everybody wake up!" He screams down the stairs. "Bring me the binoculars!"
From a dead RP. Wasn't too good but it's the most recent.

The train had finally arrived,and Marco immediately jerked his head up like a guard dog.It was mostly due to his anxiety and the unnerving silence of the train.All he saw was a massive object coming closer in the corner of his eye and it almost scared him to death.The sudden shock faded away as the doors opened and people began to fill the train.Marco never liked large groups of people,so he let the majority of the crowd go in before him.After a while,he finally entered the train and some people began looking at him.

"Here we go again,"he thought.

The amount of well-proportioned muscle on his body,along with his amazingly good looks,made Marco near impossible to ignore.He felt strange.He did begin to notice his size compared to everyone else and thought deeply about the current situation of society.He almost felt superior because of his job.However,he quickly dismissed this thought.This was not who Marco was.He did not flaunt himself as he entered and sat down,but he did look directly back at everyone bravely.

"Guess I'm the black sheep,"Marco thought jokingly.

Marco kept his eyes out for trouble as he sat with his god-like posture,until he noticed the tablet on the table in front of him.Marco's face lit up with joy like a small child at a candy store.He had always loved to eat,especially when he was nervous.It always made him happier and would distract him from the onlookers.He quickly propped up the screen to a visible position and began scrolling.

"Ooh,mini pretzels!Hell yeah,"he thought happily.

It had worked.This had taken his mind off of the current situation.Marco tapped the icon of the mini pretzels and then an icon of a bottle of water.After this,he returned the tablet to its original position,interlocked his fingers,and rested his hands on the table,continuing to watch for trouble,but this time with a grin.His now wide,bright purple eyes continued to attract attention.He saw some expressions of confusion thrown in his direction as he silently celebrated his incoming snack,but he ignored all of this.

"Black sheep it is,"he gladly concluded,and he waited patiently.
Miss Mack Miss Mack
Teacup Cat Teacup Cat

You two, as you've been on the site longer, and have more posts than any of the others, I'm going to say I'll definitely alert you when I make the RP.

Atlas Marvel Atlas Marvel
FrazzledFox FrazzledFox
Heim Heim
Dogs2900 Dogs2900

As you four have either not been on the site too long, or haven't got a suitable amount of posts for the time you have been on here, I'd like to see four or so lines of how you write. It can be about anything, but it's just so I know if you'd be good for an RP where consistent posting will be a must.
I've been here for a long ass time, youngin'....I got plenty of posts under my belt....:pout:
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Honestly, next time I think it'd just be better to have a role-play sample on your character sheet rather than do it here and single people out Scaddox Scaddox

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