The silence of the returning wind
"The Townsteader? Thats not terrible, but I think we can do better." He mumbled for a moment before sighing dissatisfied with whatever he was trying to concoct in his head, and he put it aside for a moment to focus on the other question.
"Yeah, all guilds have names, registered ones anyways. Technically we aren't a guild, just two sell swords working together. A guild has a few requirements to function here. One is coin, obviously. The title of guild comes with perks, and its rewarded to those who can afford it. Perks like getting better jobs and discounts at stores for equipment. They also have a lot more power in negotiating jobs and pay, and they have access to healing here at discounted prices. The only cost is 30gp monthly to the society of swords: the organization that really heads all of the mercenary work around here. And the other requirement is that guilds can be made up of no fewer than three members. It wasn't always that way, but its become a safety precaution for tough job vetting. If there weren't restrictions, we would lose a lot more swords simply because new swords are too prideful and don't take realistic jobs for their skill level."
For a moment he sat in thought, thinking about his own guild. All they would need is one more member and they could apply.
"If we got a new member, we could make a guild. We could even apply for sponsorship through contest at the shattersword." He looked at Bea and remembered her past, quickly amending his words. "The Shattersword is the local pit fighting ring, also known as the proving grounds. They have bouts there for many reasons, like guild debates or demonstrations. Prospecting guilds can also take on a fight to show their skills in front of benefactors to pick up sponsorships." He explained.
"Then, we could have a guild name. Like... the dragonflies, or something cool and catchy: something people will remember and ask for by name. That how you become famous adventurers."
"Yeah, all guilds have names, registered ones anyways. Technically we aren't a guild, just two sell swords working together. A guild has a few requirements to function here. One is coin, obviously. The title of guild comes with perks, and its rewarded to those who can afford it. Perks like getting better jobs and discounts at stores for equipment. They also have a lot more power in negotiating jobs and pay, and they have access to healing here at discounted prices. The only cost is 30gp monthly to the society of swords: the organization that really heads all of the mercenary work around here. And the other requirement is that guilds can be made up of no fewer than three members. It wasn't always that way, but its become a safety precaution for tough job vetting. If there weren't restrictions, we would lose a lot more swords simply because new swords are too prideful and don't take realistic jobs for their skill level."
For a moment he sat in thought, thinking about his own guild. All they would need is one more member and they could apply.
"If we got a new member, we could make a guild. We could even apply for sponsorship through contest at the shattersword." He looked at Bea and remembered her past, quickly amending his words. "The Shattersword is the local pit fighting ring, also known as the proving grounds. They have bouts there for many reasons, like guild debates or demonstrations. Prospecting guilds can also take on a fight to show their skills in front of benefactors to pick up sponsorships." He explained.
"Then, we could have a guild name. Like... the dragonflies, or something cool and catchy: something people will remember and ask for by name. That how you become famous adventurers."